Biomedical engineering -- PeriodicalsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Biomedical engineering -- Periodicals
Filed under: Biomedical materials -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Tissue engineering -- Periodicals
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Implants, Artificial
Filed under: Breast implants -- Complications -- United States
Filed under: Breast implants -- Government policy -- United States
Filed under: Heart, Artificial -- Cost effectiveness
Filed under: Medical instruments and apparatus
Filed under: Medical instruments and apparatus -- Cost effectiveness Cardiac Radionuclide Imaging and Cost Effectiveness (1982), by William B. Stason and Eric Fortess (PDF files at Princeton) Assessing Selected Respiratory Therapy Modalities: Trends and Relative Costs in the Washington, D.C., Area (1981), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton) The Costs and Effectiveness of Nurse Practitioners (1981), by Lauren LeRoy and Sharon Solkowitz (PDF files at Princeton) The Feasibility of Economic Evaluation of Diagnostic Procedures: The Case of CT Scanning (Washington: Office of Technology Assessment, 1981), by Judith L. Wagner (PDF files at Princeton) Periodontal Disease: Assessing the Effectiveness and Costs of the Keyes Technique (OTA background paper #2, case study #5, for "The Implications of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Medical Technology"; 1980), by Richard M. Scheffler and Sheldon Rovin (PDF files at Princeton) Allocating Costs and Benefits in Disease Prevention Programs: An Application to Cervical Cancer Screening (1981), by Bryan R. Luce (PDF files at Princeton) Benefit-And-Cost Analysis of Medical Interventions: The Case of Cimetidine and Peptic Ulcer Disease (1981), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton)
Filed under: Medical instruments and apparatus -- Safety regulations -- United States
Filed under: Medical instruments and apparatus -- Technological innovations -- United States Medical Devices and the Veterans Administration: A Technical Memorandum (OTA-TM-H-16; Washington: GPO, 1985), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment Filed under: Medical instruments and apparatus -- Testing
Filed under: Medical instruments and apparatus -- United States -- Testing
Filed under: Medical instruments and apparatus -- United States -- Costs Medical Technology and Costs of the Medicare Program (OTA-H-227; 1984), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
Filed under: Hearing aids
Filed under: Contraceptives -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.Filed under: Contraceptives -- Physiological effect
Filed under: Contraceptives -- Research -- United States
Filed under: Contraceptive drugs -- Research -- United States
Filed under: Oral contraceptives -- Moral and ethical aspects
Filed under: Oral contraceptives -- Side effects -- Congresses
Filed under: Orthodontic appliances
Filed under: Hypodermic needles -- Design and constructionFiled under: Holography in medicine
Filed under: Imaging systems in medicine -- Mathematics
Filed under: Diagnostic imaging -- MathematicsFiled under: Diagnostic imaging
Filed under: Angiography -- Digital techniques -- Cost effectivenessFiled under: Diagnostic imaging -- Periodicals
Filed under: Diagnostic ultrasonic imaging -- Safety measuresFiled under: Veterinary ultrasonography
Filed under: Body temperature
Filed under: Body temperature -- Regulation -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Artificial hibernation
Filed under: Breast -- RadiographyFiled under: Diagnosis, Radioscopic Die Röntgentechnik: Lehrbuch für Ärzte und Studierende (revised second edition, in German; Hamburg: L. Grafe und Sillem, 1906), by Heinrich Ernst Albers-Schönberg
Filed under: Medical photography -- Great Britain Mécanisme de la Physionomie Humaine: ou, Analyse Électro-Physiologique de L'Expression des Passions (2 volumes in French; Paris: Ve Jules Renouard, 1862), by G.-B. Duchenne, contrib. by Charles Darwin Mécanisme de la Physionomie Humaine: ou, Analyse Électro-Physiologique de L'Expression des Passions (second edition; 2 volumes in French; Paris: J. B. Balliere et fils, 1876), by G.-B. Duchenne Filed under: Dental photographyMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |