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: "Caityagṛha" to "Calapooia River Valley (Or.) -- Historical geography" (Include extended shelves)
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- Caityagṛha: see Buddhist cave temples
- Cajuns (subtopics)
- Cajuns -- Bibliography (1 title)
- Cakchikel Indians (1 title)
- Cakchikel literature (1 title)
- Cakchiquel Indians: see Cakchikel Indians
- Cake (1 title, plus subtopics)
- Cake -- Juvenile literature (subtopics)
- Cakes: see Cake
- Calabria (Italy) (subtopics)
- Calabria (Italy) -- Description and travel (2 titles, plus subtopics)
- Calabria (Italy) -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800 (1 title)
- Caladium esculentum: see Taro
- Calah (Ancient city): see Calah (Extinct city)
- Calah (Extinct city) (subtopics)
- Calais (France) (subtopics)
- Calais (France) -- History (subtopics)
- Calais (France) -- History -- Siege, 1346-1347 (1 title, plus subtopics)
- Calais (France) -- History -- Siege, 1346-1347 -- Drama (1 title)
- Calamities: see Disasters
- Calamity Jane, 1856-1903 (2 titles, plus subtopics)
- Calamity Jane, 1856-1903 -- Fiction (1 title)
- Calamy, Edmund, 1671-1732 (1 title)
- Calapooia River Valley (Or.) (subtopics)
- Calapooia River Valley (Or.) -- Historical geography (1 title)
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