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Filed under: Banks and banking -- Russia (Federation)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Banks and banking Honest Money: A Challenge to Banking (1993), by John Tomlinson (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) The Power of Collective Purse Strings: The Effect of Bank Hegemony on Corporations and the State (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), by Davita Silfen Glasberg (illustrated HTML at UC Press) The Evolution of Banking: A Study of the Development of the Credit System (Chicago: C. H. Kerr and Co., c1915), by Robert Harrison Howe The Mystery of Banking, by Murray N. Rothbard (PDF at Financial Markets and Economic Activity (Cowles Foundation monograph #21; New York et al.: J. Wiley and Sons, c1967), ed. by Donald D. Hester and James Tobin (PDF at Yale) Banking and Currency (London: Butterworth and Co., 1905), by Ernest Sykes (multiple formats at Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles, by Jesús Huerta de Soto, trans. by Melinda A. Stroup (PDF at
Filed under: Banks and banking -- Accounting
Filed under: Banks and banking -- Argentina La Crisis, 1885-1892, Sistema Bancario (in Spanish; Buenos Aires: Impr. M. Biedma, 1893), by José A. Terry
Filed under: Banks and banking -- Biblical teaching
Filed under: Banks and banking -- Comic books, strips, etc.
Filed under: Banks and banking -- Confederate States of America
Filed under: Banks and banking -- Deregulation
Filed under: Banks and banking -- Encyclopedias
Filed under: Banks and banking -- Fiction
Filed under: Banks and banking -- FranceFiled under: Banks and banking -- Great Britain A Letter to James William Gilbart, General Manager of the London and Westminister Bank, on the Regulation of the Currency by the Foreign Exchanges, and on the Appointment of the Bank of England to be the Sole Bank of Issue Throughout Great Britain (London: P. Richardson, 1840), by Robert Bell Report From the Select Committee on the Bank Acts; Together With the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index (House of Commons committee chaired by Cardwell; 1858), by Great Britain Parliament Select Committee on Bank Acts, contrib. by Edward Cardwell (page images at HathiTrust) Everybody's Guide to Money Matters (1898), by William Cotton (Gutenberg text) An Inquiry Into the Currency Principle, by Thomas Tooke (HTML at McMaster) Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market, by Walter Bagehot Trade Fallacies: A Criticism of Existing Methods, and Suggestions for a Reform Towards National Prosperity (London: P.S. King and Son, 1917), by Arthur Kitson (multiple formats at A Letter on the Price of the Funds, As Connected with the Bank Restriction Act (London: J.M. Richardson, 1818) (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Banks and banking -- HistoryFiled under: Banks and banking -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Banks and banking -- MexicoFiled under: Banks and banking -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Banks and banking -- ScotlandFiled under: Banks and banking -- Social aspectsFiled under: Banks and banking -- TextbooksFiled under: Banks and banking -- United States The Fed Explained: What the Central Bank Does (11th edition of a guide previously published as "The Federal Reserve System"; 2021), by Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) (PDF at The Federal Reserve System: Purposes and Functions, by Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) (partial serial archives) Basics for Bank Directors (fifth edition, 2010), contrib. by Forest E. Myers (PDF with commentary at Lightning Over the Treasury Building: or, An Expose of Our Banking and Currency Monstrosity, America's Most Reprehensible and Un-American Racket (fourth edition; Boston: Meador Pub. Co., c1941), by John R. Elsom (page images at HathiTrust) Prelude to Panic: The Story of the Bank Holiday (Washington: Statesman Press, c1936), by Lawrence Sullivan (page images at HathiTrust) The Legalized Crime of Banking and a Constitutional Remedy (with some spelling changes; originally published 1958), by Silas Walter Adams (multiple formats at Other People's Money, and How the Bankers Use It (New York: F. A. Stokes Co., c1914), by Louis D. Brandeis (multiple formats at Remarks on Currency and Banking, Having Reference to the Present Derangement of the Circulating Medium in the United States, by Nathan Appleton (page images at MOA) Taking a Stand on Banking, by Helen P. Rogers (Javascript-dpendent HTML at Scribd) Consolidation of National Banking Associations: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Banking and Currenct, Sixty-Ninth Congress, First Session, on S. 1782 and H.R. 2 (Washington: GPO, 1926), by United States Senate Committee on Banking and Currency (page images at HathiTrust) Banking and Currency and the Money Trust (Washington: National Capital Press, c1913), by Charles A. Lindbergh Considerations on the Currency and Banking System of the United States (Philadelphia: Carey and Lea, 1831), by Albert Gallatin (multiple formats at Google) The Currency Problem and the Present Financial Situation: A Series of Addresses Delivered at Columbia University, 1907-1908 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1908), ed. by Edwin R. A. Seligman, contrib. by Frank A. Vanderlip, Thomas F. Woodlock, A. Barton Hepburn, Albert Strauss, William Alexander Nash, James Graham Cannon, Paul M. Warburg, and George W. Perkins The Great Conspiracy of the House of Morgan Exposed and How to Defeat It (second edition, c1916), by Henry L. Loucks (multiple formats at The History of Banks, to Which is Added: A Demonstration of the Advantages and Necessity of Free Competition in the Business of Banking, by Richard Hildreth (PDF at McMaster) A New Banking System: The Needful Capital for Rebuilding the Burnt District (Boston: A. Williams and Co., 1873), by Lysander Spooner (Gutenberg text) The Question of the Hour, Business Prospects: Address of Charles G. Dawes Before the Chicago Real Estate Board (ca. 1914), by Charles Gates Dawes (page images here at Penn) Money Creators: Who Creates Money? Who Should Create It? (Chicago: Sound Money Press, 1935), by Gertrude Margaret Coogan (page images at HathiTrust) A State Currency System: To Hell with Wall Street (Fort Worth, TX: G. W. Armstrong, c1932), by George Washington Armstrong (page images at HathiTrust) The Clearing and Collection of Checks (New York: Bankers Pub. Co., 1926), by Walter E. Spahr, contrib. by Henry Parker Willis (page images at HathiTrust) The Mystery of Banking, by Murray N. Rothbard (PDF at Some Phases of Financial Reconstruction (ca. 1918), by Paul M. Warburg (page images here at Penn)
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