Austria -- Court and courtiersSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Austria -- Court and courtiers My Past, by Marie Louise von Wallersee-Larisch (HTML with commentary at Aus der Zeit Maria Theresias: Tagebuch des Fürsten Johann Josef Khevenhüller-Metsch, Kaiserlichen Obersthofmeisters, 1742-1776 (7 US-public domain volumes, in German (without an 8th volume published in 1972); Vienna: A. Holzhausen; Leipzig: W. Englemann, 1907-1925), by Johann Joseph Khevenhüller-Metsch, ed. by Rudolf Graf Khevenhüller-Metsch and Hanns Schlitter
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Austria
Filed under: Austria -- Church history Von der Duldung zur Gleichberechtigung: Archivalische Beiträge zur Geschichte des Protestantismus in Österreich 1781-1861, Zur 50 Jährigen Erinnerung an das Protestantenpatent (in German; Vienna: Manz; Leipzig: J. Klinkhardt, 1911), by Georg Loesche Statistische Aufklärungen über Wichtige Theile und Gegenstände der Österreichischen Monarchie (3 volumes, in German; Göttingeny: Vandenhoek und Ruprecht, 1795-1802), by Heinrich Moritz Gottlieb Grellmann
Filed under: Austria -- Description and travel My Holiday in Austria (London: Hurst and Blackett, 1869), by Lizzie Selina Eden (page images at HathiTrust) Vienna and the Austrians: With Some Account of a Journey Through Swabia, Bavaria, the Tyrol and the Salzbourg (London: R. Bentley, 1838), by Frances Milton Trollope The Eastern Shores of the Adriatic in 1863, With a Visit to Montenegro (London: R. Bentley, 1864), by Emily Anne Beaufort Smythe Strangford Travels through Russia, Siberia, Poland, Austria, Saxony, Prussia, Hanover, &c, &c, Undertaken During the Years 1822, 1823, and 1824, While Suffering From Total Blindness, and Comprising an Account of the Author Being Conducted a State Prisoner From the Eastern Parts of Siberia (2 volumes; London: G. B. Whittaker, 1825), by James Holman
Filed under: Austria -- Forecasting
Filed under: Austria -- Historiography Wolfgang Lazius als Geschichtschreiber Österreichs: Ein Beitrag zur Historiographie des 16. Jahrhunderts, mit Nachträgen zur Biographie (in German; Innsbruck: Wagner, 1894), by Michael Mayr
Filed under: Austria -- History
Filed under: Austria -- History, Military The Austrian Officer at Work and at Play (London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1913), by Dorothea Gerard (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Geschichte der K. K. Österreichischen Armee, ihrer Heranbildung und Organisation, so wie ihrer Schicksale, Thaten und Feldzüge, von der Frühesten bis auf die Jetzige Zeit (4 volumes in 1, in German; Vienna: C. Gerold und Sohn, 1852-54), by Hermann Meynert (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Austria -- Intellectual life
Filed under: Austria -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Austria -- Politics and governmentFiled under: Austria -- Social conditions Is Austria Doomed? (London et al: Hodder and Stoughton, 1916), by Caroline Zanardi Landi Filed under: Austria -- Social life and customsFiled under: Agriculture -- Austria Agricultural Survey of Europe: The Danube Basin (2 parts; Washington: U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1924-1929), by Louis Guy Michael Filed under: Child labor -- Austria Kinderarbeit und Gesetzlicher Kinderschutz in Österreich (Wiener Staatswissenschaftliche Studien v5 #3, in German; Vienna and Leipzig: F. Deuticke, 1904), by Siegmund Kraus Filed under: Church buildings -- AustriaFiled under: Finance -- AustriaFiled under: Fruit-culture -- AustriaFiled under: Geology -- Austria Bau und Bild der Karpaten (offprint extracted from "Bau und Bild Österreichs" (see that title for a copy readable outside the US); in German; Vienna: F. Tempsky; Leipzig: G. Freytag, 1903), by Viktor Karl Uhlig Bau und Bild Österreichs (in German; Vienna: F. Tempsky; Leipzig: G. Freytag, 1903), by Karl Diener, Rudolf Hoernes, Franz Eduard Suess, and Viktor Karl Uhlig Filed under: German language -- Dialects -- AustriaFiled under: German language -- Social aspects -- AustriaFiled under: Glass painting and staining -- AustriaFiled under: Household employees -- Austria Die in Österreich Gestenden (24) Dienstboten-Ordnungen (in German; Vienna: Manz, 1901), by Hugo Morgenstern Filed under: Italy -- Foreign relations -- AustriaFiled under: Jews -- AustriaFiled under: Labor laws and legislation -- Austria Die in Österreich Gestenden (24) Dienstboten-Ordnungen (in German; Vienna: Manz, 1901), by Hugo Morgenstern Filed under: Language and education -- AustriaFiled under: Manuscripts -- AustriaFiled under: Musicians -- AustriaFiled under: Political prisoners -- AustriaFiled under: Prisoners of war -- AustriaFiled under: Protestant churches -- Austria Von der Duldung zur Gleichberechtigung: Archivalische Beiträge zur Geschichte des Protestantismus in Österreich 1781-1861, Zur 50 Jährigen Erinnerung an das Protestantenpatent (in German; Vienna: Manz; Leipzig: J. Klinkhardt, 1911), by Georg Loesche Filed under: Protestants -- Austria Von der Duldung zur Gleichberechtigung: Archivalische Beiträge zur Geschichte des Protestantismus in Österreich 1781-1861, Zur 50 Jährigen Erinnerung an das Protestantenpatent (in German; Vienna: Manz; Leipzig: J. Klinkhardt, 1911), by Georg Loesche Filed under: Reconstruction (1939-1951) -- AustriaFiled under: Reformation -- AustriaFiled under: Science -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- AustriaMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |