Bible -- N.T. -- Peter -- CommentariesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- Peter -- Commentaries
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Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- Commentaries A commentary, with notes, on the four evangelists, and the Acts of the apostles; together with a new translation of St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians, with a paraphrase and notes ... By Z. Pearce ... Published from the original manuscripts, by J. Derby ... (T. Cadell, 1777), by Zachary Pearce and John Derby (page images at HathiTrust) Paraphrases in Novum Testamentum. Vol. 1. English. 1548 ([London] : Enpriented at London in Fletestrete at the signe of the Sunne by Edwarde Whitchurche, the last daie of Januarie, 1548 [31 Jan. 1548]), by Desiderius Erasmus and Nicholas Udall (HTML at EEBO TCP) Paraphrases in Novum Testamentum. Vol. 2. English. 1549 ([London] : Impriented at London in Fletestrete at the signe of the Sunne by Edwarde Whitchurche, the xvi. daye of August, 1549 [16 Aug. 1549]), by Desiderius Erasmus, Miles Coverdale, John Old, and Edmund Allen (HTML at EEBO TCP) A discourse of the true nature of the Gospel demonstrating that it is no new law, but a pure doctrine of grace : in answer to the Reverend Mr. Lorimer's Apology / by Tho. Goodwin ... (London : Printed by J. Darby, 1695), by Thomas Goodwin (HTML at EEBO TCP) A paraphrase and annotations upon all the books of the New Testament briefly explaining all the difficult places thereof / by H. Hammond. (London : Printed by J. Flesher for Richard Davis, 1659), by Henry Hammond (HTML at EEBO TCP) A paraphrase on the New Testament with notes, doctrinal and practical, by plainess and brevity fitted to the use of religious families, in their daily reading of the Scriptures : and of the younger and poorer sort of scholars and ministers, who want fuller helps : with an advertisement of difficulties in the Revelations / by Richard Baxter. (London : Printed for B. Simmons ... and Tho. Simmons ..., MDCLXXXV [1685]), by Richard Baxter (HTML at EEBO TCP) A supplement to Dr. Hammond's paraphrase and annotations on the New Testament in which his interpretation of many important passages is freely and impartially examin'd, and confirm'd or refuted : and the sacred text further explain'd by new remarks upon every chapter / by Monsieur Le Clerc ; English'd by W. P. ; to which is prefix'd a letter from the author to a friend in England, occasion'd by this translation. (London : Printed for Sam. Buckley ..., 1699), by Jean Le Clerc and Henry Hammond (HTML at EEBO TCP) The mystery of the vialls opened:: being a short exposition upon the pouring out of the four last vialls, mentioned in the 16 chapter of the Revelation: wherein divers things relating to times present, past, and to come, are discovered: as the ruine of Antichrist, and the severall degrees thereunto; and the shadowing out these times wherein we live, are generally surveyed. (London : printed for John Sweeting at the Angel in Popes-head Alley, 1650), by John Parker (HTML at EEBO TCP) The great earthquake, Revel. 16. 18. or, Fall of all the churches.: Discovering the apostasie of purest churches, not yet sensible of their spiritual whoredoms, EZek. 43.9, 10. Or, The great whore made bare and naked before she be judged, and her flesh burnt with fire, Rev. 27. 16. Proving, that none indeed deny the ordinances of Christ, but present churches not being in a Gospel-order. By William Erbery. (London : Printed for Giles Calvert at the black spread Eagle at-the [sic] west end of Pauls, 1654), by William Erbery and J. W. (HTML at EEBO TCP) Christ set forth in his [brace] death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at Gods right hand, intercession, [brace] as the [brace] cause of justification. Object of justifying faith.: Upon Rom. 8. ver. 34. Together with a treatise discovering the affectionate tendernesse of Christs heart now in heaven, unto sinners on earth. / By Tho: Goodwin, B.D. (London : Printed by W.E. and J.G. for Robert Dawlman, MDCXLII. [1642]), by Thomas Goodwin (HTML at EEBO TCP) Christ tempted: the divel conquered. Or, A short and plain exposition on a part of the fourth chapter St. Matthew's Gospel.: Together with two sermons preached before the University at Oxford, some years since. By John Gumbleden, B.D. and chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Leicester. (London : printed for Simon Miller, at the Star in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1657), by John Gumbleden (HTML at EEBO TCP) An exposition, or, A short, but full, plaine, and perfect epitome of the most choice commentaries upon the Revelation of Saint John.: Especially of the most learned and judicious authors, as Bullinger of Helvetia, Francis Iunius, Thomas Brightman, Aug. Marlorate, Aug. de Civitate dei, but especially (among many) the excellent and learned David Pareus. With severall remarkable notes, observations, and doctrines very profitable. / As it was for the most part delivered by way of commentary in the parish-church of Sutton-Valence, Kanc [sic]. By Hezekiah Holland Anglo-hibernus, Minister of the Gospell at Sutton-Valence. (London : Printed by T.R. and E.M. for George Calvert and are to be sold at the sign of the Half-Moon in Watling-Street neare Pauls stump, 1650), by Hezekiah Holland (HTML at EEBO TCP) Godly and most necessary annotations in ye .xiii. chapyter too the Romaynes (At Londn [sic] : printed by Robert Walde-graue, dwelling without Temple-barre, neere vnto Sommer-set House, 1583), by John Hooper (HTML at EEBO TCP) The two olive trees: or, The Lords two anointed ones, which alwayes stand before Him, the ruler of the whole earth, Zach. 4.: Described also Rev. 11. by the names of [brace] two witnesses, two olive trees, two candlesticks, two prophets. [brace] And shewing what they are in their own true nature, differing from all the new fancied ones, and in what manner they alwayes prophesie. How they are said to finish their testimony. How they were to be killed by the Beast, and when. How long their corps should lie in the streets of the Beasts great citie, dead and unburied. And when the spirit of life from God should enter into them, and they stand upon their feet again. And what great things should follow after the same to the end, and thence for ever. Published according to order. (London : Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1645), by I. E. (HTML at EEBO TCP) An exposition of the Epistle of Jude,: together with many large and useful deductions. Lately delivered in XL lectures in Christ-Church London, by William Jenkyn, Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The first part. (London : Printed by Th. Maxey, for Samuell Gellibrand, at the golden Ball in Pauls Church-yard, 1652), by William Jenkyn (HTML at EEBO TCP) Exposition of the epistle of Jude. (London : Printed by Tho. Maxey, for Samuel Gellibrand, at the golden Ball in Paul's Church-yard, 1654), by William Jenkyn (HTML at EEBO TCP) Animadversiones in libros Novi Testamenti. English (Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] : Printed by J. Hayes ..., for W. Graves ..., 1693), by Norton Knatchbull, J. L., and Thomas Walker (HTML at EEBO TCP) The fulnesse of Gods love manifested:: or, A treatise discovering the love of God, in giving Christ for all, and in affording meanes of grace to all : wherein also the 9. chapter of the Romans, and other places of scripture (usually urged against the universality of Gods love to mankind) are cleared, and divers objections of the like nature answered. / By L.S. ([London : s.n.], Printed in the yeare 1643), by L. S. (HTML at EEBO TCP) The hatred of Esau, and the love of Jacob unfoulded: being a brief and plain exposition of the 9. chapter of Pauls epistle to the Romanes, being the heads of what was delivered in several discourses, both publick and private. By Samuel Loveday servant of the church of Christ. ([London] : Printed by John Clowes, for Gieles Calvert, at the black Spread-Eagle, at the west-end of Pauls, [1650]), by Samuel Loveday (HTML at EEBO TCP) Mercies for man.: Prepared in, and by Christ, even for such as neither know them, nor him. Discovered, that they might know, and enjoy them. Or a discourse of the interest there is for all men in, and by Christ in the end, and usefulmesse of the beleevers peculiar priviledges and service. In which is also some information about that service to which the grace of God, that bringeth salvation to all men, instructeth, and obligeth the beleever for the good of them all, according to capacity, and opportunity given him. Likewise some directions for, and concerning Christian magistrates. In the opening some instructions arising from the Apostles exhortation to Timothy, 1 Tim. 2.1, 2. Delivered in November 1653. at the Munday meetings at Black-Friers: and because what then was spoken, met with some publick opposition, this is now published for further satisfaction. Written by Thomas Moor, Junior. (London : Printed by R.I. and are to be sold in Popes-Head-Alley, 1654), by Thomas Moore (HTML at EEBO TCP) Plaine discovery of the whole Revelation of Saint John (London : Printed by R.O. and G.D. for Giles Calvert, 1641 [i.e. 1642]), by John Napier (HTML at EEBO TCP) The worlds wonder, or the Quakers blazing starr:: with an astronomical judgment given upon the same, from 2 Cor. 11.13, 14, 15. Proving them to be altogether deluded by Satan, both in their judgments and walkings: together with a probable conjecture of the end of the world, and the estate of things in the interval. / By Edmund Skipp preacher of the Gospel unto the people at Bodenham in Herefordshire. (London : Printed by Henry Hills, and are to be sold at the sign of Sir John Oldcastle near Py-corner, 1655), by Edmund Skipp (HTML at EEBO TCP) The dignitie of Gods children. Or An exposition of 1. Iohn 3. 