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Filed under: Architectural drawing
Filed under: Architectural drawing -- Congresses Drawing Futures: Speculations in Contemporary Drawing for Art and Architecture (London: UCL Press, 2016), ed. by Laura Allen and Luke Pearson Filed under: Architectural drawing -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Architectural drawing -- TechniqueFiled under: Architecture -- Designs and plans 1966 Architectural Awards: Buildings With Fallout Shelter (1967) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Architektur die Nicht Gebaut Wurde (2 volumes in German; Stuttgart et al.: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1925), by Josef Ponten, contrib. by Heinz Rosemann and Hedwig Schmelz Bicknell's Village Builder: Elevations and Plans for Cottages, Villas, Suburban Residences, Farm Houses, Stables and Carriage Houses, Store Fronts, School-Houses, Churches, Court-Houses, and a Model Jail; and Exterior and Interior Details for Public and Private Buildings (revised edition; New York: A. J. Bicknell and Co., 1872) (multiple formats at A Book of Architectural and Decorative Drawings (New York: Architectural Book Pub. Co., 1914), by Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue (page images at HathiTrust) Livre d'Architecture de Jacques Androuet, du Cerceau; Auquel Sont Contenues Diverses Ordonnances de Plants et Elevations de Bastiments pour Seigneurs, Gentilshommes, et Autres qui Voudront Bastir aux Champs (in French; Paris: J. Androuet, 1582), by Jacques Androuet du Cerceau (page images and PDF transcription with commentary at Architectura) Livre d'Architecture de Jaques Androuet du Cerceau: Contenant les Plans et Dessaings de Cinquante Bastimens Tous Differens (in French; Paris: B. Prévost, 1559), by Jacques Androuet du Cerceau (page images and PDF transcription with commentary at Architectura)
Filed under: Architecture -- Designs and plans -- Early works to 1800 Andrea Palladio's Architecture, In Four Books: Containing a Dissertation on the Five Orders and ye Most Necessary Observations Relating to All Kinds of Building (revised by Hoppus; London: Printed for B. Cole and J. Wilcox, 1736), by Andrea Palladio and E. Hoppus, illust. by Inigo Jones The Four Books of Architecture (based on the third English edition of 1738), by Andrea Palladio, trans. by Isaac Ware (illustrated HTML with commentary at
Filed under: Architecture, Domestic -- Designs and plans -- Early works to 1800 Grotesque Architecture, Or, Rural Amusement: Consisting of Plans, Elevations, and Sections, for Huts, Retreats, Summer and Winter Hermitages, Terminaries, Chinese, Gothic, and Natural Grottos, Cascades, Baths, Mosques, Moresque Pavilions, Grotesque and Rustic Seats, Green-houses, &c., Many of Which May Be Executed with Flints, Irregular Stones, Rude Branches, and Roots of Trees; The Whole Containing Twenty-eight New Designs, with Scales to Each: To Which is Added, an Explanation, with the Method of Executing Them (London: Printed for I. and J. Taylor, 1790), by William Wrighte
Filed under: Architecture, Domestic -- England -- Designs and plans -- Early works to 1800 The Temple Builder's Most Useful Companion, Being Fifty Entire New Original Designs for Pleasure and Recreation: Consisting of Plans, Elevations, and Sections, in the Greek, Roman, and Gothic Taste, Calculated for the Ornamenting of Parks, Forests, Woods, Gardens, Canals, Eminences, Extensive Views, Mounts, Vistos, Islands, &c.; Together with a Full Explanation, in Letter Press, to Each Design, and Exact Scales for Measurement (London: Printed for I. Taylor, 1774), by Thomas Collins Overton, illust. by Isaac Taylor
Filed under: Architecture, Domestic -- Designs and plans -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Architecture, Domestic -- Designs and plans The Small Home of Tomorrow (Hollywood, CA: Murray and Gee, 1945), by Paul R. Williams (page images at HathiTrust) Colonial Southern Homes: Illustrated by Camera and Pen (Raleigh, NC: Presses of Edwards and Broughton, c1903), by Charles W. Barrett Designs for Lodges and Park Entrances (London: Printed for Priestley and Weale, and J. Williams, 1833), by P. F. Robinson Examples of American Domestic Architecture (New York: W. T. Comstock, 1889), by John Calvin Stevens and A. W. Cobb Homes of Moderate Size: A Collection of Photographs and Plans of Modern Suburban and Country Homes, Following the Colonial, Italian and English Architectural Styles, and Arranged Accordingly (New York: U.P.C. Book Co., 1921), by Kenneth W. Dalzell, ed. by Edward F. Hammel Rural Architecture in the Gothick Taste (London: Robert Sayer, 1752), by William Halfpenny and John Halfpenny (page images at Wisconsin) Supplement to Bicknell's Village Builder, Containing Eighteen Modern Designs for Country and Suburban Houses of Moderate Cost, With Elevations, Plans, Sections, and a Variety of Details (New York: A. J. Bicknell and Co, 1871) (page images at Your Dream Home: How to Build It for Less Than $3,500 (New York: W. H. Wise, 1950), by Hubbard H. Cobb (page images at HathiTrust) Rural Architecture: Being a Complete Description of Farm Houses, Cottages, and Out Buildings (New York: C.M. Saxton, 1852), by Lewis F. Allen, illust. by John William Orr Useful Architecture (London: Robert Sayer, 1760), by William Halfpenny (page images at Wisconsin) Old Kentucky Architecture: Colonial, Federal, Greek Revival, Gothic, and Other Types Erected Prior to the War Between the States (New York: W. Helburn, 1940), by Rexford Newcomb (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Architecture, Domestic -- Sweden -- Designs and plans Hus och Hem: Studier af den Svenska Villan och Villastaden (second edition, in Swedish; Stockholm: P.A. Norstedt och Söners, 1912), by August Brunius Filed under: Floor plansFiled under: Architecture -- Details The City and Country Builder's and Workman's Treasury of Designs, or, The Art of Drawing and Working the Ornamental Parts of Architecture (London: S. Harding, 1756), by Batty Langley (page images at Wisconsin) Guide for Drawing the Acanthus, and Every Description of Ornamental Foliage (London: B. Quaritch, reprinted 1886), by James Page Interiors Beautiful, and the Decoration of the Home (6th revised edition; Minneapolis: M.L. Keith, ca. 1922) The Modern Builder's Guide (New York: Paine and Burgess, 1846), by Minard Lafever Second Livre d'Architecture par Jaques Androuet du Cerceau: Contenant Plusieurs et Diverses Ordonances de Cheminees, Lucarnes, Portes, Fonteines, Puis, et Pavillons, Pour Enrichir Tant le Dedans que le Dehors de Tous Edifices (in French; Paris: A. Wechel, 1561), by Jacques Androuet du Cerceau (page images with commentary at Architectura) A Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture (with added notes by Gwilt and a life of the author by Hardwick; 2 volumes; London: Priestly and Weale, 1825), by William Chambers, ed. by Joseph Gwilt, contrib. by Thomas Hardwick (page images at HathiTrust) New England Georgian Architecture: 55 Measured Drawings With Full Size Details (New York: Architectural Book Pub. Co., 1913), by Ralph Clarke Kingman (page images at HathiTrust) The Practical House Carpenter; or the Youth's Instructor (London: William Pain, 1792), by William Pain (page images at Wisconsin) Fragments d'Architecture Antique, d'Après les Relevés & Restaurations des Anciens Pensionnaires de l'Académie de France à Rome (2 volumes in French; Paris: Lib. Generale de l'Architecture et de Travaux Publics, n.d.), ed. by H. d' Espouy
Filed under: Arch of Titus (Rome, Italy)Filed under: Church architecture -- Details
Filed under: Trajan's Column (Rome, Italy)Filed under: FireplacesFiled under: HandrailsFiled under: Towers Tower Legends, by Bertha Palmer Lane (illustrated HTML at
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