Art objects -- CatalogsHere are entered dealers' and general sales catalogs of art objects. Catalogs of exhibitions of art objects are entered under Art objects -- Exhibitions. See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Art objects -- Catalogs Catalogue of the Valuable Art Property, Antiques, Curios and Artistic Objects of Utility Removed From the Residence of the Noted Playwright, the Late Clyde Fitch, to be Sold at Unrestricted Public Sale for the Benefit of the Actors' Fund of America (estate auction catalog, 1918), by American Art Association
Filed under: Art objects -- Catalogs -- BibliographyFiled under: Art objects, Chinese -- Catalogs Catalogue of Magnificent Collection of Antique Carvings and Things Buddhistic, From Temples and Palaces of Japan and China, to be Sold at Public Auction on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Afternoons, February 5, 6 and 7, at 2.30 O'Clock, in the Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, 366 Fifth Ave., Near Thirty-Fourth St., New York (1903), by Yamanaka & Company, contrib. by James P. Silo (multiple formats at Catalogue of Magnificent Collection of Antique Carvings and Things Buddhistic, From Temples and Palaces of Japan and China, to be Sold at Public Sale on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Afternoons, November 6, 7, 8, 1902, at 2.30 O'Clock, at Copley Hall, Boston (1902), by Yamanaka & Company, contrib. by Frank A. Leonard (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Art objects, Japanese -- Catalogs Catalogue of Magnificent Collection of Antique Carvings and Things Buddhistic, From Temples and Palaces of Japan and China, to be Sold at Public Auction on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Afternoons, February 5, 6 and 7, at 2.30 O'Clock, in the Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, 366 Fifth Ave., Near Thirty-Fourth St., New York (1903), by Yamanaka & Company, contrib. by James P. Silo (multiple formats at Catalogue of Magnificent Collection of Antique Carvings and Things Buddhistic, From Temples and Palaces of Japan and China, to be Sold at Public Sale on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Afternoons, November 6, 7, 8, 1902, at 2.30 O'Clock, at Copley Hall, Boston (1902), by Yamanaka & Company, contrib. by Frank A. Leonard (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Art objects -- Europe -- Catalogs Objects of Art, Including Miniature Portraits, Battersea Enamels, Eighteenth Century Fans, Gold Mounted Snuff Boxes: Collection Belonging to the Estate of the Late Edith Kingdon Gould, Sold by Order of the Executors Jay Gould and Charles Prentiss Noyes (New York: American Art Association, 1929), by American Art Association
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Art objects -- Africa -- Classification -- StandardsFiled under: Art objects -- Conservation and restoration
Filed under: Art objects -- Conservation and restoration -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Filed under: Art objects -- New York (State) -- New YorkFiled under: Art objects -- Private collections Catalogue of a Cabinet of Gems, Cameos in Relief, and Other Engraved Stones, Ambers. Antique Pastes, Rings, etc., Collected in Europe, Asia, and Africa, by Maxwell Sommerville (Philadelphia: Sherman and Co., printers, 1875), by Maxwell Sommerville (page images at HathiTrust) Lady Charlotte Schreiber's Journals: Confidences of a Collector of Ceramics and Antiques throughout Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Austria and Germany from the Year 1869-1885 (2 volumes; London and New York: John Lane, 1911), by Charlotte Guest, ed. by Montague John Guest, contrib. by Egan Mew Filed under: Art objects -- Russia Russian Art and Art Objects in Russia: A Handbook To the Reproductions of Goldsmiths' Work and Other Art Treasures from That Country in the South Kensington Museum (2 parts; London: Pub. for the Committee of Council on Education by Chapman & Hall, 1884), by Alfred Maskell Filed under: Art objects, Byzantine Mélanges d'Archéologie Byzantine: Monnaies, Médailles, Méreaux, Jetons, Amulettes, Bulles d'or et de Plomb, Poids de Verre et de Bronze, Ivoires, Objets d'Orfèvrerie, Bagues, Religuaires, etc. (first and apparently only series, in French; Paris: E. Leroux, 1895), by Gustave Léon Schlumberger (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Art objects, Chinese -- France
Filed under: Art objects, Russian -- England -- London Russian Art and Art Objects in Russia: A Handbook To the Reproductions of Goldsmiths' Work and Other Art Treasures from That Country in the South Kensington Museum (2 parts; London: Pub. for the Committee of Council on Education by Chapman & Hall, 1884), by Alfred Maskell
Filed under: Jade jewelry -- Costa Rica -- ExhibitionsFiled under: Miniature objects
Filed under: Architectural models
Filed under: Structural frames -- ModelsFiled under: Dollhouses
Filed under: Dollhouses -- Juvenile fiction The Tale of Two Bad Mice (London and New York: F. Warne and Co., 1904), by Beatrix Potter
Filed under: Military miniatures -- Juvenile fiction General Jack, by Edric Vredenburg (multiple formats at
Filed under: Miniature books -- Specimens
Filed under: Models and modelmaking -- Periodicals
Filed under: Geological modeling -- Periodicals
Filed under: Geochemical modeling -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Atmospheric models Four-Dimensional Model Assimilation of Data: A Strategy for the Earth System Sciences (1991), by National Research Council Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources (page images with commentary at NAP) A Compendium of Theoretical Atmospheric Tidal Structures (2 volumes; Hanscom AFB, MA: Astronomy Division, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, 1982), by J. M. Forbes, D. F. Gillette, Maura E. Hagan, and E. DiCesare Filed under: Engineering models
Filed under: Ship models -- Design and construction -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Activity programsFiled under: Ship models -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Psychology -- Mathematical models
Filed under: Intellect -- Mathematical models
Filed under: Intellect -- Computer simulationFiled under: Patternmaking American Pattern Shop Practice (first edition; Cleveland: The Frontier Co., 1907), by H. J. McCaslin (multiple formats at The Art of Pattern-Making (first edition; New York: J. Wiley and Co.; London: Chapman and Hall, 1903), by I. McKim Chase (multiple formats at The Pattern Maker's Assistant: Embracing Lathe Work, Branch Work, Core Work, Sweep Work, and Practical Gear Construction; The Preparation and Use of Tools; Together With a Large Collection of Useful and Valuable Tables (second edition; New York: D. Van Nostrand; London: E. and F. N. Spon, 1878), by Joshua Rose (multiple formats at Pattern-Making; To Which Are Added Chapters on Core-Making and Molding (Chicago: Popular Mechanics Co., c1910), by G. H. Willard and Fred D. Crawshaw (multiple formats at Patternmaking: A Treatise on the Construction and Application of Patterns, Including the Use of Woodworking Tools, the Art of Joinery, Wood Turning, and Various Methods of Building Patterns and Core-Boxes of Different Types (New York: Industrial Press; London: Machinery Pub. Co., c1920), by Joseph A. Shelly (multiple formats at Practical Pattern Making (second edition; New York: N. W. Henley Co., 1913), by F. W. Barrows (multiple formats at
Filed under: Sheet-metal work -- PatternmakingMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |