Catholic Church -- MissionsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Catholic Church -- Missions Our Catholic Heritage in Texas, 1519-1936 (7 volumes (with the 7th volume also covering 1936-1950); Austin: Von Boeckmann-Jones Co., 1936-1958), by Carlos E. Castañeda, contrib. by Texas Knights of Columbus Historical Commission (all volumes: page images at HathiTrust; v6 and 7 US access only) Forty-Five Years in Poona City: Being the History of the Panch Howds Poona City Mission, India (London and Oxford: A. R. Mowbray, ca. 1922), by Edward Fenton Elwin and Father Moore La Mission Catholique du Zanguebar: Travaux et Voyages du R. P. Horner (in French; Paris: Gaume, 1880), by L. A. Ricklin (page images at HathiTrust) The Man on Joss Stick Alley (previously published as Father McShane of Maryknoll; New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green, and Co., c1947), by James Edward Walsh (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Missions and Missionaries of California (original series; 4 volumes; San Francisco: J. H. Barry, 1908-1915), by Zephyrin Engelhardt The English-American His Travail by Sea and Land: or, A New Survey of the West-India's, Containing a Journall of Three Thousand and Three Hundred Miles Within the Main Land of America (London: Printed by R. Cotes for H. Blunden and T. Williams, 1648), by Thomas Gage
Filed under: Catholic Church -- Missions -- Alaska
Filed under: Catholic Church -- Missions -- Canada -- Periodicals
Filed under: Catholic Church -- Missions -- Québec (Province) -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Catholic Church -- Missions -- China The Heart of Pekin: Bishop A. Favier's Diary of the Siege, May-August, 1900 (Boston: Marlier and Co., 1901), by Alphonse Favier, ed. by Joseph Freri Filed under: Catholic Church -- Missions -- Ethiopia The Church-History of Ethiopia: Wherein, Among Other Things, the Two Great Splendid Roman Missions Into That Empire Are Placed in Their True Light (London: Printed for Ri. Chiswell, 1696), by Michael Geddes Filed under: Catholic Church -- Missions -- Hawaii
Filed under: Catholic Church -- Missions -- Michigan -- Emmet County L'Arbre Croche Mission: A Memorable Relation Briefly Setting Forth the Historical Facts and Eschewing All Fable and Legend, As Erected by Untutored Minds, Touching Upon the Justly Famed Mission of the Crooked Tree (Santa Barbara, CA: The author, 1917), by H. Bedford-Jones and Henry McConnell Filed under: Catholic Church -- Missions -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Catholic Church -- Missions -- Rocky Mountains
Filed under: Catholic Church -- Missions -- United States -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Catholic Church -- Missions -- Yukon River Region (Yukon and Alaska)
Filed under: Indians -- Missions -- Early works to 1800 The English-American His Travail by Sea and Land: or, A New Survey of the West-India's, Containing a Journall of Three Thousand and Three Hundred Miles Within the Main Land of America (London: Printed by R. Cotes for H. Blunden and T. Williams, 1648), by Thomas Gage Filed under: Indians of North America -- Missions -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Indians of North America -- Missions -- Massachusetts -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Iroquois Indians -- Missions -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Jesuits -- Missions -- Early works to 1800 The Church-History of Ethiopia: Wherein, Among Other Things, the Two Great Splendid Roman Missions Into That Empire Are Placed in Their True Light (London: Printed for Ri. Chiswell, 1696), by Michael Geddes
