Canada -- History -- Study and teachingSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Canada -- History -- Study and teaching
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Canada -- History Canada (new and revised edition, with additional chapter; London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1922), by John George Bourinot, contrib. by William H. Ingram (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Canada and the States: Recollections, 1851 to 1886, by E. W. Watkin Canada, the Empire of the North: Being the Romantic Story of the New Dominion's Growth from Colony to Kingdom (1909), by Agnes C. Laut (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Canada Under British Rule, 1760-1900, by John George Bourinot (Gutenberg text) The History of Canada, From its First Discovery to the Present Time (Brockville, ON: McMullen and Co., 1868), by John Mercier McMullen (multiple formats at Google) The Rise of Canada, From Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation ("volume I" only volume published; Quebec: P. Sinclair; et al., 1856), by Charles Roger (Gutenberg text) Tuttle's Popular History of the Dominion of Canada With Art Illustrations From the Earliest Settlement of the British-American Colonies to the Present Time, Together With Portrait Engravings and Biographical Sketches of the Most Distinguished Men of the Nation (Montreal; Boston: Downie; Tuttle & Downie, 1877), by Charles R. Tuttle (multiple formats at Canadian Scenery Illustrated (2 volumes; London: G. Virtue, 1842), by Nathaniel Parker Willis, illust. by W. H. Bartlett The Dominion of Canada (Toronto: L. Stebbins, 1869), by Henry Youle Hind (multiple formats at Lovell's Canadian Dominion Directory for 1871 (Montreal: J. Lovell, 1871), by John Lovell (Firm) (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Canada -- History -- 1755-1763
Filed under: Canada -- History -- 1763-1867
Filed under: Canada -- History -- 1775-1783
Filed under: Canada -- History -- 1791-1841
Filed under: Canada -- History -- 1841-1867
Filed under: Canada -- History -- 1867-
Filed under: Canada -- History -- 1867-1914 The Struggle for Imperial Unity: Recollections and Experiences (London et al.: Macmillan and Co., 1909), by George T. Denison Newfoundland to Cochin, China, By the Golden Wave, New Nippon, and the Forbidden City (London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1892), by Ethel Gwendoline Moffatt Vincent, contrib. by Howard Vincent (multiple formats at Through Canada With a Kodak (Edinburgh: W. H. White and Co., 1893), by Countess of Aberdeen (multiple formats at The Canadian Dominion: A Chronicle of Our Northern Neighbor, by Oscar D. Skelton (Gutenberg text) Thunder in the North: Conflict Over the Riel Risings, 1870-1885 (New York: Pageant Press, 1957), by R. E. Lamb (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Canada -- History -- 19th century The Story of Laura Secord, and Canadian Reminiscences (Toronto: W. Briggs, 1900), by Emma Augusta Currie
Filed under: Canada -- History -- Confederation, 1867
Filed under: Canada -- History -- Fenian Invasions, 1866-1870
Filed under: Canada -- History -- Fiction
Filed under: Canada -- History -- Periodicals
Filed under: Canada -- History -- Poetry
Filed under: Canada -- History -- Rebellion, 1837-1838 The Story of the Upper Canadian Rebellion (2 volumes; Toronto: C. Blackett Robinson, 1885), by John Charles Dent Humours of '37, Grave, Gay and Grim: Rebellion Times in the Canadas (Montreal; Toronto: C.W.Coates; W. Briggs, 1897), by Robina Lizars and Kathleen Macfarlane Lizars (multiple formats at Life and Adventures of Col. L. A. Norton, by Lewis Adelbert Norton (HTML at LOC) The Life and Times of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie: With an Account of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837, and the Subsequent Frontier Disturbances, Chiefly From Unpublished Documents (2 volumes; Toronto: P.R. Randall, 1862), by Charles Lindsey The Emigrant (London: J. Murray, 1846), by Francis Bond Head (multiple formats at Baldwin, Lafontaine, Hincks: Reponsible Government (London: T. C. and E. C. Jack; Toronto: Morang and Co., 1907), by Stephen Leacock (HTML at Gutenberg Canada) Baldwin, Lafontaine, Hincks: Reponsible Government (edition de Luxe; Toronto: Morang and Co., 1907), by Stephen Leacock (multiple formats at
Filed under: Canada -- History -- Sources The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents (71 main volumes, plus 2 index volumes and a scrap volume; Cleveland: Burrows Bros. Co., 1896-1901), ed. by Reuben Gold Thwaites
Filed under: Canada -- History -- To 1763 (New France) The White and the Gold: The French Regime in Canada (c1954), by Thomas B. Costain (multiple formats in Canada; NO US ACCESS) The Conquest of Canada (London: R. Bentley, 1849), by George Warburton The French in the Heart of America, by John H. Finley (Gutenberg text) Pioneers of France in the New World, by Francis Parkman (Gutenberg text) Count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV, by Francis Parkman (Gutenberg text) The Fighting Governor: A Chronicle of Frontenac, by Charles W. Colby (Gutenberg text) New France and New England (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, c1902), by John Fiske (multiple formats at New Voyages to North-America (2 volumes; London: Printed for H. Bowicke et al., 1703), by baron de Lahontan Freshwater: A History and a Narrative of the Great Lakes (New York: Macmillan, 1931), by George A. Cuthbertson (page images at HathiTrust) Histoire du Canada et Voyages que les Freres Mineurs Recollects y ont Faicts pour la Conversion des Infidelles (in French; Paris: C. Sonnius, 1636), by Gabriel Sagard (HTML at Gutenberg Canada) The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century, by Francis Parkman (Gutenberg text) The Founder of New France: A Chronicle of Champlain, by Charles W. Colby (Gutenberg text) The Mariner of St. Malo: A Chronicle of the Voyages of Jacques Cartier, by Stephen Leacock (Gutenberg text) The Mariner of St. Malo: A Chronicle of the Voyages of Jacques Cartier (Toronto: Glasgow, Brook and Co., 1914), by Stephen Leacock (multiple formats at The Mariner of St. Malo: A Chronicle of the Voyages of Jacques Cartier (Toronto: Glasgow, Brook and Co., 1915), by Stephen Leacock (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
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