Book industries and trade -- DictionariesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Book industries and trade -- Dictionaries
Filed under: Booksellers and bookselling -- Dictionaries A Dictionary of Printers and Printing: With the Progress of Literature, Ancient and Modern, Bibliographical Illustrations, Etc. Etc. (London: H. Johnson; et al., 1839), by C. H. Timperley
Filed under: Booksellers and bookselling -- Great Britain -- Dictionaries A Dictionary of Printers and Booksellers in England, Scotland and Ireland, and of Foreign Printers of English Books, 1557-1640 (London: Printed for the Bibliographical Society, 1910), by R. B. McKerrow, Harry Gidney Aldis, Robert Bowes, E. R. McC. Dix, E. Gordon Duff, Strickland Gibson, G. J. Gray, Falconer Madan, and Henry R. Plomer
Filed under: Booksellers and bookselling -- Great Britain -- History -- 17th century -- Dictionaries A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers Who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667 (London: Printed for the Bibliographical Society, 1907), by Henry R. Plomer A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers Who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725 (Oxford: Printed for the Bibliographical Society, at Oxford U. Press, 1922), by Henry R. Plomer, ed. by Arundell James Kennedy Esdaile, contrib. by Harry Gidney Aldis, Ernest Reginald McClintock Dix, G. J. Gray, and R. B. McKerrow Filed under: Booksellers and bookselling -- Great Britain -- History -- 18th century -- Dictionaries A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers Who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725 (Oxford: Printed for the Bibliographical Society, at Oxford U. Press, 1922), by Henry R. Plomer, ed. by Arundell James Kennedy Esdaile, contrib. by Harry Gidney Aldis, Ernest Reginald McClintock Dix, G. J. Gray, and R. B. McKerrow Filed under: Booksellers and bookselling -- Ireland -- Dictionaries A Dictionary of Printers and Booksellers in England, Scotland and Ireland, and of Foreign Printers of English Books, 1557-1640 (London: Printed for the Bibliographical Society, 1910), by R. B. McKerrow, Harry Gidney Aldis, Robert Bowes, E. R. McC. Dix, E. Gordon Duff, Strickland Gibson, G. J. Gray, Falconer Madan, and Henry R. Plomer
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Book industries and trade
Filed under: Book industries and trade -- Africa, English-speaking
Filed under: Book industries and trade -- Africa, English-speaking -- Directories
Filed under: Booksellers and bookselling -- Africa, English-speaking -- DirectoriesFiled under: Publishers and publishing -- Africa, English-speaking -- DirectoriesFiled under: Booksellers and bookselling -- Africa, English-speakingFiled under: Publishers and publishing -- Africa, English-speaking
Filed under: Booksellers and bookselling -- Bibliography
Filed under: Publishers and publishing -- United States -- 20th century -- Bibliography The Borzoi 1920: Being a Sort of Record of Five Years' Publishing (New York: A. A. Knopf, 1920), ed. by Alfred A. Knopf, contrib. by Maksim Gorky, Claude Fayette Bragdon, Witter Bynner, Willa Cather, Clarence Day, Floyd Dell, Wilson Follett, A. P. Herbert, Joseph Hergesheimer, H. L. Mencken, Philip Moeller, George Jean Nathan, Sidney L. Nyburg, Eunice Tietjens, H. M. Tomlinson, Carl Van Vechten, Arthur Waley, Conrad Aiken, Pío Baroja, Mary Borden, Robert Bridges, Louis Couperus, W. H. Davies, T. S. Eliot, E. M. Forster, John Galsworthy, Kahlil Gibran, Robert Graves, E. W. Howe, W. H. Hudson, Ezra Pound, John Collings Squire, and Elliot L. Grant Watson The Borzoi 1925: Being a Sort of Record of Ten Years of Publishing (New York: A. A. Knopf, c1925), ed. by Alfred A. Knopf, contrib. by Brooks Atkinson, Harry Elmer Barnes, Charles A. Beard, Thomas Beer, Edwin Björkman, Claude Fayette Bragdon, Witter Bynner, Willa Cather, A. E. Coppard, Mildred Cram, William Cummings, Walter De la Mare, Floyd Dell, J. S. Fletcher, Wilson Follett, John T. Frederick, David Garnett, Louis Golding, James Henle, Joseph Hergesheimer, Richard Hughes, Storm Jameson, Llewellyn Jones, D. H. Lawrence, Newman Levy, Haldane Macfall, H. L. Mencken, George Jean Nathan, Ernest Newman, James Oppenheim, Roland Pertwee, Julia Peterkin, M. P. Shiel, Lee J. Smits, G. B. Stern, James Stevens, Ruth Suckow, Frank Swinnerton, Paul Bernard Thomas, Eunice Tietjens, Carl Van Doren, Carl Van Vechten, Henrie Waste, John V. A. Weaver, Hugh Wiley, Thyra Samter Winslow, Elinor Wylie, and Francis Brett Young (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Publishers and publishing -- China
