Canada -- ManufacturesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Canada -- Manufactures- The products and manufactures of the new Dominion (s.n.], 1868), by H. Beaumont Small (page images at HathiTrust)
- Canada, its progress and its prospects a lecture delivered for the Brampton Mechanics' Institute on the 10th of April, 1867 (G. Tye, 1876), by John Lynch (page images at HathiTrust)
- Trade letter to the merchants and manufacturers of Canada treating of, I. extent and value of trade with Australasia, II. the portion of same done by Great Britain, the United States and Canada, III. the articles of our produce and manufactures in which we may now hope to extend trade, IV. the establishment of a Canadian agency in Australasia, for the purpose of facilitating our trade and commerce with that country (s.n.], 1886), by Alexander Woods (page images at HathiTrust)
- Exposition universelle de 1855 Canada. (s.n.], 1855), by Charles Robin (page images at HathiTrust)
- An essay on Canadian manufactures as embodied in a lecture delivered to the members of the Yorkville Debating Society, on 15th March, 1859 (s.n.], 1859), by J. T. Brondgeest (page images at HathiTrust)
- Canadian manufactures (s.n., 1860), by Isaac Buchanan and W. Weir (page images at HathiTrust)
- Canadian manufactures (s.n., 1800) (page images at HathiTrust)
- The manufactures of Canada read before the Canadian Manufacturers Association by Doctor Archibald Blue, Chief Officer of the Census and Statistics of Canada, September 25, 1912. (s.n., 1912), by Archibald Blue (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Canadian goods and the world-market (Canadian Bank of Commerce, 1920), by Canadian Bank of Commerce (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Addresses by P.W. Ellis, President of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association 1900-1901, and by C.J. Alexander, Ex-President of the South of Scotland Chamber of Commerce, before the thirtieth annual meeting of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, at Montreal, Tuesday evening, November 5th, 1901 (s.n.], 1901), by P. W. Ellis and C. J. Alexander (page images at HathiTrust)
- Situation économique du Canada (P. Weissenbruch, 1898), by J. de Bernard de Fauconval (page images at HathiTrust)
- Official catalogue of the Canadian section (s.n., 1900), by William D. Scott, Sydney Fisher, and France) Exposition universelle (1900 : Paris (page images at HathiTrust)
- Manufacturer's Dominion advertiser a record of the manufacturing industries of Canada, with descriptive sketches of some of the leading manufactories, principal towns, &c. (Manufacturers' Pub. Co., 1876), by Manufacturers' Association of Ontario (page images at HathiTrust)
- Lecture delivered before the Mechanics' Institute, of Hamilton, on Wednesday evening, November 17, 1847 on the connection between the agriculture and manufactures of Canada (s.n.], 1848), by R. B. Sullivan (page images at HathiTrust)
- Discours de M.P.W. Ellis, président de l'Association des manufacturiers canadiens, à la Convention Annuelle, tenue à Montréal, mardi et mercredi, 5-6 novembre 1901 (La Cie d'imprimerie moderne, 1901), by P. W. Ellis (page images at HathiTrust)
- Preliminary report on general manufactures ... (between 1000 and 1999), by Canada Dominion Bureau of Statistics (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Filed under: Canada -- Manufactures -- Catalogs
Filed under: Canada -- Manufactures -- Employees -- Effect of technological innovations on -- StatisticsFiled under: Canada -- Manufactures -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Ontario -- Manufactures -- ExhibitionsFiled under: Canada -- Manufactures -- Societies, etc.Filed under: Canada -- Manufactures -- Statistics
Filed under: Canada -- Manufactures -- Technological innovations -- Finance -- Statistics
Filed under: British Columbia -- Manufactures
Filed under: Rossland (B.C.) -- ManufacturesFiled under: New Brunswick -- ManufacturesFiled under: Newfoundland and Labrador -- ManufacturesFiled under: Nova Scotia -- ManufacturesFiled under: Ontario -- Manufactures- Industries of Canada historical and commercial sketches, Peterboro', Lindsay, Gravenhurst, Orillia, Millbrook, Uxbridge, Markham and environs : its prominient places and people, representative merchants and manufacturers, its improvements, progress and enterprise. (M.G. Bixby, 1887) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Resolutions to be presented at the meeting of the Manufacturers' of Ontario, in the St. Lawrence Hall, Toronto, Nov., 26th, 1875 (s.n., 1875), by Manufacturers' Association of Ontario (page images at HathiTrust)
- A.E. Hourd, manufacturer of children's carriages wholesale and retail, 550 Richmond Street, London, Ontario. (s.n., in the 19th century) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Agreement between the Watson Manuf'g Co., Limited, of Ayr, Ont. and ... of ... (s.n., in the 1880s), by Watson Manufacturing Company (page images at HathiTrust)
- Guide to the manufactures of Ontario and Quebec (W.T. Urquhart & H.L. Forbes, 1870) (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Guelph (Ont.) -- ManufacturesFiled under: Hamilton (Ont.) -- ManufacturesFiled under: Toronto (Ont.) -- ManufacturesFiled under: Québec (Province) -- Manufactures
Filed under: Montréal (Québec) -- Manufactures- Les intérêts commerciaux de Montréal et Québec et leurs manufactures (s.n.], 1889), by K. G. C. Huttemeyer (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Canadian Rubber Company, formerly the British American Manufacturing Company incorporated by special acts of Parliament, 23 Victoria, cap. 119, amended by 24 Victoria, cap. 103, and 26 Victoria, cap. 24. (s.n.], 1864), by Canadian Rubber Company (page images at HathiTrust)
- The petition of the undersigned stockholders of the Canadian Rubber Company, all of the city of Montreal, respectfully showeth that the Canadian Rubber Company was established in 1854 ... (s.n., 1869), by Canadian Rubber Company (page images at HathiTrust)
- Les intérêts commerciaux de Montréal et Québec et leurs manufactures (s.n.], 1889), by K. G. C. Huttemeyer (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Québec (Québec) -- Manufactures
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
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