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Filed under: Augusta (Ga.) -- History -- Chronology
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Filed under: Augusta (Ga.) -- History Memorial history of Augusta, Georgia : from its settlement in 1735 to the close of the eighteenth century / by Charles C. Jones, jr. LL.D. From the close of the eighteenth century to the present time / by Salem Dutcher. (D. Mason, 1890), by Charles Colcock Jones and Salem Dutcher (page images at HathiTrust) Address of Major Joseph B. Cumming on occasion of celebration of municipal centennial of the city of Augusta. (n.p., 1898), by Joseph B. Cumming (page images at HathiTrust) Augusta bicentennial, May 12th to 18th. ([Phoenix Print. Co.], 1935), by Augusta (Ga.) (page images at HathiTrust) Two centuries of Augusta : a sketch ([Ridgely-Tidwell-Ashe], 1926), by Mary Gairdner Smith Cumming (page images at HathiTrust) Pictorial history of Augusta, Georgia (Wel-com-in Publications, 1962), by C. Doughty Sylvester (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Augusta (Ga.) -- BiographyFiled under: Augusta (Ga.) -- Church history
Filed under: Augusta (Ga.) -- Church history -- 19th century
Filed under: Church history -- Chronology El contador lego, especulativo, y practico, sobre varios assumptos de arithmetica civil, y astronomico ... Escrito (E. Xavier Garcia, 1758), by Miguel de Jesus Maria y Hualde (page images at HathiTrust) Demonstracion a punto fijo, arreglo seguro, y concertados computos, en que puntualmente se anivelan, y acreditan ... los dias, y anõs ciertos ... de la encarnacion, passion, y muerte de nuestro redemptor Jesu-Christo, y otras muchas circunstancias pertenecientes a la mas exacta inteligencia de la sagrada chronologica historia (En las imprentas de F. Xavièr Garcia, 1758. Y en la de M. Escribano, 1765), by Miguel de Jesus Maria y Hualde (page images at HathiTrust) Calendarium historico-christianum medii et novi aevi. (G.J. Manz, 1855), by Anton Joseph Weidenbach (page images at HathiTrust) Die Kalendertafel der Pontifices (Weidmann, 1885), by Otto Seeck (page images at HathiTrust) Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung des deutschen Mittalalters und der Neuzeit (Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1915), by Hermann Grotefend (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Der Trierer Festkalender, seine Entwicklung und seine Verwendung zu Urkundendatierungen; ein Beitrag zur Heortologie und Chronologie des Mittelalters ... (J. Lintz, 1915), by Peter Miesges (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Dactylismus ecclesiasticus; edur Fingra-rím, vidvikjandi kyrkju-arsins Tímum. Hvørt, ad afdregnum þeim rómversku tøtrum gamla stíls, hefir sæmiligan islendskan búníng fengíd, lagadan eptir timatali hinu nýa. Fylgir og med ný adferd ad sinna íslendsk misseraskipti. (Obreytt eptir útgáfunni frá 1739). (Utgefid af P. Jónssyni, 1838), by Bishop Jón Árnason (page images at HathiTrust) Tables of ecclesiastical history : from the origin of Christianity to the present time (Gray and Brown, 1831), by Johann Severin Vater and Francis Cunningham (page images at HathiTrust) De anno civili & calendario veteris ecclesiæ seu Reipublicæ judaicæ, dissertatio : Tum Talmudicorum tum Karæorum ea de re disciplinam exhibens adeoque & ipsam quæ tam apostolis aliisque Christianis primitivis quám ipsi Christo fuit in usu. Tertullianus, mihi autem cum archetypis limes est magistrorum principalium, non cum adfect︠atis ducibus discipulorum pasivorum (Excudebat Richardus Bishopius, 1644), by John Selden (page images at HathiTrust) Calendarium historico-christianum medii et novi aevi. : Chronologische und historische tabellen zur berechung der urkundendaten, sowie zur bestimmung der christlichen feste mittler und neuer zeit. Nebst einem verzeichniss der cardinalstitel und bischöflichen sitze der katholischen kirche im 13ton jahrhundert (G. J. Manz, 1855), by Anton Joseph Weidenbach (page images at HathiTrust) Critica historico-chronologica in universos annales ecclesiasticos eminentissimi & reverendissimi Caesaris Cardinalis Baronii. In qua rerum narratio defenditur, illustratur, suppletur. Ordo temporum corrigitur, innovatur, & periode Graeco-Romana, nunc primum concinnata munitur (Sumptibus Societatis, 1705), by Antoine Pagi and Cesare Baronio (page images at HathiTrust) Zeittafeln und Überblicke zur Kirchengeschichte (J.C. Hinrichs, 1905), by Hermann Weingarten, Friedrich Gottlob Uhlemann, and Carl Franklin Arnold (page images at HathiTrust) Tavole cronologiche critiche della storia della chiesa universale illustrate con argomenti d'archeologia e di geografia (Premiata Lito-tipografia dell'Autore nell'Isola di san Servolo, 1858), by Ignazio Mozzoni (page images at HathiTrust) Tableaux chronologiques-critiques de l'histoire de l'église universelle, éclaircis par des explications tirées de l'archéologie et de la géographie. (Venise, 1852), by Ignazio Mozzoni (page images at HathiTrust) The theory and use of the church calendar in the measurement and distribution of time : being an account of the origin and use of the calendar, of its reformation from the old to the new style, and of its adaptation to the use of the English church by the British Parliament under George the Second (Pott, Young & Co., 1872), by Samuel Seabury (page images at HathiTrust) Studien zur Christlich-mittelalterlichen chronologie : der 84 jährige Ostercyclus und seine Quellen (Veit, 1880), by Bruno Krusch (page images at HathiTrust) Christliche und jüdische Ostertafeln (Weidmann, 1905), by Eduard Schwartz (page images at HathiTrust) Die Osterfestberechnung in der abendländischen Kirche vom I. allgemeinen konzil zu Nicäa bis zum ende des VII. Jahrhunderts. (Herder, 1907), by Joseph Schmid (page images at HathiTrust) Theologisches Hilfslexikon (Friedrich Andreas Perthes, 1894) (page images at HathiTrust) Histoire du droit canonique, avec l'explication des lieux qui ont donné le nom aux conciles, ou le surnom aux auteurs ecclesiastiques, et une chronologie canonique ... (Chez Michel le Petit ..., 1675), by Jean Doujat (page images at HathiTrust) Grundriss der christlichen Zeit- und Festrechnung in ihrer Entwicklung und gegenwärtigen Gestaltung. (H.W. Schmidt, 1854), by Ferdinand von Schmöger (page images at HathiTrust) Das Kalendarium der Handschrift Vitellius E XVIII (Brit. Mus.) : ein Beitrag zur Chronologie und Hagiologie Altenglands (M. Niemeyer, 1921), by Karl Wildhagen and Vitellius psalter (page images at HathiTrust) Kalendars of Scottish saints : with personal notices of those of Alba, Laudonia, & Strathclyde : an attempt to fix the districts of their several missions and the churches where they were chiefly had in remembrance (Edmonston and Douglas, 1872), by A. P. Forbes (page images at HathiTrust) Tables of ecclesiastical history : from the origin of Christianity to the present time (Gray and Brown, 1831), by Johann Severin Vater, Francis Cunningham, Francis Cunningham, and Gray and Bowen (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: History, Ancient -- Chronology The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended: To Which Is Prefix'd a Short Chronicle from the First Memory of Things in Europe, to the Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great (London: Printed for J. Tonson, J. Osborn, and T. Longman, 1728), by Isaac Newton La Chronologie des Anciens Royaumes Corrigée: À Laquelle on a Joint une Chronique Abregée, qui Contient ce qui s'est Passé Anciennement en Europe, Jusqu'à la Conquête de la Perse par Alexandre le Grand (in French; Paris: Chez G. Martin et al., 1728), by Isaac Newton, trans. by François Granet, contrib. by Edmond Halley (page images at HathiTrust) The Assyrian eponym canon : containing translations of the documents, and an account of the evidence, on the comparative chronology of the Assyrian and Jewish kingdoms, from the death of Solomon to Nebuchadnezzar (Samuel Bagster, 1875), by George Smith (page images at HathiTrust) Ancient chronology (University of Chicago Press, 1907), by Olaf Alfred Toffteen (page images at HathiTrust) A new analysis of chronology and geography, history and prophecy : in which their elements are attempted to be explained, harmonized and vindicated, upon scriptural and scientific principles ... (Printed for C.J.G. & F. Rivington, 1830), by William Hales (page images at HathiTrust) The chronological guide : comprehending the chronology of the world, from its creation to the destruction of the western empire of Rome, A.D. 476 : accompanied with a chart, and a series of historical and chronological questions : to which is added an appendix ... (Simpkin and Marshall, 1828), by Samuel Bass (page images at HathiTrust) The ancient empires of the East (Charles Scribner, 1884), by A. H. Sayce (page images at HathiTrust) Chronological tables : comprehending the chronology and history of the world, from the earliest records to the close of the Russian war. (R. Griffin, 1857) (page images at HathiTrust) A new analysis of chronology : in which an attempt is made to explain the history and antiquities of the primitive nations of the world, and the prophecies relating to them ... (Printed for the author and sold by F.C. & J. Rivington, 1809), by William Hales (page images at HathiTrust) Chronologisk granskning af den Babyloniska, Israëlitiska och Ægyptiska historien : eften källorna (Wahlstrom, 1851), by Nils Wilhelm Ljungberg (page images at HathiTrust) Abriss der babylonisch-assyrischen und israelitischen Geschichte (J. C. Hinrich, 1880), by Fritz Hommel (page images at HathiTrust) Hypotyposis historiae et chronologiae sacrae à M.C. usque ad finem saec. I ae. v. : accedit typus doctrinae propheticae (Apud Franciscum Halman, 1708), by Campegius Vitringa (page images at HathiTrust) Index chronologicvs (I. Rhambae, 1599), by Abraham Bucholtzer and Gottfried Bucholtzer (page images at HathiTrust) Loverin's chart of time, centograph and slate historical key ; periods and epochs (s.n.], 1882), by N. Loverin (page images at HathiTrust) Loverin's historical centograph and slate also, a description of the chart of time (Zaba's method) with key. (s.n.], 1876), by N. Loverin (page images at HathiTrust) Eusebii canonum epitome : ex Dionysii Telmaharensis chronico petita (B.G. Teubner, 1884), by Eusebius of Caesarea, Heinrich Gelzer, Carl Siegfried, and of Tel-Maḥrē Dionysius (page images at HathiTrust) The civil service chronology; the chronology of history, art, literature, and progress, from the creation of the world to the conclusion of the Franco-German war. (Lockwood & Co., 1872), by William Douglas Hamilton (page images at HathiTrust) Antiquity of man (W. H. Spencer, 1874), by James Herman Whitmore and Wm. H. Spencer (page images at HathiTrust) A view of the dissertation upon the epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, &c lately publish'd by the Reverend Dr. Bentley ; also of the examination of that dissertation by the Honourable Mr. Boyle, in order to the manifesting the incertitude of heathen chronology. (London : Printed by H.C. for John Jones ..., 1698), by John Milner (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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