Archives -- Europe -- CatalogsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Archives -- Europe -- Catalogs
Filed under: Archives -- Europe -- Catalogs -- BibliographyFiled under: Archives -- Belgium -- Catalogs
Filed under: Archives -- Belgium -- Brabant -- CatalogsFiled under: Archives -- France -- Catalogs- Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: Archives de la guerre (Plon-Nourrit et cie., 1912), by France. Ministère de la guerre. Archives historiques and Louis Tuetey (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Les sources de l'histoire religieuse de la révolution aux Archives nationales. (Librairie ancienne H. Champion, É. Champion, 1914), by Léon Le Grand (page images at HathiTrust)
- Répertoire général des sources manuscrites de l'histoire de Paris pendant la révolution française (Imprimerie nouvelle, 1914), by Alexandre Tuetey (page images at HathiTrust)
- Catalogue des procès-verbaux des Conseils généraux de 1790 à l'an 11 conservés aux Archives nationales et dans les archives départementales (Impr. nationale, 1891), by France. Conseils Généraux and Léon Lecestre (page images at HathiTrust)
- Répertoire général des sources manuscrites de l'histoire de Paris pendant la révolution française (Imprimerie nouvelle, 1914), by Alexandre Tuetey (page images at HathiTrust)
- Inventaire sommaire et tableau méthodique des fonds conservés aux Archives Nationales. (Imprimerie Nationale, 1875), by Archives nationales (France) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Les papiers de Guillaume de Nogaret et de Guillaume de Plaisians au Trésor des chartes (C. Klincksieck, 1908), by Charles Victor Langlois, Guillaume de Plaisians, Guillaume de Nogaret, and Bibliothèque nationale (France). Département des manuscrits (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Inventaire de la série C. (Société de l'histoire de la révolution française et Librairie E. Cornély, 1908), by Archives nationales (France), Alexandre Tuetey, and France) Société de l'histoire de la révolution française (Paris (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Calendar of documents preserved in France, illustrative of the history of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol.1. A.D. 918-1206. (Printed for H. M. Stationery Off. by Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1899), by Great Britain Public Record Office and John Horace Round (page images at HathiTrust)
- Notice sur les archives départementales et les cartulaires ([Paris], 1867), by communales France. Archives départementales and Alfred Cramail (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Archives -- France -- Bibliography -- CatalogsFiled under: Archives -- France -- Côtes-d'Armor -- CatalogsFiled under: Archives -- France -- Charente-Maritime -- Catalogs- Inventaire Sommaire des Archives Départmentales Antérieures à 1790: Charente-Inférieure (3 volumes in French; La Rochelle: E. Martin, 1900-1906), ed. by Louis Marie Meschinet de Richemond
Filed under: Archives -- France -- Charleville-Mézières -- CatalogsFiled under: Archives -- France -- Lot-et-Garonne -- CatalogsFiled under: Archives -- France -- Montpellier -- CatalogsFiled under: Archives -- France -- Paris -- CatalogsFiled under: Archives -- France -- Saône-et-Loire -- CatalogsFiled under: Archives -- France -- Strasbourg -- CatalogsFiled under: Archives -- Germany -- Catalogs
Filed under: Archives -- Germany -- Rhine Province -- CatalogsFiled under: Archives -- Great Britain -- Catalogs- Lists and indexes. (Printed for H.M.S.O. by Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1892), by Great Britain Public Record Office (page images at HathiTrust)
- A guide to the manuscripts preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M. Stationery Off., 1923), by Great Britain Public Record Office and M. S. Giuseppi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Manuscripts in the British Isles relating to Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific. (Australian National University Press, 1972), by Phyllis Mander-Jones, Australian National University, and National Library of Australia (page images at HathiTrust)
- Calendar of state papers, domestic series, of the reign of Charles I, preserved in the State Paper Department of H. M. Public Record Off. (Kraus Reprint, 1967), by Great Britain Public Record Office and John Bruce (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Calendar of Home Office papers of the reign of George III : 1760-1775 ; preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office (Longman & Co. and Triibner & Co., 1878), by Great Britain Public Record Office, Richard Arthur Roberts, and Joseph Redington (page images at HathiTrust)
- Calendar of state papers, Domestic series [of the Commonwealth] 1649-1660. (Longmans, 1875), by Great Britain Public Record Office and Mary Anne Everett Green (page images at HathiTrust)
- Calendar of state papers, Domestic series, of the reign of Charles I, 1625-[1649] (Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, 1626), by Great Britain Public Record Office, S. C. Lomas, William Douglas Hamilton, and John Bruce (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Archives -- Great Britain -- Catalogs -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Archives -- Portugal -- CatalogsFiled under: Archives -- Vatican City -- Catalogs
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Archives -- Europe- Inventaire critique des lettres historiqes des croisades (E. Leroux, 1880), by comte Riant (page images at HathiTrust)
- Guide to the diplomatic archives of Western Europe. (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1959), by Daniel H. Thomas and Lynn Marshall Case (page images at HathiTrust)
- Das öffentliche urkundwesen der europäischen staaten (Selbstverlag des Ständigen ausschusses des Internationalen notar-kongresses, 1913), by Internationaler notar-kongress. Ständiger ausschuss (page images at HathiTrust)
- Inventaire critique des lettres historiques des croisades (E. Leroux, 1880), by Paul Edouard Didier Riant (page images at HathiTrust)
- Report of a visit to various archives centres in Europe, United States of America, and Canada. (The Government printing and stationery office, 1921), by South Africa. Archives Department and C. Graham Botha (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Filed under: Archives -- Europe -- History
Filed under: Archives -- Europe -- Management
Filed under: Archives -- Europe -- Periodicals
Filed under: Archives -- Austria- Archivalien zur neueren geschichte Österreichs. Verzeichnet im auftrage der Kommission für neuere geschichte Österreichs. (A. Holzhausen, 1907), by Kommission für Neuere Geschichte Österreichs (page images at HathiTrust)
- Guide to the materials for American history in Swiss and Austrian archives (Carnegie institution of Washington, 1916), by Albert Bernhardt Faust (page images at HathiTrust)
- Les archives de l'État à Vienne au point de vue de l'histoire de Belgique (Kiessling, 1924), by J. Laenen and des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Commission royale d'histoire AcadeÌmie royale des sciences (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Verslag aangaande een onderzoek in Duitschland naar archivalia belangrijk voor de geschiedenis van Nederland (Algemeene landsdrukkerij, 1888), by Petrus Johannes Blok (page images at HathiTrust)
- Die Ausstellung des Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchives in Wien : Erklärender Führer. (Verlag des Haus-, Hof und Staatsarchives, 1925), by Hof- und Staatsarchiv Haus- (page images at HathiTrust)
- Publikationen des österreichischen Staatsarchivs. II. Serie (Ferdinand Berger in Horn [etc.], 1909), by Hof- und Staatsarchivs Austria. Haus- and Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (page images at HathiTrust)
- Inventare österreichischer Archive. (Wien, 1909), by Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Degli archivi di Venezia, di Vienna, di Firenze, di Francia e di Genova (Coi tipi di Giuseppe Mariani, 1857), by Michele Giuseppe Canale (page images at HathiTrust)
- Staatliches Archivwesen (R. Brzezowsky, 1893), by Joseph Alexander Helfert (page images at HathiTrust)
- Studien zum älteren österreichischen Urkundenwesen. (Verlag des Vereines für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich, 1912), by Oskar Mitis and Verein für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich und Wien (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Archivalien zur neueren Geschichte Österreichs. Verzeichnet im Auftrage der Kommission für neuere Geschichte Österreichs. (A. Holzhausen, 1913) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Inventar des Archivs des K. K. Finanzministeriums. (Staatsdruckerei, 1911), by Austria. Finanzministerium. Archiv (page images at HathiTrust)
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