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Filed under: Christian sociology -- Catholic Church -- Early works to 1800 Speculum vite humane in quo discutiuntur com[m]odo & incom[m]oda dulcia & amara solatia & miseriæ prospera & aduersa laudes & pericula omniu[m] statuum (J. Prüss, 1507), by Rodrigo Sánchez de Arévalo, Johannes Prüss, Symphorian Polloi, Johannes von Botzheim, and Jakob Wimpheling (page images at HathiTrust) De ivstitia et ivre caeterisqve virtvtibvs cardinalibvs (Venetijs : Apud Bernardum Iuntam, Io. Bapt. Ciott. & Socios, MDCVIII [1608], 1608), by Leonardus Lessius, Giovanni Battista Ciotti, Bernardo Giunta, and Weston College of the Holy Spirit (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Catholic Church -- History -- Early works to 1800 Annales ecclesiastici (sumptibus Laurentii Basilii et Antonii Tivani, 1710), by Cesare Baronio, Antonio Tivani, Lorenzo Baseggio, and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust) Annales ecclesiastici (sumptibus Laurentii Basilii et Antonii Tivani, 1710), by Cesare Baronio, Antonio Tivani, Lorenzo Baseggio, and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust) Annales ecclesiastici (sumptibus Laurentii Basilii et Antonii Tivani, 1711), by Cesare Baronio, Antonio Tivani, Lorenzo Baseggio, and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust) Annales ecclesiastici (sumptibus Laurentii Basilii et Antonii Tivani, 1708), by Cesare Baronio, Antonio Tivani, Lorenzo Baseggio, and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust) Annales ecclesiastici (sumptibus Laurentii Basilii et Antonii Tivani, 1709), by Cesare Baronio, Antonio Tivani, Lorenzo Baseggio, and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust) Annales ecclesiastici (sumptibus Laurentii Basilii et Antonii Tivani, 1708), by Cesare Baronio, Antonio Tivani, Lorenzo Baseggio, and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust) Annales ecclesiastici (sumptibus Laurentii Basilii et Antonii Tivani, 1707), by Cesare Baronio, Antonio Tivani, Lorenzo Baseggio, and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust) Annales ecclesiastici (ex typographia haeredum Bartoli, 1641), by Cesare Baronio, Girolamo Bartoli, and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust) Annales ecclesiastici (sumptibus Laurentii Basilii et Antonii Tivani, 1712), by Cesare Baronio, Antonio Tivani, Lorenzo Baseggio, and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust) Annales ecclesiastici (sumptibus Laurentii Basilii et Antonii Tivani, 1711), by Cesare Baronio, Antonio Tivani, Lorenzo Baseggio, and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust) Annales ecclesiastici (sumptibus Laurentii Basilii et Antonii Tivani, 1706), by Cesare Baronio, Antonio Tivani, Lorenzo Baseggio, and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust) Annales ecclesiastici (sumptibus Laurentii Basilii et Antonii Tivani, 1705), by Cesare Baronio, Antonio Tivani, Lorenzo Baseggio, and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust) Le vite di tvtti i pontefici da S. Piero in qva ridotte in epitome da Tomaso Costo ... (Appresso Bernardo Basa, et Barezzo Barezzi, 1592), by Platina, Onofrio Panvinio, and Tommaso Costo (page images at HathiTrust) The tryal of the Roman Catholics : on a special commission directed to Lord Chief Justice Reason, Lord Chief Baron Interes, and Mr. Justice Clemency ... (Dublin : Printed by George Faulkner, 1762., 1762), by Henry Brooke (page images at HathiTrust) Delle vite de' pontefici (In Venetia, : Appresso Abondio Menafoglio, M.DC.LXXIV., 1666), by Platina, Giovanni Pietro Brigonci, Bartolomeo Dionigi, Abraham Bzowski, Giovanni Stringa, Antonio Ciccarelli, and Onofrio Panvinio (page images at HathiTrust) De rerum inventoribus. English. Abridgments (Imprinted at London : VVithin the precincte of the late dissolued house of the Grey Friars, by Richard Grafton printer to the princes grace, the. xvi daie of Aprill, the yere of our lorde M.D.xlvi. [1546]), by Polydore Vergil and Thomas Langley (HTML at EEBO TCP) An answer to the most materiall parts of Dr. Hamond's booke of schisme: or a defence of the Church of England, against exceptions of the Romanists written in a letter from a Catholique gent. to his friend in England. (London : [s.n.], Printed anno Dom. 1654), by B. P. (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Catholic Church -- History -- Early works to 1800 -- IndexesFiled under: Canon law -- History -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Counter-Reformation -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648 -- Early works to 1800 October. 