ApologeticsHere are entered works explaining Christianity and defending it against criticism. Works explaining and defending other religions are entered under the individual religion with subdivision Apologetic works. See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Apologetics, Missionary
- Apologetics -- 19th century
- Apologetics -- 20th century
- Christian evidences
- Christianity -- Apologetic works
- Christianity -- Evidences
- Evidences of Christianity
- Evidences, Christian
- Fundamental theology
- Polemics (Theology)
- Theology, Fundamental
Filed under: Apologetics Faith with Reason: Why Christianity is True (c2002), by Joseph R. Farinaccio (PDF at religioustolerance.org) Josh McDowell Answers Five Tough Questions (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, c1991), by Josh McDowell (PDF at josh.org) Making Your Faith Your Own: A Guidebook for Believers With Questions (c2001), by Teresa Vining (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure (electronic edition, 2010), by Gregory Lee Jackson (PDF at dropbox.com) The Da Vinci Code: A Quest for Answers (Holiday, FL: Green Key Books, c2006), by Josh McDowell (PDF via josh.org) The Third Day (Westminster, MD: Newman Book Shop, c1945), by Arnold Lunn (HTML at EWTN) War of the Worldviews (Petersburg, KY: Answers in Genesis, 2005), contrib. by Ken Ham, Bodie Hodge, Carl Kerby, Jason Lisle, Stacia McKeever, David Menton, Terry Mortenson, Georgia Purdom, and Mike Riddle (illustrated HTML with commentary at answersingenesis.org) Strong Meat (published with "The Dogma is the Drama"; c1939), by Dorothy L. Sayers (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) Apologetical Studies: The Trinity; Jesus Christ; The Church; Penance (St. Louis, MO and London: B. Herder, 1917), by J. Tixeront (page images at HathiTrust) The Cause and Cure of Infidelity: Including a Notice of the Author's Unbelief and the Means of His Rescue (second stereotype edition; New York: American Tract Society, c1841), by David Nelson (page images at HathiTrust) Christianity the Religion of Nature, by Andrew P. Peabody (page images at MOA) Correspondance d'un Sceptique et d'un Croyant (published anonymously but attributed in some contemporary reviews; in French; Geneva et al.: H. Georg, 1881), by Gustave de Bonstetten and Ernest Naville The Errors of Modern Infidelity, Illustrated and Refuted (Philadelphia: Grigg, Elliot and Co., 1848), by Samuel M. Smucker (multiple formats at Google) Historic Doubts Respecting Shakspeare, Illustrating Infidel Objections Against the Bible (new edition of "The Errors of Modern Infidelity"; 1853), by Samuel M. Smucker (multiple formats at Google) Lectures in Defence of the Christian Faith (4th edition; Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark, n.d.), by Frédéric Louis Godet, trans. by W. H. Lyttelton Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, by Mark Hopkins (page images at MOA) Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, Delivered in Philadelphia, ed. by Alonzo Potter (page images at MOA) Manual of the Evidences of Christianity, For Classes and Private Reading, by S. G. Bulfinch (page images at MOA) Orthodoxy, by G. K. Chesterton The Sceptic Refuted, and the Bible Vindicated (Boston: Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, c1853), by J. B. Waterbury (multiple formats at archive.org) Selected free online books, by Josh McDowell (PDF files at josh.org) Reasons Skeptics Should Consider Christianity (Wheaton, IL: Living Books, 1986), by Josh McDowell and Don Stewart (PDF at josh.org) The Islam Debate (includes transcript of debate between McDowell and Deedat; San Bernardino, CA: Here's Life Publishers, c1983), by Josh McDowell and John Gilchrist, contrib. by Ahmed Deedat (PDF at josh.org) Afsluttende Uvidenskabelig Efterskrift til de Philosophiske Smuler: Mimisk-Pathetisk-Dialektisk Sammenskrift Existentielt Indlœg (published under "Johannes Climacus" pseudonym, in Danish; second edition; Copenhagen, C. A. Reitzel, 1874), by Søren Kierkegaard The Religion of the Plain Man, by Robert Hugh Benson (HTML at Notre Dame) Searching for Truth (second edition; New York: Peter Eckler, c1902), by George Otis Draper (multiple formats at archive.org) The Religion of the Future (New York: American Tract Society, c1894), by David James Burrell (multiple formats at archive.org) Themes for the Diligent, by Nicola Yacoub Ghabril (HTML at path-of-peace.org)
