Art collectionsUse as a topical subdivision under names of individual persons and families for works about their collections of art. Also use under names of individual corporate bodies provided that the corporate body is the owner or the collector of the art and the corporate body is not itself an art gallery or museum. See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Narrower terms:- Звенигородский, Александр Викторович, 1844-1903 -- Art collections
- 吳大澂, 1835-1902 -- Art collections
- 嚴嵩, 1480-1567 -- Art collections
- 安 岐, 1683- -- Art collections
- 康 有為, 1858-1927 -- Art collections
- 方濬頤, 1815-1889 -- Art collections
- 林忠正, 1853-1906 -- Art collections
- 河米庵, 1779-1858 -- Art collections
- 端方{uFF0C} -- 1861-1911 -- Art collections
- 龎元濟, 1864-1949 -- Art collections
- A. de B. -- Art collections
- A., M. -- Art collections
- Aarentz, Herman -- Art collections
- Abadiano, Eufemio -- Art collections
- Abbot, Henry -- Art collections
- Abdülhamid II, Sultan of the Turks, 1842-1918 -- Art collections
- Abegg, Daniel -- Art collections
- Abraham, Richard -- Art collections
- Acquavella, Nicholas -- Art collections
- Adam, Lambert-Sigisbert, 1700-1759 -- Art collections
- Adams family -- Art collections
- Adams, Albert J. -- Art collections
- Adams, Thatcher M. -- Art collections
- Addington, Samuel, b. ca. 1764 -- Art collections
- Adelaide, Queen, consort of William IV, King of Great Britain, 1792-1849 -- Art collections
- Agar, James Charles Herbert Welbore Ellis, Earl of Normanton, 1818-1896 -- Art collections
- Agar, Welbore Ellis, 1735-1805 -- Art collections
- Aimone, Raimondo C. -- Art collections
- Ainslie, George H. -- Art collections
- Albani, Alessandro, 1692-1779 -- Art collections
- Albergotti family -- Art collections
- Albert, Prince Consort, consort of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1861 -- Art collections
- Albites, Edoardo, marchese -- Art collections
- Albright, John J. (John Joseph), 1848-1931 -- Art collections
- Aldrich, Edward B. -- Art collections
- Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, 1818-1881 -- Art collections
- Alexandre, Arsène, 1859-1937 -- Art collections
- Algarotti, Francesco, conte, 1712-1764 -- Art collections
- Allen, Thomas, 1849-1924 -- Art collections
- Allen, Thomas, Esq -- Art collections
- Alloway, H. -- Art collections
- Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, 1836-1912 -- Art collections
- Almenas, conde de las (José María Palacio y Abarzuza) -- Art collections
- Ames, Oliver, 1831-1895 -- Art collections
- Ames, Sarah L., Mrs -- Art collections
- Amherst College -- Art collections
- Amodio, John, Marquis d', 1909- -- Art collections
- An, Qi, 1683- -- Art collections
- Ancona, Amilcare, -1890 -- Art collections
- Anderson Galleries, Inc -- Art collections
- Anderson, A. A. (Abraham Archibald), 1847-1940 -- Art collections
- Anderson, Elizabeth Milbank, 1850-1921 -- Art collections
- Andrews, Henry Charles, fl. 1799-1828 -- Art collections
- Angerstein, John Julius, 1735-1823 -- Art collections
- Angran, Louis-Auguste, d. 1747 -- Art collections
- Appiani, Andrea, 1754-1817 -- Art collections
- Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller), 1826-1904 -- Art collections
- Aranow, Frank -- Art collections
- Archibald, Samuel G. -- Art collections
- Arconati-Visconti family -- Art collections
- Ardail, Adolphe -- Art collections
- Arenberg, Auguste Marie Raymond, Prince d', 1753-1833 -- Art collections
- Arenberg, Auguste Marie Raymond, prince d', comte de la Marck, 1753-1833 -- Art collections
- Arensberg, Louise S. (Louise Stevens), 1879-1953 -- Art collections
- Arensberg, Walter, 1878-1954 -- Art collections
- Armano, Giovanni Antonio, active 18th century -- Art collections
- Arnold, Edward -- Art collections
- Arundel family -- Art collections
- Arveley, Monsieur d', high treasurer of France -- Art collections
- Ashmead, Henry Buckley -- Art collections
- Aspinwall, J. A. -- Art collections
- Aspinwall, William Henry, 1807-1875 -- Art collections
- Astor, Vincent, 1891-1959 -- Art collections
- Ateneo veneto -- Art collections
- Atterbury, C. L., Mrs -- Art collections
- Audran, Michel, 1701-1771 -- Art collections
- Augsburg (Germany) -- Art collections
- Aulicino, Vincenzo, 18th cent -- Art collections
- Aumale, Henri d'Orléans, duc d', 1822-1897 -- Art collections
- Aumont, Louis-Marie-Augustin, duc d', 1709-1782 -- Art collections
- Avaray, Hubert de Bésiade, duc d', 1856- -- Art collections
- Aved, Jacques-André-Joseph Camelot, 1702-1766 -- Art collections
- Avery, Samuel Putnam, 1822-1904 -- Art collections
- Avery, Samuel Putnam, 1847-1920 -- Art collections
- Aveschoot, Schamp d' -- Art collections
- Ayer, Fred Wellington, Mrs -- Art collections
- Ayrton, Frederick -- Art collections
- Bégon, Michel, 1638-1710 -- Art collections
- Bacofen -- Art collections
- Bacon, Don H. -- Art collections
- Bacon, Edward R. (Edward Rathbone), 1846-1915 -- Art collections
- Bacon, Edward Rathbone, 1846-1915 -- Art collections
- Bacon, Francis H. (Francis Henry), 1856-1940 -- Art collections
- Bacon, Francis H. -- Art collections
- Bahr, A. W. -- Art collections
- Bahr, A.W. (Abel William), 1878-1959 -- Art collections
- Bailly, René-Louis -- Art collections
- Bajocchi, Wenceslao -- Art collections
- Baker, Walter Cummings -- Art collections
- Balbach, William -- Art collections
- Baldwin, C. L. -- Art collections
- Baldwin, Edwin -- Art collections
- Baldwin, Radcliffe -- Art collections
- Balestier, Joseph N. (Joseph Nerée), 1814-1888 -- Art collections
- Ball, Helen Springer Stone -- Art collections
- Ballard, Berenice C. -- Art collections
- Ballard, James Franklin, 1851-1931 -- Art collections
- Bandeville, Madame la présidente de (Marie-Anne-Catherine), d. 1787 -- Art collections
- Barbaia, Domenico, 1778-1841 -- Art collections
- Barbedienne -- Art collections
- Barbedienne, F. (Ferdinand), 1810-1892 -- Art collections
- Barberini family -- Art collections
- Barberini, Francesco, 1597-1679 -- Art collections
- Barbour, Julia Adelaide, -1923 -- Art collections
- Barbour, William, -1917 -- Art collections
- Baré, Henry -- Art collections
- Barnard, John, 1709-1784 -- Art collections
- Barrett, S. E. -- Art collections
- Barrow, John D. (John Dobson), 1823-1907 -- Art collections
- Barry, John Smith -- Art collections
- Bartlett, Franklin, Mrs -- Art collections
- Basan, François, 1723-1797 -- Art collections
- Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano -- Art collections
- Bath, John Alexander Thynne, Marquis of, 1831-1896 -- Art collections
- Bathurst, Seymour Henry Bathurst, 7th Earl, 1864-1943 -- Art collections
- Baudouin, M. -- Art collections
- Bazilevskiǐ, A. P. (Aleksandr Petrovich),1829-1899 -- Art collections
- Béhague, Martine Marie Pol, comtesse de, 1870-1939 -- Art collections
- Bélanger, François-Joseph, 1744-1818 -- Art collections
- Béraldi, Henri, 1849-1931 -- Art collections
- Beauharnais, Eugène de, 1781-1824 -- Art collections
- Beaujon, Nicolas, 1718-1786 -- Art collections
- Beck, Martin -- Art collections
- Beckerath, Adolf von -- Art collections
- Beckford, William, 1760-1844 -- Art collections
- Bedford, Francis Charles Hastings Russell, Duke of, 1819-1891 -- Art collections
- Bedford, Herbrand Arthur Russell, Duke of, 1858-1940 -- Art collections
- Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1766-1839 -- Art collections
- Behr, Herman, 1847- -- Art collections
- Behrens, Eduard L. -- Art collections
- Beit, Alfred, 1853-1906 -- Art collections
- Beit, Otto John, Sir, 1865-1930 -- Art collections
- Beit, Otto, 1865-1930 -- Art collections
- Belasco, David, 1853-1931 -- Art collections
- Bell, E. M., Mrs -- Art collections
- Belmont, August, 1813-1890 -- Art collections
- Belzoni, Giovanni Battista, 1778-1823 -- Art collections
- Bembo, Pietro, 1470-1547 -- Art collections
- Benjamin, Annie L. -- Art collections
- Benjamin, George G. -- Art collections
- Benjamin, S. -- Art collections
- Benson, Evelyn Holford -- Art collections
- Benson, Robert, 1850-1929 -- Art collections
- Beöthy, Zsolt -- Art collections
- Beringhen, Henri-Camille de, 1693-1770 -- Art collections
- Bernal, Ralph, 1783-1854 -- Art collections
- Bernal, Ralph, b. 1854 -- Art collections
- Bernstein, Henry, 1876-1953 -- Art collections
- Berry, Charles-Ferdinand de Bourbon, duc de, 1778-1820 -- Art collections
- Berry, duchesse de -- Art collections
- Beschey, Balthasar, ca.1708-1776 -- Art collections
- Beschey, Jan Frans, 1717-1799 -- Art collections
- Beurdeley, Alfred -- Art collections
- Bibliothèque nationale (France) -- Art collections
- Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Milan, Italy) -- Art collections
- Biddle, Craig, 1823-1910 -- Art collections
- Bierstadt, Edward, 1824-1907 -- Art collections
- Bilderdijk, Willem, 1756-1831 -- Art collections
- Billings, C. K. G. (Cornelius Kingsley Garrison), 1861- -- Art collections
- Binant, Alfred, 1822-1904 -- Art collections
- Bindley, James, 1737-1818 -- Art collections
- Bing, Siegfried, 1838-1905 -- Art collections
- Bishop, Heber R. (Heber Reginald), 1840-1902 -- Art collections
- Blacas d'Aulps, Pierre-Louis-Jean-Casimir, duc de, 1770-1839 -- Art collections
- Blair, Mary -- Art collections
- Blakeslee, Theron J., -1914 -- Art collections
- Blanc, Alexandre -- Art collections
- Blanc, Charles, 1813-1882 -- Art collections
- Blanquet de Fulde, Baron -- Art collections
- Blondel d'Azaincourt, Barthélémy-Augustin, 1719-1794 -- Art collections
- Blondel de Gagny, Augustin, 1695-1776 -- Art collections
- Blossom, G. L. -- Art collections
- Blot, Eugène -- Art collections
- Blumenstiel, Alexander -- Art collections
- Boban, Eugène -- Art collections
- Boden, Paul B. -- Art collections
- Bodleian Library -- Art collections
- Boggis, Bertram S. -- Art collections
- Bogoliouboff, Andrei -- Art collections
- Bohn, Henry G. (Henry George), 1796-1884 -- Art collections
- Boisserée, Melchior, 1786-1851 -- Art collections
- Boisserée, Sulpiz, 1783-1854 -- Art collections
- Bolton, Guy, 1882-1979 -- Art collections
- Bonaparte, Lucien, prince de Canino, 1775-1840 -- Art collections
- Boncompagni-Ludovisi, Rodolfo, Prince of Piombino -- Art collections
- Bond, Hugh L. (Hugh Lennox), 1828-1893 -- Art collections
- Bond, Hugh Lennox, 1858-1922 -- Art collections
- Bonham, John M. (John Milton) -- Art collections
- Bonner, Frederic -- Art collections
- Bonnier de la Mosson, Joseph, 1702-1744 -- Art collections
- Bonomi, Joseph, 1739-1808 -- Art collections
- Bookwalter, John W. (John Wesley), 1837-1915 -- Art collections
- Bookwalter, John Wesley, 1827- -- Art collections
- Booth, Ralph Harman -- Art collections
- Borden, Matthew C. D. (Matthew Chaloner Durfee), 1842-1912 -- Art collections
- Boreel, Alfred -- Art collections
- Borel, Antoine, 1743-1810 -- Art collections
- Borg, Cecelia -- Art collections
- Borghese family -- Art collections
- Borghese, Paolo, principe, 1845-1920 -- Art collections
- Bosch, Jeronimo de, 1740-1811 -- Art collections
- Boston College -- Art collections
- Bostonian Society -- Art collections
- Boulard, Auguste, 1825-1897 -- Art collections
- Bourgeois, Peter Francis, Sir, 1756-1811 -- Art collections
- Bourlat de Montredon, M. -- Art collections
- Boury, Louis J. -- Art collections
- Boussac, J. -- Art collections
- Bowdoin College -- Art collections
- Bowes, James Lord, 1834-1899 -- Art collections
- Bowles, Charles Oldfield, 1740- -- Art collections
- Bowne, Walter -- Art collections
- Boyd, James, 1821-1904 -- Art collections
- Boyle, John, 1852-1917 -- Art collections
- Braamcamp, Gerret -- Art collections
- Bradford, George Cecil Orlando Bridgeman, 4th Earl of, 1845-1915 -- Art collections
- Bradford, Orlando George Charles Bridgeman, Earl of, 1819-1898 -- Art collections
- Bradhurst, Henry M., Mrs -- Art collections
- Bradley, Edson -- Art collections
- Brady, James Buchanan, 1856-1917 -- Art collections
- Brancaccio, Prince -- Art collections
- Brand, John, 1744-1806 -- Art collections
- Brandes, Georg Friedrich, 1719-1791 -- Art collections
- Brandus, Edward -- Art collections
- Brederlo, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1779-1862 -- Art collections
- Brener, Carol -- Art collections
- Brener, Stephen W. -- Art collections
- Breteuil, Jacques Laure Le Tonnelier, bailli de, 1723-1785 -- Art collections
- Brett, John Watkins, 1805-1863 -- Art collections
- Brewer, Luther Albertus, 1858-1933 -- Art collections
- Breydel, Paulus -- Art collections
- Bridges, J. J., Mrs -- Art collections
- Bridgewater, Francis Egerton, Duke of, 1736-1803 -- Art collections
- Brightwen, Mrs. (Eliza Elder), 1830-1906 -- Art collections
- Brinkley, F. (Frank), 1841-1912 -- Art collections
- Bristol, Frederick Hervey, Earl of, 1730-1803 -- Art collections
- Bristol, N. -- Art collections
- Brochant, M. -- Art collections
- Bromberger, Edgar -- Art collections
- Brown, H. Harris -- Art collections
- Brown, John A. -- Art collections
- Brown, John George, 1831-1913 -- Art collections
- Brown, Lathrop, Mrs -- Art collections
- Browne, Alexander Henry -- Art collections
- Bruun-Neergaard, T. C. (Tønnes Christian), 1776-1824 -- Art collections
- Bruynincx, F. A. E. -- Art collections
- Bryan, Michael, 1757-1821 -- Art collections
- Bryan, Thomas Jefferson, 1800?-1870 -- Art collections
- Bryas, Jacques de, comte -- Art collections
- Brydges Barrett, Thomas B., 1789-1834 -- Art collections
- Buccleuch, John Charles Montagu-Douglas-Scott, Duke of, 1864-1935 -- Art collections
- Buccleuch, Walter Francis Scott, Duke of, 1806-1884 -- Art collections
- Buchanan, William, 1777-1864 -- Art collections
- Buchner, C. C. -- Art collections
- Buckingham Palace (London, England) -- Art collections
- Buckingham, Clarence, 1854-1913 -- Art collections
- Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, 1592-1628 -- Art collections
- Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, 1628-1687 -- Art collections
- Buddhist temples -- Japan -- Kyoto -- Art collections
- Buek, G. H. -- Art collections
- Bugge, Frederick Conrad -- Art collections
- Bullard, William M., Mrs -- Art collections
- Buquoy, Henricus Sebastianus, weduwe van -- Art collections
- Burat, Jules -- Art collections
- Burchard, Anson W. -- Art collections
- Burgess, William H. -- Mrs -- Art collections
- Burke, Elizabeth W. -- Art collections
- Burke, Jackson, 1908-1975 -- Art collections
- Burke, Mary -- Art collections
- Burke, Mary Griggs -- Art collections
- Burns, Brian P. -- Art collections
- Burty, Philippe, 1830-1890 -- Art collections
- Busch, Rudolf -- Art collections
- Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792 -- Art collections
- Butler, Joseph Green, 1840-1927 -- Art collections
- Buzby, David T. -- Art collections
- Byrne, William, 1743-1805 -- Art collections
- C. & E. Canessa (Firm) -- Art collections
- Calonne, Charles Alexandre de, 1734-1802 -- Art collections
- Cameron, Edward M. -- Art collections
- Cameron, Roderick, Sir -- Art collections
- Camondo, Isaac de -- Art collections
- Campana, Giampietro, marchese di Cavelli, 1808-1880 -- Art collections
- Campanari, Secondiano -- Art collections
- Canessa, C. (Cesare) -- Art collections
- Canessa, Ercole -- Art collections
- Canfield, Richard -- Art collections
- Canfield, Richard A. -- Art collections
- Cannon, Henry White, 1850-1934 -- Art collections
- Cantacuzene, Prince -- Art collections
- Cantor, B. Gerald, 1916- -- Art collections
- Cantor, B. Gerald, 1916-1996 -- Art collections
- Cantor, Iris -- Art collections
- Carafa, Giovanni, duca di Noja -- Art collections
- Carhart, Hamilton, Mrs -- Art collections
- Carignan, Victor-Amédée, Prince de, -1741 -- Art collections
- Carl, Elector Palatine, 1651-1685 -- Art collections
- Carleton, Will, 1845-1912 -- Art collections
- Carlo Ludovico, duca di Lucca, 1799-1883 -- Art collections
- Caroline Bonaparte, consort of Joachim Murat, King of Naples, 1782-1839 -- Art collections
- Caroline, Queen, consort of George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1737 -- Art collections
- Carrand, Louis, 1827-1888 -- Art collections
- Carroll, Charles, 1737-1832 -- Art collections
- Carson, Marian S. -- Art collections
- Carter, C. D. -- Art collections
- Carter, Walter S. (Walter Steuben), 1833-1904 -- Art collections
- Caruso, Enrico, 1873-1921 -- Art collections
- Casali, Antonio, active 18th century -- Art collections
- Casanova, Giovanni Battista, 1728 or 30-1795 -- Art collections
- Castelbarco family -- Art collections
- Castellani, Alessandro, -1883? -- Art collections
- Castellani, Alessandro, 1823-1883 -- Art collections
- Castellani, Alessandro, d. 1883? -- Art collections
- Castellani, conte, d. ca. 1822 -- Art collections
- Cathédrale de Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul (Troyes, France) -- Art collections
- Catlin, George, 1796-1872 -- Art collections
- Cattadori Italian Art Galleries -- Art collections
- Cavens, Louis, comte -- Art collections
- Cayeux, Philippe, 1688-1769 -- Art collections
- Cecil, William Alleyne, Marquess of Exeter 1825-1895 -- Art collections
- Cels, Paul Jean -- Art collections
- Cesnola, Luigi Palma di, 1832-1904 -- Art collections
- Chamberlain, Paul Mellen, 1865-1940 -- Art collections
- Champion, William -- Art collections
- Chan, Yee-pong -- Art collections
- Chantrey, Francis, Sir, 1781-1841 -- Art collections
- Chapin, Edwin S. -- Art collections
- Chaplin, Charles, 1825-1891 -- Art collections
- Chapman, Henry Thomas, 1837- -- Art collections
- Chappey, Édouard -- Art collections
- Chapsal, Georges -- Art collections
- Charles Alexandre, duc de Lorraine, 1712-1780 -- Art collections
- Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649 -- Art collections
- Charles XI, King of Sweden, 1655-1697 -- Art collections
- Charles of London -- Art collections
- Charvet, J. (Jules) -- Art collections
- Chase, William Merritt, 1849-1916 -- Art collections
- Chater, Catchick Paul, Sir, 1846-1926 -- Art collections
- Chavagnac, X., comte de (Xavier Roger Marie), 1846-1911 -- Art collections
- Cheramy, Paul Arthur, b. 1840 -- Art collections
- Cherkasky, Martin -- Art collections
- Cherkasky, Sarah -- Art collections
- Chesrow, Frank W., 1903- -- Art collections
- Chevalier, Nicolas, 1661-1720 -- Art collections
- Cheylesmore, William Meriton Eaton, Baron, 1843-1902 -- Art collections
- Chiesa di Betlemme (Foligno, Italy) -- Art collections
- Chiesa, Achillito -- Art collections
- Chillingworth, Rudolf -- Art collections
- Choiseul, Etienne-François, duc de, 1719-1785 -- Art collections
- Choiseul, Léopold-Charles de, 1724-1774 -- Art collections
- Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie-Gabriel-Auguste-Florent, comte de, 1752-1817 -- Art collections
- Choiseul-Praslin, duc de, 1735-1791 -- Art collections
- Christina, Queen of Sweden, 1626-1689 -- Art collections
- Chrysler, Walter P. (Walter Percy), 1909- -- Art collections
- Church, Barbara -- Art collections
- Cicognara, Leopoldo, conte, 1767-1834 -- Art collections
- Claghorn, James L. -- Art collections
- Clark, Charles D. -- Art collections
- Clark, Stephen Carlton, 1882- -- Art collections
- Clark, William Andrews, 1839-1925 -- Art collections
- Clarke, Adam, approximately 1762-1832 -- Art collections
- Clarke, Thomas B. (Thomas Benedict), 1848-1931 -- Art collections
- Clarke, Thomas B. -- Art collections
- Clarke, Thomas Chatfeild, 1829-1895 -- Art collections
- Clearwater, Alphonso Trumpbour, 1848-1933 -- Art collections
- Clemens August, Archbishop and Elector of Cologne, 1700-1761 -- Art collections
- Clercq, M. de (Louis), 1836-1901 -- Art collections
- Clifden Henry George Agar-Robartes, (4. viscount) -- Art collections
- Clifton, Charles, 1853-1928 -- Art collections
- Cline, Isaac Monroe, 1861-1955 -- Art collections
- Clowes, G. H. A. (George Henry Alexander), 1877-1958 -- Art collections
- Coates, Henry T. (Henry Troth), 1843-1910 -- Art collections
- Coclers, Louis Bernard, 1740 or 1741-1817 -- Art collections
- Coe, E. F., Mrs -- Art collections
- Coesvelt, William G. -- Art collections
- Coghill, John, Sir, 2nd bart., 1766-1817 -- Art collections
- Coiny, Jacques-Joseph, 1761-1809 -- Art collections
- Coke, Thomas William, Earl of Leicester, 1752-1842 -- Art collections
- Colbacchini, Giuseppe -- Art collections
- Coleman, William Macon, 1838-1917 -- Art collections
- Coll, Arthur P. -- Art collections
- Collin, Émile -- Art collections
- Collins, Clarence Lyman -- Art collections
- Colman, Samuel, 1832-1920 -- Art collections
- Colonna family -- Art collections
- Colonna, Edward, 1862-1948 -- Art collections
- Colt, Samuel P. -- Art collections
- Colton, J. M., Miss -- Art collections
- Columbia University -- Art collections
- Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City, Mo -- Art collections
- Compton, Walter Ames -- Art collections
- Constantin, Guillaume Jean, 1755-1816 -- Art collections
- Conti, Louis François de Bourbon, prince de, 1717-1776 -- Art collections
- Converse, John H. (John Heman), 1840-1910 -- Art collections
- Cook, Francis, Sir -- Art collections
- Cook, Francis, Sir, 1817-1901 -- Art collections
- Cook, Herbert Frederick, Sir, 1868-1939 -- Art collections
- Cook, Wyndham Francis, d. 1905 -- Art collections
- Coolidge, Frederick S., Mrs -- Art collections
- Coombe Warren (House : Surrey, England) -- Art collections
- Cooper, George A. (George Alphonsus), 1925-2018 -- Art collections
- Cooper, George Campbell, 1840-1895 -- Art collections
- Cope, Edwin R. -- Art collections
- Copper, Emma E. -- Art collections
- Coquelin, Constant, 1841-1909 -- Art collections
- Coquelin, Ernest -- Art collections
- Corcoran Gallery of Art -- Art collections
- Cormier, of Tours -- Art collections
- Corneillan, comte -- Art collections
- Corsini family -- Art collections
- Cospi, Ferdinando, b. ca. 1608 -- Art collections
- Costa Torro, Louis -- Art collections
- Costakis, Georgi -- Art collections
- Cosway, Richard, 1740-1821 -- Art collections
- Cottier & Co -- Art collections
- Cottier, Daniel, 1838-1891 -- Art collections
- Cowper, Francis Thomas De Grey, Sir, 1834-1905 -- Art collections
- Cowper, Francis Thomas de Grey Cowper, Earl, 1834-1905 -- Art collections
- Cox, John Hadley -- Art collections
- Coxe, Edward -- Art collections
- Cozzens, A. M., 1811-1868 -- Art collections
- Crabbe, Prosper -- Art collections
- Craig, James Henry, Sir, 1748-1812 -- Art collections
- Crassier, Guillaume-Paschal, baron de, 1662-1751 -- Art collections
- Crawley, Charles E., Mrs -- Art collections
- Crespi, Christoforo Benigno, 1833-1920 -- Art collections
- Crimmins, John D. (John Daniel), 1844-1917 -- Art collections
- Crocker, David, Mrs -- Art collections
- Crocker, G. G. (George Gordon), 1835-1909 -- Art collections
- Cronstedt, Carl Johan, greve, 1709-1779 -- Art collections
- Crosby, George L., 1833-1877 or 1878 -- Art collections
- Crozat, Louis Antoine, baron de Thiers, 1700-1770 -- Art collections
- Crozat, M. (Pierre), 1661-1740 -- Art collections
- Culver, C. H., Mrs -- Art collections
- Cummings, William H. -- Art collections
- Cunningham, W. (William), 1849-1919 -- Art collections
- Curel, François de, 1854-1928 -- Art collections
- Currie, Bertram Wodehouse, 1827-1892 -- Art collections
- Currie, Laurence, 1867-1934 -- Art collections
- Curtis, Harriet A. -- Art collections
- Curtis, Thomas E. H. -- Art collections
- Curzon family -- Art collections
- Cust, Charles Leopold, Sir, 3rd., Bart., 1864- -- Art collections
- Cuthbertson, E. H. -- Art collections
- Czernin von und zu Chudenitz, Jaromír, Graf, 1818-1908 -- Art collections
- D'Aras, Louis -- Art collections
- D. S. Hess & Company -- Art collections
- D., M. -- Art collections
- Dabissi, Joseph -- Art collections
- Dalberg, Emmerich-Joseph, Herzog von, 1773-1833 -- Art collections
- Daly, Augustin, 1838-1899 -- Art collections
- Damery, Chevalier de, 1723-1803 -- Art collections
- Dampier, Thomas, 1748-1812 -- Art collections
- Dana, Charles A. (Charles Anderson), 1819-1897 -- Art collections
- Danneskjold-Samsøe, Christian, Greve, 1702-1728 -- Art collections
- Darnley, John Bligh, Earl of, 1767-1831 -- Art collections
- Darnley, John Stuart Bligh, Earl of, 1827-1896 -- Art collections
- Dattari, Giovanni -- Art collections
- Daubigny, Charles François, 1817-1878 -- Art collections
- Daupias, Comte -- Art collections
- Davillier, Ch. (Charles), baron, 1823-1883 -- Art collections
- Davis, Erwin, approximately 1831- -- Art collections
- Davis, Joseph E., Mrs -- Art collections
- Davis, Richard Hart, 1766-1842 -- Art collections
- Davison, Alexander, 1750-1829 -- Art collections
- Day, John C. F. S. (John Charles Frederic Sigismund), 1826-1908 -- Art collections
- De Forest, Emily Johnston, 1851- -- Art collections
- De Grey, Thomas Philip De Grey, Earl, 1781-1859 -- Art collections
- De Kolb, Eric -- Art collections
- De Lamar, Alice A. -- Art collections
- De Lamar, Joseph Raphael, 1843-1917 -- Art collections
- De Tabley, John Fleming Leicester, Baron, 1762-1827 -- Art collections
- De Tabley, John Fleming Leicester, Bart, 1762-1827 -- Art collections
- Dézallier d'Argenville, A.-J. (Antoine-Joseph), 1680-1765 -- Art collections
- DeLaittre, Earle B. -- Art collections
- Deforge -- Art collections
- Degas, Edgar, 1834-1917 -- Art collections
- Dehne, Johann Christian, 1696-1770 -- Art collections
- Del Grande, Jannetti -- Art collections
- Del-Marmol, Messire -- Art collections
- Delacroix, Eugène, 1798-1863 -- Art collections
- Delaunay, Robert, 1749-1814 -- Art collections
- Demarne, Jean Louis, approximately 1752-1829 -- Art collections
- Demidovʺ, Anatolīĭ Nikolaevichʺ, Prince of San Donato, 1812-1870 -- Art collections
- Demidov, Anatolīĭ, principe di San Donato, 1812-1870 -- Art collections
- Denon, Vivant, 1747-1825 -- Art collections
- Dent, John, 1760-1826 -- Art collections
- Derby, Henry W. -- Art collections
- Derschau, Hans Albrecht, Freiherr von, 1754-1824 -- Art collections
- Dery, Desiderius George -- Art collections
- Desbrosses, Jean, 1835-1906 -- Art collections
- Desenfans, Noel Joseph, 1745-1807 -- Art collections
- Desnoyers, Jules -- Art collections
- Deutsch, Alexander -- Art collections
- Devéria, Eugène, 1805-1865 -- Art collections
- Devonshire, Dukes of -- Art collections
- Devonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish, Duke of, 1833-1908 -- Art collections
- Devonshire, Victor Christian William Cavendish, Duke of, 1868-1938 -- Art collections
- Diaz de la Peña, Narcisse Virgile, 1807-1876 -- Art collections
- Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 -- Art collections
- Didot, Mr., -1835 -- Art collections
- Dietrich, Christian Wilhelm Ernst, 1712-1774 -- Art collections
- Digby family -- Art collections
- Diker, Charles -- Art collections
- Diker, Valerie -- Art collections
- Dillon, John, Esq -- Art collections
- Dinaux, Arthur, 1795-1864 -- Art collections
- Dirksen Senate Office Building (Washington, D.C.) -- Art collections
- Disney, John, 1779-1857 -- Art collections
- Dodwell, Edward, -1832 -- Art collections
- Doistau, Félix -- Art collections
- Dolent, Jean, 1835-1909 -- Art collections
- Dollfus, Jean, 1828-1911 -- Art collections
- Dominicans. Provincia de Cuba -- Art collections
- Double, Léopold, 1812-1881 -- Art collections
- Doucet, Jacques -- Art collections
- Dowdeswell, C. W. (Charles William), 1832-1915 -- Art collections
- Dowdeswell, Walter, 1858-1929 -- Art collections
- Dowdeswell, William, 1761-1828 -- Art collections
- Doyle, Richard, 1824-1883 -- Art collections
- Drake, Alexander W. -- Art collections
- Draz, Francis -- Art collections
- Dresden (Germany) -- Art collections
- Drugman, H., Mme -- Art collections
- Drury, Alfred -- Art collections
- Drury-Lowe, P. J. B. -- Art collections
- Du Barry, Jean-Baptiste, comte, 1723-1794 -- Art collections
- Du Bus de Gisignies, Bernard, vicomte, 1808-1874 -- Art collections
- Du Châtel, Louis-François Crozat, marquis, 1691-1750 -- Art collections
- Du Puy, Herbert, 1878-1930 -- Art collections
- Du Tillot, Guillaume-Léon -- Art collections
- Duane, Matthew, 1707-1785 -- Art collections
- Duanfang -- Art collections
- Duanfang, 1861-1911 -- Art collections
- Duchatel, E. (Eduard) -- Art collections
- Dulany, Henry Grafton -- Art collections
- Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870 -- Art collections
- Dumas, Alexandre, 1824-1895 -- Art collections
- Duménil, Debruge -- Art collections
- Dumont de Frainays family -- Art collections
- Dundas, Lawrence, Sir, approximately 1710-1781 -- Art collections
- Dupont, Celestin -- Art collections
- Duprat, F. -- Art collections
- Durand-Ruel, Paul, 1831-1922 -- Art collections
- Dussen, Jan Lucas van der -- Art collections
- Dussol -- Art collections
- Dutuit, Auguste, 1812-1902 -- Art collections
- Duveen Brothers -- Art collections
- Dwyer, John J. -- Art collections
- Dyce, Alexander, 1798-1869 -- Art collections
- Earle, Cyril -- Art collections
- Earle, George H., Jr. (George Howard), 1856-1928 -- Art collections
- Eastman, Joseph -- Art collections
- Ebermayer, Johann Martin von, 1664-1743 -- Art collections
- Ederheimer, R. (Richard), 1878-1959 -- Art collections
- Edwards, Edward, 1738-1806 -- Art collections
- Edwards, James, 1756-1816 -- Art collections
- Edwin, Humphry -- Art collections
- Egerton family -- Art collections
- Eglise du Saint-Sépulcre de Paris (France) -- Art collections
- Egmont, John Perceval, Earl of, 1711-1770 -- Art collections
- Ehrich Galleries -- Art collections
- Ehrich, Louis R., 1849-1911 -- Art collections
- Einsiedel von Reibersdorf, Gräfin -- Art collections
- Einstein, Caroline -- Art collections
- Eldin, John Clerk, Lord, 1757-1832 -- Art collections
- Eldridge, Stuart -- Art collections
- Elgin, Thomas Bruce, Earl of, 1766-1841 -- Art collections
- Elkins, W. L. -- Art collections
- Elkins, William L. (William Lukens), 1832-1903 -- Art collections
- Ellesmere, Francis Charles Granville Egerton, Earl of, 1847-1914 -- Art collections
- Ellesmere, Francis Egerton, Earl of, 1800-1857 -- Art collections
- Elliott, Charles Loring, 1812-1868 -- Art collections
- Ellis, William S. -- Art collections
- Emery, Charles G. -- Art collections
- Emes, John, 1762-1808 -- Art collections
- Engel-Gros, F. (Frédéric), 1843-1918 -- Art collections
- Engert, Erasmus von, 1796-1871 -- Art collections
- Englefield, Henry, Sir, 1752-1822 -- Art collections
- Ennery, Michelet d', 1709-1786 -- Art collections
- Erbach-Schönberg, Furst zu -- Art collections
- Erickson, Ernest, 1893-1983 -- Art collections
- Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald -- Art collections
- Esnault-Pelterie, Madame -- Art collections
- Espagnac, Jean Frédéric Guillaume d'Amarzit de Sahuguet, comte d', 1750-1817 -- Art collections
- Etting, Frank M. -- Art collections
- Eugen, Erzherzog, 1863-1954 -- Art collections
- Eugene Glaenzer & Co -- Art collections
- Evans, W. T. (William T.) -- Art collections
- Evans, William T. -- Art collections
- Ewing, James Arthur -- Art collections
- Fåhraeus, Klas Valter, 1863- -- Art collections
- F. Kleinberger Galleries (New York, N.Y.) -- Art collections
- Fahlcrantz, Carl Johan, 1774-1861 -- Art collections
- Fair, Joseph Brooks -- Art collections
- Falconer, John Mackie, 1820-1903 -- Art collections
- Fang, Junyi, 1815-1889 -- Art collections
- Farges, Louis, 1858-1941 -- Art collections
- Farnese family -- Art collections
- Farrer, W. J. (William James), 1822-1911 -- Art collections
- Fau, Joseph -- Art collections
- Faure, J. (Jean), 1830-1914 -- Art collections
- Favereau, Jacques, 1590-1675 -- Art collections
- Favier, abbé, prêtre à Lille -- Art collections
- Fawkes, Walter Ramsden Hawksworth, 1769-1825 -- Art collections
- Fawkes, Walter, 1769-1825 -- Art collections
- Feitama, Sybrand, 1694-1758 -- Art collections
- Felton, Alfred, 1831-1904 -- Art collections
- Feoli, Agostino -- Art collections
- Ferdinand II, Archduke of Austria, 1529-1595 -- Art collections
- Ferdinand, Infante of Spain, Duke of Parma, 1751-1802 -- Art collections
- Ferguson, John C. (John Calvin), 1866-1945 -- Art collections
- Ferrer y Soler, José -- Art collections
- Ferroni, Gioacchino -- Art collections
- Fesch, Joseph, 1763-1839 -- Art collections
- Ffoulke, Charles M. -- Art collections
- Ffoulke, Charles Mather, 1841-1909 -- Art collections
- Ficke, Arthur Davison, 1883-1946 -- Art collections
- Field, Cyrus W. (Cyrus West), 1819-1892 -- Art collections
- Field, Hamilton Easter -- Art collections
- Field, Isobel, 1858-1953 -- Art collections
- Fife, James Duff, Earl of, 1729-1809 -- Art collections
- Filangieri, Niccolò, principe di Cutò -- Art collections
- Filippo, C. -- Art collections
- Finspångs slott -- Art collections
- Firmin-Didot, Ambroise, 1790-1876 -- Art collections
- Fish, Frederick, -1887 -- Art collections
- Fishel, Adler & Schwartz -- Art collections
- Fitch, Clyde, 1865-1909 -- Art collections
- Fitzgerald, Desmond, 1846-1926 -- Art collections
- Fitzgerald, Harrington, 1847-1930 -- Art collections
- Fletcher, Isaac D., -1917 -- Art collections
- Flint, Charles R. -- Art collections
- Flower, Anson R., Mrs -- Art collections
- Flynn, Lesley Bogert, Mrs -- Art collections
- Fol, Walther, 1832-1890 -- Art collections
- Fonthill Abbey -- Art collections
- Forbes, James Staats -- Art collections
- Forbidden City (Beijing, China) -- Art collections
- Force, Juliana, 1876-1948 -- Art collections
- Forman, William Henry, 1794-1829 -- Art collections
- Forster, John, 1812-1876 -- Art collections
- Forsythe, John -- Art collections
- Fortuny, Mariano, 1838-1874 -- Art collections
- Foster, Ingham -- Art collections
- Fould, Louis -- Art collections
- Fouquet, Daniel Marie, 1850-1922 -- Art collections
- Fouquet, Nicolas, 1615-1680 -- Art collections
- Fowles, Charles F. -- Art collections
- France -- Kings and rulers -- Art collections
- Francesco III, Duke of Modena and Reggio, 1698-1780 -- Art collections
- Francillon, M. -- Art collections
- Francolet, C. H. -- Art collections
- Franks, Augustus Wollaston, 1826-1897 -- Art collections
- Franks, Augustus Wollaston, Sir, 1826-1897 -- Art collections
- Franz Joseph I, Prince of Liechtenstein, 1726-1781 -- Art collections
- Frederick I, King of Prussia, 1657-1713 -- Art collections
- Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786 -- Art collections
- Frederick III, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp, 1597-1659 -- Art collections
- Fredriks brothers -- Art collections
- Freedman, Andrew, 1860-1915 -- Art collections
- Freire, J. Moreira (José Moreira) -- Art collections
- Freund, W. A. (Wilhelm Alexander), 1833-1918 -- Art collections
- Frick, Henry Clay, 1849-1919 -- Art collections
- Fricke, Edwin H. -- Art collections
- Friedrich August II, King of Saxony, 1797-1854 -- Art collections
- Fries, Moritz, Graf von, 1777-1826 -- Art collections
- Fuller, William H., -1902 -- Art collections
- G., Charles -- Art collections
- Gaignat, Louis Jean, 1697-1768 -- Art collections
- Gaillard de Gagny, M. -- Art collections
- Gaillard, Émile, 1821-1902 -- Art collections
- Gaillard, Emile, 1877- -- Art collections
- Galerie Sedelmeyer -- Art collections
- Gallatin, A. E. (Albert Eugene), 1881-1952 -- Art collections
- Galli, Charles -- Art collections
- Ganay, Émilie, marquise de -- Art collections
- Ganay, Marquise de -- Art collections
- Gangnat, Maurice, 1856-1924 -- Art collections
- Garland, James A., Mrs -- Art collections
- Garland, James Albert, 1870-1906 -- Art collections
- Garrett, Mary E. -- Art collections
- Garrick Club -- Art collections
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 -- Art collections
- Garrick, Eva Maria, 1724-1822 -- Art collections
- Garvan, Mabel Brady -- Art collections
- Gaskell, Holbrook -- Art collections
- Gassiot, Charles -- Art collections
- Gaucheret, F. J. -- Art collections
- Gaudio, Luigi -- Art collections
- Gavet, Émile -- Art collections
- Gedon, Lorenz -- Art collections
- Geelhand, Henri -- Art collections
- Geelhand, Paul-Joseph -- Art collections
- Geeraerts, Marten Jozef, 1707-1791 -- Art collections
- Gellatly, John, 1853-1931 -- Art collections
- Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942 -- Art collections
- Gentil de Chavagnac, Marie-Madeleine Verniguet -- Art collections
- George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820 -- Art collections
- Gerlach, Godfried -- Art collections
- Germain, Elizabeth, Lady, 1680-1769 -- Art collections
- Gerry, Peggy -- Art collections
- Gerry, Roger, 1916- -- Art collections
- Gesellschaft für Pommersche Geschichte und Altertumskunde -- Art collections
- Gevigney, abbé de -- Art collections
- Gigoux, Jean, 1806-1894 -- Art collections
- Gillot, Charles, 1853-1903 -- Art collections
- Gillott, Joseph, 1799-1872 -- Art collections
- Giroux, Alphonse -- Art collections
- Gisela, Empress Consort of Konrad II, Emperor of Germany, d.l043 -- Art collections
- Giustiniani family -- Art collections
- Glick, Eugene -- Art collections
- Glick, Marilyn -- Art collections
- Glitza, Adolf -- Art collections
- Godefroy, Charles -- Art collections
- Goethals, Guillaume -- Art collections
- Gogh, Vincent van, 1853-1890 -- Art collections
- Goldblatt, Maurice Henry, 1883-1962 -- Art collections
- Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Max von, Baron, 1843-1940 -- Art collections
- Goldsmith, Henry -- Art collections
- Goldstein, Beatrice -- Art collections
- Goldstein, Ben, 1909-1995 -- Art collections
- Goldstein, Max A. (Max Aaron), 1870-1941 -- Art collections
- Goncourt, Edmond de, 1822-1896 -- Art collections
- Goncourt, Jules de, 1830-1870 -- Art collections
- Gonzaga family -- Art collections
- Gonzaga, Guglielmo, 1538-1587 -- Art collections
- Goodfriend, Meyer -- Art collections
- Goodfriend, Meyer,- -- 1927 -- Art collections
- Goodman, George L. -- Art collections
- Goorle, Abraham van, 1549-1608? -- Art collections
- Goossens, Fernand -- Art collections
- Goudstikker, Jacques, 1897-1940 -- Art collections
- Gough, John B. (John Bartholomew), 1817-1866 -- Art collections
- Gould, Charles A. -- Art collections
- Gould, Edith M. Kingdon, -1921 -- Art collections
- Gould, Edward J. A. -- Art collections
- Goupil & Cie -- Art collections
- Goupil, Albert -- Art collections
- Gowen, Franklin B. (Franklin Benjamin), 1836-1889 -- Art collections
- Gower, Ronald Sutherland, Lord, 1845-1916 -- Art collections
- Graf, Theodor -- Art collections
- Gramont, Antoine Antonin, duc de -- Art collections
- Gran, Emmanuel -- Art collections
- Graves, Henry, 1806-1892 -- Art collections
- Great Britain -- Kings and rulers -- Art collections
- Green, Julia Elizabeth, 1816-1880 -- Art collections
- Green, Lucius Peyton -- Art collections
- Green, Mildred Browning -- Art collections
- Greene, B. M. -- Art collections
- Greenfield, Charles A. -- Art collections
- Greenwood, John, 1727-1792 -- Art collections
- Grez, Jean de, 1837-1910 -- Art collections
- Griffith, Warren G. -- Art collections
- Grigsby, Emily B. -- Art collections
- Grimaldi family -- Art collections
- Grimani, Marina Donà, contessa -- Art collections
- Grimthorpe, Edmund Beckett, Baron, 1816-1905 -- Art collections
- Grivaud de la Vincelle, Claude Madeleine, 1762-1819 -- Art collections
- Grollier de Servière, Nicolas, 1593-1686 -- Art collections
- Gros, Antoine-Jean, baron, 1771-1835 -- Art collections
- Grose, Francis, 1731?-1791 -- Art collections
- Gross, Émile -- Art collections
- Grossblatt, George -- Art collections
- Grünling, Joseph -- Art collections
- Günzburg, Baronne de -- Art collections
- Guggenheim, Isaac Sonneborn, Mrs -- Art collections
- Guidi, Costantino, marchese -- Art collections
- Guinigi, Paolo, d. 1432 -- Art collections
- Gunsaulus, Frank W. (Frank Wakeley), 1856-1921 -- Art collections
- Gunsaulus, Frank Wakely, 1856-1921 -- Art collections
- Gunther, Charles B. -- Art collections
- Gunther, Charles Frederick, 1837-1920 -- Art collections
- Gurley, Leonora Hall -- Art collections
- Gustaf II Adolf, King of Sweden, 1594-1632 -- Art collections
- Gwydir, Peter Burrell, Baron, 1754-1820 -- Art collections
- H.O. Watson & Co -- Art collections
- Haas, Xavier -- Art collections
- Habert, Théophile 1822-1899 -- Art collections
- Haddon, Hamilton -- Art collections
- Haden, Francis Seymour, 1818-1910 -- Art collections
- Haggin, James Ben Ali, 1822-1914 -- Art collections
- Hainauer, Oscar, d. 1894 -- Art collections
- Halfwassenaer, Adam -- Art collections
- Hall, Elbridge Gerry, 1815-1869 -- Art collections
- Hall, George Henry, 1825-1913 -- Art collections
- Halsey, Frederic R. (Frederic Robert), 1847-1918 -- Art collections
- Halsted, Richard H. -- Art collections
- Hamilton, Allan McLane, 1848-1919 -- Art collections
- Hamilton, Carl W. -- Art collections
- Hamilton, Cosmo, Mrs -- Art collections
- Hamilton, William, Sir, 1730-1803 -- Art collections
- Hamlen, E. L. -- Art collections
- Hammer, William, 1821-1889 -- Art collections
- Hammerschlag, Arthur M. -- Art collections
- Hampton Court (Richmond upon Thames, London, England) -- Art collections
- Handley, Robert -- Art collections
- Hanford, P. C., Mrs -- Art collections
- Hankey, Thomas -- Art collections
- Hanover Club -- Art collections
- Hansen, Wilhelm, 1868-1936 -- Art collections
- Harding, Sylvester, 1745-1809 -- Art collections
- Harmsen, Dorothy -- Art collections
- Harned, Thomas Biggs, 1851-1921 -- Art collections
- Haro, Henri -- Art collections
- Harper, J. Abner -- Art collections
- Harrach family -- Art collections
- Harrevelt, T. van -- Art collections
- Harris, Victor -- Art collections
- Harrison, Alexander, 1853-1930 -- Art collections
- Harrison, Joseph -- Art collections
- Harrison, Joseph, 1810-1874 -- Art collections
- Harrison, Thomas S. (Thomas Skelton), 1837-1919 -- Art collections
- Hart Senate Office Building (Washington, D.C.) -- Art collections
- Hartley, Jonathan Scott, Mrs -- Art collections
- Haseltine, Charles F. -- Art collections
- Hasselaer, Nicolas Cornelis -- Art collections
- Hatfield, Taylor -- Art collections
- Haudry, François-Pascal, 1728-1800 -- Art collections
- Havemeyer, William Frederick, 1850- -- Art collections
- Haviland, Charles Edward, 1839-1922 -- Art collections
- Hawkins, F., Miss -- Art collections
- Hawkshaw, John Clarke, 1841-1921 -- Art collections
- Hayashi, Tadamasa, 1853-1906 -- Art collections
- Hazard, James, 1748-1787 -- Art collections
- Head, Guy, 1760-1800 -- Art collections
- Healy, A. Augustus (Aaron Augustus), 1850-1921 -- Art collections
- Hearn, George A. (George Arnold), 1835-1913 -- Art collections
- Hearn, George A., Mrs -- Art collections
- Hearst, Phoebe Apperson, 1842-1919 -- Art collections
- Hearst, William Randolph, 1863-1951 -- Art collections
- Heathcote, Robert -- Art collections
- Hebich, J. C. D. -- Art collections
- Heilbronner, Raoul -- Art collections
- Heinecken, Karl-Heinrich von, 1707-1791 -- Art collections
- Heinemann, Leopold -- Art collections
- Heinz, Henry J. -- Art collections
- Hellman, George S. (George Sidney), 1878-1958 -- Art collections
- Henderson, John, 1797-1878 -- Art collections
- Hendersyde Park -- Art collections
- Heney, Charles E. -- Art collections
- Heniot, Enrique L. -- Art collections
- Hennin, M. (Michel), 1777-1863 -- Art collections
- Hennin, Michel, 1777-1863 -- Art collections
- Henry, H. S. -- Art collections
- Henry, Harry Samuel, 1856- -- Art collections
- Hermann, Ferdinand -- Art collections
- Herr, E. M. -- Art collections
- Heseltine, J. P. (John Postle), 1843-1929 -- Art collections
- Heseltine, John Postle, 1843-1929 -- Art collections
- Hesse, Dora -- Art collections
- Heugel, Henri, 1844-1916 -- Art collections
- Heur, Michael d' -- Art collections
- Hewitt, Erskine, 1871-1938 -- Art collections
- Hewitt, Frederick C. -- Art collections
- Heysinger, Isaac W. (Isaac Winter), 1842- -- Art collections
- Higgs, Percy Jackson, 1885- -- Art collections
- Hilditch, John, b. 1872 -- Art collections
- Hilt, W. W. -- Art collections
- Hilton, Henry, 1824-1899 -- Art collections
- Hirakawa, Kenkichi -- Art collections
- Hirth, Georg, 1841-1916 -- Art collections
- His de la Salle, Horace, 1795-1878 -- Art collections
- Hoagland, John A. -- Art collections
- Hodenberg, Wilhelm von, 1786-1861 -- Art collections
- Hodgson, B. H. (Brian Houghton), 1800-1894 -- Art collections
- Hodson, Laurence W., 1864-1933 -- Art collections
- Hoe, Robert, 1839-1909 -- Art collections
- Hoentschel, Georges -- Art collections
- Hoey, John, 1824 or 1825-1892 -- Art collections
- Holden, Liberty Emery, 1833-1913 -- Art collections
- Holdernesse, Mary D'Arcy, Countess of, 1721-1801 -- Art collections
- Holford, George Lindsay, Sir, 1860-1926 -- Art collections
- Holford, Robert Stayner -- Art collections
- Holliday, W. J. (William J.) -- Art collections
- Holliday, William J., Mrs -- Art collections
- Hollins, Henry B., Mrs -- Art collections
- Holloway, Thomas, 1800-1883 -- Art collections
- Holmes, Bettie (Fleischmann), -1941 -- Art collections
- Hommel, Adolf -- Art collections
- Hood, Richard H. -- Art collections
- Hoogendijk, C. -- Art collections
- Hoogendyk, C. -- Art collections
- Hooghe, Jacques de -- Art collections
- Hoomis, J. G. -- Art collections
- Hoop, Adriaan van der, 1778-1854 -- Art collections
- Hope, Francis, Lord, 1866- -- Art collections
- Hope, Henry Philip, 1774-1839 -- Art collections
- Hope, Henry Thomas, Mrs -- Art collections
- Hope, Henry, 1735 or 1736-1811 -- Art collections
- Hope-Johnstone, S. -- Art collections
- Horne, Herbert Percy, 1864-1916 -- Art collections
- Horowitz, Margaret -- Art collections
- Horowitz, Raymond J. -- Art collections
- Hoschek, Gustav, Ritter von, 1847-1907 -- Art collections
- Hoskier, H. C. (Herman Charles), 1864-1938 -- Art collections
- Hostun, Marie-Joseph d', duc de Tallard, 1684-1755 -- Art collections
- Hothfield, Henry James Tufton, Baron, 1844-1926 -- Art collections
- Huard, Charles -- Art collections
- Hubbard, Joseph K. -- Art collections
- Hudson, C. I. -- Art collections
- Hughes, Robert, active 1738-1770 -- Art collections
- Huis ten Bosch (Hague, Netherlands) -- Art collections
- Hulse, Richard, 1727-1805 -- Art collections
- Humbert, Jacques Charles Ferdinand, 1842- -- Art collections
- Humble, John, d. ca. 1841 -- Art collections
- Humphreys, Alexander C. -- Art collections
- Hungtington, Henry Edwards -- Art collections
- Hunt, A. F. Mr -- Art collections
- Hunter, Colin, 1841-1904 -- Art collections
- Hurd, George B., Mrs -- Art collections
- Hutchinson, Arianna M. -- Art collections
- Hutchinson, Mary -- Art collections
- Huth, Alfred Henry, 1850-1910 -- Art collections
- Huth, Henry, 1815-1878 -- Art collections
- Huth, Louis -- Art collections
- Ichenhäuser, J. D. -- Art collections
- Ichikawa, Beian, 1779-1858 -- Art collections
- Inamoto, Chōzaburō -- Art collections
- Ingersoll, Robert H., Mrs -- Art collections
- Inglis, Elizabeth -- Art collections
- Inglis, James S. -- Art collections
- Innès, Walter -- Art collections
- Irving, Florence -- Art collections
- Irving, Herbert -- Art collections
- Ise Daijingū -- Art collections
- Isidor, Joseph S. -- Art collections
- Isman, Felix, 1873-1943 -- Art collections
- Israëls, Jozef, 1824-1911 -- Art collections
- Ives, Brayton -- Art collections
- Ives, Brayton, 1840-1914 -- Art collections
- Ivins, William M. -- Art collections
- Iwasaki family -- Art collections
- J. & L. Lobmeyr -- Art collections
- Jacque, Charles Emile, 1813-1894 -- Art collections
- Jaehne, H. A. E. -- Art collections
- James II, King of England, 1633-1701 -- Art collections
- James S. Earle & Sons -- Art collections
- James, Norman -- Art collections
- Janssen, A. L., baron, 1849- -- Art collections
- Jarves, James Jackson, 1818-1888 -- Art collections
- Jatta family -- Art collections
- Jatta, Giovanni -- Art collections
- Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905 -- Art collections
- Jenkins, Thomas, 1722-1798 -- Art collections
- Jessop, Walter H. -- Art collections
- Jesuits -- Art collections
- Johns, William A -- Art collections
- Johnson, A. Burlingame -- Art collections
- Johnson, John Graver, 1841-1917 -- Art collections
- Johnston, John Taylor, 1820-1893 -- Art collections
- Jones, John, -1994? -- Art collections
- Jones, Quill -- Art collections
- Jongh, Daniel de, Az., 1745-1809 -- Art collections
- Josi, C. -- Art collections
- Josselin de Jong, Pieter de, 1861-1906 -- Art collections
- Jovellanos, Gaspar de, 1744-1811 -- Art collections
- Jüncke, Louis -- Art collections
- Kadison, Stuart -- Art collections
- Kainz, Joseph, 1888-1960 -- Art collections
- Kaiser-Friedrich-Museums-Verein -- Art collections
- Kaiserburg (Nuremberg, Germany) -- Art collections
- Kang, Youwei, 1858-1927 -- Art collections
- Kann, Rodolphe, d. 1905 -- Art collections
- Kaplan, Louis -- Art collections
- Kaplan, Mildred -- Art collections
- Kaplan, Nathan Samuel -- Art collections
- Kappel, Marcus -- Art collections
- Karl Anton, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, 1811-1885 -- Art collections
- Kate, Lambert ten, 1674-1731 -- Art collections
- Kaufmann, Richard von, 1849-1908 -- Art collections
- Kawaura, Ken'ichi -- Art collections
- Keene, James O. -- Art collections
- Keene, Ruth -- Art collections
- Keith, Charles W. -- Art collections
- Kelekian, Dikran -- Art collections
- Kelekian, Dikran G., 1868-1951 -- Art collections
- Kelekian, Dikran Khan, 1868-1951 -- Art collections
- Kelley, I. de P. -- Art collections
- Kensett, John Frederick, 1816-1872 -- Art collections
- Kensington Palace (London, England) -- Art collections
- Kenyon, Whitman W. -- Art collections
- Kerr, Walter -- Art collections
- Kevorkian, Hagop -- Art collections
- Khanenko, Bohdan Ivanovych, 1849-1917 -- Art collections
- Khanenko, V. N. (Varvara Nikolovna), 1852-1922 -- Art collections
- Kidder, Henry P. (Henry Purkitt), 1823-1886 -- Art collections
- Kijzer, Rud. J. -- Art collections
- Kilroy, Mary R. -- Art collections
- Kimball, M. H. -- Art collections
- Kimball, William Smith, 1837- -- Art collections
- King, Clarence, 1842-1901 -- Art collections
- Kinney, Francis S. -- Art collections
- Kinsella, James A. -- Art collections
- Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction -- Art collections
- Kinsley, Joseph, 1828-1836 -- Art collections
- Kirch, Leo, 1926-2011 -- Art collections
- Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680 -- Art collections
- Klasztor Paulinów (Częstochowa, Poland) -- Art collections
- Kleijkamp, Jan -- Art collections
- Kneeland, Stillman Foster, 1845-1926 -- Art collections
- Knight, John, Esq -- Art collections
- Knight, Ridgway, 1839-1924 -- Art collections
- Knoedler, M. -- Art collections
- Knorr, Karl -- Art collections
- Knox, Edward M. -- Art collections
- Knyff, Pierre André Joseph -- Art collections
- Kōyasan Monasteries (Japan) -- Art collections
- Königswarter, Moritz, Freiherr von, 1837-1893 -- Art collections
- Koch, Victor -- Art collections
- Kolasinski-Warschau, A. von (Adalbert), b. 1852 -- Art collections
- Kong, Guangtao, active 1851-1874 -- Art collections
- Koning, Victor, 1842-1894 -- Art collections
- Konoe family -- Art collections
- Koopman, Henry, 1849-1919 -- Art collections
- Kopf, Joseph von, 1827-1903 -- Art collections
- Korovin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich -- Art collections
- Kouchakji, Fahim -- Art collections
- Kraemer, Eugène -- Art collections
- Kress, Samuel H. (Samuel Henry), 1863-1955 -- Art collections
- Kress, Samuel Henry, 1863- -- Art collections
- Kress, Samuel Henry, 1863-1955 -- Art collections
- Kudachev, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich, Prince -- Art collections
- Kums, Edouard Pierre Rombaut, 1811-1891 -- Art collections
- Kungl. Akademien för de fria konsterna (Stockholm, Sweden) -- Art collections
- Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen -- Art collections
- Kuppelmayr, Max -- Art collections
- Kurtz, Charles M. (Charles McMeen), 1855-1909 -- Art collections
- Kuyper, J. R. P. C. H. (Johannis Remigius Petrus Cornelis Hubertus de, 1831-1910 -- Art collections
- L'Hôpital, Paul François de Galucci, marquis de, 1697-1774 -- Art collections
- L. Prang & Co -- Art collections
- L. de L., Madame de -- Art collections
- La Caze, Louis -- Art collections
- La Caze, Louis, 1798-1869 -- Art collections
- La Live de Jully, Ange-Laurent de, 1725-1779 -- Art collections
- La Roque, Antoine, 1672-1744 -- Art collections
- La Salle, His de -- Art collections
- Lázaro y Galdiano, José, 1862-1947 -- Art collections
- Labarte, Jules, 1797-1880 -- Art collections
- Ladd, John B. -- Art collections
- Laffan, William M. -- Art collections
- Lafontaine, Pierre Joseph, 1758-1835 -- Art collections
- Laguerre, Marie-Josephine, 1755-1782 -- Art collections
- Laird, Samuel S. -- Art collections
- Lallemant de Betz, Michel Joseph Hyacinthe, 1693-1773 -- Art collections
- Lalor, John C. -- Art collections
- Lambdin, Alfred C. (Alfred Cochran), 1846-1911 -- Art collections
- Lambert, Catholina -- Art collections
- Lamm, Carl Robert -- Art collections
- Lancker, Jean van -- Art collections
- Lancker, M. van -- Art collections
- Lane, Hugh Percy, Sir, 1875-1915 -- Art collections
- Lane, James W. (James Warren), 1898-1959 -- Art collections
- Lane, John, 1854-1925 -- Art collections
- Lange, Maurice, 1872-1923 -- Art collections
- Lanier, Charles -- Art collections
- Lanna, Adalbert M. Fr., Freiherr von, 1867-1909 -- Art collections
- Lanna, Adalbert, freiherr von, 1867-1922 -- Art collections
- Lans, Herman, d. 1923 -- Art collections
- Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805 -- Art collections
- Lanthier, L. A. -- Art collections
- Lanz, Otto, 1865-1935 -- Art collections
- Laporte, William F. -- Art collections
- Laporterie, Pierre -- Art collections
- Laroche-Ringwald, Louis -- Art collections
- Larrain, H. -- Art collections
- Lasquin, Georges B. -- Art collections
- Latham, Milton S. (Milton Slocum), 1827-1882 -- Art collections
- Lathrop, Bryan, 1844-1916 -- Art collections
- Lathrop, Francis, 1849-1909 -- Art collections
- Lauder, Leonard A. -- Art collections
- Lauer, Edgar J. (Edgar Jacob), 1871-1948 -- Art collections
- Laurent, Henri, 1779-1844 -- Art collections
- Laurent, Richard -- Art collections
- Law, David, 1831-1902 -- Art collections
- Lawlor, Lily -- Art collections
- Lawrence, Cyrus J. -- Art collections
- Lawrence, Frank R. (Frank Richard), 1843-1918 -- Art collections
- Lawrence, Henry C. (Henry Corbin), 1859-1919 -- Art collections
- Lawrence, Richard H. -- Art collections
- Lawrence, Thomas, Sir, 1769-1830 -- Art collections
- Lawrence, Trevor, Sir -- Art collections
- Le Bœuf -- Art collections
- Le Bas, Jacques-Philippe, 1707-1783 -- Art collections
- Le Blond, Aubrey -- Art collections
- Le Bret, Monsieur (Alexis-Jean), 1693-1772? -- Art collections
- Le Brun, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre, 1748-1813 -- Art collections
- Le Clerc, Sébastien, 1637-1714 -- Art collections
- Le Conte, Robert G. (Robert Grier), 1865-1924 -- Art collections
- Léoffroy de Saint-Yves, Charles, 1717-1804 -- Art collections
- Leatham, Edward A. (Edward Aldam) -- Art collections
- Lechevrel, Charles -- Art collections
- Lechi, Teodoro -- Art collections
- Lechi, Teodoro, conte -- Art collections
- Lecomte, Eugène -- Art collections
- Lecuyer, Camille, b. 1830 -- Art collections
- Ledeboer, Lambertus Vincentius, 1795-1891 -- Art collections
- Lee, Homer, 1855-1923 -- Art collections
- Lee, Van Ching -- Art collections
- Leff, Jay C. -- Art collections
- Legh, Henry Cornwall -- Art collections
- Lehman, Robert, 1892-1969 -- Art collections
- Lehne, John H. A. -- Art collections
- Lek, Jonas -- Art collections
- Lely, Peter, 1618-1680 -- Art collections
- Lemmer, Joseph -- Art collections
- León y Ledesma, Andrés Fernández de, d. 1684 -- Art collections
- Leopold Salvator, Archduke of Austria, 1863-1892 -- Art collections
- Leopold Wilhelm, Archduke of Austria, 1614-1662 -- Art collections
- Lettsom, John Coakley, 1744-1815 -- Art collections
- Leverhulme, William Hesketh Lever, Viscount, 1851-1925 -- Art collections
- Levinson, Edwin D. -- Art collections
- Lewis, Alfred Henry, 1857-1914 -- Art collections
- Lewis, Samuel Savage, 1836-1891 -- Art collections
- Lewis, Thomas Denison, d. 1849 -- Art collections
- Liechtenstein, House of -- Art collections
- Liechtenstein, Joseph Wenzel Laurenz, fuerst, 1696-1772 -- Art collections
- Liechtenstein, Joseph Wenzel, Fürst von, 1696-1772 -- Art collections
- Liedts, Augusta Godin baronne, 1850-1885 -- Art collections
- Lieven, Marie Elise Charlotte, Princess, 1856-1930 -- Art collections
- Lignerolles, Raoul Léonor L'Homme Dieu du Tranchant, comte de, 1817-1893 -- Art collections
- Lilly, Eli, 1885- -- Art collections
- Limborch, Hendrik van, 1681-1759 -- Art collections
- Linde, Bertram E. -- Art collections
- Linden van Slingeland, Johan van der, 1701-1782 -- Art collections
- Lingner, K. A. -- Art collections
- Lippmann, Friedrich, 1839-1903 -- Art collections
- Livizzani, Giuseppe, 1688-1754 -- Art collections
- Lloyd, Thomas, 1756-1827 -- Art collections
- Löbbecke, Arthur -- Art collections
- Löwenfeld, Wilhelm -- Art collections
- Lockwood, LeGrand -- Art collections
- Locquet, Pieter, d. 1781 -- Art collections
- Loeb, James, 1867-1933 -- Art collections
- Loeb, Richard -- Art collections
- Loménie, Louis-Henri de, comte de Brienne, 1635-1698 -- Art collections
- Loo, Louis Michel van, 1707-1771 -- Art collections
- Lorangere, Quentin de -- Art collections
- Loridon de Ghellinck, T. -- Art collections
- Lorimer, George Horace, 1869-1937 -- Art collections
- Loring, F. L. -- Art collections
- Lort, Michael, 1725-1790 -- Art collections
- Lotz-Brissonneau, A. -- Art collections
- Louis Philippe, King of the French, 1773-1850 -- Art collections
- Louis XIV, King of France, 1638-1715 -- Art collections
- Louis XV, King of France, 1710-1774 -- Art collections
- Louisville Free Public Library -- Art collections
- Lovejoy, J. F., Mrs -- Art collections
- Lovett, John T. -- Art collections
- Lowengard, Jules -- Art collections
- Lowenthal, Edith -- Art collections
- Lowenthal, Milton -- Art collections
- Lu, Xinyuan, 1834-1894 -- Art collections
- Lucas, George A., 1824-1909 -- Art collections
- Ludovisi, Ludovico, 1595-1632 -- Art collections
- Ludwig I, King of Bavaria, 1786-1868 -- Art collections
- Ludwig, Peter, 1925-1996 -- Art collections
- Lukutin, N. P. -- Art collections
- Lunden -- Art collections
- Lyall, David C. -- Art collections
- Lydig, Rita de Acosta, 1880-1929 -- Art collections
- Lyman, F. S. (Fred S.), d. ca. 1909 -- Art collections
- Lyon, Max -- Art collections
- Lytton, Earl of, 1876-1947 -- Art collections
- Lyversberg, Jakob Johann Nepomuk, 1761-1834 -- Art collections
- Maass, Daniel Friedrich, 1787-1864 -- Art collections
- Macbeth, William, 1851-1917 -- Art collections
- Mack, John -- Art collections
- Mackelvie, James Tannock -- Art collections
- Maclay, A. C. -- Art collections
- Macomber, Frank Gair -- Art collections
- Madrazo, José de, 1781-1859 -- Art collections
- Maeda family -- Art collections
- Magniac, Hollingworth, 1786-1867 -- Art collections
- Mailand, Gustave, 1810- -- Art collections
- Majer, Andrea, 1765-1837 -- Art collections
- Major, Thomas, 1720-1799 -- Art collections
- Malaspina di Sannazaro, Luigi, marchese, 1754-1835 -- Art collections
- Malaspina di Sannazzaro, Luigi, marchese, 1754-1835 -- Art collections
- Malcolm, John, 1805-1893 -- Art collections
- Mandel, Leon -- Art collections
- Manfredini, Federico, marchese, 1743-1829 -- Art collections
- Manfrin family -- Art collections
- Mangin, Alexander -- Art collections
- Manney, Gloria -- Art collections
- Manney, Richard -- Art collections
- Mannheim, Charles, 1833-1910 -- Art collections
- Manni, Pietro -- Art collections
- Mansfield, Richard, 1857-1907 -- Art collections
- Mantova Benavides, Marco, 1489-1582 -- Art collections
- Marchetti, Giovanni Matteo -- Art collections
- Maria Pia, Queen, consort of Luís I, King of Portugal, 1847-1911 -- Art collections
- Mariette, Pierre Jean, 1694-1774 -- Art collections
- Mariette, Pierre-Jean, 1694-1774 -- Art collections
- Marigny, Abel François Poisson, marquis de, 1727-1781 -- Art collections
- Marino, Giambattista, 1569-1625 -- Art collections
- Marinucci, Enrico -- Art collections
- Marismas del Guadalquivir, Alejandro María de Aguado, marqués de las, 1784-1842 -- Art collections
- Marius, Gaius, approximately 157 B.C.-86 B.C. -- Art collections
- Marlborough, George Charles, Duke of, 1844-1892 -- Art collections
- Marlborough, George Spencer, Duke of, 1739-1817 -- Art collections
- Marlborough, John Winston Spencer Churchill, Duke of, 1822-1883 -- Art collections
- Marmon, Daniel W. -- Art collections
- Marmon, Elizabeth C. -- Art collections
- Marquand, Henry Gurdon, 1819-1902 -- Art collections
- Martens, J. H. -- Art collections
- Martin Le Roy, Victor -- Art collections
- Martin, John T. -- Art collections
- Martinet, L. -- Art collections
- Martmontel, Antoine Francois, 1816-1898 -- Art collections
- Marx, Roger, 1859-1913 -- Art collections
- Masreliez, Louis, 1747 or 1748-1810 -- Art collections
- Masson, J. -- Art collections
- Mastbaum Bros. & Fleisher -- Art collections
- Mastbaum, Jule E. -- Art collections
- Matḥaf al-Miṣrī -- Art collections
- Mather, John C. -- Art collections
- Mathews, Charles, 1776-1835 -- Art collections
- Matsukata family -- Art collections
- Mattei, Ciriaco, 1542-1614 -- Art collections
- Matthews, Nicholas M. -- Art collections
- Matthiessen, F. O. (Francis Otto), 1902-1950 -- Art collections
- Mayer, Franz Xaver -- Art collections
- Maynard, Ross Hall -- Art collections
- Mayor, William -- Art collections
- Mays, Alb -- Art collections
- Mazarin, Jules, 1602-1661 -- Art collections
- McCann, Helena Woolworth -- Art collections
- McCleave, Johns -- Art collections
- McCormick, James -- Art collections
- McCormick, Robert Hall, 1847-1917 -- Art collections
- McCosker, David -- Art collections
- McFadden, John H., 1851?-1921 -- Art collections
- McFadden, Philip, Mrs -- Art collections
- McGuinness, Thomas -- Art collections
- McGuire, Frederick B. -- Art collections
- McHie, Sidmon, Mrs -- Art collections
- McLean, John R., 1944- -- Art collections
- McMahon, P. H. -- Art collections
- McMillan, Mary Lee -- Art collections
- Mead, Richard, 1673-1754 -- Art collections
- Mechetti, Carlo, 1748-1811 -- Art collections
- Medici, House of -- Art collections
- Medina, Laureano -- Art collections
- Meirs, R. W. -- Art collections
- Mel de Saint Céran -- Art collections
- Melbourne (Vic.). Public Library -- Art collections
- Melbourne Public Library -- Art collections
- Mellon, Paul -- Art collections
- Mellon, Paul, Mrs -- Art collections
- Mendonça, Salvador de, 1841-1913 -- Art collections
- Meneghelli, Antonio, 1763-1844 -- Art collections
- Mercher, Allen J. -- Art collections
- Merle de Beauchamp, Charles-Louis de, 1723-1793 -- Art collections
- Merval, M. de -- Art collections
- Mesdag, Hendrik Willem, 1831-1915 -- Art collections
- Messinger, Otto E. -- Art collections
- Messrs. Thomas Agnew & Sons -- Art collections
- Methuen, Paul Cobb, 1752-1816 -- Art collections
- Metz, C. M. (Conrad Martin), 1755-1827 -- Art collections
- Metzgar, Judson D. -- Art collections
- Metzler, Wilhelm Peter -- Art collections
- Michaelis, Max -- Art collections
- Michaelis, Max, Sir, 1852-1932 -- Art collections
- Michaelyan, H. -- Art collections
- Michell, Matthew -- Art collections
- Michigan State Library -- Art collections
- Mielich, A. L. -- Art collections
- Miles, Philip John -- Art collections
- Milewski, J. -- Art collections
- Millais, John Everett, 1829-1896 -- Art collections
- Miller, Grace Saunders -- Art collections
- Miller, Irving -- Art collections
- Miller, John Osmer -- Art collections
- Milliken, E. F. -- Art collections
- Milliken, J. T. -- Art collections
- Mills, C. C., Mrs -- Art collections
- Mills, Harrison W. -- Art collections
- Milnes, James, -1805 -- Art collections
- Minard-van Hoorebeke, Louis, 1801-1875 -- Art collections
- Minns, Susan -- Art collections
- Minutoli, Heinrich, Freiherr von, 1772-1846 -- Art collections
- Mionnet, Théodore Edme, 1770-1842 -- Art collections
- Mitchell, James T. (James Tyndale), 1834-1915 -- Art collections
- Mitsui family -- Art collections
- Model, Julius, 1838- -- Art collections
- Mohrman, E. M. -- Art collections
- Moir, Emily H. -- Art collections
- Moitte, Jean-Guillaume, 1746-1810 -- Art collections
- Molinari, nuntius, d. 1763 -- Art collections
- Moltke, Adam Gottleb de Greve -- Art collections
- Montaignac, I. -- Art collections
- Montesquiou-Fezensac, Anne-Pierre, marquis de, 1739-1798 -- Art collections
- Montferrand, Auguste Ricard de, 1786-1858 -- Art collections
- Montgomerie, George, Esq -- Art collections
- Monti, Cesare, 1593-1650 -- Art collections
- Montmorency, Anne, duc de, d. 1567 -- Art collections
- Montpensier, Antoine Marie Philippe Louis d'Orléans, duc de, 1824-1890 -- Art collections
- Montross, Newman Emerson, 1849-1932 -- Art collections
- Moore, Rufus E. -- Art collections
- Morand, Sauveur François, 1697-1773 -- Art collections
- Moreau, Frédéric, 1798-1898 -- Art collections
- Moreau, Frédéric, 1798-1908 -- Art collections
- Moreau-Nélaton, Etienne, 1859-1927 -- Art collections
- Moretus family -- Art collections
- Morgan, Edwin D. (Edwin Denison), 1811-1883 -- Art collections
- Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913 -- Art collections
- Morgan, Mary Jane Sexton -- Art collections
- Morny, Charles, duc de, 1811-1865 -- Art collections
- Morozov, Alekseĭ Vikulovich, 1857- -- Art collections
- Morris, Alexander, 1826-1889 -- Art collections
- Morris, Du Bois S. -- Art collections
- Morse, Charles -- Art collections
- Morse, Earl -- Art collections
- Morten, Alexander, 1851-1916 -- Art collections
- Morton, Levi P. (Levi Parsons), 1824-1920 -- Art collections
- Moslé, Alfred George -- Art collections
- Mosler, Henry, 1841-1920 -- Art collections
- Moulton and Ricketts -- Art collections
- Mourre, Henri-Xavier, baron, active 1853-1872 -- Art collections
- Moya Rubio, Víctor José -- Art collections
- Moyon, M. -- Art collections
- Müller, G. Eduard -- Art collections
- Munro, H. A. J. (Hugh Andrew Johnstone), 1819-1885 -- Art collections
- Munsterberg, Hugo, 1916- -- Art collections
- Muravʹev, A. N. (Andreĭ Nikolaevich), 1806-1874 -- Art collections
- Murphy, John Francis, 1853-1921 -- Art collections
- Murray, Charles Fairfax, 1849-1919 -- Art collections
- Muselli, Jacopo, marchese, 1697-1768 -- Art collections
- Museo civico archeologico di Bologna -- Art collections
- Musgrave, William, 1735-1800 -- Art collections
- Myers, E. H. -- Art collections
- Myrtil-Schleisinger, M -- Art collections
- Naager, Franz -- Art collections
- Nagell, Anne Willem Carel, Baron van, 1756-1851 -- Art collections
- Nahigian, Sarkis Hovagim, 1872- -- Art collections
- Nai, Chi-Chang -- Art collections
- Namara, Marguerite, 1888-1974 -- Art collections
- Nani family -- Art collections
- Nani, Bernardo -- Art collections
- Napier, Robert, 1791-1876 -- Art collections
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 -- Art collections
- Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 1808-1873 -- Art collections
- Neltnor, Shelley B. -- Art collections
- Nemes, Marcell, 1866-1930 -- Art collections
- Nero, Emperor of Rome, 37-68 -- Art collections
- Nesselrode, Karl Robert, Graf von, 1780-1862 -- Art collections
- New Hoffman House (Hotel) -- Art collections
- New York (N.Y.) -- Art collections
- New York (State) -- Art collections
- Newberry, John S. (John Stoughton), 1910-1964 -- Art collections
- Newburgh, Vincent Giustiniani, Earl of, 1762-1826 -- Art collections
- Newcomb, Alice -- Art collections
- Newman, V. Winthrop -- Art collections
- Nichols, H. S. (Harry Sidney) -- Art collections
- Nickerson, Samuel M. (Samuel Mayo), 1830-1914 -- Art collections
- Nickerson, Samuel M. (Samuel Mayo), 1830-1914 Mrs -- Art collections
- Niessen, Carl Anton, 1850- -- Art collections
- Nieuhoff, Nicolas -- Art collections
- Nieuwenhuys, Christianus Johannes -- Art collections
- Nijland, A. J. -- Art collections
- Noé, Theodore C. -- Art collections
- Noelker, F. W. Mrs -- Art collections
- Nogaret -- Art collections
- Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815 -- Art collections
- Norris, William F. (William Fisher), 1839-1901 -- Art collections
- Northampton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton, Marquis of, 1790-1851 -- Art collections
- Northwick, George Rushout, Baron, 1811-1887 -- Art collections
- Northwick, John Rushout, Baron, 1770-1859 -- Art collections
- Norton, C. A. Quincy -- Art collections
- Nostell Priory -- Art collections
- Novák, Josef V. -- Art collections
- Noyes, Charles Prentiss -- Art collections
- Noyes, Crosby Stuart, 1825-1908 -- Art collections
- Null, van der, Mr -- Art collections
- Nycander, Gregory -- Art collections
- Nye, Gideon, 1812-1888 -- Art collections
- Nyland, Hidde -- Art collections
- Nyman, Jan Danser -- Art collections
- Oastler, William Churchill -- Art collections
- Odescalchi family -- Art collections
- Odescalchi, Livio, -1713 -- Art collections
- Oehme, Julius -- Art collections
- Oehme, Julius, 1833-1923 -- Art collections
- Oettingen-Wallerstein, Ludwig, Fürst von, 1791-1870 -- Art collections
- Olyphant, Robert Morrison, 1824-1919 -- Art collections
- Onnes, Michiel, 1878- -- Art collections
- Oppenheim, Albert, Baron von, 1834-1912 -- Art collections
- Oppenheim, Albert, baron, 1834-1912 -- Art collections
- Orange, James -- Art collections
- Orléans, Philippe, duc d', 1674-1723 -- Art collections
- Orléans, House of -- Art collections
- Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d', 1747-1793 -- Art collections
- Orléans, Louis Philippe, duc d', 1725-1785 -- Art collections
- Orléans, Louis, duc d', 1703-1752 -- Art collections
- Orléans, Philippe, duc d', 1640-1701 -- Art collections
- Orlov, Alekseǐ Nikolaevich, kni︠a︡z, 1867- -- Art collections
- Orlov, Alekseĭ, kni︠a︡ź -- Art collections
- Orosdi, Léon -- Art collections
- Orr, John C. -- Art collections
- Orsay, Pierre-Marie-Gaspard Grimod, comte d', 1748-1809 -- Art collections
- Orselli, Luigi -- Art collections
- Ortega, Emmanuele -- Art collections
- Osborn, Charles J. -- Art collections
- Osborn, Leeds, Duke of -- Art collections
- Osgood, Albert J. -- Art collections
- Ospedale maggiore di Milano -- Art collections
- Ostervald, J. F. (Jean Frédéric), 1773-1850 -- Art collections
- Ottley, William Young, 1771-1836 -- Art collections
- Oudaan, Michiel -- Art collections
- Owens, Samuel -- Art collections
- Oxford, Edward Harley, Earl of, 1689-1741 -- Art collections
- Ozanne, Nicolas-Marie, 1728-1811 -- Art collections
- Paff, M. (Michael), d. 1838 -- Art collections
- Palagi, Pelagio, 1775-1860 -- Art collections
- Palais de Monaco -- Art collections
- Palais du Trocadéro -- Art collections
- Palazzo Barbaia (Naples, Italy) -- Art collections
- Palazzo Farnese (Rome, Italy) -- Art collections
- Palmer, A. Mitchell (Alexander Mitchell), 1872-1936 -- Art collections
- Palmer, George S. -- Art collections
- Palmer, Mary, 1750-1820 -- Art collections
- Palmié, Charles -- Art collections
- Pang, Yuanji, 1864-1949 -- Art collections
- Paolini, Paolo -- (Professor) -- Art collections
- Pares, Emile -- Art collections
- Paris de Montmartel, Armand Louis Joseph, marquis de Brunoy, 1748-1781 -- Art collections
- Paris, Pierre-Adrien, 1745?-1819 -- Art collections
- Paris, William Francklyn, 1871-1954 -- Art collections
- Parish-Watson, M. -- Art collections
- Parker, James, 1750-1805 -- Art collections
- Parsons, Florence V. -- Art collections
- Parsons, Florence V. C. -- Art collections
- Pasquier, H. -- Art collections
- Pasquier, Louis, d. 1755 -- Art collections
- Paternò Castello, Ignazio, principe di Biscari, 1719-1786 -- Art collections
- Patterson, D. W. -- Art collections
- Paul, Captain -- Art collections
- Payne, William H. -- Art collections
- Peak, William N. -- Art collections
- Peck, Isabelle McKay -- Art collections
- Peckham, William Gibbs, 1849-1924 -- Art collections
- Peel, J. F. -- Art collections
- Peel, Robert, 1750-1830 -- Art collections
- Peel, Robert, 1788-1850 -- Art collections
- Pegram, Lou, Mrs -- Art collections
- Peirce, Harold, 1856-1932 -- Art collections
- Peltro, John, 1760-1808 -- Art collections
- Peltzer, Rudolf -- Art collections
- Pembroke, Henry Herbert, Earl of, 1734-1794 -- Art collections
- Pembroke, Thomas Herbert, Earl of, 1656-1733 -- Art collections
- Pembroke, Thomas Herbert, Earl, 1656-1733 -- Art collections
- Pender, John, Sir, 1816-1896 -- Art collections
- Pepoli, Taddeo Guido, conte -- Art collections
- Perdry, Jacques, 1585-1667 -- Art collections
- Perls, Klaus -- Art collections
- Perry, Marsden J. (Marsden Jasiel), 1850-1937 -- Art collections
- Peters, Fred J. (Fred Joseph), 1882- -- Art collections
- Petit, Didier, 1793-1873 -- Art collections
- Peytier de Merchten, Madame la douairère -- Art collections
- Pfeiffer, Gustavus Adolphus, 1872-1953 -- Art collections
- Philipp II, Duke of Pomerania, 1573-1618 -- Art collections
- Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872 -- Art collections
- Phillips, Nora -- Art collections
- Phipson, Sidney Lovell, 1851-1929 -- Art collections
- Picard, Charles Adrien -- Art collections
- Picart, Bernard, 1673-1733 -- Art collections
- Pinacoteca civica e Museo degli arazzi (Fabriano, Italy) -- Art collections
- Pinkus, Laura Ball -- Art collections
- Pissarro, Camille, 1830-1903 -- Art collections
- Pitcairn, Raymond, 1885-1966 -- Art collections
- Pitt, W. M. (William Morton), 1754 or 1755-1836 -- Art collections
- Plantin, Christophe, approximately 1520-1589 -- Art collections
- Platt, Isaac Hull, 1853-1912 -- Art collections
- Pleasants, Richard H. -- Art collections
- Ploos van Amstel, Cornelis, 1726-1798 -- Art collections
- Pochet, M. G. -- Art collections
- Poitiers, Diane de, Duchess of Valentinois, 1499-1566 -- Art collections
- Pomfret, Thomas Fermor, Earl of, d. 1753 -- Art collections
- Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, marquise de, 1721-1764 -- Art collections
- Poniatowski, Józef Antoni, książę, 1763-1813 -- Art collections
- Pontchartrain, Jérôme Phélypeaux, comte de, 1674-1747 -- Art collections
- Pool, Isaac, d. 1792 or 3 -- Art collections
- Porgès, Anna, 1854-1937 -- Art collections
- Porgès, Jules -- Art collections
- Port-Royal des Champs (Abbey) -- Art collections
- Porter, Walsh, -1809 -- Art collections
- Portland, Margaret Cavendish Holles Harley Bentinck, Duchess of, 1715-1785 -- Art collections
- Portland, William John Arthur Charles James Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1857-1943 -- Art collections
- Posonyi, Alexander -- Art collections
- Post -- Art collections
- Pot, Gerrit van der, heer van Groeneveld, 1732-1807 -- Art collections
- Poullain, d. 1780 -- Art collections
- Pouncy, Benjamin Thomas, -1799 -- Art collections
- Pourtalès-Gorgier, James-Alexandre, Graf von, 1776-1855 -- Art collections
- Powers, Daniel W. (Daniel William), 1818-1897 -- Art collections
- Prang, Louis, 1824-1909 -- Art collections
- Pratt, Herbert Lee, 1871-1945 -- Art collections
- Praun, Paul, baron de, 1548-1616 -- Art collections
- Prévost, André-Julien -- Art collections
- Prévost, Benoît Louis, approximately 1735-1804? -- Art collections
- Preyer, David C. (David Charles), 1861 or 1862-1913 -- Art collections
- Prinz Brothers -- Art collections
- Prinzhorn, Hans, 1886-1933 -- Art collections
- Pritzker, Rhoda -- Art collections
- Probasco, Henry, 1820-1902 -- Art collections
- Proli, Charles, 1723-1786 -- Art collections
- Propert, John Lumsden, 1834-1902 -- Art collections
- Provinciaal Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen in Noord-Brabant -- Art collections
- Pulitzer, Emily Rauh -- Art collections
- Pulitzer, Joseph, 1913- -- Art collections
- Pulitzer, Louise -- Art collections
- Pulteney, James, Sir, approximately 1751-1811 -- Art collections
- Pyle, William Scott, Mrs -- Art collections
- Pym, Horatio Noble, 1844-1896 -- Art collections
- Pyne, Percy R. -- Art collections
- Quilter, Cuthbert, Sir, 1841-1911 -- Art collections
- Quincy family -- Art collections
- Quinn, John, 1870-1924 -- Art collections
- Röhrer, Sigmund, 1861- -- Art collections
- Racine, Jean Baptiste, 1678-1747 -- Art collections
- Raczyński, Atanazy, hrabia, 1788-1874 -- Art collections
- Radford, Cyrus S. -- Art collections
- Radnor, Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie, Earl of, 1868-1930 -- Art collections
- Raffy, Mirza -- Art collections
- Rains, S. G. -- Art collections
- Ramírez de Velasco, Juan, 1538 or 1539-1597 -- Art collections
- Randall, J. W. -- Art collections
- Randon de Boisset, Pierre Louis Paul, 1708-1776 -- Art collections
- Ranger, Henry Ward, 1858-1916 -- Art collections
- Raphael, Herbert H. -- Art collections
- Ravaisson, Félix, 1813-1900 -- Art collections
- Raymond, Antonin, 1888-1976 -- Art collections
- Réga, Henri Joseph, 1690-1754 -- Art collections
- Read, George R., Mrs -- Art collections
- Reading, Rufus Daniel Isaacs, Marquess of, 1860-1935 -- Art collections
- Rechner, David, 1866-1925 -- Art collections
- Reed, Charles Manning, 1803-1871 -- Art collections
- Reid, George William, 1819-1887 -- Art collections
- Reifsnyder, Howard -- Art collections
- Reiset, Frédéric, 1815-1891 -- Art collections
- Reisinger, Hugo, 1856-1914 -- Art collections
- Reuling, George R. -- Art collections
- Reuling, George, 1839-1915 -- Art collections
- Revil, Narcisse, -1844 -- Art collections
- Revilliod de Muralt, A. (Aloys) -- Art collections
- Rey, B. (Barthélemy) -- Art collections
- Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792 -- Art collections
- Reysschoot, Petrus Norbertus van, 1738-1795 -- Art collections
- Rhines, I. O. -- Art collections
- Ribeiro da Cunha, Francisco -- Art collections
- Richard II, King of England, 1367-1400 -- Art collections
- Richelieu family -- Art collections
- Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, duc de, 1585-1642 -- Art collections
- Richelieu, Louis François Armand du Plessis, duc de, 1696-1788 -- Art collections
- Richman, Fred -- Art collections
- Richman, Rita -- Art collections
- Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, Duke of, 1735-1806 -- Art collections
- Ricketts, Robb R. -- Art collections
- Ridder, August de, 1837-1911 -- Art collections
- Rigal, Comte de, 17.-18 collectionneur -- Art collections
- Riker, Henry I., Mrs -- Art collections
- Ritleng, Alfred -- Art collections
- Ritterich, Friedrich Philipp, 1782-1866 -- Art collections
- Rix, Julian -- Art collections
- Robaut, Alfred, 1830-1909 -- Art collections
- Robb, J. Hampden -- Art collections
- Robb, James Hampden -- Art collections
- Roberts, Ellen B. -- Art collections
- Roberts, James E. -- Art collections
- Roberts, Marshall O. -- Art collections
- Robertson, J. Ross (John Ross), 1841-1918 -- Art collections
- Robertson, R. Austin -- Art collections
- Robiano de Borsbeek, Louis François de Paule Marie Joseph, comte de, 1785-1855 -- Art collections
- Robinson & Farr -- Art collections
- Robinson, Thomas, 1834-1888 -- Art collections
- Robison, W. -- Art collections
- Robit, Mr -- Art collections
- Rockefeller, Abby Greene (Aldrich) -- Art collections
- Rockefeller, Percy A. -- Art collections
- Rodney, Caesar, 1728-1784 -- Art collections
- Roederer, Jules, -1888 -- Art collections
- Rogers, Edmond Law -- Art collections
- Rogers, Fairman, 1833-1900 -- Art collections
- Rogers, Samuel, 1763-1855 -- Art collections
- Rohlsen, Bertha, Mrs -- Art collections
- Roland, Rush -- Art collections
- Romanov, House of -- Art collections
- Roore, Jacques de, 1686-1747 -- Art collections
- Roos, Christian P. -- Art collections
- Rose, James Anderson, 1819-1890 -- Art collections
- Rosenberg, James N. (James Naumburg), 1874-1970 -- Art collections
- Rosenberg, Léonce Alexandre -- Art collections
- Rosenthal, Albert, 1863-1939 -- Art collections
- Rosenwald, Lessing J. (Lessing Julius), 1891-1979 -- Art collections
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 1828-1882 -- Art collections
- Rossiter, V. W. -- Art collections
- Rothpletz, Emil, 1824-1897 -- Art collections
- Rothschild, Alfred Charles de, 1842-1918 -- Art collections
- Rouart, Henri, 1833-1912 -- Art collections
- Rousseau, Théodore, 1812-1867 -- Art collections
- Roux, Pierre, -1844 -- Art collections
- Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich -- Art collections
- Royal houses -- Art collections
- Rütten, August, -1895 -- Art collections
- Rubens, Peter Paul, 1577-1640 -- Art collections
- Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1552-1612 -- Art collections
- Ruffo, Tommaso, 1663-1753 -- Art collections
- Ruiz, Raimundo -- Art collections
- Rumohr, C. Fr. v. (Carl Friedrich von), 1785-1843 -- Art collections
- Runge, Edward -- Art collections
- Runge, Edward C. -- Art collections
- Russell (Family) -- Art collections
- Russell Senate Office Building (Washington, D.C.) -- Art collections
- Rutter, Georgiana R., Mrs -- Art collections
- Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 1851-1928 -- Art collections
- Rysbrack, Michael, 1694-1770 -- Art collections
- Saburov, Petr Aleksandrovich, 1835-1918 -- Art collections
- Sackler, Arthur M. -- Art collections
- Sage, Balthazar Georges, 1740-1824 -- Art collections
- Saint Victor, Louis Robert de, 1738-1822 -- Art collections
- Saint-Morys, Charles-Paul-Jean-Baptiste de Bourgevin Vialart de, 1743-1795 -- Art collections
- Saint-Victor (Abbey : Paris, France) -- Art collections
- Sainte-Maure, Louis Marie, comte de, 1700-1763 -- Art collections
- Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Marquess of, 1830-1903 -- Art collections
- Salomon, William, 1852-1919 -- Art collections
- Salomons, David, Sir, 1851-1925 -- Art collections
- Salting, George, 1836-1909 -- Art collections
- Saltykov, Petr Dmitrievich -- Art collections
- Saly, Jacques François Joseph, 1717-1776 -- Art collections
- San Pietro, Carlo -- Art collections
- Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1811-1884 -- Art collections
- Sanford, James T. -- Art collections
- Sanford, John -- Art collections
- Santarelli, Emilio, 1800-1857 -- Art collections
- Saracini family -- Art collections
- Sarlin, Louis -- Art collections
- Sauvageot, Alexandre Charles, 1781-1860 -- Art collections
- Savoy, House of -- Art collections
- Scarpa, Antonio, 1752-1832 -- Art collections
- Schack, Adolf Friedrich von, 1815-1894 -- Art collections
- Schamp, Gilles-Luc, 1692-1771 -- Art collections
- Schaus, Hermann -- Art collections
- Schemm, Peter A. -- Art collections
- Schemm, Peter A., 1853-1909 -- Art collections
- Schirmer, Martha B. -- Art collections
- Schirmer, Rudolph E. -- Art collections
- Schlichting, Basile, baron de, d. 1915 -- Art collections
- Schliemann, Heinrich, 1822-1890 -- Art collections
- Schönborn family -- Art collections
- Schönborn, Lothar Franz von, 1655-1729 -- Art collections
- Schoepflin, Johann Daniel, 1694-1771 -- Art collections
- Scholz, János -- Art collections
- Schubart, Martin, 1840-1899 -- Art collections
- Schwarzenberg, Karl Philipp, Fürst zu, 1771-1820 -- Art collections
- Schweitzer, Eugen -- Art collections
- Scott, Irving M. (Irving Murray), 1837-1903 -- Art collections
- Seamans, Clarence W., Mrs -- Art collections
- Seckel, Rudolf -- Art collections
- Secrétan, E. -- Art collections
- Secrétan, Eugène, 1836-1899 -- Art collections
- Sedelmeyer, Charles, 1837-1925 -- Art collections
- Seikadō Bunko -- Art collections
- Seillière, Achille, Baron, 1813-1873 -- Art collections
- Seixas, H. O. -- Art collections
- Seligman, I. N., Mrs -- Art collections
- Sellon d'Allaman, Jean, comte de, 1736-1810 -- Art collections
- Semenov, I. S. (Ivan Semenovich) -- Art collections
- Semenov-Ti︠a︡nʹ-Shanskiĭ, Petr, 1827-1914 -- Art collections
- Seney, George I. (George Ingraham), 1826-1893 -- Art collections
- Sensier, Alfred, 1815-1877 -- Art collections
- Settala, Manfredo, 1600-1680 -- Art collections
- Severance, John L. (John Long), 1863-1936 -- Art collections
- Severance, John L., Mrs -- Art collections
- Sharp, William H. -- Art collections
- Sharps family -- Art collections
- Shaw, Samuel T. -- Art collections
- Shaw, William H. -- Art collections
- Shawger, W. H. -- Art collections
- Shchukin, Petr Ivanovich, 1853-1912 -- Art collections
- Sheldon, Henry -- Art collections
- Sheldon, Lucius M. -- Art collections
- Shen, Chi-fu -- Art collections
- Shiff, T. -- Art collections
- Shmavon, Malayan -- Art collections
- Silvestre, Jacques Augustin de, 1719-1809 -- Art collections
- Simkhovitch, Vladimir G. (Vladimir Gregorievitch), 1874-1959 -- Art collections
- Simon, James -- Art collections
- Simon, James, 1851-1932 -- Art collections
- Simon, James, 1880-1932 -- Art collections
- Six van Vromade, P. H. -- Art collections
- Six, Jan, 1857-1926 -- Art collections
- Six, Willem, 1829-1908 -- Art collections
- Skinner, C. A. -- Art collections
- Slade, Thomas Moore -- Art collections
- Smallenberg van Stellendam, Mme. N. J. W. -- Art collections
- Smiley, Irwin -- Art collections
- Smith, Albert E. -- Art collections
- Smith, Charles Stewart, 1832-1909 -- Art collections
- Smith, Frank Bulkeley, 1864-1918 -- Art collections
- Smith, George Jay, 1866-1938 -- Art collections
- Smith, Henry P. -- Art collections
- Smith, James P., approximately 1803-1888 -- Art collections
- Smith, Joseph, 1674-1770 -- Art collections
- Snydacker, Joseph G. -- Art collections
- Society of Antiquaries of London -- Art collections
- Sommerville, Maxwell, 1829-1904 -- Art collections
- Somzée, Léon -- Art collections
- Sontsov, D. P. (Dmitriĭ Petrovich), 1805-1875 -- Art collections
- Sorel, Cécile, 1875-1966 -- Art collections
- Sorlisi, Ambrogio -- Art collections
- Soubies, Albert, 1846-1918 -- Art collections
- Souhami, Henri S. de -- Art collections
- Soulages, Jules -- Art collections
- Soult, Nicolas Jean de Dieu, duc de Dalmatie, 1769-1851 -- Art collections
- Sparre family -- Art collections
- Sparre, Gustaf Adolf, 1746-1794 -- Art collections
- Spear, Emma F. -- Art collections
- Speck-Sternburg, Maximilian, Freiherr von, 1776-1856 -- Art collections
- Spencer, John Poyntz Spencer, Earl, 1835-1910 -- Art collections
- Spetz, Georges, 1844-1914 -- Art collections
- Spitzer, Frédéric, 1815-1890 -- Art collections
- Spooner, James, fl. 1867-d. ca. 1907 -- Art collections
- Sprague, Elizabeth R. -- Art collections
- Sprague, Francis P. -- Art collections
- Springer, Gustav, Freiherrn von -- Art collections
- St. Oswald, Rowland Winn, 2d Baron of, 1857-1919 -- Art collections
- Stanisław II August, King of Poland, 1732-1798 -- Art collections
- Stebbins, James H. -- Art collections
- Steele, Edward, painter -- Art collections
- Stein, Charles -- Art collections
- Stein, Johann Gottlieb -- Art collections
- Stenglin, Daniel -- Art collections
- Stenglin, Daniel, 1735-1801 -- Art collections
- Stenzel, Franz -- Art collections
- Stenzel, Franz, Mrs -- Art collections
- Sterbini, Giulio -- Art collections
- Sterbini, Guilio -- Art collections
- Sterling, C. A. -- Art collections
- Sterling, John William, 1844-1918 -- Art collections
- Stern, Benjamin -- Art collections
- Stern, Bernhard -- Art collections
- Sternberg-Manderscheid, Franz von -- Art collections
- Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894 -- Art collections
- Stewart, Alexander Turney, 1802-1876 -- Art collections
- Stewart, Alexander Turney, 1803-1876 -- Art collections
- Stewart, W. H., 1820-1897 -- Art collections
- Stewart, William H. -- Art collections
- Stibbert, Frederic, -1906 -- Art collections
- Stillman, Charles Chauncey -- Art collections
- Stillman, James, 1850-1918 -- Art collections
- Stillwell, John E. (John Edwin), 1853-1930 -- Art collections
- Stirling Maxwell, William, 1818-1878 -- Art collections
- Stockholms universitet -- Art collections
- Stosch, Philipp von, Baron, 1691-1757 -- Art collections
- Stosch, Philipp, Baron von, 1691-1757 -- Art collections
- Strafford, Alice Byng, countess of, 1830- -- Art collections
- Strange, John, 1732-1799 -- Art collections
- Strange, Robert, Sir, 1721-1792 -- Art collections
- Stransky, Josef, 1872-1936 -- Art collections
- Stroganov family -- Art collections
- Stroganov, Aleksandr Sergeevich, graf, 1737-1811 -- Art collections
- Stuart, House of -- Art collections
- Stuart, Robert L. -- Art collections
- Stuart-Linton, Charles Edward Traquair, 1884- -- Art collections
- Sussel, Arthur J., 1889-1958 -- Art collections
- Sutherland, Alexander Hendras -- Art collections
- Sutherland, Charlotte Hussey -- Art collections
- Sutherland, George Granville Leveson-Gower, Duke of, 1758-1833 -- Art collections
- Sutton, Florence Macy -- Art collections
- Sutton, James F. -- Art collections
- Svinʹin, Pavel Petrovich, 1788-1839 -- Art collections
- Swaythling, Samuel Montagu, Baron, 1832-1911 -- Art collections
- Swinburne, Charles Alfred -- Art collections
- Sydervelt, Antony -- Art collections
- Symons, Henry, 1871-1922 -- Art collections
- Tabley House (Cheshire, England) -- Art collections
- Tacoli Canacci, Alfonso, marchese, active 1790-1796 -- Art collections
- Taft, Charles Phelps, 1843-1929 -- Art collections
- Taft, Royal -- Art collections
- Tagg, Thomas, -1809 -- Art collections
- Takamatsu, Ryū -- Art collections
- Tallard, Marie Joseph, duc de, 1682 or 3-1755 -- Art collections
- Talleyrand-Périgord, Napoléon Louis, duc de Talleyrand et de Valençay, Herzog zu Sagan, 1811-1898 -- Art collections
- Talmage, John F. (John Freylinghuysen), -1931 -- Art collections
- Tanakamaru, Zenpachi, 1894-1973 -- Art collections
- Taylor, David H. -- Art collections
- Taylor, John Howard -- Art collections
- Taylor, W. O. -- Art collections
- Temple, J. B., Mr -- Art collections
- Temple, Jacob Paxson -- Art collections
- Temple-Leader, John -- Art collections
- Tennant, Charles, Sir, 1823-1906 -- Art collections
- Tenney, Dudley, Dr -- Art collections
- Terbruggen, A. J. L., Baron Van den Bogaerde Van, 1787-1855 -- Art collections
- Tessin, Nicodemus, 1654-1728 -- Art collections
- Thaulow, Fritz, 1847-1906 -- Art collections
- Thaw, Eugene Victor -- Art collections
- Thiers, Adolphe, 1797-1877 -- Art collections
- Thomas, George C. (George Clifford), 1839-1909 -- Art collections
- Thomas, J. Metcalfe, Mrs -- Art collections
- Thompson, G. David, -1965 -- Art collections
- Thompson, Henry Yates, 1838-1928 -- Art collections
- Thomy-Thiéry, Georges, 1823-1902 -- Art collections
- Thoré, T. (Théophile), 1807-1869 -- Art collections
- Thorne, Edwin -- Art collections
- Thorne, Harold, Mrs -- Art collections
- Thornicraft, T. C. -- Art collections
- Thurn-Valsassina, Franz, Graf von -- Art collections
- Ti͡ulin, I. V. -- Art collections
- Tiberghien, Pierre Joseph Jacques, 1755-1810 -- Art collections
- Tierens, Seger -- Art collections
- Tilden, Samuel J. (Samuel Jones), 1814-1886 -- Art collections
- Tishman, Paul -- Art collections
- Tishman, Ruth -- Art collections
- Titsingh, J. D. C. -- Art collections
- Tobin, Robert L. B. -- Art collections
- Toch, Henry M., 1862-1933 -- Art collections
- Tokugawa family -- Art collections
- Tolentino Galleries -- Art collections
- Tolentino, Raoul, -1928 -- Art collections
- Tomkinson, Michael, 1841-1921 -- Art collections
- Tomlinson, John C. -- Art collections
- Tonying & Company, inc -- Art collections
- Tooth, Arthur, 1839-1931 -- Art collections
- Tooth, Arthur,- -- 1924 -- Art collections
- Torlonia, Alessandro, principe, 1800-1886 -- Art collections
- Torlonia, Giovanni, duca di Bracciano, 1755-1829 -- Art collections
- Tournier, M. -- Art collections
- Townshend, Chauncy Hare, 1798-1868 -- Art collections
- Tradescant, John, 1608-1662 -- Art collections
- Trapnell, Alfred -- Art collections
- Trau, Franz, 1842-1905 -- Art collections
- Tretʹi͡akov, Pavel Mikhaĭlovich, 1832-1898 -- Art collections
- Trevisani, Francesco, 1658-1732 -- Art collections
- Trevor, John B. -- Art collections
- Trevor, William, 1928-2016 -- Art collections
- Troy, Jean-François de, 1679-1752 -- Art collections
- Truax, Charles H. -- Art collections
- Truchsess, Joseph, Graf, 1748-1813 -- Art collections
- Trumble, Alfred -- Art collections
- Trumbo, Isaac -- Art collections
- Trumbull, John, 1756-1843 -- Art collections
- Trustman, Benjamin A., 1902- -- Art collections
- Trustman, Julia M. -- Art collections
- Tuck, Edward, 1842-1938 -- Art collections
- Tucker, Ambrose -- Art collections
- Tuer, Andrew White, 1838-1900 -- Art collections
- Tuffen, J. F. -- Art collections
- Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883 -- Art collections
- Turner, Charles Yardley, 1850-1918 -- Art collections
- Tyner, George N. -- Art collections
- Tyszkiewicz, Michal, 1828-1897 -- Art collections
- Uboldo, Ambrogio, 1785-1865 -- Art collections
- Udny, Robert -- Art collections
- Udny, Robert, 1722-1802 -- Art collections
- Unger, Julius -- Art collections
- United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.) -- Art collections
- United States. Army -- Art collections
- United States. Coast Guard -- Art collections
- United States. Congress. Senate -- Art collections
- United States. General Services Administration -- Art collections
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration -- Art collections
- Università di Genova -- Art collections
- Université Laval -- Art collections
- Università di Perugia -- Art collections
- Untermyer, Irwin -- Art collections
- Upcott, William, 1779-1845 -- Art collections
- Uppsala universitet -- Art collections
- Uvarov, A. S. (Alekseĭ Sergeevich), graf, 1828-1884 -- Art collections
- Uzielli, Matthew -- Art collections
- Uzielli, Matthew, 1805-1860 -- Art collections
- V. Winkel & Magnussen -- Art collections
- V.G. Fischer Art Galleries -- Art collections
- Vaillant, Christiaan Everhard, 1807-1870 -- Art collections
- Valentin, Curt, 1902-1954 -- Art collections
- Valois, Charles de, 1671-1747 -- Art collections
- Van Caneghem, Julio E. -- Art collections
- Van Dyk, Jan -- Art collections
- Van der Gucht, Benjamin, -1794 -- Art collections
- Van der Hoop, A. -- Art collections
- Vanderbilt, William H. (William Henry), 1821-1885 -- Art collections
- Vanderbilt, William Henry, 1821-1885 -- Art collections
- Vassar College -- Art collections
- Vassar, Matthew, 1792-1868 -- Art collections
- Vatican Palace (Vatican City) -- Art collections
- Vaudreuil, Joseph-Hyacinthe-François de Paule de Rigaud, comte de, 1740-1817 -- Art collections
- Vecchietti, Bernardo -- Art collections
- Vendramin, Andrea, 17th cent -- Art collections
- Verbuecken, P. -- Art collections
- Verhulst, Gabriel François Joseph de, d. 1779? -- Art collections
- Vermanden, Monsieur -- Art collections
- Vernon, Robert -- Art collections
- Vernon, Robert, 1774-1849 -- Art collections
- Verrue, Jeanne Baptiste d'Albert de Luynes, comtesse de, 1670-1736 -- Art collections
- Vianelli, Giovanni -- Art collections
- Viau, George, 1855-1939 -- Art collections
- Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901 -- Art collections
- Vien, Joseph-Marie, 1716-1809 -- Art collections
- Villa Ghirlanda-Silva (Cinisello, Italy) -- Art collections
- Villa della Farnesina -- Art collections
- Villette, Pierre-Charles de, 1700-1763 -- Art collections
- Vincent, Johann Nikolaus, 1785-1865 -- Art collections
- Volpi, Elia, 1858- -- Art collections
- Volpi, Elia, 1858-1938 -- Art collections
- Vooght, Pierre-François-Vincent, vicomte de -- Art collections
- Vosmaer, A. (Arnout), 1720-1799 -- Art collections
- Vyver, Jacobus van de -- Art collections
- W. B. (William Breton) -- Private collections -- Art collections
- Wadsworth, Charles D., Mrs -- Art collections
- Wadsworth, Julius -- Art collections
- Wael, N. L. de -- Art collections
- Waggaman, Thos. E. (Thomas E.) -- Art collections
- Wailly, Charles de, 1729-1798 -- Art collections
- Waite, H. S. -- Art collections
- Wakeman, Alice L. -- Art collections
- Wakeman, Stephen H., 1859-1924 -- Art collections
- Walcher, Alfred, Ritter von -- Art collections
- Walker, George, d. ca. 1795 -- Art collections
- Walker, Isaac -- Art collections
- Walker, Robert -- Art collections
- Walker, T. B. (Thomas Barlow), 1840-1928 -- Art collections
- Walker, William W. -- Art collections
- Wall, Beriah -- Art collections
- Walpole family -- Art collections
- Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797 -- Art collections
- Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745 -- Art collections
- Walraven, Izaak, 1686-1765 -- Art collections
- Walter, A. F. -- Art collections
- Walters, W. T. (William Thompson), 1819-1894 -- Art collections
- Walters, W. T. (William Thompson), 1820-1894 -- Art collections
- Walters, William Thompson, 1820-1894 -- Art collections
- Wanås slott (Sweden) -- Art collections
- Wanamaker, John, 1838-1922 -- Art collections
- Wanamaker, Rodman, 1863-1928 -- Art collections
- Wang, Chi-ch'ien -- Art collections
- Wantage, Harriet Sarah Loyd-Lindsay, Baroness, 1837-1920 -- Art collections
- Wantage, Robert James Loyd-Lindsay, Lord, 1832-1901 -- Art collections
- Ward, Coonley, Mrs -- Art collections
- Warneck -- Art collections
- Warocqué, Raoul, 1870-1917 -- Art collections
- Warren, Edward R. -- Art collections
- Warren, Susan Cornelia Clarke, 1825-1901 -- Art collections
- Washington, George, 1732-1799 -- Art collections
- Washington, William Lanier, 1865- -- Art collections
- Washington, William Lanier, 1865-1933 -- Art collections
- Wasserman, Jesse A. -- Art collections
- Wassermann, Edward -- Art collections
- Watmough, John G. (John Goddard), 1793-1861 -- Art collections
- Watson, D. T. (David Thompson), 1844-1916 -- Art collections
- Watson-Taylor, George, -1841 -- Art collections
- Wauters, Charles Émile Marie, 1846-1933 -- Art collections
- Webb, William H. (William Henry) -- Art collections
- Weber, E. (Eduard), 1806-1871 -- Art collections
- Weber, Eduard F. (Eduard Friedrich), 1830-1907 -- Art collections
- Weber, Eduard Friedrich, 1830-1907 -- Art collections
- Webster, Albert L., Mrs -- Art collections
- Wegener, Olga-Julia -- Art collections
- Weidenbusch, Hans -- Art collections
- Weigel, J. A. G. (Johann August Gottlob), 1773-1846 -- Art collections
- Weill, Guy A. -- Art collections
- Weill, Marie-Hélène -- Art collections
- Weissberger, Herbert P. -- Art collections
- Welleslay, Francis -- Art collections
- Wellesley, Francis -- Art collections
- Wells, Julia Chester -- Art collections
- Wertheimer, Asher -- Art collections
- Wesendonck, Otto, 1815-1896 -- Art collections
- Wesselhoeft, Johannes -- Art collections
- West, Benjamin, 1738-1820 -- Art collections
- West, Hans -- Art collections
- West, James, 1704?-1772 -- Art collections
- Western, C. C. (Charles Callis), Baron Western, 1767-1844 -- Art collections
- Westminster, Hugh Lupus Grosvenor, Duke of, 1825-1899 -- Art collections
- Westminster, Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor, Duke of, 1879-1953 -- Art collections
- Westminster, Robert Grosvenor, Marquis of, 1767-1845 -- Art collections
- Wetzel, Hervey E. -- Art collections
- Whelen, Henry, Jr -- Art collections
- White, Francis, 1825-1904 -- Art collections
- White, John S. (John Stuart), 1847-1922 -- Art collections
- White, Ralph H. -- Art collections
- White, Stanford, 1853-1906 -- Art collections
- White, W. J. -- Art collections
- Whitney, Helen Hay, 1875-1944 -- Art collections
- Wicander, Hjalmar, 1860- -- Art collections
- Wicar, Jean Baptiste Joseph, 1762-1834 -- Art collections
- Wicar, Jean-Baptiste Joseph, 1762-1834 -- Art collections
- Widener, Joseph E. (Joseph Early), 1872-1943 -- Art collections
- Widener, P. A. B. (Peter Arrell Brown), 1834-1915 -- Art collections
- Wielgus, Laura -- Art collections
- Wielgus, Raymond -- Art collections
- Wiertz, Antoine Joseph, 1806-1865 -- Art collections
- Wigglesworth, Thomas, 1814-1907 -- Art collections
- Wilczek, Johann Nepomuk, Graf von -- Art collections
- Wilde, Jacob de, 1645-1725? -- Art collections
- Wildenstein, Felix, 1883-1952 -- Art collections
- Wiley, Charles -- Art collections
- Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands, 1880-1962 -- Art collections
- Wilke, Ulfert, 1907-1987 -- Art collections
- Wilkinson, John Gardner, Sir, 1797-1875 -- Art collections
- Wilkinson, Joseph -- Art collections
- Wille, Johann Georg, 1715-1808 -- Art collections
- Willet Abraham, 1825-1888 -- Art collections
- Willett, John Willett, 1745-1815 -- Art collections
- William II, German Emperor, 1859-1941 -- Art collections
- William II, King of the Netherlands, 1792-1849 -- Art collections
- Williams & Everett -- Art collections
- Williamson, Charles Francis, -1915 -- Art collections
- Willyams, Humphry -- Art collections
- Wilson, Andrew, 1780-1848 -- Art collections
- Wilson, Thomas, solicitor, agent to Lord Portman -- Art collections
- Wilstach, W. P. (William P.) -- Art collections
- Wilstach, W. P. -- Art collections
- Wilstach, William P. -- Art collections
- Wilstach, William P., -1873? -- Art collections
- Wilton House (England) -- Art collections
- Wimborne, Lord -- Art collections
- Windsor Castle -- Art collections
- Windsor, House of -- Art collections
- Winfield, Charles H. (Charles Hardenburg), 1829-1898 -- Art collections
- Winkler, Gottfried -- Art collections
- Winston, Harry Lewis -- Art collections
- Winston, Lydia, 1897-1989 -- Art collections
- Winthrop, R. C. -- Art collections
- Witsen, Jonas, b. 1705 -- Art collections
- Woburn Abbey -- Art collections
- Wolfe, John, 1821-1894 -- Art collections
- Wolff, Dorothea -- Art collections
- Wolff, Dorothea A. -- Art collections
- Wood, Meta J. Conor -- Art collections
- Woodhouse, John, Esq -- Art collections
- Woodner, Ian -- Art collections
- Woolworth, Frank Winfield, 1852-1919 -- Art collections
- Worch, Adolphe-Adam -- Art collections
- Wormser, Isidor -- Art collections
- Wright, Joseph, 1734-1797 -- Art collections
- Wrightsman, Charles B. -- Art collections
- Wrigley, Thomas, 1808-1880 -- Art collections
- Wu, Dacheng, 1835-1902 -- Art collections
- Wunderman, Lester -- Art collections
- Yamanaka & Company -- Art collections
- Yan, Song, 1480-1567 -- Art collections
- Yerkes, Charles T. -- Art collections
- Yerkes, Charles Tyson, 1837-1905 -- Art collections
- Young, Albert Mrs -- Art collections
- Young, Alexander -- Art collections
- Young, Charles Bedford -- Art collections
- Yuey, Joe -- Art collections
- Yver, Jean, active 1770-1777 -- Art collections
- Zachary, M. M. -- Art collections
- Zanetti, Antonio Maria, 1680-1757 -- Art collections
- Zayas, Marius de -- Art collections
- Zervudachi, Georges C. -- Art collections
- Zesterfleth, Christian Arnold von, d. ca. 1820 -- Art collections
- Zoppetti, Domenico -- Art collections
- Zvenigorodskiĭ, Aleksandr Viktorovich, 1837-1903 -- Art collections
- Zvenigorodskiĭ, Aleksandr Viktorovich, 1844-1903 -- Art collections
- kann, Alphonse -- Art collections
Filed under: Звенигородский, Александр Викторович, 1844-1903 -- Art collections
Filed under: 吳大澂, 1835-1902 -- Art collections
Filed under: 河米庵, 1779-1858 -- Art collections
Filed under: 端方{uFF0C} -- 1861-1911 -- Art collections
Filed under: 龎元濟, 1864-1949 -- Art collections
Filed under: Abadiano, Eufemio -- Art collections
Filed under: Abdülhamid II, Sultan of the Turks, 1842-1918 -- Art collections
Filed under: Adams family -- Art collections
Filed under: Addington, Samuel, b. ca. 1764 -- Art collections
Filed under: Adelaide, Queen, consort of William IV, King of Great Britain, 1792-1849 -- Art collections
Filed under: Ainslie, George H. -- Art collections
Filed under: Albani, Alessandro, 1692-1779 -- Art collections- Monumenti antichi inediti (A spese dell'autore, 1767), by Johann Joachim Winckelmann (page images at HathiTrust)
- Saggio di osservazioni sopra un bassorilievo della villa dell'eminentissimo signor cardinale Alessandro Albani. (Dalle stampe di Generoso Salomoni, 1773), by Stefano Raffei (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ricerche sopra un Apollo (Dalle stampe di Generoso Salomoni, 1772), by Stefano Raffei (page images at HathiTrust)
- Della statuetta del re Sabaco e della statua leontocefala, esistenti nella Villa Albani. ([Rome?] : [publisher not identified], [1845], 1845), by Luigi Maria Ungarelli (page images at HathiTrust)
- Dissertazione da servire di supplemento all' opera dei Monumenti antichi inediti di Giovanni Winckelmann (C. Mordacchini, 1821), by Stefano Raffei and Johann Joachim Winckelmann (page images at HathiTrust)
- Osservazioni sopra alcuni antichi monumenti esistenti nella villa dell'eminentissimo signor cardinale Alessandro Albani. (Nella stamperia di Generoso Salomoni, 1779), by Stefano Raffei (page images at HathiTrust)
- Il nido, canzone didascalica sopra un antico nido di marmo : esistente nella villa dell'em̃o, e rm̃o principe sig. cardinale Alessandro Albani all'Eminenza Sua diretta e dedicata /da Stefano Raffei ... (Nella Stamperia Salomoniana, 1778), by Stefano Raffei (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Albergotti family -- Art collections
Filed under: Albert, Prince Consort, consort of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1861 -- Art collections
Filed under: Aldrich, Edward B. -- Art collections- Edward B. Aldrich, collector; an exhibition of furniture, ceramics and glass from his collection, held at the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, 10 September-12 October 1958. ([Providence, R. I., 1958), by Rhode Island School of Design. Museum of Art (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Filed under: Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, 1818-1881 -- Art collections
Filed under: Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, 1836-1912 -- Art collections
Filed under: Amodio, John, Marquis d', 1909- -- Art collections
Filed under: Ancona, Amilcare, -1890 -- Art collections
Filed under: Angerstein, John Julius, 1735-1823 -- Art collections
Filed under: Arconati-Visconti family -- Art collections
Filed under: Ardail, Adolphe -- Art collections
Filed under: Armano, Giovanni Antonio, active 18th century -- Art collections
Filed under: Arnold, Edward -- Art collections
Filed under: Ateneo veneto -- Art collections
Filed under: Aulicino, Vincenzo, 18th cent -- Art collections
Filed under: Aumale, Henri d'Orléans, duc d', 1822-1897 -- Art collections
Filed under: Aveschoot, Schamp d' -- Art collections
Filed under: Ayer, Fred Wellington, Mrs -- Art collections
Filed under: Ayrton, Frederick -- Art collections
Filed under: Bégon, Michel, 1638-1710 -- Art collections
Filed under: Bacon, Edward Rathbone, 1846-1915 -- Art collections
Filed under: Bacon, Francis H. (Francis Henry), 1856-1940 -- Art collections
Filed under: Bajocchi, Wenceslao -- Art collections
Filed under: Baker, Walter Cummings -- Art collections
Filed under: Ballard, Berenice C. -- Art collections
Filed under: Ballard, James Franklin, 1851-1931 -- Art collections- The James F. Ballard Collection of Oriental Rugs (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1923), by Joseph Breck and Frances Morris (page images and PDF at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google)
- The James F. Ballard collection of Oriental rugs (New York, 1923), by N.Y.) Ballard Collection Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, Frances Morris, and Joseph Breck (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rare oriental rugs, Chinese art, paintings : from the estate of the late Berenice C. Ballard, St. Louis, Mo : and including rugs from the famous collection of James F. Ballard : public auction sale, October 27. (Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., 1950), by Parke-Bernet Galleries (page images at HathiTrust)
- Loan exhibition of Oriental rugs from the collection of James F. Ballard of St. Louis, Mo. : New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, October 8 to December 31, 1921. (The Museum, 1921), by Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Barberini family -- Art collections
Filed under: Barbour, Julia Adelaide, -1923 -- Art collections
Filed under: Barbour, William, -1917 -- Art collections
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