Filed under: Jesuits -- Missions -- China -- Early works to 1800 Relacion Anual de las Cosas que Han Hecho los Padres de la Compañia de Jesus en la India Oriental y Japon, en los Años 600 y 601 y del Progreso de la Conversion y Christiandad de Aquellas Partes (in Spanish; Valladolid: L. Sanchez, 1604), by Fernão Guerreiro, trans. by Antonio Colaço Filed under: Jesuits -- Missions -- India -- Early works to 1800 Relacion Anual de las Cosas que Han Hecho los Padres de la Compañia de Jesus en la India Oriental y Japon, en los Años 600 y 601 y del Progreso de la Conversion y Christiandad de Aquellas Partes (in Spanish; Valladolid: L. Sanchez, 1604), by Fernão Guerreiro, trans. by Antonio Colaço Filed under: Jesuits -- Missions -- Japan -- Early works to 1800 Relacion Anual de las Cosas que Han Hecho los Padres de la Compañia de Jesus en la India Oriental y Japon, en los Años 600 y 601 y del Progreso de la Conversion y Christiandad de Aquellas Partes (in Spanish; Valladolid: L. Sanchez, 1604), by Fernão Guerreiro, trans. by Antonio Colaço Filed under: Missions -- Latin America -- Early works to 1800 The English-American His Travail by Sea and Land: or, A New Survey of the West-India's, Containing a Journall of Three Thousand and Three Hundred Miles Within the Main Land of America (London: Printed by R. Cotes for H. Blunden and T. Williams, 1648), by Thomas Gage Filed under: Moravian Church -- Missions -- Early works to 1800
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Catholic Church The Forty Questions Most Frequently Asked About The Catholic Church By Non-Catholics (1956), by A. W. Terminiello (HTML at Una Fides) Characteristics From the Writings of John Henry Newman, Being Selections Personal, Historical, Philosophical, and Religious, From His Various Works, by John Henry Newman, ed. by William Samuel Lilly (HTML at Complete Philosophical and Theological Treatises of Anselm of Canterbury, by Saint Anselm, trans. by Jasper Hopkins and Herbert Richardson (PDF files with commentary at Wayback Machine) Europe and the Faith, by Hilaire Belloc (Gutenberg text) The Faith of the Millions, Second Series: A Selection of Past Essays, by George Tyrrell (Gutenberg text) Papers of a Pariah, by Robert Hugh Benson (HTML at Notre Dame) Paradoxes of Catholicism, by Robert Hugh Benson The Range of Reason, by Jacques Maritain (HTML at Notre Dame) Survivals and New Arrivals, by Hilaire Belloc (HTML at EWTN) Tracts Theological and Ecclesiastical (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1908), by John Henry Newman (HTML at The Cross and the Crisis (Milwaukee: Bruce Pub. Co., c1938), by Fulton J. Sheen (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Catholic Conception of International Law: Francisco de Vitoria, Founder of the Modern Law of Nations; Francisco Suárez, Founder of the Modern Philosophy of Law in General and in Particular of the Law of Nations (Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1934), by James Brown Scott (page images at HathiTrust) What Price Tolerance (Hewlett, NY: All-American Book, Lecture and Research Bureau, c1928), by Paul M. Winter (page images at HathiTrust) A Book of Essays (1916), by Robert Hugh Benson, contrib. by Allan Ross (HTML at Notre Dame) European Civilization: Protestantism and Catholicity Compared in Their Effects on the Civilization of Europe (edited, with a memoir of the author; 16th edition; Baltimore: J. Murphy and Co., c1850), by Jaime Luciano Balmes, trans. by C. J. Hanford and Robert Kershaw (page images at HathiTrust) European Civilization: Protestantism and Catholicity Compared in Their Effects on the Civilization of Europe (edited, with a memoir of the author; Baltimore and New York: J. Murphy Co., n.d.), by Jaime Luciano Balmes, trans. by C. J. Hanford and Robert Kershaw (multiple formats at The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi (Philadelphia: The Dolphin Press, 1906), by Saint Francis of Assisi, ed. by Paschal Robinson (HTML with commentary at The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi (translated from the Critical Latin Edition), by Saint Francis of Assisi, ed. by Kajetan Esser (HTML at
Filed under: Catholic Church -- America Coleccion de Bulas, Breves y Otros Documentos Relativos a la Iglesia de America y Filipinas (2 volumes; Bruselas: A. Vromant, 1879), ed. by Francisco Javier Hernáez
Filed under: Catholic Church -- Apologetic works Catholic Apologetics Today: Answers to Modern Critics, by William G. Most (HTML at Catholic Biblical Apologetics, by Robert J. Schihl and Paul D. Flanagan (HTML at The End of Religious Controversy, in a Friendly Correspondence Between a Religious Society of Protestants and a Roman Catholic Divine (3 volumes; London: Keating, Brown and Co., et al., 1818), by John Milner First American Edition of the Works of the Rev. D. W. Cahill, D. D., The Highly Distinguished Irish Priest, Patriot and Scholar (Boston: P. Donahoe, 1855), by Daniel William Cahill The Ghosts of Bigotry: Six Lectures (second edition; San Francisco: Text Book Pub. Co., 1913), by P. C. Yorke (multiple formats at Observations on Bishop Hobart's Charge, Entitled "Corruptions of the Church of Rome, Contrasted With Certain Protestant Errors", in a Letter to That Prelate (Washington: Printed by Davis and Force, 1820), by George E. Ironside A Papist Misrepresented and Represented: or, A Two-Fold Character of Popery (Cincinnati: J. P. Walsh, n.d.), by John Gother (multiple formats at A Papist Misrepresented and Represented: or, A Two-Fold Character of Popery (Cincinnati: Catholic Society for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge, ca. 1860), by John Gother A Papist Misrepresented and Represented: or, A Twofold Character of Popery (from the 19th London edition, revised by a Catholic clerrgyman of Baltimore; Baltimore: F. Lucas Jr., ca. 1830), by John Gother Questions of the Soul (fifth edition; New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1864), by Isaac Thomas Hecker (page images at HathiTrust) The Shortest Way to End Disputes About Religion (6th American stereotype edition; Boston: P. Donahoe, 1855), by Robert Manning (multiple formats at Google) A Vindication of the Catholic Church, in a Series of Letters Addressed to John Henry Hopkins, Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Vermont (Baltimore: J. Murphy and Co.; Pittsburgh: J. Quigley, 1855), by Francis Patrick Kenrick An Answer to the Rev. G. S. Faber's Difficulties of Romanism (Baltimore: F. Lucas, n.d.), by J. F. M. Trévern, trans. by F. C. Husenbeth (multiple formats at Catholic Controversy: A Reply to Dr. Littledale's "Plain Reasons" (8th edition; London: Burns and Oates; New York et al.: Benziger Bros., ca. 1889), by H. I. D. Ryder (multiple formats at Faberism Exposed and Refuted and the Apostolicity of Catholic Doctrine Vindicated: Against the Second Edition, "Revised and Remoulded," of Faber's "Difficulties of Romanism" (Norwich: Bacon, Kinnerbrook, and Bacon, 1836), by F. C. Husenbeth (multiple formats at Kirwan Unmasked: A Review of Kirwan in Six Letters, Addressed to the Rev. Nicholas Murray, by John Hughes (page images at MOA) Lecture by M. W. Kirwan, Editor of the True Witness, in Reply to Reverend Mr. Bray, on the "Romish" Church: Delivered in the Mechanics' Hall, March 13, 1877 (Montreal: Printed at the "True Witness" Office, 1877), by M. W. Kirwan (multiple formats at A Reply to the Rev. G. S. Faber's Supplement to His Difficulties of Romanism (London: Hurst, Chance, and Co., et al., 1829), by F. C. Husenbeth (multiple formats at Ritualism, by the Right Hon. W. Ewart Gladstone, M.P., Examined: The Anti-Catholic Charges Answered (London: Burns and Oates, 1874), by John Stewart McCorry (multiple formats at Catholics in Controversy (New York: McMullen Books, c1954), by James M. O'Neill (page images at HathiTrust) The Everlasting Man (1925), by G. K. Chesterton (text at Gutenberg Australia) Römischer Katholizismus und Politische Form (in German; Hellerau: J. Hegner, 1923), by Carl Schmitt Thoughts, by Blaise Pascal, trans. by W. F. Trotter Thoughts; Letters; Minor Works (Harvard Classics edition; New York: P. F. Collier and Son, c1910), by Blaise Pascal, ed. by O. W. Wight, trans. by W. F. Trotter and Mary L. Booth (page images at HathiTrust) Apologia Pro Vita Sua (London: J. M. Dent and Sons; New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., published some time after 1912), by John Henry Newman (Gutenberg text) Apologia Pro Vita Sua ("the two versions of 1864 and 1865". London: Oxford University Press, 1913), by John Henry Newman, ed. by Wilfrid Ward (HTML at Apologia Pro Vita Sua: Being a History of His Religious Opinions (London and New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1890), by John Henry Newman (Gutenberg text and page images) The Via Media of the Anglican Church, Illustrated in Lectures, Letters and Tracts (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1908), by John Henry Newman
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