Filed under: Apologetics -- Early works to 1800 Apologia: La Verdad Contra Varias Imposturas y Acusaciones Publicas (in Spanish; 1697), by Antonio Xaramillo A General Representation of Reveal'd Religion: In Which the Chief Prejudices That Have Been Entertain'd Against It, Are Examin'd; and the Practical end Propos'd By It, Recommended, and Rescued From Unfaithful Evasions (London: Printed for J. Walthoe Jr., 1723), by Thomas Rymer (page images at HathiTrust) Origines Sacrae: or, A Rational Account of the Grounds of Natural and Revealed Religion; To Which is Added Part of Another Book Upon the Same Subject, Left Unfinished by the Author; Together with A Letter to a Deist (new edition, 2 volumes; Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1817), by Edward Stillingfleet (page images at HathiTrust) Ad Nationes (in various languages), by Tertullian (HTML with commentary at tertullian.org) Address of Tatian to the Greeks (with fragments, and notes), by Tatian, trans. by Jonathan Edwards Ryland (HTML at CCEL) Adversus Marcionem (in Latin and English, with notes), by Tertullian, trans. by Ernest Evans (HTML at tertullian.org) Against Marcion, by Tertullian, trans. by Peter Holmes (HTML with commentary at CCEL) An Answer to the Jews, by Tertullian, trans. by Sydney Thelwall (HTML with commentary at CCEL) The Apocriticus of Macarius Magnes (Greek portions omitted), by Macarius Magnes, ed. by T. W. Crafer (HTML at tertullian.org) The Apology (from an 1851 edition), by Tertullian, trans. by Temple Chevallier (HTML at tertullian.org) The Apology (from an 1889 reprint of a 1709 translation), by Tertullian, trans. by William Reeve (HTML at tertullian.org) The Apology, by Tertullian, trans. by Sydney Thelwall (HTML with commentary at CCEL) The Apology of Tertullian for the Christians (London and Oxford: Parker and Co., 1890), by Tertullian, trans. by T. Herbert Bindley (HTML at tertullian.org) An Appeal to All that Doubt, or Disbelieve the Truths of the Gospel, by William Law (HTML at CCEL) Evidences of Christianity (London: W. Clowes and Sons, 1851), by William Paley (multiple formats at CCEL) Exhortation to the Heathen (Protrepticus), by Clement of Alexandria (HTML at CCEL) The Octavius of Minucius Felix, by Marcus Minucius Felix (HTML with commentary at CCEL) Of God and His Creatures (annotated, abridged translation of the Summa Contra Gentiles), by Saint Thomas Aquinas, ed. by Joseph Rickaby (HTML at Notre Dame) Pensées, by Blaise Pascal, trans. by W. F. Trotter (HTML at CCEL) Pensées et Opuscules (sixth edition in French; Paris: Hachette, 1912), by Blaise Pascal, ed. by Léon Brunschvicg A Plea for the Christians, by Athenagoras of Athens, trans. by Benjamin Plummer Pratten (HTML with commentary at CCEL) Preparation for the Gospel, by Eusebius of Caesarea, ed. by Roger Pearse, trans. by Edwin Hamilton Gifford (HTML at tertullian.org) The Seven Books of Arnobius Against the Heathen, by Arnobius of Sicca, trans. by Hamilton Bryce and Hugh Campbell (HTML at CCEL) The Soul's Testimony, by Tertullian, trans. by Sydney Thelwall (HTML with commentary at CCEL) The Stromata, or Miscellanies, by Clement of Alexandria (HTML with commentary at CCEL) Tertullian On the Testimony of the Soul and On the "Prescription" of Heretics (SPCK, 1914), by Tertullian, trans. by T. Herbert Bindley (HTML at tertullian.org) Thoughts, by Blaise Pascal, trans. by W. F. Trotter Thoughts; Letters; Minor Works (Harvard Classics edition; New York: P. F. Collier and Son, c1910), by Blaise Pascal, ed. by O. W. Wight, trans. by W. F. Trotter and Mary L. Booth (page images at HathiTrust) To Scapula, by Tertullian, trans. by Sydney Thelwall (HTML with commentary at CCEL) Anti-Nazarenus: By Way of Answer to Mr. Toland (London: Printed for S. Butler, 1718), by James Paterson (multiple formats at Google) Four Discourses Delivered to the Clergy of the Diocess of Sarum (London: Printed for Richard Chiswell, 1694), by Gilbert Burnet (multiple formats at Google) Observations on Man, His Frame, His Duty, and His Expectations (sixth edition; London: Printed for Thomas Tegg and Son, 1834), by David Hartley (page images at Google) Against Celsus (8 books; commentary appears between Book IV and Book V), by Origen (HTML with commentary at CCEL) The City of God, by Saint Augustine of Hippo (HTML at CCEL) First Apology, by Justin Martyr (HTML at CCEL) Select Treatises of S. Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria, in Controversy With the Arians (Oxford: James Parker and Co., 1877), by Saint Athanasius, ed. by John Henry Newman (HTML at newmanreader.org) Select Treatises of S. Athanasius, in Controversy With the Arians (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1903), by Saint Athanasius, ed. by John Henry Newman An Apology for the True Christian Divinity, by Robert Barclay, ed. by Licia Kuenning (HTML at qhpress.org) An Apology for the True Christian Divinity: Being an Explanation and Vindication of the Principles and Doctrines of the People Called Quakers, by Robert Barclay (multiple formats at CCEL) Dialogue With Trypho, by Justin Martyr (HTML at CCEL)
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