Christian socialism -- PeriodicalsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Christian socialism -- Periodicals
Filed under: Christian socialism -- United States -- Periodicals The Dawn, ed. by William Dwight Porter Bliss (partial serial archives)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Christian socialism Gerald Massey: Chartist, Poet, Radical, and Freethinker (revised electronic edition, 2009), by David Shaw (HTML in the UK) Christian Socialism, Explained and Enforced, and Compared with Infidel Fellowship Especially, as Propounded by Robert Owen, Esq., and His Disciples (1839), by T. H. Hudson (multiple formats at Google) Letters to a Clergyman, on Institutions for Ameliorating the Condition of the People, Chiefly from Paris in the Autumn of 1845 (London: Chapman and Hall, 1846), by John Minter Morgan (multiple formats at Practical Christian Socialism: A Conversational Exposition of the True System of Human Society (1854), by Adin Ballou (multiple formats at What is Christian Socialism? (reprinted from "The Dawn"; Boston: Society of Christian Socialists, 1890), by William Dwight Porter Bliss Communism and Christianism, Analyzed and Contrasted From the Marxian and Darwinian Points of View (fourth edition; Galion, OH: Bradford-Brown Educational Co., 1921), by William Montgomery Brown (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Last Incarnation: Gospel Legends of The Nineteenth Century (New York: W. H. Graham, 1848), by Eliphas Lévi, trans. by Francis George Shaw (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Christian socialism -- Fiction
Filed under: Church and social problems -- Periodicals
Filed under: Church and social problems -- Anglican Communion -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Church and social problems -- Catholic Church -- Periodicals
Filed under: Catholic Worker Movement -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Church and social problems -- California -- Los Angeles -- Catholic Church -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Church and social problems -- China -- Hong Kong -- Periodicals
Filed under: Socialism -- Periodicals Democratic Left, by Democratic Socialists of America and Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (U.S.), contrib. by Michael Harrington (full serial archives) International Socialism (partial serial archives) The Militant (partial serial archives) News and Letters (full serial archives) The Socialist (partial serial archives) Le Mouvement Social (in French, 1960-) (partial serial archives) Socialist Resistance (London, 2002-) (partial serial archives) Socialist Review (Socialist Workers Party publication, 1978-) (partial serial archives) Socialist Viewpoint (San Francisco; 2001-) (full serial archives) International Socialist Review (partial serial archives) The Socialist Register (partial serial archives) Northstar Compass (Wayback snapshot including articles from issues published 1998-2014) (partial serial archives) Imprints: Egalitarian Theory and Practice (1996-2010) (full serial archives) Partisan Review (full serial archives) The Western Socialist (partial serial archives) Permanent Revolution (1983-1994), by Workers Power Group (London, England) (full serial archives) Socialist Call (partial serial archives) L'Actualité de l'Histoire (full serial archives) Dissent (partial serial archives) Young Socialist (1957-1970s) (partial serial archives) Socialist Appeal: An Organ of Revolutionary Socialism (partial serial archives) New Militant, by Workers Party of the United States (full serial archives) Hammer and Tongs, by Socialist Party-Social Democratic Federation (partial serial archives) The Socialist Review (London: Independent Labour Party, 1908-1934) (partial serial archives) American Appeal (partial serial archives) Australian Marxist Review, by Communist Party of Australia (partial serial archives) The Citizen (Scottish socialist paper) (partial serial archives) The Class Struggle (New York: Socialist Publication Society, 1917-1919) (full serial archives) The Common Cause (New York: The Social Reform Press, 1912-1913) (full serial archives) The Comrade: An illustrated Socialist Monthly (partial serial archives) Left Turn (partial serial archives) The Liberator (US radical labor magazine, 1918-1924) (full serial archives) The Masses (full serial archives) The Nationalist (Boston: Nationalist Educational Association, c1889-1891), ed. by Henry Willard Austin and John Storer Cobb (full serial archives) The New Justice (some issues scanned from reprints; 1919-1920) (full serial archives) The New Moral World (full serial archives) New Politics (New York based semiannual journal) (partial serial archives) The New Review (socialist magazine published in New York, 1913-1916) (full serial archives) New Socialist (Canadian magazine) (partial serial archives) The Northwest Worker (partial serial archives) The Party Builder, by Socialist Party (U.S.) (partial serial archives) Revolutionary Age (Socialist Party Left Wing publication, 1918-1919) (full serial archives) Socialism Today (partial serial archives) Socialist Alternative (Australian magazine) (partial serial archives) Socialist Outlook (2003-2009 incarnation) (partial serial archives) The Socialist Spirit (1901-1903) (partial serial archives) Socialist Standard (partial serial archives) To-Day (British socialist monthly, 1883-1889) (partial serial archives) Upton Sinclair's: A Monthly Magazine, For a Clean Peace and the Internation (published 1 volume of 10 issues, 1918-1919), ed. by Upton Sinclair (full serial archives) The Workers' World (weekly publication of the Socialist Party of Kansas City, MO; 1919) (partial serial archives) American Labor Year Book, by Rand School of Social Science Department of Labor Research (partial serial archives) Annual Report, by Fabian Society (Great Britain) (partial serial archives) Bulletin, by Socialist Party (U.S.) (partial serial archives) Communism, by International Communist Group (partial serial archives) Communist Voice (partial serial archives) The Evolutionist (ran 9 issues, 1909-1910), ed. by Arthur M. Lewis (full serial archives) Fourth International (partial serial archives) The Intercollegiate Socialist (1913-1919), by Intercollegiate Socialist Society (U.S.) (partial serial archives) International Viewpoint (partial serial archives) The Modern Quarterly (partial serial archives) The Progressive Dentist (full serial archives) Revolutionary History (partial serial archives) Revolutionary Transit Worker (partial serial archives) The Social-Democrat (UK, 1897-1911) (partial serial archives) Socialism and Liberation (partial serial archives) The Socialist World (from a reprint edition) (full serial archives) Die Internationale: Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus (reprint; in German; some early volumes readable online in the US only), contrib. by Rosa Luxemburg and Franz Mehring (partial serial archives) Internationalism, by International Communist Current (partial serial archives) A Voice in the Wilderness: A Magazine of Sane Radicalism (1917-1920; from a reprint edition), ed. by William J. Robinson (full serial archives)
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