1.2.3: Plentifully shewing the comfortable, happie, and most blessed state of all Gods children, and also on the contrarie, the base, fearefull, and most wofull condition of all other that are not the children of God. (London : printed by Thomas Haueland, for Thomas Man, and are to be sold at his shop in Paternoster Row, at the signe of the Talbot, 1610), by Thomas Stoughton (HTML at EEBO TCP) The fast friend: or A friend at mid-night.: Set forth in an exposition on that parable Luke 11. 5.-11. Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at mid-night, &c. By Nehemiah Rogers, minister of the Gospel. (London : printed for Geo. Sawbridge, at the Bible, on Ludgate-Hill, MDCLVIII. [1658]), by Nehemiah Rogers (HTML at EEBO TCP) The figg-less figg-tree: or, The doome of a barren and unfruitful profession lay'd open.: In an exposition upon that parable: a certain man had a figg-tree planted in his vineyard, &c. Luke 13. 6,7,8,9,10. / By Nehemiah Rogers, a minister of the Gospel of Christ. (London : printed by J.S. for George Sawbridge, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible on Lud-Gate Hill, 1659), by Nehemiah Rogers (HTML at EEBO TCP) The book of the Revelation paraphrased; with annotations on each chapter. Whereby it is made plain to the meanest capacity: (London : [s.n.], printed in the year, MDCXCIII. [1693]), by Edward Waple (HTML at EEBO TCP) Syons redemption, and original sin vindicated:: wherein are these particulars largely handled and discovered. I. That sprinkling of water in the name of the father, son and Holy Ghost is not baptism, ... II Infants not the subjects appointed by God to be baptized, ... III That the second death was never threatned to be inflicted upon Adam ... IV A clear and large discourse as touching Gods decree, of election and reprobation. V A large exposition upon the ninth chapter to the Romanes, ... VI A brief disproof of the unlawfulness of the paying or receving of tithes, ... VII The ordination of the national ministery examined and disproved. VIII The answer of objections against the Jews return out of their captivity ... IX A clear discovery of the glorious effects (or that which will be effected) under the sound of the seventh trumpet. X A full discovery of Judah and Israels glory to be enjoyed in their own land, ... Published for the instruction and comfort of all that wait for the appearing of the Lord Jesus and Zions redemption. Being an answer to a book of Mr. Hezekiah Holland, sometimes preacher in Sutton-Valence in Kent. By George Hammon pastor to the Church of Christ, meeting in Biddenden in Kent. (London : printed by G. Dawson for the author, 1658), by George Hammon (HTML at EEBO TCP) Explanatory notes upon the New Testament. By John Wesley, M.A. Late Fellow of Lincoln-College, Oxford. ; Volume the first[-third]. (Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Crukshank: sold by John Dickins, no. 43, Fourth-Street, near the corner of Race-Street., MDCCXCI. [1791]), by John Wesley (HTML at Evans TCP) Explanatory notes upon the New Testament. By John Wesley, M.A. Late Fellow of Lincoln-College, Oxford. ; Volume the first[-third]. (Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Crukshank: sold by John Dickins, no. 43, Fourth-Street, near the corner of Race-Street., MDCCXCI. [1791]), by John Wesley (HTML at Evans TCP) Explanatory notes upon the New Testament. By John Wesley, M.A. Late Fellow of Lincoln-College, Oxford. ; Volume the first[-third]. (Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Crukshank: sold by John Dickins, no. 43, Fourth-Street, near the corner of Race-Street., MDCCXCI. [1791]), by John Wesley (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800 The heavenly advocate: or a short direction for the speedy vnderstanding of the New Testament of the yeeres and dayes of Christs age heere on Earth, times and places of his miracles, death, resurrection, and ascention: together with a briefe catechisme, for the instruction of Christian families. And also