Canadian newspapers -- DirectoriesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms: |
Filed under: Canadian newspapers -- Directories
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: American newspapers -- DirectoriesFiled under: Newspapers -- Canada -- Directories
Filed under: Acacia Fraternity -- Directories Directory of the Acacia Fraternity (1914), by Acacia Fraternity, ed. by Harry E. Kilmer
Filed under: Afghanistan -- History -- Soviet occupation, 1979-1989 -- Societies, etc. -- Directories
Filed under: Afghanistan -- Politics and government -- 1973-1989 -- Societies, etc. -- Directories
Filed under: African American slaveholders -- Directories
Filed under: Air -- Pollution -- Directories
Filed under: American Psychological Association -- Directories Directory, by American Psychological Association (partial serial archives)
Filed under: American periodicals -- Directories
Filed under: Anti-communist movements -- Directories
Filed under: Appalachian Region, Southern -- Directories
Filed under: Archives -- Cuba -- Directories The Archives of Cuba / Los Archivos de Cuba (in Spanish with English introduction; Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c2003), ed. by Louis A. Pérez and Rebecca J. Scott, contrib. by Francisco Pérez, Lilian B. Viscaíno González, Gabino La Rosa Corzo, Orlando García Martínez, Carlos Venegas Fornias, Olga Portuondo Zúñiga, José Vega Suñol, and Delio G. Orozco González (page images at Pitt)
Filed under: Art museums -- Great Britain -- Directories
Filed under: Arts -- Great Britain -- Directories
Filed under: Belize -- Directories
Filed under: Book industries and trade -- Africa, English-speaking -- Directories
Filed under: Booksellers and bookselling -- Directories
Filed under: Canada -- Directories
Filed under: Canadian periodicals -- Directories
Filed under: Catholic labor unions -- Directories
Filed under: Ceramic industries -- Austria -- Directories Adressbuch der Keramischen Industrie (ninth edition, in German; Coburg: Müller und Schmidt, 1906)
Filed under: Ceramic industries -- Germany -- Directories Adressbuch der Keramischen Industrie (ninth edition, in German; Coburg: Müller und Schmidt, 1906)
Filed under: Chester (Pa.) -- Directories
Filed under: Commerce -- Directories
Filed under: Confederate States of America. Congress. House of Representatives -- Directories Directory of the House of Representatives, by Confederate States of America House of Representatives
Filed under: Confederate States of America. Congress. Senate -- Directories Directory of the Confederate States Senate, for the Second Session of the Second Congress, Commencing November 7, 1864 (Richmond: R. M. Smith, 1864), by Confederate States of America Senate
Filed under: Contractors -- California -- Directories
Filed under: Dartmouth College -- Societies, etc. -- Directories A Catalogue of the New-Hampshire Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa, Dartmouth College, Hanover, 1851 (Hanover, NH: Printed at the Dartmouth press, 1851), by Phi Beta Kappa, New Hampshire Alpha (Dartmouth College)
Filed under: Directors of corporations -- New York Metropolitan Area -- Directories
Filed under: Dublin (Ireland) -- Directories
Filed under: Electronic digital computers -- Directories
Filed under: Executives -- New York Metropolitan Area -- Directories
Filed under: Fond du Lac (Wis.) -- Directories
Filed under: Fond du Lac County (Wis.) -- Directories
Filed under: France -- Officials and employees -- Directories
Filed under: Fruit -- Germplasm resources -- Directories
Filed under: Fruit -- Heirloom varieties -- Directories
Filed under: Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) -- Directories
Filed under: Greek letter societies -- Directories Catalogue of the Kenyon Chapter (Beta of Ohio) of Phi Beta Kappa (1899), ed. by Lewis Caleb Williams and George Parkin Atwater A Catalogue of the New-Hampshire Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa, Dartmouth College, Hanover, 1851 (Hanover, NH: Printed at the Dartmouth press, 1851), by Phi Beta Kappa, New Hampshire Alpha (Dartmouth College) A Catalogue of the New-York Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa, Union College, Schenectady. July, 1852 (Schenectady: Riggs, printer, 1852), by Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of New York (Union College) (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Hennepin County (Minn.) -- DirectoriesMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |