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Filed under: Authors, Spanish American -- 20th century -- Biography
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Filed under: Manrique, Jaime, 1949-
Filed under: Authors, American -- 20th century -- Biography Mary Heaton Vorse: The Life of an American Insurgent (originally published 1989; this edition Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2018), by Dee Garrison, contrib. by Katherine Turk (multiple formats with commentary at Temple) The Life and Work of Ludwig Lewisohn (2 volumes; Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1998), by Ralph Melnick The World and the Bo Tree (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1991), by Helen Bevington (page images at HathiTrust) Interviews With David Madden (Knoxville: Newfound Press, c2014), by David Madden, ed. by Carol Morrow and James A. Perkins (PDF at Tennessee) My Amiable Uncle: Recollections About Booth Tarkington (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, c1983), by Susanah Mayberry, contrib. by James Leslie Woodress (PDF at Purdue) Onions in the Stew (c1955), by Betty Bard MacDonald (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) All Our Lives: Alice Duer Miller (New York: Coward-McCann, c1945), by Henry Wise Miller (page images at HathiTrust) Memoirs of a Superfluous Man (New York and London: Harper and Brothers, c1943), by Albert Jay Nock (PDF at Dust Tracks on a Road: An Autobiography (author died in 1960; c1942), by Zora Neale Hurston (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) A Long Way From Home (New York: Lee Furman Inc., c1937), by Claude McKay (page images at HathiTrust) Green Hills of Africa (c1935), by Ernest Hemingway (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) A Son of the Middle Border (New York: Macmillan, 1928), by Hamlin Garland, illust. by Alice Barber Stephens (multiple formats at Pagan Spain (c1957), by Richard Wright (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) Adventures in Friendship, by David Grayson (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Book of Jack London (2 volumes; New York: The Century Co., 1921), by Charmian London The Diary of Opal Whiteley (London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1920), by Opal Stanley Whiteley, contrib. by Viscount Edward Grey of Fallodon and Ellery Sedgwick The Friendly Road: New Adventures in Contentment, by David Grayson (Gutenberg text) The Road (New York: Macmillan, 1907), by Jack London (Gutenberg text) The Story of Opal: The Journal of an Understanding Heart (Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, c1920), by Opal Stanley Whiteley, contrib. by Ellery Sedgwick (multiple formats at A Story Teller's Story: The Tale of an American Writer's Journey Through His Own Imaginative World and Through The World of Facts, With Many of His Experiences and Impressions Among Other Writers (Garden City, NY: Garden City Pub. Co., c1924), by Sherwood Anderson (page images at HathiTrust) Hawthorne's Son: The Life and Literary Career of Julian Hawthorne (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1970), by Maurice Bassan (PDF at Ohio State) The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1933), by Gertrude Stein (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) Back-Trailers from the Middle Border (New York: Macmillan, 1928), by Hamlin Garland, illust. by Constance Garland (multiple formats at Black Boy: A Record of Childhood and Youth (first edition, 1945), by Richard Wright, contrib. by Dorothy Canfield Fisher (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) The Cruise of the Snark, by Jack London (Gutenberg text) A Daughter of the Middle Border (New York: Macmillan, 1921), by Hamlin Garland The Egg and I (c1945), by Betty Bard MacDonald (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) John Barleycorn, by Jack London (Gutenberg text) Pistols For Two ("by Owen Hatteras"; New York: Knopf, 1917), by H. L. Mencken and George Jean Nathan (multiple formats at R. H. D.: Appreciations of Richard Harding Davis Tuliliemen Tuttavana: Alkoholimuistelmia (John Barleycorn in Finnish; Helsinki: Otava, 1914), by Jack London, trans. by Toivo Wallenius (Gutenberg text) Adventures in Contentment, by David Grayson (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Adventures in Contentment (New York: Hurst and Co., 1907), by David Grayson, illust. by Thomas Fogarty (page images at HathiTrust) Great Possessions, by David Grayson (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Through the South Seas with Jack London (London: T.W. Laurie, ca. 1913), by Martin Johnson (multiple formats at Filed under: Authors, Austrian -- 20th century -- Biography The Red Countess: Select Autobiographical and Fictional Writing of Hermynia Zur Mühlen (1883-1951) (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2018), by Hermynia Zur Mühlen, ed. by Lionel Gossman (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) The End and the Beginning: The Book of My Life (originally published as The Runaway Countess; Cambridge, UK: OpenBook Publishers, 2010), by Hermynia Zur Mühlen, trans. by Frank Barnes and Lionel Gossman (multiple formats at Google) Franz Kafka: The Necessity of Form (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, c1988), by Stanley Corngold (PDF and EPub with commentary at Cornell Open) Filed under: Authors, Bengali -- 20th century -- BiographyFiled under: Authors, Canadian -- 20th century -- Biography Coloured Spectacles (London: Collins, 1938), by Frederick Niven (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) The Boy I Left Behind Me (c1946), by Stephen Leacock (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) The Stream Runs Fast: My Own Story (c1945), by Nellie L. McClung (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) A Woman Tenderfoot (Toronto: G.N. Morang, 1900), by Grace Gallatin Seton-Thompson, illust. by Ernest Thompson Seton, G. Wright, E. M. Ashe, and S. N. Abbott (multiple formats at A Woman Tenderfoot (New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1900), by Grace Gallatin Seton-Thompson, illust. by Ernest Thompson Seton, G. Wright, E. M. Ashe, and S. N. Abbott (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Filed under: Authors, Chinese -- 20th century -- BiographyFiled under: Authors, Colombian -- 20th century -- BiographyFiled under: Authors, English -- 20th century -- Biography Contemporary Portraits (first series; New York: M. Kennerley, 1915), by Frank Harris Contemporary Portraits (first series; Toronto: Musson Book Co., c1915), by Frank Harris Contemporary Portraits, Second Series (New York: The author, c1919), by Frank Harris Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life (c1955), by C. S. Lewis (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) The Summing Up (c1938), by W. Somerset Maugham (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) Autobiography (1936), by G. K. Chesterton (text in the UK; NO US ACCESS) Edgar Wallace: A Short Autobiography (popular edition of "People: A Short Autobiography"; c1929), by Edgar Wallace (HTML at Gutenberg Canada) I Have This to Say: The Story of My Flurried Years (New York: Boni and Liveright, c1926), by Violet Hunt (page images at HathiTrust) Episodes Before Thirty (London et al.: Cassell and Co., 1923), by Algernon Blackwood Far Off Things (London: Martin Secker, 1922), by Arthur Machen In Pursuit of Spring (London et al.: T. Nelson and Sons, 1914), by Edward Thomas, illust. by E. W. Haslehust (multiple formats at Memories and Impressions: A Study in Atmospheres (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1911), by Ford Madox Ford (multiple formats at On a Chinese Screen (London: W. Heinemann, 1922), by W. Somerset Maugham Poems, Letters, and Memories of Philip Sidney Nairn (London: Printed for private circulation, 1916), by Philip Sidney Nairn, ed. by Eric Rücker Eddison Things Near and Far (London: M. Secker, 1923), by Arthur Machen (page images at HathiTrust) Thus to Revisit: Some Reminiscences (New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1921), by Ford Madox Ford (multiple formats at Something of Myself, For My Friends Known and Unknown (1937), by Rudyard Kipling (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) Far Away and Long Ago: A History of My Early Life, by W. H. Hudson (Gutenberg text) Homage to Catalonia (1938), by George Orwell (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) The Great Push: An Episode of the Great War, by Patrick MacGill (illustrated HTML at BYU)
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