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Canada -- Languages

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Filed under: Canada -- Languages Filed under: Abenaki language Filed under: Algonquin language -- EtymologyFiled under: Algonquin language -- Grammar Filed under: Cherokee language -- AlphabetFiled under: Cherokee language -- Texts Filed under: Cherokee language -- Writing -- Juvenile fiction Filed under: Iroquois language -- Dictionaries -- FrenchFiled under: Mohawk language Filed under: Mohawk language -- Dictionaries -- FrenchFiled under: Mohawk language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.Filed under: Mohawk language -- Readers Filed under: Mohawk language -- Readers -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Mohawk language -- Texts
  • [Info] The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church (new edition, in English and Mohawk, with Brant's translation of the Gospel of Mark; London: Printed by C. Buckton, 1787), by Church of England, contrib. by Joseph Brant
  • [Info] The Iroquois Book of Rites (Philadelphia: D.G. Brinton, 1883), by Horatio Hale
  • [Info] The Order for Morning and Evening Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Some Other Offices of the Church of England / Ne Yakawea Niyadewighniserage Yondereanayendakhkwa Orhoenké Neoni Yogarask-ha Oghseragwégouh (third edition of an Anglican prayer book in Mohawk, with English captions and notes; Quebec: W. Brown, 1780), by Church of England, ed. by Daniel Claus
Filed under: Onondaga language Filed under: Onondaga language -- Dictionaries -- FrenchFiled under: Onondaga language -- Texts Filed under: Seneca language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. Filed under: Wyandot language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. Filed under: Gwich'in language -- Texts
  • [Info] Zzehkko Enjit Gichinchik Nekwazzi Ttrin Ihthlog Kenjit Ako Gichinchik Ttrin Kittekookwichiltshei Kenjit Kah (selections from Oxenden and Ramsden's Family Prayers translated into Gwich'in; London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, ca. 1885), by Ashton Oxenden and C. H. Ramsden, trans. by Archdeacon McDonald
Filed under: Jicarilla language -- Texts Filed under: Hupa language -- GrammarFiled under: Mattole language Filed under: Haida language -- Dictionaries -- EnglishFiled under: Haida language -- Texts Filed under: Tlingit language -- Texts Filed under: Siksika languageFiled under: Siouan languages Filed under: Catawba language -- Texts Filed under: Dakota language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.Filed under: Dakota language -- ReadersFiled under: Dakota language -- Texts Filed under: Santee dialect -- TextsFiled under: Hidatsa language Filed under: Hidatsa language -- Dictionaries -- English Filed under: Osage language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.Filed under: Tutelo language Filed under: Cree language -- Dictionaries -- EnglishFiled under: Cree language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.Filed under: Cree language -- GrammarFiled under: Cree language -- TextsFiled under: Ojibwa language Filed under: Ojibwa language -- Conversation and phrase books Filed under: Ojibwa language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.Filed under: Indians of North America -- Canada -- Languages

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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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