a spirituall combate, betweene mans frailty and faith, in time of sicknesse. (London : printed by I.B. for Roger Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop, neere Fleet Conduit, 1617), by Bartholomew Robertson (HTML at EEBO TCP) Medulla Novi Testamenti: The substance of the New Testament more especially of the historical; with a brief account of the doctrinal part, in each book, by way of dialogue between a divine and his parishioner. Designed for the benefit of private families. By Thomas Stanhope, peacher at the Fleet. Imprimatur, W. Jane. (London : printed by A.G. and J.P. and are to sold by Nath. Rolles, at th Golden Key in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1680), by Thomas Stanhope (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Epistles and Gospelles with a brief postil vpon the same from after Easter tyll Aduent, which is the somer parte set forth for the singuler cōmoditie of all good Christen men and namely of prestes and curates. ([Imprinted at London : by Richarde Bankes, and are to be solde in Fletestrete next the signe of the Whyte Hart, [1542]]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- Éphesians -- Commentaries
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- 1 John -- Commentaries
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- 1 Peter -- Commentaries
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- 1 Peter I -- Commentaries
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- 1 Peter I-III -- Commentaries
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- 2 Peter -- Commentaries
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- 2 Peter II -- Commentaries A commentary: or, sermons vpon the second chapter of the first epistle of Saint Peter vvherein method, sense, doctrine, and vse, is, with great variety of matter, profitably handled; and sundry heads of diuinity largely discussed. By Nicholas Byfield, late preacher of God's Word at Isle-worth in Middlesex. (London : Printed by Humfrey Lownes for George Latham, and are to be sould at his shop in Paul's Church-yard, at the signe of the brazen Serpent, 1623), by Nicholas Byfield and William Gouge (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- 2 Peter III, 1-10 -- Commentaries Sermons upon the ten first verses of the third chapter of the first Epistle of S. Peter Being the last that were preached by the late faithfull and painfull minister of Gods word, Nicolas Byfield. Wherein method, sense, doctrine, and vse, is, with great varietie of matter, profitably handled; and sundry heads of divinitie largely discussed. Published since the authors death by William Gouge. (London : Printed by H. Lownes for George Latham, at the brazen Serpent in Paules Church-yard, 1626), by Nicholas Byfield and William Gouge (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- 2 Thessalonians -- Commentaries A plaine and pithy exposition of the second Epistle to the Thessalonians. By that learned & judicious diuine Mr William Bradshaw, sometime fellow of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge. Published since his deceasse by Thomas Gataker B. of D. and paster of Rotherhith (London : Printedby Edward Griffin for William Bladen, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible, at the great north dore of Paules, 1620), by William Bradshaw and Thomas Gataker (HTML at EEBO TCP) A briefe and plaine, yet orthodoxall and methodicall exposition vpon S. Pauls second epistle written to the Thessalonians. By Timothie Iackson Master of Arts, of Christs Colledge in Cambridge, now preacher of Gods word at Wragbie in Yorke-shire (London : Printed by E[dward] G[riffin] for Thomas Pauier, 1621), by Timothy Jackson (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- 2 Timothy I -- Commentaries An exposition of the second epistle of the apostle Paul to Timothy, the first chapter Wherein 1 The text is logically into it's parts resolved ... 4 The seuerall doctrines thence arising deduced. ... All which is accompanied with familiar and delightfull similitudes ... Lastly as the matter requireth: there is vsed, definitions, distributions, subdiuisions, trialls, motiues, and directions, all which be of great vse in their proper order. By Iohn Barlovv ... (London : Printed by. I[ohn] D[awson] for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sould at his shop at the 3. Golden Lyons in Cornehill, neere the Royall Exchange, 1625), by John Barlow (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- Acts -- Commentaries
Filed under: Bible -- N.T. -- Acts I-XII -- CommentariesMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |