Architecture, Domestic -- Sweden -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Architecture, Domestic -- Sweden -- Early works to 1800
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Filed under: Architecture, Domestic -- Sweden- Homes for the aged in Sweden offer ideas for Americans. Incl. 16 p. of color photos. showing homes for the aged in Sweden designed by Swedish architects. (U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1963), by President's Council on Aging (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Fyrtiotalets svenska bostad (Tidskriften Byggmästaren, 1950), by Sven Backström and Stig Ålund (page images at HathiTrust)
- Vagledning for besokande av Sigurd Erixon. Andra upplagan. (Nordiska Museet Forlag, 1927), by Sweden). Skansen Nordiska museet (Stockholm and Sigurd Emanuel Erixon (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Fuhrer (Nordiska Museets Verlag, 1928), by Sweden). Skansen Nordiska museet (Stockholm and Sigurd Emanuel Erixon (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Gamla svenska allmogehem under medverkan af arkitekterna Ivar Tengbom och John Åkerlund (Fritz, 1912), by Gustaf Adolf Carlsson, John Teodor Åkerlund, and Ivar Justus Tengbom (page images at HathiTrust)
- Praktiska och hygieniska bostäder; betänkande och förslag avgivet av jämlikt nådigt bemyndigande den 27 februari 1920 tillkallade sakkunnige för utredning av frågan om bostadssociala minimifordringar å med allmänt understöd tillkommande smålägenheter. (Kungl. boktryckeriet, P.A. Norstedt & söner, 1921), by Sweden. Socialdepartementet, Erland Hedström, Osvald Almqvist, and Yngve Gustav Richard Larsson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Svenska Allmogehem (Gustaf Carlsson, 1909), by Gustaf Adolf Carlsson and Adrian Molin (page images at HathiTrust)
- Gamla svenska allmogehem (C. E. Fritzes, 1912), by Gustaf Carlsson, John Åkerlund, and Ivar Tengbom (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Architecture, Domestic -- Sweden -- Designs and plans- Hus och Hem: Studier af den Svenska Villan och Villastaden (second edition, in Swedish; Stockholm: P.A. Norstedt och Söners, 1912), by August Brunius
Filed under: Architecture, Domestic -- Sweden -- Skåne
Filed under: Architecture, Domestic -- Sweden -- Skåne -- 19th century -- Pictorial worksFiled under: Architecture, Domestic -- Sweden -- Stockholm
Filed under: Landlord and tenant -- Sweden
Filed under: Architecture -- Sweden -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Architecture, Domestic -- Early works to 1800- Nützliche hausz- und feld-schule das ist: : wie man ein landfled- guth und meyerey mit aller zugeho̊re; als da seynd die nothwendige gebåu vollkommene hauszhaltung allerley viehzucht ackerbau wiesen garten fischereyen waldungen und dergleichen mit nutzen anordnen solle: worbey dann auch zugleich eine zur haushaltung auf dem lande nůtzliche hausz-artzney fůr menschen und vieh sampt einem immerwåhrenden calender und allerhand nůtzlichen hausz-kůnsten mit sonderbarem fleisz colligirt, und mehrentheils ausz eigener erfahrunf auf die mitte des Teutschlandes gerichtet dergleichen zuvor niemahls gesehen und zum erstenmahl mit darzu geho̊rigen figuren an den tag (In verlegung Paul Fůrstens/ kunst- und buchhåndl. Seel: Wittib und erben. Gedruckt daselbst bey C. Gerhard, 1678), by Georg Andreas Böckler, Paul Fůrstens, and American Institute of Wine & Food (page images at HathiTrust)
- Architecture moderne, ou, L'art de bien bâtir pour toutes sortes de personnes. (C. Jombert, 1764), by Charles Etienne Briseux, Gilles Tiercelet, Jean Courtonne, and Claude Jombert (page images at HathiTrust)
- Escuela de arquitectura civil : en que se contienen los ordenes de arquitectura, la distribución de los planos de templos y casas, y el conocimiento de los materiales (En la oficina de Joseph de Orga :, 1804), by Athanasio Genaro Brizguz y Bru (page images at HathiTrust)
- The gentlemens or builders companion : containing variety of usefull designs for doors, gateways, peers, pavilions, temples, chimney-pieces, slab tables, pier glasses, or tabernacle frames, ceiling peices [sic] &c. (Printed for the Author, and sold at his house ..., 1739), by William Jones, B. Cole, and J. Carwitham (page images at HathiTrust)