Filed under: Privacy, Right of -- China -- Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu
Filed under: Scholarly publishing -- Congresses
Filed under: Book industries and trade -- England -- History -- 16th century -- Sources A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640, A. D. (5 volumes; London (last volume Birmingham): Privately printed, 1875-1894), by Stationers' Company (London, England), ed. by Edward Arber
Filed under: Publishers and publishing -- England -- History -- 16th century -- Sources A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640, A. D. (5 volumes; London (last volume Birmingham): Privately printed, 1875-1894), by Stationers' Company (London, England), ed. by Edward Arber
Filed under: Book industries and trade -- England -- History -- 17th century -- Sources A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640, A. D. (5 volumes; London (last volume Birmingham): Privately printed, 1875-1894), by Stationers' Company (London, England), ed. by Edward Arber
Filed under: Publishers and publishing -- England -- History -- 17th century -- Sources A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640, A. D. (5 volumes; London (last volume Birmingham): Privately printed, 1875-1894), by Stationers' Company (London, England), ed. by Edward Arber
Filed under: Publishers and publishing -- England -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Publishers and publishing -- England -- BiographyFiled under: Book industries and trade -- England -- London A List, Based on the Registers of the Stationers' Company, of 837 London Publishers (Who Were By Trade Printers, Engravers, Booksellers, Bookbinders, etc., etc.) Between 1553 and 1640 A. D. (1890), by Edward Arber Filed under: Book industries and trade -- EuropeFiled under: Book industries and trade -- ExhibitionsFiled under: Book industries and trade -- FictionFiled under: Book industries and trade -- Great BritainFiled under: Book industries and trade -- HistoryFiled under: Book industries and trade -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Book industries and trade -- United StatesFiled under: Publishers and publishing Book: A Futurist's Manifesto (c2012), ed. by Hugh McGuire and Brian O'Leary (HTML with commentary at Whose Book is it Anyway? A View From Elsewhere on Publishing, Copyright and Creativity (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2019), ed. by Janis Jefferies and Sarah Kember (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) A Publisher's Confession (New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1905), by Walter Hines Page Where and How to Sell Manuscripts: A Directory for Writers (revised edition; Springfield, MA: Home Correspondence School, c1920), ed. by William B. McCourtie (multiple formats at Where to Sell Manuscripts: An Alphabetical and Classified List Arranged for the Writer's Convenience (New York: Hannis Jordan Co., 1915), by Hannis Jordan Company (page images at HathiTrust) Writing for Money: How to Write Saleable Manuscripts; Where and Way to Sell Manuscripts; Over Two Thousand Places to Sell Manuscripts (Chicago: International literary bureau, c1913), by John V. Lambert (page images at HathiTrust) "1001 Places to Sell Manuscripts" (Ridgewood, NJ: The Editor Co., c1915), ed. by William Reno Kane (multiple formats at Five Hundred Places to Sell Manuscripts: A Manual Designed for the Guidance of Writers in Disposing of Their Work (fourth edition; Franklin, OH: Editor Pub. Co., 1900), ed. by James Knapp Reeve (multiple formats at The New 1001 Places to Sell Manuscripts: A Complete Guide for All Writers Who are Seeking Avenues for the Publication of Original Manuscripts (Franklin, OH: James Knapp Reeve, 1922), ed. by James Knapp Reeve and Agnes M. Reeve (multiple formats at Writing for the Magazines (Springfield, MA: Home Correspondence School, c1916), by J. Berg Esenwein (multiple formats at Filed under: Women in the book industries and tradeMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |