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Aquatic insects -- New York (State)

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Filed under: Aquatic insects -- New York (State)
  • [Info] Aquatic Insects in New York State (New York State Museum bulletin #68 (Entomology 18); Albany, NY: University of the State of New York, 1903), by James G. Needham, Alex. D. MacGillivray, O. A. Johannsen, and Kary Cadmus Davis

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Filed under: Aquatic insects Filed under: Insects -- New York (State)
  • [Info] Aquatic Insects in New York State (New York State Museum bulletin #68 (Entomology 18); Albany, NY: University of the State of New York, 1903), by James G. Needham, Alex. D. MacGillivray, O. A. Johannsen, and Kary Cadmus Davis
Filed under: New York (State) Filed under: New York (State) -- Antiquities Filed under: New York (State) -- Biography Filed under: New York (State) -- Census, 1755 Filed under: New York (State) -- Census, 1917 Filed under: New York (State) -- Church history Filed under: New York (State) -- Description and travel Filed under: New York (State) -- Economic conditions Filed under: New York (State) -- Fiction Filed under: New York (State) -- Genealogy Filed under: New York (State) -- Geography Filed under: New York (State) -- Guidebooks Filed under: New York (State) -- History Filed under: New York (State) -- Imprints Filed under: New York (State) -- In literature

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