- Vollständige Anweisung zu der Civil-Bau-Kunst (Verlegens Friedrich Lanckischens Erben :, 1708), by Nikolaus Goldmann, Leonhard Heckenauer, Johann Christoph Boecklin, and Leonhard Christoph Sturm (page images at HathiTrust)
- De la distribution des maisons de plaisance, et de la decoration des edifices en general. (Charles-Antoine Jombert, 1737), by Jacques-François Blondel, Pierre Soubeyran, Charles Nicolas Cochin, and Charles-Antoine Jombert (page images at HathiTrust)
- The country gentleman's pocket companion, and builder's assistant, for rural decorative architecture : containing, thirty-two new designs, plans and elevations of alcoves, floats, temples, summer-houses, lodges, huts, grotto's, &c. in the Augustine, Gothick and Chinese taste, with proper directions annexed : also the exact estimate of their several amounts, which are from twenty-five to one hundred pounds, and most of them portable : correctly engraved on twenty-five copper plates (Printed for, and sold by Robert Sayer ..., 1753), by William Halfpenny, Robert Sayer, Remi Parr, and John Halfpenny (page images at HathiTrust)
- Architectura civilis (Durch Jonam Saurn, bestellten Buchtruckern, 1628), by Joseph Furttenbach (page images at HathiTrust)
- Avvertimenti e regole circa l'architettura civile, scultura, pittura, prospettiva, et architettura militare per offesa, e difesa di fortezze (Per Pandolfo Malatesta ..., 1620), by Pietro Antonio Barca and Pandolfo Malatesta (page images at HathiTrust)
- The art of sound building, demonstrated in geometrical problems : shewing geometrical lines for all kinds of arches, niches, groins, and twisted rails, both regular and irregular : with several other draughts of buildings and staircases : all curiously engraven on copper plates : wherein are laid down (suited to every capacity) easy practical methods for carpenters, joiners, masons, or bricklayers, to work by (Printed by Sam. Aris for the Author ... [and 9 others], 1725), by William Halfpenny and Benjamin Cole (page images at HathiTrust)
- Elementa architecturae ad structuras oeconomicas applicatae in usum academiarum per regnum Hungariae et eidem adnexas provincias (Typis Regiae Universitatis, 1779), by Franciscus Rausch de Traubenberg and János Fülöp Binder (page images at HathiTrust)
- Architectvra recreationis (Durch Johann Schultes, 1640), by Joseph Furttenbach, Johan Jacob Campanus, and Matthäus Rembold (page images at HathiTrust)
- Settimo libro d'architettura di Sebastiano Serglio bolognese nel qual si tratta di molti accidenti che possono occorrer'al architetto in diuersi luoghi ... (Ex officina typographica Andreae Wecheli, 1575), by Sebastiano Serlio and Andreas Wechel (page images at HathiTrust)
- Architecturæ liber septimus (Ex officina typographica Andreæ Wecheli, 1575), by Sebastiano Serlio, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Öls Friedrich August, Eugene Berman, Andreas Wechel, and Jacobus Strada (page images at HathiTrust)
- Tutte l'opere d'architettura et prospetiva (Presso gli heredi di Francesco de' Franceschi, 1600), by Sebastiano Serlio and Giovanni Domenico Scamozzi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Tutte l'opere d'architettura et prospetiua di Sebastiano Serlio bolognese : dove si mettono in disegno tvtte le maniere di edificij, e si trattano di quelle cose, che sono più necessarie à sapere gli architteti : con la aggivntta delle inventioni di cinqvanta porte, e gran numero di palazzi publici, e priuati nella città, & in villa, e varij accidenti, che possono occorrere nel fabricare : diviso in sette libri (Appresso Giacomo de' Franceschi, 1619), by Sebastiano Serlio and Giovanni Domenico Scamozzi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Gründlicher Bericht, wie auff einem vorgegebenem Platz (In Verlegung Johann Philipp Richters, 1688), by Daniel Hartmann and Johann Philipp Richter (page images at HathiTrust)
- Nützlichen Hauss- und Feld-Schule zweyter Theil, in welchem nicht allein dasjenige worvon allbereit im Ersten unterweilen kürtzlich gehandelt, noch ferner deutlich und besser ausgeführet, sondern auch zu Belustigung des curieusen Liebhabers des Land-Lebens ein umständiger Bericht von der Vogelwayd, Baitzen, Jagen, Fischen, Krebsen, Mühlwerck, Artzney-Kunst, Träumen, Chiromantie, Physiognomie, Wappen-Kunst, Mahlerey, Proportion des menschlichen Cörpers, verborgenen Schrifften, Rechnen, allerhand Maas, Gewicht, Schuhe und Elen, Zeit und Jahrs Abtheilung und immerwährenden Calender beygefüget ... (Franckfurt ; und Leipzig : In Verlegung Joh. Adam Merckels, Buchhändl., anno MDCXCIX [1699], 1699), by Georg Andreas Böckler and Johann Adam Merckel (page images at HathiTrust)
- The art of fair building: represented in the figures of several uprights of houses, with their ground-plots, fitting for persons of several qualities. Wherein is divided each room and office according to their most convenient occasion, with their heights, depths, lengths, and breadths according to proportion. With rules and directions for the placing of the doors, vvindows, chimnies, beds, stairs, and other conveniencies; with their just measures for the best advantage both of commodiousness, health, strength, and ornament. Also a description of the names and proportions of the members belonging to the framing of the timber-work, with directions and examples for the placing of them. (Printed for Robert Pricke, 1670), by Pierre Le Muet and Robert Pricke (page images at HathiTrust)
- The art of fair building: represented in the figures of several uprights of houses, with their ground-plots, fitting for persons of several qualities ... (Printed for R. Pricke, 1670), by Pierre Le Muet and Robert Pricke (page images at HathiTrust)
- Architecture moderne (Chez l'auteur, libraire du génie & de l'artillerie ..., 1764), by Gilles Tiercelet, Charles-Antoine Jombert, Jean Courtonne, Charles Nicolas Cochin, and Charles Étienne Briseux (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Architecture, Domestic -- Designs and plans -- Early works to 1800- Grotesque Architecture, Or, Rural Amusement: Consisting of Plans, Elevations, and Sections, for Huts, Retreats, Summer and Winter Hermitages, Terminaries, Chinese, Gothic, and Natural Grottos, Cascades, Baths, Mosques, Moresque Pavilions, Grotesque and Rustic Seats, Green-houses, &c., Many of Which May Be Executed with Flints, Irregular Stones, Rude Branches, and Roots of Trees; The Whole Containing Twenty-eight New Designs, with Scales to Each: To Which is Added, an Explanation, with the Method of Executing Them (London: Printed for I. and J. Taylor, 1790), by William Wrighte
- Oikidia (Printed for the author, and sold by C. Dilly, in the Poultry, 1785), by James Peacock and Charles Dilly (page images at HathiTrust)
- Architecture moderne, ou, L'art de bien bâtir pour toutes sortes de personnes. (C. Jombert, 1764), by Charles Etienne Briseux, Gilles Tiercelet, Jean Courtonne, and Claude Jombert (page images at HathiTrust)
- L'art de bâtir des maisons de campagne : où l'on traite de leur distribution, de leur construction, & de leur decoration ... : avec l'explication de ses projets, et des desseins de menuiserie, de serrurerie, de parterres, & d'autres ornemens propres à la decoration intérieure & extérieure ... (Chez Prault pere ..., 1743), by Charles Étienne Briseux (page images at HathiTrust)
- Convenient and ornamental architecture, consisting of original designs, for plans, elevations and sections, beginning with the farm house, and regularly ascending to the most grand and magnificent villa : calculated both for town and country, and to suit all persons in every station of life : engraved on seventy copper plates : with reference and explanation in the letter press, of the use of every room in each separate building, and the dimensions accurately figured on the plans, with exact scales for measurement (Printed for I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library ..., 1797), by John Crunden and England) I. and J. Taylor's Architectural Library (London (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rural architecture in the Gothick taste : being twenty new designs, for temples, garden-seats, summer-houses, lodges, terminies, piers, &c. : on sixteen copper plates : with instructions to workmen, and hints where with most advantage to be erected (Printed for and sold by Robert Sayer ..., 1752), by William Halfpenny, Robert Sayer, and John Halfpenny (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ferme ornée (Published by I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library ..., 1796), by John Plaw and England) I. and J. Taylor's Architectural Library (London (page images at HathiTrust)
- The country gentleman's architect, in a great variety of new designs, for cottages, farm-houses, country-houses, villas, lodges for park or garden entrances, and ornamental wooden gates : with plans of the offices belonging to each design, distributed with a strict attention to convenience, elegance, and economy (Printed for I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library ..., 1787), by J. Miller and England) I. and J. Taylor's Architectural Library (London (page images at HathiTrust)
- The country gentleman's architect, in a great variety of new designs : for cottages, farm-houses, country-houses, villas, lodges for park or garden entrances, and ornamental wooden gates : with plans of the offices belonging to each design, distributed with a strict attention to convenience, elegance, and economy : engraved on thirty-two plates, from designs drawn (Printed for I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library ..., 1789), by J. Miller and England) I. and J. Taylor's Architectural Library (London (page images at HathiTrust)
- Convenient and ornamental architecture, consisting of original designs, for plans, elevations and sections : beginning with the farm house, and regularly ascending to the most grand and magnificent villa : calculated both for town and country, and to suit all persons in every station of life : engraved on seventy copper plates : with reference and explanation in the letter-press, of the use of every room in each separate building, and the dimensions accurately figured on the plans, with exact scales for measurement (Printed for J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library ..., 1805), by John Crunden, Isaac Taylor, and England) I. and J. Taylor's Architectural Library (London (page images at HathiTrust)
- Palais, maisons, et autres édifices modernes, dessinés a Rome : publiés à Paris, l'an 6 de la République française (1798, v. st.) (Chez Ducamp ... :, 1798), by Charles Percier, Léon Dufourny, Charles Louis Bernier, and Pierre François Léonard Fontaine (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rural architecture in the Chinese taste : being designs entirely new for the decoration of gardens, parks, forrests, insides of houses, &c., on sixty copper plates, with full instructions for workmen : also a near estimate of the charge, and hints where proper to be erected (Printed for Robt. Sayer ..., 1755), by William Halfpenny, Robert Sayer, and John Halfpenny (page images at HathiTrust)
- Erste Gründe der bürgerlichen Baukunst : in einem Zusammenhange und auf Verlangen entworfen (Ist zu haben bey Christian Henrich Cuno, 1751), by Lorenz Johann Daniel Suckow, Christian Henrich Cuno, Johann Christian Püschel, and Andreas Nunzer (page images at HathiTrust)
- Designs in architecture : consisting of plans, elevations, and sections, for temples, baths, cassines, pavilions, garden-seats, obelisks, and other buildings : for decorating pleasure grounds, parks, forests, &c. &c. : engraved on 38 copper-plates (Printed for I. & J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library ..., 1790), by John Soane and England) I. and J. Taylor's Architectural Library (London (page images at HathiTrust)
- Familiar architecture : consisting of original designs of houses for gentlemen and tradesmen, parsonages and summer-retreats, with back-fronts, sections, &c. : together with banqueting-rooms, churches, and chimney-pieces : to which is added, the masonry of the semicircular and elliptical arches, with practical remarks (Printed for the author, 1768), by Thomas Rawlins and Tobias Miller (page images at HathiTrust)
- Gründlicher Bericht, wie auff einem vorgegebenem Platz (In Verlegung Johann Philipp Richters, 1688), by Daniel Hartmann and Johann Philipp Richter (page images at HathiTrust)
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