BASIC (Computer program language) -- Juvenile literatureSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: BASIC (Computer program language) -- Juvenile literature Simple Basic (London: Usborne Publishing, 1984), by Gaby Waters, contrib. by Paul Shreeve, illust. by Graham Round (PDF at Usborne and Google) Computer Fun (London: Usborne Publishing, c1984), by Gaby Waters, contrib. by Paul Shreeve, illust. by Graham Round (PDF at Usborne and Google) Creating Adventure Games On Your Computer (1984), by Tim Hartnell (page images at Adventure Programs (London: Usborne Publishing, c1983), by Jenny Tyler and Les Howarth, contrib. by Roger Priddy and Chris Oxlade, illust. by Penny Simon, Rob McCaig, and Mark Longworth (PDF at Usborne and Google)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: BASIC (Computer program language) BASIC: A Manual for BASIC, the Elementary Algebraic Language Designed for Use with the Dartmouth Time Sharing System (1964), by Dartmouth College Computation Center (PDF at David Ahl's BASIC Computer Adventures (1986), by David H. Ahl (illustrated HTML at Machine Language for Beginners: Machine Language Programming for BASIC Language Programmers (1983), by Richard Mansfield (illustrated HTML at Introduction to Computer Programming (Tulsa, OK and Burlington, ON: Hayes, c1982), by Brian Reffin Smith, ed. by Lisa Watts, illust. by Graham Round and Martin Newton (PDF at Usborne and Google) ZX81 Basic Programming (second edition; 1981), by Steven Vickers (page images at Atari BASIC, XL Edition (1985), by Bob Albrecht, LeRoy Finkel, and Jerald Brown (page images at Atari Player-Missile Graphics in BASIC (1984), by Philip C. Seyer (illustrated HTML at Big Computer Games (1984), ed. by David H. Ahl (HTML and page images at Atari BASIC (1979), by Bob Albrecht, LeRoy Finkel, and Jerald Brown (page images at More BASIC Computer Games (1979), ed. by David H. Ahl (HTML and page images at BASIC Computer Games (1978), ed. by David H. Ahl (HTML and page images at
Filed under: BASIC (Computer program language) -- History 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, 2012), by Nick Montfort, Patsy Baudoin, John Bell, Ian Bogost, Jeremy Douglass, Mark C. Marino, Michael Mateas, Casey Reas, Mark Sample, and Noah Vawter (PDF with commentary at and MIT)
Filed under: Abolitionists -- Kentucky -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: Accidents -- Prevention -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: Achilles (Mythological character) -- Juvenile literature The Iliad for Boys and Girls, Told From Homer in Simple Language (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1907), by Alfred John Church, contrib. by Homer The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy, by Padraic Colum, illust. by Willy Pogány
Filed under: Adventure and adventurers -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: Adventure games -- Juvenile literature Creating Adventure Games On Your Computer (1984), by Tim Hartnell (page images at Fantasy Games (London: Usborne Pub., c1984), by Les Howarth and Cheryl Evans, ed. by Jenny Tyler and Chris Oxlade, illust. by Chris Riddell, Patrick Lynch, Rob McCaig, Simon Roulstone, and Martin Newton (PDF at Usborne and Google) Island of Secrets (London: Usborne Pub., 1984), by Jenny Tyler and Les Howarth, illust. by Patrick Lynch (PDF at Usborne and Google) The Mystery of Silver Mountain (London: Usborne Publishing, 1984), by Chris Oxlade and Judy Tatchell, contrib. by Graham Round, illust. by Chris Riddell and Mark Duffin (PDF at Usborne and Google) Adventure Programs (London: Usborne Publishing, c1983), by Jenny Tyler and Les Howarth, contrib. by Roger Priddy and Chris Oxlade, illust. by Penny Simon, Rob McCaig, and Mark Longworth (PDF at Usborne and Google)
Filed under: Aeneas (Legendary character) -- Juvenile literature The Aeneid for Boys and Girls, Told From Virgil in Simple Language (New York: Macmillan, 1934), by Alfred John Church, contrib. by Virgil (multiple formats at Stories From Virgil (London: Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1879), by Alfred John Church, contrib. by Virgil, illust. by Bartolomeo Pinelli (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Filed under: Afghanistan -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: African American authors -- Juvenile literature The Upward Path: A Reader for Colored Children (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe, c1920), ed. by Myron T. Pritchard and Mary White Ovington, contrib. by Robert Russa Moton
Filed under: African American children -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: African Americans -- Juvenile literature Ebony Jr! (1973-1985) (partial serial archives) Red, Yellow and Black: Tales of Indians, Chinese and Africans (New York and Cincinnati: Methodist Book Concern, c1918), by Sophia Lyon Fahs
Filed under: Africans -- Juvenile literature Red, Yellow and Black: Tales of Indians, Chinese and Africans (New York and Cincinnati: Methodist Book Concern, c1918), by Sophia Lyon Fahs
Filed under: Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873 -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: Agriculture -- Juvenile literature Farming for Boys: What They Have Done, and What Others May Do, in the Cultivation of Farm and Garden; How to Begin, How to Proceed, and What to Aim At (Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1868), by Edmund Morris
Filed under: Alfred, King of England, 849-899 -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: Alliteration -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: America -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: Amusements -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: Anecdotes -- Juvenile literature Variety: or, Selections and Essays, Consisting of Anecdotes, Curious Facts, Interesting Narratives, with Occasional Reflections (Philadelphia: Published by James P. Parke, 1809), by Priscilla Wakefield (page images at Google) Beauties of Sentiment: Or an Original Collection of Moral Anecdotes, for the Young (Boston: J. Punchard, 1831) (HTML with commentary at Juvenile Anecdotes, Founded on Facts, Collected for the Amusement of Children (7th edition; London: Harvey and Darton, 1825), by Priscilla Wakefield (page images at Google)
Filed under: Animal behavior -- Juvenile literatureMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |