Argentina -- Economic conditionsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Argentina -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Argentina -- Economic conditions -- 1983-
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Filed under: Argentina -- Commerce
Filed under: Argentina -- Description and travel An Account of a Voyage Up the River de la Plata, and Thence Over Land to Peru: With Observations on the Inhabitants, as Well as Indians and Spaniards; the Cities, Commerce, Fertility, and Riches of That Part of America (London: Printed for S. Buckley, 1698), by Acarete du Biscay (page images with commentary at The Pampas and Andes: A Thousand Miles' Walk Across South America (Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1869), by Nathaniel H. Bishop, contrib. by Edward A. Samuels (HTML at The Pampas and Andes: A Thousand Miles' Walk Across South America (third edition, illustrated; Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1870), by Nathaniel H. Bishop, contrib. by Edward A. Samuels El Tempe Arjentino: ó, El Delta de los Rios Uruguay, Paraná y Plata, Con un Discurso Preliminar del A. Magariños Cervantes, y Seguido de los Consejos de Oro Sobre la Educacion (5th edition, in Spanish; Buenos Aires: Imp. Americana, 1870), by Marcos Sastre, contrib. by Alejandro Magariños Cervantes (page images at HathiTrust) Journael van de Reis Naar Zuid-Amerika (1598-1601) (in Dutch; The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1918), by Hendrick Ottsen, contrib. by J. W. Ijzerman Reise in den Andes von Chile und Argentinien (in German; Berlin: Gebruder Paetel, 1888), by Paul Güssfeldt Filed under: Argentina -- Economic policyFiled under: Argentina -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Argentina -- Politics and governmentFiled under: Argentina -- StatisticsFiled under: Aconcagua, Mount (Argentina)Filed under: Buenos Aires (Argentina) Diccionario de Buenos Aires, ó Sea Guia de Forasteros (in Spanish; Buenos Aires: Impr. del Porvenir, 1864), by Antonio Pillado Filed under: Magellan, Strait of (Chile and Argentina)Filed under: Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) Narrative of the Hon. John Byron: Being an Account of the Shipwreck of the Wager, and the Subsequent Adventures of Her Crew; To Which is Prefixed the Life of the Author (Cabinet Library v14; Edinburgh: J. Ballantyne and Co., 1812), by John Byron Filed under: Rio de la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay)Filed under: Santiago del Estero (Argentina)Filed under: Tupungato Mountain (Argentina and Chile)Filed under: Agriculture -- Argentina Variedades de Maíz Cultivadas en Argentina: Maíces Argentinos y Aclimatados (in Spanish; Buenos Aires: Talleres Gráficos J. Weiss y Preusche, 1919), by Carlos De Alberti Girola Filed under: Antisemitism -- ArgentinaFiled under: Archives -- ArgentinaFiled under: Authoritarianism -- ArgentinaFiled under: Banks and banking -- Argentina La Crisis, 1885-1892, Sistema Bancario (in Spanish; Buenos Aires: Impr. M. Biedma, 1893), by José A. Terry Filed under: British -- ArgentinaFiled under: Democracy -- ArgentinaFiled under: Fascism -- Argentina Consultation Among the American Republics With Respect to the Argentine Situation (1946), by United States Department of State Filed under: Finance -- ArgentinaFiled under: Financial crises -- ArgentinaFiled under: Fiscal policy -- ArgentinaFiled under: Formalism (Literature) -- ArgentinaFiled under: Germany -- Foreign relations -- Argentina Consultation Among the American Republics With Respect to the Argentine Situation (1946), by United States Department of State Filed under: Health care reform -- ArgentinaFiled under: Hudson, W. H. (William Henry), 1841-1922 -- Homes and haunts -- ArgentinaFiled under: Industrial laws and legislation -- ArgentinaFiled under: International Monetary Fund -- ArgentinaFiled under: Jewish poetry -- Argentina Identidad y Diversidad: Libro de Artista / Identity and Diversity: Artist's Book (Boston: Northeastern University, 2011), ed. by Stephen A. Sadow, Irene Jaievesky, and Perla Bajder, contrib. by Jenny Asse Chayo, Mariana Felcman, Daniel Chirom, Michal Kirchbaum, Sonia Chocrón, Susana Beibe, Teodoro Ducach, Hugo Goldgel, Ricardo Feierstein, Memum Adrian Levy, Juana García Abás, Leonor Coifman, Isaac Goldemberg, Tomas Wengrowicz, Miryam Esther Gover de Nasatsky, Liana Strasberg, Susana Grimberg, Angelina Muñiz-Huberman, Raquel Schwartz, Rosita Kalina, Ileana Piszk Kalina, José Pivín, Lihie Talmor, César Tiempo, Raquel Orzuj, Eliahu Toker, and Mirta Kupferminc (multiple formats at Northeastern) Filed under: Labor unions -- ArgentinaFiled under: Law reports, digests, etc. -- ArgentinaFiled under: Liability for industrial accidents -- Argentina Tratado de la Responsabilidad Civil en Derecho Argentino: Bajo el Punto de Vista de los Accidentes del Trabajo (only volume published; in Spanish; Rosario de Santa-Fé: Establecimiento "La Argentina" de A. Suarez Pinto, 1904), by Juan Bialet Massé Filed under: Natural history -- ArgentinaFiled under: Naval art and science -- ArgentinaFiled under: Paper money -- ArgentinaFiled under: Public lands -- ArgentinaFiled under: Romanticism -- ArgentinaMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |