Ballads, LadinoSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader term:Narrower term:Used for:- Ladino ballads and songs
- Ladino ballads
Filed under: Ballads, Ladino -- New York (State) -- New York -- Texts
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Ballads -- History and criticism
Filed under: Ballads, Japanese -- History and criticismFiled under: Ballads, Spanish -- History and criticismFiled under: Ballads -- Scotland
Filed under: Ballads, Scots -- Scotland -- History and criticism The Anglo-Scottish Ballad and its Imaginary Contexts (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2014), by David Atkinson
Filed under: Ballads, Scots -- Scotland -- Scottish Borders -- History and criticism
Filed under: Ballads, Scots -- Scotland -- Scottish Borders -- Texts Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border: Consisting of Historical and Romantic Ballads, Collected in the Southern Counties of Scotland; With a Few of Modern Date, Founded Upon Local Tradition (second edition, 3 volumes; Edinburgh: Printed by J. Ballantyne for Longman and Rees, 1803), ed. by Walter Scott Filed under: Ballads, Scots -- Scotland -- TextsFiled under: Ballads, DanishFiled under: Ballads, English The Cavalier Songs and Ballads of England from 1642 to 1684, ed. by Charles Mackay (Gutenberg text) A Collection of Ballads, ed. by Andrew Lang (Gutenberg text) A Garland of New Songs: Allen A-Dale; Paddy Carey; Ma Chere Amie; William Tell; Oh the Moment Was Sad; The Cottage on the Moor (Newcastle upon Tyne: J. Marshall, ca. 1800) (multiple formats at A Garland of New Songs: Bess the Gawkie; Blythe Was She; Yorkshireman in London; Pray Goody (Newcastle upon Tyne: J. Marshall, ca. 1800) (multiple formats at A Garland of New Songs: God Save the King; Rule, Britannia; The Jubilee; General Wolfe; The Trumpet Sounds a Victory (Newcastle upon Tyne: J. Marshall, ca. 1800) (multiple formats at A Garland of New Songs: O How I Love Somebody; The Pretty Maid Milking Her Cow; Of A' the Airts the Win' Can Blaw; The Banks of the Dee (Newcastle upon Tyne: J. Marshall, ca. 1800) (multiple formats at A Garland of New Songs: Sweet Willy o' the Green; The Yorkshire Concert; The Yorkshire Irishman; The Woodland Maid (Newcastle upon Tyne: J. Marshall, ca. 1800) (multiple formats at A Garland of New Songs: The Battle of the Nile; Tom Starboard' The Sailor's Adieu; Tom Bowling; True Courage; The Sea Boy (Newcastle upon Tyne: J. Marshall, ca. 1800) (multiple formats at A Garland of New Songs: The Bay of Biscay; O, All's Well; Poor Joe the Marine; The Mid Watch; The Sea-Boy; The Sailor's Adieu (Newcastle upon Tyne: J. Marshall, ca. 1800) (multiple formats at A Garland of New Songs: The Bonny Scotch Lad and His Bonnet So Blue; The Blackbird; My Sailor Dear Shall Guard my Pillow; Bundle of Truths (Newcastle upon Tyne: J. Marshall, ca. 1800) (multiple formats at A Garland of New Songs: The Death of Nelson; Lochaber; The Yellow-Hair'd Laddie; Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad; The Yorkshire Concert (Newcastle upon Tyne: J. Marshall, ca. 1800) (multiple formats at A Garland of New Songs: The Fairest of The Fair; Here's a Health, &c.; The Sea-Boy; Giles Scroggins' Ghost; My Only Jo' an' Dearie O; The Beautiful Maid; The Royal Love Letter (Newcastle upon Tyne: J. Marshall, ca. 1800) (multiple formats at A Garland of New Songs: The Storm, by Mrs. Robinson; A Free Mason's Song; My Eye and Betty Martia (Newcastle upon Tyne: J. Marshall, ca. 1800) (multiple formats at A Garland of New Songs: Tweed Side; My Nanie, O; Highland Laddie; Up in the Morning Early; Flowers of the Forest (Newcastle upon Tyne: J. Marshall, ca. 1800) (multiple formats at The Golden Vanity; and The Green Bed (New York: Doubleday and McClure Co., 1899), contrib. by S. Baring-Gould and H. Fleetwood Sheppard, illust. by Pamela Colman Smith (HTML and page images at Real Sailor-Songs (London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent; New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1891), ed. by John Ashton Rhymes a la Mode, by Andrew Lang (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Rakish Rhymer: or Fancy Man's Own Songster and Reciter ("Lutetia" small limited edition; 1917) (HTML and PDF page images at Songs and Ballads of the West: A Collection Made From the Mouths of the People (with piano arrangements; London: Methuen and Co., ca. 1891), by S. Baring-Gould and H. Fleetwood Sheppard (multiple formats at The Songs of Charles Dibdin, Chronologically Arranged, With Notes, Historical, Biographical, and Critical; and The Music of the Best and Most Popular of the Melodies, with New Piano-Forte Accompaniments; To Which is Prefixed a Memoir of the Author (2 volumes; London: How and Parsons, 1842), by Charles Dibdin, contrib. by George Hogarth The Songs of Charles Dibdin, Chronologically Arranged, With Notes, Historical, Biographical, and Critical; and The Music of the Best and Most Popular of the Melodies, with New Piano-Forte Accompaniments; To Which is Prefixed a Memoir of the Author (2 volumes; London: G. H. Davidson, 1848), by Charles Dibdin, contrib. by George Hogarth Songs of the West: Folk Songs of Devon and Cornall, Collected From the Mouths of the People (5th edition, with musical scores included; London: Methuen and Co., 1913), by S. Baring-Gould, H. Fleetwood Sheppard, and F. W. Bussell, ed. by Cecil J. Sharp (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Filed under: Ballads, English -- Australia The Old Bush Songs, ed. by A. B. Paterson
Filed under: Ballads, English -- England -- Bibliography
Filed under: Ballads, English -- England -- History and criticism The Anglo-Scottish Ballad and its Imaginary Contexts (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2014), by David Atkinson Filed under: Ballads, English -- Texts A Book of Old Ballads, ed. by Beverley Nichols, illust. by H. M. Brock (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Modern Street Ballads (1888), ed. by John Ashton (HTML with commentary at Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, ed. by Thomas Percy (multiple formats with commentary at Tales of Terror and Wonder (London and New York: G. Routledge and Sons, 1887), ed. by M. G. Lewis, contrib. by Henry Morley and Walter Scott (multiple formats at Merry Songs and Ballads, Prior to the Year 1800 (5 volumes; privately printed for subscribers only, 1897), ed. by John Stephen Farmer A Pepysian Garland: Black-Letter Broadside Ballads of the Years 1595-1639, Chiefly From the Collection of Samuel Pepys (Cambridge, UK: At the University Press, 1922), ed. by Hyder Edward Rollins and Samuel Pepys Filed under: Ballads, English -- United StatesFiled under: Ballads, ScotsFiled under: Ballads, SerbianFiled under: Ballads, SpanishMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |