Cartography -- PeriodicalsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Cartography -- Periodicals
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Cartography Mapping for a Sustainable World (New York: United Nations, 2020), by M. J. Kraak, Robert E. Roth, Britta Ricker, Ayako Kagawa, and Guillame Le Sourd (PDF with commentary at Cities Made of Boundaries: Mapping Social Life in Urban Form (London: UCL Press, c2018), by Benjamin N. Vis (PDF with commentary at UCL Press) Das Rückwärtseinschneiden im Raum (dissertation in German; Zürich: A.-G. Gebr. Leemann und Co., 1933), by Gustav Volkart (PDF at ETH Zurich)
Filed under: Cartography -- Africa -- HistoryFiled under: Cartography -- America
Filed under: Cartography -- America -- History
Filed under: Cartography -- Arctic regions -- History
Filed under: Cartography -- Australia -- History
Filed under: Cartography -- East Asia -- HistoryFiled under: Cartography -- England
Filed under: Cartography -- Europe -- 18th century -- History -- EncyclopediasFiled under: Cartography -- Europe -- History
Filed under: Cartography -- Italy -- History Cenni Storici sui Lavori Geodetici e Topografici e Sulle Principali Produzioni Cartografiche Eseguite in Italia dalla Metà del Secolo XVIII ai Nostri Giorni (in Italian; Florence: Coi tipi dell' Istituto Geografico Militare, 1903), by Attilio Mori Die Italienischen Portolane des Mittelalters: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kartographie und Nautik (in German and Italian; Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1909), by Konrad Kretschmer Filed under: Cartography, Prehistoric -- EuropeFiled under: Cartography -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Filed under: Grids (Cartography) -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.Filed under: Cartography -- History
Filed under: Cartography -- History -- 20th century -- EncyclopediasFiled under: Cartography -- Islamic countries -- HistoryFiled under: Cartography -- Mediterranean Region -- HistoryFiled under: Cartography -- Pacific Area -- HistoryFiled under: Cartography -- South Asia -- HistoryFiled under: Cartography -- Southeast Asia -- HistoryFiled under: Cartography -- United States -- History The Iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498-1909: Compiled From Original Sources and Illustrated by Photo-Intaglio Reproductions of Important Maps, Plans, Views, and Documents in Public and Private Collections (6 volumes; New York: Robert H. Dodd, 1915-1928), by I. N. Phelps Stokes, contrib. by F. C. Wieder and Victor Hugo Paltsits
Filed under: Military topography -- United States -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Cartography -- PhilosophyFiled under: Cartography -- Social aspects
Filed under: Digital mapping -- United StatesFiled under: Digital mapping
Filed under: Vegetation mapping -- Texas
Filed under: Periodicals -- Bibliography
Filed under: Periodicals -- Circulation
Filed under: Periodicals -- Directories
Filed under: Periodicals -- Indexes
Filed under: Periodicals -- Periodicals
Filed under: Periodicals -- Publishing
Filed under: Advertising, Magazine
Filed under: American periodicalsMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |