Boats and boatingSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Related terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Boat handling
- Boating
- Boats and boating -- Recreational use
- Boats
- Boats, Primitive
- Pleasure boating
- Recreation boating
- Recreational boating
- Recreational boats
- Watercraft
Filed under: Boats and boating Canoeing, Sailing and Motor Boating (New York: George H. Doran Co., c1919), by Warren H. Miller Four Months in a Sneak-Box: A Boat Voyage of 2600 Miles Down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and Along the Gulf of Mexico, by Nathaniel H. Bishop Man on the Ocean, by R. M. Ballantyne, illust. by R. Richardson (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Filed under: Boats and boating -- Arizona -- Grand Canyon -- Periodicals
Filed under: Rafting (Sports) -- Arizona -- Grand Canyon -- Periodicals
Filed under: Boats and boating -- Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico) -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Boats and boating -- Fiction Mosquitoes: A Novel (New York: Liveright Publishing, c1927), by William Faulkner (multiple formats with commentary at Little by Little: or, The Cruise of the Flyaway (Chicago: Union School Furnishing Co., ca. 1860), by Oliver Optic (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images) Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) (Bristol, UK: J. W. Arrowsmith; London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co., 1889), by Jerome K. Jerome, illust. by A. Frederics Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog), by Jerome K. Jerome, illust. by A. Frederics (illustrated HTML at Forgotten Futures) Filed under: Boats and boating -- FloridaFiled under: Boats and boating -- Juvenile fiction The Cruise of the Firefly (Chicago et al.: J. C. Winston Co., c1906), by Edward Sylvester Ellis and William P. Chipman, illust. by Edwin John Prittie Down the River with the Teenie Weenies (Chicago: Reilly and Lee Co., c1921), by William Donahey (page images at HathiTrust) The Rover Boys in Southern Waters: or, The Deserted Steam Yacht (New York: Chatterton-Peck Co., c1907), by Edward Stratemeyer (Gutenberg text) The Rover Boys in Southern Waters: or, The Deserted Steam Yacht (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, c1907), by Edward Stratemeyer (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Young Oarsmen of Lakeview (published under "Ralph Bonehill" pseudonym), by Edward Stratemeyer (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images) Uncle Wiggily's Wash Tub Ship, or, The Battle of Duck Poing Ocean; and Uncle Wiggily's Game of Tennis; also, Uncle Wiggily's Steam Boat Couch (Newark and New York: C. E. Graham and Co., c1929), by Howard Roger Garis, illust. by Lansing Campbell (page images at The Banner Boy Scouts Afloat: or, The Secret of Cedar Island (1913), by George A. Warren (Gutenberg text) The Boy Scouts of the Eagle Patrol, by Howard Payson (Gutenberg text) Frontier Boys on the Coast: or, In the Pirate's Power (New York: Hurst and Co., c1909), by Wyn Roosevelt The Launch Boys' Cruise in the Deerfoot (Philadelphia: J. C. Winston Co., c1912), by Edward Sylvester Ellis, illust. by Burton Donnel Hughes (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Meadow-Brook Girls Afloat: or, The Stormy Cruise of the Red Rover (1913), by Janet Aldridge (Gutenberg text) The Motor Boys in Strange Waters: or, Lost in a Floating Forest (New York: Cupples and Leon Co., c1909), by Clarence Young, illust. by Charles Nuttall (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Motor Girls on Crystal Bay: or, The Secret of the Red Oar (New York: Goldsmith Pub. Co., c1914), by Margaret Penrose (Gutenberg text and page images) Tom Swift and His Motor-Boat, by Victor Appleton (Gutenberg text) The Outdoor Girls at Rainbow Lake: or, The Stirring Cruise of the Motor Boat Gem, by Laura Lee Hope (Gutenberg text) The Outdoor Girls at Rainbow Lake: or, The Stirring Cruise of the Motor Boat gem (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, c1913), by Laura Lee Hope All Aboard: or, Life on the Lake, by Oliver Optic (Gutenberg text) Filed under: Canoes and canoeing The Canoe, and The Flying Proa: or, Cheap Cruising and Safe Sailing, by W. L. Alden The Canoe Aurora: A Cruise from the Adirondacks to the Gulf (1885), by Charles A. Neidé (illustrated HTML at Canoe Cruising and Camping (1897), by Perry D. Frazer (illustrated HTML at Canoe Handling (based on the second edition, 1888), by C. Bowyer Vaux (illustrated HTML at Canoe Handling (third edition, 1901), by C. Bowyer Vaux (frame-dependent HTML at Wayback Machine) The Canoe: Its Selection, Care and Use (1914), by Robert E. Pinkerton (illustrated HTML at Canoeing with the Cree, by Eric Sevareid (page images at Practical Canoeing: A Treatise on the Management and Handling of Canoes, by Tiphys Canoe and Boat Building: A Complete Manual for Amateurs (fourth edition; New York: Forest and Stream Pub. Co., 1889), by William Picard Stephens (multiple formats at Canoeing, Sailing and Motor Boating (New York: George H. Doran Co., c1919), by Warren H. Miller Historic Waterways: Six Hundred Miles of Canoeing Down the Rock, Fox, and Wisconsin Rivers (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Co., 1888), by Reuben Gold Thwaites (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Filed under: Houseboats Houseboat Days in China, by J. O. P. Bland (illustrated HTML at Virginia: The Old Dominion, As Seen From its Colonial Waterway, the Historic River James (Boston: The Page Co., 1921), by Frank W. Hutchins and Cortelle Hutchins Filed under: LifeboatsFiled under: MotorboatsFiled under: Wooden boatsFiled under: Yachting Cruises, Mainly in the Bay of the Chesapeake (Bryn Mawr: The Franklin Press, 1909), by Robert Barrie and George Barrie (illustrated HTML at The Voyage Alone in the Yawl "Rob Roy", From London to Paris, and Back by Havre, the Isle of Wight, South Coast &c., by John MacGregor Past Times and Pastimes (2 volumes; London: Hodder and Stoughton, ca. 1922), by Windham Thomas Wyndham-Quin Dunraven
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