Archaeology -- EncyclopediasSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Archaeology -- Encyclopedias The Iconographic Encyclopaedia of the Arts and Sciences: Translated from the German of the Bilder-Atlas (Iconographische Encyclopaedie), Revised and Enlarged by Eminent American Specialists (7 volulmes; Philadelphia: Iconographic Publishing House, c1885-1890), ed. by Daniel G. Brinton, John Foster Kirk, Allan Marquand, W. N. Lockington, William H. Wahl, Robert Grimshaw, John H. Cooper, E. A. Posselt, Louis H. Spellier, and Angelo Heilprin
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Archaeology Challenging the Dichotomy: The Licit and the Illicit in Archaeological and Heritage Discourses (originally published 2016; open access edition Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2020), ed. by Les W. Field, Cristóbal Gnecco, and Joe Watkins (PDF with commentary at Arizona) Writing as Material Practice: Substance, Surface and Medium (London: Ubiquity Press, c2013), ed. by Kathryn Piquette and Ruth Whitehouse (PDF at Ubiquity Press) Bulletin of the Texas Memorial Museum (partial serial archives) The Epoch of the Mammoth and the Apparition of Man Upon the Earth, by James Cocke Southall (page images at MOA) L'Antiquité Expliquée et Représentée en Figures (5 volumes in 10, in French and Latin; Paris: F. Delaulne et al., 1719), by Bernard de Montfaucon (page images at HathiTrust) Manners and Monuments of Prehistoric Peoples, by Jean-François-Albert du Pouget Nadaillac, trans. by N. D'Anvers (Gutenberg text) A Text-Book of European Archaelogy, Volume I: The Palaeolithic Period (only volume published; Cambridge, UK: At the University Press, 1921), by Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister Ceramics for the Archaeologist (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #609, 1956), by Anna Osler Shepard (page images at HathiTrust) Archaic England: An Essay in Deciphering Prehistory From Megalithic Monuments, Earthworks, Customs, Coins, Place-Names, and Faerie Superstitions (London: Chapman and Hall, 1919), by Harold Bayley Opuscula Archaeologica Oscari Montelio, Septuagenario, Dicata D. IX M. SEPT. A. MCMXIII (in German; Stockholm: I. Hæggstrœm, 1913), ed. by Bernhard Salin (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Prehistoric World: or, Vanished Races, by Emory Adams Allen (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Mesopotamian Archaeology: An Introduction to the Archaeology of Babylonia and Assyria (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1912), by Percy Stuart Peache Handcock (multiple formats at Google)
Filed under: Archaeology -- Computer network resources
Filed under: Archaeology -- Congresses
Filed under: Archaeology -- Data processing
Filed under: Archaeology -- Dictionaries
Filed under: Archaeology -- Egypt Études de Mythologie et d'Archéologie Égyptiennes (8 volumes of Bibliothèque Égyptologique, in French; Paris: E. Leroux, 1893-1916), by G. Maspero
Filed under: Archaeology -- Information technology
Filed under: Archaeology -- Iran
Filed under: Archaeology -- Juvenile literature Cave, Mound, and Lake Dwellers, and Other Primitive People (Boston et al.: D. C. Heath and Co., c1911), by Florence Holbrook
Filed under: Archaeology -- Methodology
Filed under: Archaeology -- Missouri
Filed under: Archaeology -- Oceania Pacific Island Heritage: Archaeology, Identity and Community (2011), ed. by Jolie Liston, Geoffrey R. Clark, and Dwight Alexander Filed under: Archaeology -- PeriodicalsMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |