Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 -- QuotationsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 -- Quotations
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Filed under: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 Francis Bacon: His Career and His Thought (Arensberg lectures series 2; Los Angeles: University of Southern California Press, c1962), by F. H. Anderson (page images at HathiTrust) Bacon (London and New York: Macmillan and Co. 1888), by R. W. Church Bacon (from the English Philosophers series; New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1881), by Thomas Fowler Personal History of Lord Bacon, From Unpublished Papers (London: John Murray, 1861), by William Hepworth Dixon (multiple formats at Google) The Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England: A New Edition, With a Life of the Author (3 volumes; Philadelphia: A. Hart, 1852), by Francis Bacon, ed. by Basil Montagu Baconiana: or, Certain Genuine Remains of Sr. Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, and Viscount of St. Albans (London: Printed by J. D. for R. Chiswell, 1679), by Francis Bacon, ed. by Thomas Tenison Sylva Sylvarum: or, A Naturall Historie in Ten Centuries; Whereunto is Newly Added the History Natural and Experimental of Life and Death, or of the Prolongation of Life (includes a biography of Bacon by Rawley; London: Printed by J. R. for W. Lee, 1670), by Francis Bacon, contrib. by William Rawley Philosophy and the Social Problem (second edition; New York: Simon and Schuster, 1928), by Will Durant (page images at HathiTrust) Philosophy and the Social Problem (New York: Macmillan, 1917), by Will Durant
Filed under: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 -- AuthorshipFiled under: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 -- Bibliography Baconiana: or, Certain Genuine Remains of Sr. Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, and Viscount of St. Albans (London: Printed by J. D. for R. Chiswell, 1679), by Francis Bacon, ed. by Thomas Tenison Filed under: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 -- Cipher Bacon's Secret Disclosed in Contemporary Books (London: Gay and Hancock, 1911), by Granville C. Cuningham (multiple formats at The Biliteral Cipher: Hints for Deciphering (London: R. Banks and Son, ca. 1890), by Mrs. Henry Pott (page images at HathiTrust) The Bacon-Shakspere Question Answered (second edition; London: Trubner and Co., 1889), by C. C. Stopes (page images at HathiTrust) Fundamental Principles of the Baconian Ciphers, and Application to Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (typescript version; c1916), by George Fabyan Fundamental Principles of the Baconian Ciphers and Application to Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (ca. 50-page printed version; c1916), by George Fabyan The Great Cryptogram: Francis Bacon's Cipher in the So-Called Shakespeare Plays (Chicago et al.: R. S. Peale and Co., 1888), by Ignatius Donnelly Lessons in the Greatest Work of Sir Francis Bacon of Verulam, Viscount St Alban (expanded version of his "Fundamental Principles of the Baconian Ciphers..."; c1916), by George Fabyan The Little Cryptogram: A Literal Application to the Play of Hamlet of the Cipher System of Mr. Ignatius Donnelly (Saint Paul: Pioneer Press Co., 1888), by Joseph Gilpin Pyle The Mystery of Francis Bacon (London: R. Banks and Son, 1912), by William T. Smedley (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Secret Shakespearean Seals: Revelations of Rosicrucian Arcana, Discoveries in the Shakespeare Plays, Sonnets, and Works, Printed Circa 1586-1740, of "Secreti Sigilli", Concealed Author's Marks and Signs (Nottingham: H. Jenkins, 1916), by Fratres Roseae Crucis Filed under: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 -- InfluenceFiled under: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 -- Parodies, imitations, etc.Filed under: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 -- Periodicals
Filed under: Quotations
Filed under: Quotations -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Quotations -- History Why Do We Quote? The Culture and History of Quotation (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2011), by Ruth H. Finnegan
Filed under: Epigraphs (Literature)
Filed under: Last words The Dying Hours of Good and Bad Men Contrasted (1854), ed. by Daniel P. Kidder (PDF in Australia) Infidel Death-Beds (New York: Truth Seeker Company, ca. 1910), by G. W. Foote (multiple formats at Life, Last Words and Dying Speech of Stephen Smith, a Black Man, Who Was Executed at Boston This Day Being Thursday, October 12, 1797 for Burglary (1797), by Stephen Smith (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC) Trials and Confessions of Madison Henderson, Alias Blanchard, Alfred Amos Warrick, James W. Seward, and Charles Brown, Murderers of Jesse Baker and Jacob Weaver, as Given by Themselves; and A Likeness of Each, Taken in Jail Shortly after Their Arrest (St. Louis: Chambers and Knapp, 1841), ed. by A. B. Chambers, contrib. by Madison Henderson, James W. Seward, Alfred Amos Warrick, and Charles Brown (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) The Life, and Dying Speech of Arthur, a Negro Man, Who Was Executed at Worcester, October 10, 1768, For a Rape Committed on the Body of One Deborah Metcalfe (1768), by Arthur (HTML and TEI at UNC) The Last Words and Dying Speech of Edmund Fortis, a Negro Man (1795), by Edmund Fortis (HTML and TEI at UNC) Sketches of the Life of Joseph Mountain, a Negro, Who Was Executed at New-Haven, on the 20th Day of October, 1790, for a Rape, Committed on the 26th Day of May Last (New Haven, CT: T. and S. Green, 1790), by Joseph Mountain, ed. by David Daggett (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: Maxims The Art of Worldly Wisdom, by Baltasar Gracián y Morales, trans. by Joseph Jacobs (HTML with commentary at Reflections: or, Sentences and Moral Maxims (London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1871), by François La Rochefoucauld, trans. by J. W. Willis Bund and J. Hain Friswell (Gutenberg text) Sparks From the Philosopher's Stone (London: D. Bogue, 1882), by James Lendall Basford The Economy of Human Life (this edition attributed to Dodsley, with illustrations "by F. Howard, Harvey, Williams, etc."; London: John van Voorst, 1834), contrib. by Robert Dodsley and Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, illust. by F. Howard (multiple formats at The Economy of Human Life, in Two Books (this edition attributed to Dodsley; London: Printed for Shirley, Neely, and Jones, et al., 1809), contrib. by Robert Dodsley and Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, illust. by Frederick Mackenzie, William Marshall Craig, and Thomas Uwins (multiple formats at The Economy of Human Life: Translated From an Indian Manuscript, Written by An Ancient Bramin (work attributed variously to Dodsley and Chesterfield; London: Printed for T. Tegg, 1811), contrib. by Robert Dodsley and Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield (multiple formats at The Economy of Human Life, Translated from an Indian Manuscript, Written by an Ancient Bramin; To Which is Prefixed an Account of the Manner in Which the Said Manuscript Was Discovered (work attributed variously to Dodsley and Chesterfield; Philadelphia: Jacob Johnson, 1807), contrib. by Robert Dodsley and Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, illust. by Alexander Anderson (page images at Google) The Wisdom of Life, by Arthur Schopenhauer, ed. by T. Bailey Saunders (Gutenberg text) The Wanderer (1932), by Kahlil Gibran (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) The Sayings of the Wise, or, Food for Thought: A Book of Moral Wisdom, Gathered From the Ancient Philosophers (London: E. Stock, 1908), by William Baldwin A Treatise of Morall Phylosophie, Contayning the Sayings of the Wyse (London: E. Whitchurche, 1547) The Gulistan, by Sa'di (HTML at Internet Classics) The Gulistan, by Sa'di, trans. by James Ross (HTML at Fordham) The Gulistan of Sa'di, by Sa'di, trans. by Edward Rehatsek (HTML at Wayback Machine)
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