9. Numb. 37. The continuation of our weekly newes from the 4. of October to the 10. of the same (Printed for Nathaniell Butter, 1627), by Nathaniel Butter and Project Unica (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library) (page images at HathiTrust) Nucleus historicus decennalis; das ist: zehenjährige chronick, was sich von anno 1618 biss auff gegenwertiges 1628 in und ausser dem H. Römischen Reich begeben und zugetragen. (gedruckt bey C. Fulden, 1628) (page images at HathiTrust) A declaration or manifesto, vvherein the Roman Imperiall Majesty makes known to the states & peers of Hungarie, what reasons and motives have compelled him to proceed in open warre against the Prince of Transylvania. VVhereby also his Imperiall Majesty admonisheth them to a due consideration of their loyaltie and obedience, as also to a zealous and joynt opposition against the said Prince of Transylvania, bearing date the 23. of February, 1644. ([London?] : Printed according to order for E. Blackmore, M DC XLIV. [1644]), by Holy Roman Empire. Emperor (1637-1657 : Ferdinand III) and Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Svvedish discipline, religious, civile, and military The first part, in the formes of prayer daily used by those of the Swedish nation, in the armie. Together with two severall prayers, uttered upon severall occasions by that pious King; which God immediately heard and granted him. The second part, in the excellent orders observed in the armie; whereof we here present you the articles, by which the souldiery is governed. The third part, in the Kings commission for levying of a regiment: his order for drawing vp of a private company; of a squadron; and of a brigade: with his manner of enquartering a private regiment; and of an army royall: vnto which is added the best manner of building and fortifying of a towne of warre. All, in fiue severall figures expressed and explained. Last of all, is the famous Battell of Leipsich, in two fayre figures also set forth: and now this second time more fully and particularly described. (London : Printed by Iohn Dawson [, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet] for Nath: Butter and Nich: Bourne, 1632), by William Watts, Thomas Roe, Johann Philipp. Arma Suecica. English Abelin, and Sweden. Armén (HTML at EEBO TCP) Treaties, etc. Pomerania (Germany). English (Printed at Delph : By Andrevv Clouting, Anno 1631), by Sweden and Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II (HTML at EEBO TCP) Briefve information des affaires du Palatinat. English. ([London?] : Printed, M.DC.XXIIII. [1624]), by Thomas Scott (HTML at EEBO TCP) Mayeres his travels containing a true recapitulation of all the remarkable passages which befell in the authors peregrination and voyages, as namely in these imployments following: viz. his 1 voyage for the wars in Ireland in Queen E.R. 2 At Breda, under one of the four English Colonell regiments. 3 With Count Mansfield. 4 To Cales. 5 To the Ile of Rhee. Wherunto is added a speech the author held with great King Hunger in his journey over the alpes. Collected and written by him who was both an actor, and an eye witnesse in the above named severall imployments, the space of forty yeeres, R.M.S. Gent. Published with license and authority. (London : Printed by T. H[arper] for Richard Harper, and are to [..], [1638]), by Randulph Mayeres (HTML at EEBO TCP) Monro, his expedition with the ... Scots Regiment (London : Printed by William Iones in Red-Crosse streete, 1637), by Robert Monro (HTML at EEBO TCP) July 22. Numb. 41. More newes of the Duke of Brunswick Relating the late and full ouerthrow giuen by him to two regiments of Monsieur Tilly. The continuance of Bethlem Gabers warlike preparations. Some new propositions made by the emperour vnto him. Count Mansfields march out of Embdenland, vnto Meppen. With other newes of the Prince of Orang and Spinolaes last designes. Together with diuers other particulars, from seuerall places and the continuation of our former newes. (London : printed [by Eliot's Court Press] for Nathaniel Butter, and William Sheffard, 1623), contrib. by Nathaniel Butter and William Sheffard (HTML at EEBO TCP) July 29. Numb. 42. More newes of the good successe of the Duke of Brunsvvicke Fully relating his last and seuerall victories atchieued against the forces of Monsieur Tilly. With the muster, march, strength, order, approches, encounters, and pursuits of the said Duke of Brunswick; from the first setting forth vnto the third of our Iuly. As likewise some letters betwixt the old Duke of Brunswick and Monsieur Tilly, concerning the state of the businesse. Something also of the emperours other preparations, and seuerall other occurences about the Kings of Denmarke, Poland, and Sweden. Together with other weekely newes from sundry other places. (London : Printed [by Eliot's Court Press?] for Nathaniel Butter, and Nicholas Bourne, 1623), contrib. by Nicholas Butter and Nicholas Bourne (HTML at EEBO TCP) Apologie pour le tres-illustre seigneur, Ernéste conte de Mansfeld. (Printed at Heidelbergh [i.e. London : By Edward Allde], 1622), by fl. 1622 S. W. (HTML at EEBO TCP) Thankes-giving for the victorie God gave his princely Excellencie, in the overcomming and taking the citie Grave, the twentieth of September. 1602. (Imprinted at London : By Simon Stafford, dwelling in Hosier lane neere Smith-field, 1602), by fl. 1602 W. C. (HTML at EEBO TCP) Swedish intelligencer. Part 1. (London : Printed [by John Dawson] for Nath: Butter and Nicolas Bourne, 1632), by William Watts and Gerard Mountain (HTML at EEBO TCP) Conference held at Angelo Castle, between the Pope, the Emperor, and the King of Spaine. ([London : S.n., 1619?]), by Paul, Matthias, and Philip (HTML at EEBO TCP) Causes for which the most high and mighty prince and lo: Lord Gustavus Adolphus of the Swedes, Gothes, and Vandals King. (London : Printed [by G. Purslowe] for Nath. Butter, and Nicholas Bourne, 1631) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A briefe dissection of Germaines affliction with warre, pestilence, and famine; and other deducable miseries, lachrimable to speak of; more lamentable to partake of. Sent as a (friendly) monitor to England, warning her to beware of, (generally) ingratitude, and security; as also (particularly) other greevous sinnes, the weight whereof Germany hath a long time felt, and at this present doth (and England may feare to) feele. Written from approv'd intelligence, by M. Parker. (Printed at London : By T. Cotes for Francis Grove, dwelling on Snow- hill, neare the Sarazens head, 1638), by -1656? M. P. (Martin Parker) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Swedish intelligencer. (London : Printed by Tho. Harper, for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne, 1634), by N. C. and William Watts (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Swedish intelligencer. (London : Printed [by Thomas Harper, Miles Flesher, Elizabeth Allde? and John Dawson] for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne, 1634), by N. C. and William Watts (HTML at EEBO TCP) Discourse touching the Peace of Prague, no lesse unhappily than unjustly concluded at Prague in Bohemia, the 30. of May, 1635. (London : Printed by I[ohn] L[egat and Eliot's Court Press] for I. H[unscott] and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the golden Lyon [by P. Stephens and C. Meredith], 1637), by Johannes Stella (HTML at EEBO TCP) The lamentations of Germany. Wherein, as in a glasse, we may behold her miserable condition, and reade the woefull effects of sinne. / Composed by an eye-witnesse thereof: and illustrated by pictures, the more to affect the reader. By Dr. Vincent. Theol.. (London, : Printed by E.G. for Iohn Rothwell, and are to be sold, at the signe of the Sunne in St. Pauls Church-yard., 1638.), by Philip Vincent and Georg Rodolf Weckherlin (HTML at EEBO TCP) Swedish intelligencer. Part 3-4. (London : Printed by I[ohn] L[egat and Miles Flesher] for Nath: Butter and Nicholas Bourne, 1633), by William Watts (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Swedish intelligencer. The second part. VVherein, out of the truest and choysest informations, are the famous actions of that warlike prince historically led along: from the victory of Leipsich, unto the conquest of Bavaria. The times and places of every action, being so sufficiently observed and described; that the reader may finde both truth and reason in it. (London, : Printed by I.L. for Nath: Butter and Nicholas Bourne., 1632.), by William Watts (HTML at EEBO TCP) The devotions and formes of prayer, daily vsed in the king of Svvedens army: being the first part of our intended booke concerning the Svvedish discipline; religious, civill, and military.. (London, : Printed for Nathanaell Butter and Nicholas Bourne., 1632.) (HTML at EEBO TCP) More newes from the Palatinate. (London : Printed by W. Iones for N. Butter and W. Sheffard, and are to be sold at S. Austins gate, and at the entring in of Popes-head Ally out of Lombard street, 1622) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The most remarkable passages from most parts of Christendome, for about three months past gathered out of the best intelligence that comes to this kingdome, either by letters or otherwise, very usefull for our nation to take notice of. Wherein you have the actions of Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and the Low-Countryes. In Upper Germany, the various fortunes of the Swedish and Imperiall armies. In Lower Germany (since the joyning of the Hessish and Weymarish) the continuall good successe of that party against Lamboy, the Bishop of Collen, and other their confederates. The undertakings and actions of the French and Spanish Kings in Catalonia, with the taking of Coluvre. Something of the Hollander both at home and abroad, in the West-Indies, as the taking S. Tomee. (London : printed for Nath. Butter, 1642) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Newes from the Palatinate A true and comfortable relation of the wonderfull proceedings of Count Mansfield, from his forst comming into the Palatinate, vntill this present moneth. Wherein to his eternall memory he hath set out Gods glory, and enlarged his owne renowne, by being honest to the King of Bohemia, and a constant maintainer of the Gospell of Christ. Likewise relating the true and admirable manner of raising of the siege of Franckendale by Sir Horatio Vere, with the rest of his proceedings, vntill this present. Faithfully translated and extracted out of a Dutch letter sent from Franckendale, by a great commander, who hath beene an eyewitnesse of the same. (Printed at the Hage [i.e. London : By Edward Allde], 1622) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Newes of this present weeke from Germany, Italy, and Spaine, the greatest that came these many yeers, in one weeke. The generall heads are as follow: ... (London, : Printed for Nathaniel Butter., Iune 6. 1640.) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The ninth of September. 1622. Count Mansfields proceedings since the last battaile with the great misfortune which hath lately hapned to the Duke of Brunswicke VVith the great victory obtained by the Protestants in France, by those of the Towne of Mompeliers against the Kings forces, who fought to take the towne by treachery, but were most of them put to the sword. Also relating another skirmish, which happened betweene Count Mansfield and Don Cordua in the prouince of Henego, with the great sea fight betweene some of the Hollanders bound for the West Indies meeting with the Spaniards. Likewise a new and great slaughter made vpon Spinola his forces hefore [sic] Bergen vp Zome, by those of the towne: with the comming downe of Bethlem Gabors brother, and the Marquis of Iagersdorp into Silesia, to inuade the country. Lastly, the taking in of the citty of Spiers by the Bauarians, with their blocking vp of Heidelburgh, Frankendale, and Mainhem, in the Palatinate. ... ([London] : Printed by E. A[llde] for Nicholas Bourne and Thomas Archer, and are to bee solde at their shops, at the Royall Exchange and Popes head Pallace, 1622) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Norimberg curranto of this week The confirmation of the defeat of the remainds of Marazini's army, and taking him prisoner. The people of Tabor make away apace to Vienna, and to Gratz, and so to the mountains, by reason of the Swedes approach. Generall Bannier is drawing his forces from all parts to Brandeis, 3 leagues from Prague, where Hatzfeld is now joyned with Gallas; whereupon another battell is like to follow. (London : Printed Iune 21, 1639, for Nath: Butter and Nicholas Bourne, [1639]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Numb[er]. 1. An abstract of some special forreigne occurrences, brought down to the weekly newes, of the 20 of December. Or, The severall passages and novels which have happened in Germany, France, Spaine, Italy, and other places some few moneths since (London : printed [by T. Harper?] for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne, By permission, 1638) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Numb. 86 The curranto this weeke from Holland ([London : Printed [by T. Harper?] for Nath. Butter and Nic. Bourne, Iune 21, 1639 with permission), by Jan van Hilten (HTML at EEBO TCP) The relation of all the last passages of the warres in the Palatinate, and how both armies haue disposed themselues vnto further enterprises Wherein is set forth the vallourous repulse of Monsieur Tilley from Heidelberg; with his great losse of men before it. Together with his iourney into the Marquis of Tourlachs country; and his plot for the taking in of all the three townes, Heidelbergh, Manheim, and Frankendale; with Generall Veres provision, to hinder that designe. Moreover the exployts of Count Mansfeild, and of Brunswicke in Alsatia; and of their passage thence through Lorraine towards Luxumborgh, and Burgundy; with the King of Bohemia's arrivall at Sedan. And lastly, the siege of Bergen ap [sic] Zoon by Spinola. Written from Frankendale the 20. and out of Lorraine the 23. of Iuly 1622. Stilo novo. Printed this eighteenth of Iuly. (London : Printed by I.D[awson] for Nathaniel Newbery and William Sheffard, and are to be sold in Popes-head Alley, 1622) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A relation of the King of Svveden, his happie and incomparable successe and victories, against the forces of the Emperour, in Pomerania and the adjacent places, since Christmas last with his answer to the Emperours letter, expressing the cause of his vndertaking the said warre and his resolution to continue the same, vntil Germany bee restored to his former liberty. Together with the names of the forts, townes, and cities taken; as also, the interception and taking of the convoyes of waggons of prouision and other necessaries of the Imperialists, since the same time by the King of Svveden. Febr. the 18. Vnto which is added our weekely avisoes from Germanie and other parts. (London : Printed for Nath: Butter and Nicholas Bourne, 1631) (HTML at EEBO TCP) February 8. Numb. 10. The continuation of our forraine intelligence, since the 3. of the last to this present Conteining many remarkable passages, amongst the rest these following. A more exact relation of the fearfull burning of the hill Soma nere Naples then the former, with the effects it hath wrought in that citie vpon the publicke harlots as well as other people. The adventure of the Imperiall Generall Pappenheim to relieue (or rather to ruine) the citie Magdenburg, with the successe thereof, as much as we haue yet received of credit. The late proceeding of the King of Sweden forces in Wittenburg, & what townes he hath taken; his preparation and mooving, to meet with, and to prevent the designes of the imperialists nere Erford, and elsewhere. The state of the French K. in Lorraine, & how he mooues. The late arrivall and royall entertainment of Monsieur the Kings brother at Bruxsell. (London : Printed [by J. Dawson?] for Nath: Butter and Nicolas Bourne, 1632) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The fourth of September. Newes from sundry places, both forraine and domestique From Venice, Rome, Spaine, France, Naples, the Palatinate, and the Low-Countries. A relation of Count Mansfeilds progresse, (his battaile with Gonsalo in his passage) till his arriuall at Breda, with the Duke of Brunswicke his valiant pursuit of Gonsalo, (being wounded) and the slaughter of 500. of his men, and the taking of certaine waggons, and Gonsales owne coath. Whereunto is added, a true and certaine report, of the lamentable shipwracke which happened at Plimoth in Deuonshire, on Munday the 19th. of August last past, with other great harme done elsewhere, by lightning and thunder on the same day. (London : Printed for Nathaniel Butter and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Pyde Bull, at Saint Austins Gate, 1622) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The 25. of September. Nevves from most parts of christendome. Especially from Rome, Italy, Spaine, France, the Palatinate, the Low Countries, and diuers other places. VVherein is contained a full and certaine relation, of the last battle fought at Bergen vp-Zome, and the great ouerthrow which Spinolaes forces receiued from those of the towne. With the lamentable losse of the city of Heidlebergh, after many braue repulses given to the enemie: and the names of some principall leaders, as were slaine in defence of the towne. And diuers other speciall matters, coninued from the last printed newes of the twentieth, to this present.. (London, : Printed for Nathaniel Butter, and William Sheffard., 1622.) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Aprill 28. Numb. 20. The continuation of our forraine avisoes, since the 24. ditto Conteining many very remarkeable passages concerning Germany, Italy, France, the Low Countries, &c. As namely, the popes deniall to furnish the emperour with money. Discontents betwixt the emperour, and the Prince of Transilvania. A more particular relation of the King of Swedens routing of Generall Tilly neare Ausburgh. His maiesties further proceedings since then, and of his taking in of these townes Ginsburgh, Lawingen, Hoogstadt; Dillingen, Grundelingen, Windelingen, Elching, Kirberg, Oberendorfe. A pretty passage betwixt the King of Sweden and one of Tillies sentinels. The restoring of the Protestant religion at Donawert, and rendring of divers cities and townes in Bavaria, to his Maistie of Sweden. With many other particulars from divers other places. (London : printed [by J. Dawson] for Nath: Butter and Nicolas Bourne, 1632), by John Dawson, contrib. by Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne (HTML at EEBO TCP) August II. 1622. A remonstration of the French subiects professing the reformed religion vnto the French King Wherein are showne divers notable passages, and matters of great waight and consideration, as well of the present as of the former troubles and dissentions in France. As also, a relation, containing the rebellion of the nobilitie and gentrie of the kingdome of Naples, and the retreate of the Vice-Roy. The sea-fight betwixt the gallies of Spaine, and Florence, and some pirates. The resolution of Bethlem Gabor ... The arrivall of Sir Robert Sherley at Florence, being sent ambassassador [sic] from the King of Persia. Besides the late proceedings of the Duke of Saxony ... Of the Count Mansfeild, and the Duke Christian of Brunswick; as likewise what Spinola determines to do, and hath done, before Breda, Bergen op Zoon, and Sluce. ... (London : Printed by I[ohn] D[awson] for Nicholas Bourne and Thomas Archer, and are to be sold at their shops at the Exchange, and in Popes-head Pallace, 1622) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Century 3. Numb. 20 The news for this week from Norimberg, Frankford and Holland. (London : Printed [by T. Harper?] for Nathaniel Butter, Aprill 23. 1640. With privilege) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Cent. 3. Numb. 48. The continuation of the forraine occurents for 5. weekes last past, containing many very remarkable passages of Germanie, France, Spaine, Italy, Sweden, the Low-Countries, and other parts of the world Amongst which are these following particulars. 1. The rebellion and falling away of Catalonia confirmed, with their conjunction with the French. 2. The revolt and crowning of a new King of Portugall (the Duke of Briganza) by the name of Iohn the Fourth. 3. The proceedings of Bannier and the Swedish armies in Germany. 4. The taking of Carthagena and the plate fleet in the harbour there by the Hollanders. 5. What hath lately passed at the Dyet at Ratisbone. Examined and licenced by a better and more impartiall hand then heretofore. (London, Printed Ianuary 11. 1640 : for Nath: Butter, dwelling at St. Austins Gate, [1641]), contrib. by Nathaniel Butter (HTML at EEBO TCP) The certaine and true newes, from all the parts of Germany and Poland to this present 29. of October, 1621. Published by authoritie. (London : Printed by F. K[ingston] for B. D[ownes] and are to bee sold by William Lee, at his shop in Fleetstreet, at the golden Bucke, neere Serieants Inne, 1621) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A continuation of all the principall occurrences which hath happened to the Leaguers lying before Breda shewing into what great extreamity and necessity the armie of the Marquesse Spinola is likely to fall into for want of prouision and pay: for which causes he hath already lost aboue 12000 men. With a relation of the forces that are now a leauying vnder, and for the command of Count Mansfield, and the Duke of Brunswicke, by Collonell Smith, and Captaine Daniel de la Riue, with expectation to receiue the forces now dismist by the Kings of Denmarke and Sweden, intending to aduenture their fortunes once more together. ... (Printed at London : By B. A[lsop] for Thomas Archer, and are to be solde at his shop in Popes head Alley, ouer against the signe of the Horse-shooe, 1625) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A continuation of more newes from the Palatinate, the 13. of Iune 1622. Relating the surprising of the landtgrave of Dermstadt, with the skirmish betweene Count Mansfield and Mounsieur Tillye in the returne. Together with the expedition of the Duke of Brunswicke: and the reason of the preparations of Bethlem Gabor against the Emperour. In the end is added a comparison of two souldiers letters concerning former occurrences; and some newes from other places.. (London, : Printed by I.H. for Nathaniel Butter, and are to be sold at his shop at the Pide Bull at Saint Austins Gate., 1622.) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The continuation of our forraine avisoes, since the 27th of the last. Conteining many remarkable late passages out of the High Dutch, out of private letters, & out of the Low Dutch; some part do follow. ... (London : Printed [by J. Dawson?] for Nath: Butter and Nicolas Bourne., 1632.) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The [co]ntinuation [of] the forraine avisoes for two weekes last past, containing many very remarkable passages of Germanie, France, Spaine, Italy, Sweden, the Low-Countries, and other parts of the world ... ([London : For N. Butter...] at St. Austins gate., [J]anuary, 23. 1640. [i.e. 1641]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Good nevves from Alsasia and the Palatinate, the fift of Iune The abstract of three seuerall letters, the one sent from Elsas in Alsatia, where Leopold vsed to keepe his court, the other from Hagenaw which was besieged by him the last from Franke-fort, containing the King of Bohemia's pursute of his victory obtained against the Emperours forces vnder Leopoldus. Afterwards the marching of the Kings forces vnder Count Mansfield, towards the Landtgraue of Darmestats country, with the abstract of another letter sent from the land of Hessen, relating the aduentures which happened to the Duke Christian of Brunswicke in his iourney towards the Palatinate. The late proceedings in the Low-countries, France, and diuers other parts in Germanie. (At London : Printed by B[ernard] A[lsop] for Nicholas Bourne, and Thomas Archer, and are to be solde at the Exchange, and in Popes Head-pallace, 1622) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Good nevves for the King of Bohemia? or, A certaine relation of the last and great ouerthrow, giuen by the Duke of Brunswicke to the Bishop of Cullen, and Duke of Bauariaes forces wherein was rumored, that Brunswicke was slaine. With the proceedings of Count Mansfield, since his last comming into the Palatinate, and since the Emperours ambassadour came into England, with other accidents, both in the Palatinate, and else-where. Sent of purpose by a person of account the eight day of April, and now published the seuenteenth 1622. ([London] : Printed [by Bernard Alsop], 1622) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Ianuary 12. Numb. 6. The continuation of our vveekely avisoes, since the 2. ditto to the 12. of the same Containing amongst divers other things these particulars following; the arrivall of the Queene of Sweden at the citie of Wittenburg, where a few houres after came a messenger from the King of Sweden, that presented her with these particulars following. An image of the child Iesus of pure gold ... and another image of S. Martin of pure gold; all which amongst other he had taken, being ornaments of popish churches. The present state of Tillyes armie ... The rendring of the citie of Mentz, and Oppenheym, with the taking of that castle by assault, with the articles of agreement vpon the former rendring. The cruell and barbarous behaviour of the Spanisp [sic] towards all the townes which they doe forsake before they depart away from them. The King of Sweden hath lately taken in the Palatinate these townes; Oppenheym, Crutznatk, Bagrag, Ladenburg, Slakenburg, and all the Bergstraight ... (London : printed [by John Dawson?] for Nath: Butter and Nicolas Bourne, 1632), by John Dawson, contrib. by Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne (HTML at EEBO TCP) Iune, 25. Numb. 31. The continuation of our weekly nevves from forraine parts Contayning amongst divers matters these particulars following. The preparation of the Duke of Saxony and all the Protestant princes, and their vnanimous joyning with the King of Sweden, for the recovery and preservation of theyr liberties, against the unjust persecution of the Emperour. The great preparation of the King of Svveden for the performance of some great designe about the river blve. The Emperours denunciation of grievuous punishment against the citie Newrembergh and all that shall partake with them, by reason they continue in the raising forcesx contrary to the Emperours command, tow hich end the Emperor hath given charge to the D. of Bavaria to oppose them with all his powers. ... (London : Printed for Nath: Butter and Nicholas Bourne, 1631) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Iune 6. Numb. 26. The continuation of our forraine avisoes, since the 28. of the last moneth, to this present 1. The care of the old King and State of Poland, to provide for the defence of Lituania, and the confines, against the present invasion of the Muscovite. 2. The like care of the late King of Poland, for the governement of that kingdome in the interregnum, (being sicke) if in case he should die, and of his death on the 29. of Aprill following. 3. The names of some of the competitors which doe now labour to make a faction to be elected king. 4. The latest and best confirmed newes of the King of Sweden his proceeding in Bavaria, and of those cruelties vsed by the mutinous Boores against some of the Swedes, whereupon the King hath beene forced to punish that country, more then hee hath done any place, since he came into Germany [...] (London : printed [by John Dawson] for Nathanaell Butter and Nicolas Bourne, 1632), by John Dawson, contrib. by Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne (HTML at EEBO TCP) Iune 23. 1632. Numb. 29. The continuation of our forraine avisoes, since the 16. of this present The continuance of the troubles at Constantinople. The differences in Polonia, about the choyce of a new King. The articles between the King of Sweden and the Duke of Bavaria. A letter of the French kings, relating the troubles betwixt his majestie and the Duke of Loraine. Some Low-Country passages about the present state of the warres there. The rendition of Prague to the Emperour vpon conditions. Some late passages of the King of Sweden in Bavaria. Also, the pursuite of the Spanish by the Swedish in the Palatinate. (London : printed [by John Dawson] for Nathaniel Butter and Nicolas Bourne, 1632), by John Dawson, contrib. by Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne (HTML at EEBO TCP) It is certified from Palermo in Sicilia, that Don Francisco di Castro, as future Vize-Roy, is gone with his gallies to Gaeta, to be admitted therin, and that the said country hath determined to disburse 12000. crownes, to be imployed for the entertaining of him as a welcome thither: but he would not permit them to doe it, neither would receiue the presents that they of Palermo presented vnto him, nor once suffer the common people to be burthened with any expences. ([S.l. : s.n., 1622?]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) July. 16. Numb. 9. The continuation of the most remarkable occurrences of newes, since the 4 of Iune, vntill this present. 1630 Containing, amongst diuers others, these particulars. The preparation and landing of the King of Sweden in Germany, with a mighty army, against the emperour: together with a list of his whole army, horse and foot. A late skirmish and ouerthrow giuen by the States forces, to Count Iohn of Nassaw, himselfe being taken prisoner, being sore hurt: together with diuers men of note neare Wesel. Newes of the arriuall of the two Spanish plate fleets at the Havanna, with the Gargazin of their lading and riches. The great ielousie of the emperour, of the Turkes comming into Hungary, with the great cruelty of the said Turkes, vsed against certaine merchants of Hungary. The arriuall of diuers Dutch ships; richly laden, both from East-Indies, and from Farnambuco together with many other particulars, both from Italy Sauoy, France, and the Low-Countries. (London : printed [by G. Purslowe] for Nicholas Bourne, dwelling at the South entrance of the Royall Exchange, 1630), by George Purslowe, contrib. by Nicholas Butter and Nicholas Bourne (HTML at EEBO TCP) The lamentable destruction of Mulheim, a Protestant towne in Germany Done by the inhabitants of Cologne the 30. of September last 1615. at three of the clock in the morning. Printed according to the Dutch originall. (London : Printed by G. Eld for Richard Lea, and are to bee sold at his shop at the North entry of the Royall Exchange, and in Paules Church yard by Edward Marchant, 1615) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The late good successe and victory, which it pleased God to giue to some of the King of Bohemia's forces, vnder the conduct of the prince of Anhalt, generall for the said King, against the two great generals of the Emperour, Bucquoy and Dampiere, atchieued neare Horne in Austria VVith many other considerable things concerning the affaires of that countrey. Vnto which is added the articles of agreement, made betweene the said King of Bohemia and Bethlem Gaber, prince of Hungaria and Transiluania. (Middleburg [i.e. London] : Printed by Abraham Schilders [i.e. William Jones? or William Stansby?], M.D.C.XX. [1620]), by etc. Transylvania Bohemia (Kingdom). Treaties (HTML at EEBO TCP) A letter sent from Maynhem concerning the late defeate giuen the Duke of Brunswicke by Monsieur Tilley Whereunto is added a couranto of other newes from Vienna, Prague, the Palatinate and other places this 20. of Iune. 1622. (London : Printed by Bernard Alsop for Nathaniel Butter, 1622) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Laniena Pasvvalcensis: that is, A tragicall relation of the plundring, butchering, ravishing of the vvemen and fyreing of the towne of Pasewalke in Pomerland, situated vpon the riuer called the Vcker, written by one which escaped out of that towne to his friend in Penkum, lying not farre from that place, dated the 12. of September 1630. VVherein is layd open to the vvorld, the most in humaine, and horrible insolences, yea the more then barbarous crueltie, and tirrannie committed in that towne by the Emperours officers, souldiers, and crabats, whereof the like was neuer read in any historie comparable to it. First translated out of high Dutch into Nether dutch according to the copie printed at Stralesound by Austin Ferberne, and now translated into English. ([Holland?] : s.n., Imprinted, Anno 1631), by Christian Loper (HTML at EEBO TCP) March 14. Numb. 23. The continuation of our weekly newes, from the 18. of February to this 14. of March Containing, amongst other things, these particulars following: the good successe of the king of Sweden in the land of Meckelburgh, with the names of the townes he hath lately taken. With divers particulars concerning Monsieur Tilly his preparation and strength to oppose the said king of Sweden. The French Kings letter to the court of Parliament of Normandy, concerning the restraint of the Queene Mother, and other of the nobility of France. In French and English. (London : Printed [by G. Purslowe?] for Nath. Butter, and Nicholas Bourne, 1631) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Septemb. 2. Numb. 37. The continuation of our forraine avisoes, from the 20. of the last moneth to this present Containing the confirmation of the newes published the of August, concerning the severall encounters betwixt the King of Sweden and General Tilly, with the three dayes welcome given him, upon his project of nayling the K. of Sweden ordnance. An apologie of the King of Swedens (formerly published in the Dutch) not vnfit to give satisfaction to the world, concerning his not releeving of the citie Magdenburgh, wherein you shall finde a briefe relation of the Kings proceeding ever since hee began the warre in Germanie. The landing of the L. Generall, the Marquis Hamilton at Stralsunt, with all his men sound and well. (London : printed for Nath: Butter and Nicholas Bourne, 1631), contrib. by Nicholas Butter and Nicholas Bourne (HTML at EEBO TCP) September 1. Numb. 42. The continuation of our weekely avisoes, since the 23. of the last, to the first of this present Conteining amonst the rest, these particulars following. A patheticall speech made by the King of Sweden to his commaunders and captaines, vpon occasion of some misdemeanors committed by the souldiers. The confirmation of the burning of the Walsteyn and Bavarian magazen at Fryenstadt, together with the defeat given vnto some imperiall regiments at the same time. The taking of great Glogaw and Breslaw, with other townes in Silesia, by the nixt forces of the Swedes, Saxons and Brandenburgers. The preparation of the King of Sweden by (command of a generall fast throughout the whole army, and in the city of Norimberg) to goe vpon some great designe, most of his forces being come to him. Something concerning France, and the troubles there. (London : printed by I[ohn]. D[awson]. for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne, 1632), by John Dawson, contrib. by Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne (HTML at EEBO TCP) Speciall and late passages from the most eminent places in Christendome: containing amongst others these particulars. The winning of the city of Perpinian from the Spaniard. The late proceedings of the Spanish army about Calis. Divers late victories of the Sweedes. The taking of John de Werth. The preparations in Holland for the Queens return. The taking of many Spanish ships by the Dutch Admirall. The distresse of Cullen. The tottering condition of the kingdome of Spaine. The late conspiracie in France, with many other matters of great consequence. / Sent from a Gentleman to his friend in London. (London: : Printed for Tho. Underhill., Octob. 6. 1642) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Three great overthrovves one in the Palatinate, against Monsieur Tilley, the Duke of Bauaria's generall: giuen by the king of Bohemia himselfe, being in person in the same battell, with Sir Horatio Vere, but not Count Mansfield, as is reported, hee being at the same time in Spiers. The other before Haggenaw, against Leopaldus forces, the emperours brother, by Count Mansfields garrisons, left in the same citie. The last in Languedock in France, against the Kings forces, since Soubrizes defeat by his brother the Duke of Rohan, who hath taken Memorancy the admirall prisoner. Collected out of two letters, the one sent from Heydelburgh, the other from Mainhime, by an expresse post, that arriued here on May day at night. ([London] : And now published [by B. Alsop] this third of May, MDCXXII [1622]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A tru[e] relati[on] of the pro[cee]dings of the Bauarian and Spa[nish] forces before the city Heydelburgh hauing very strongly besiedged it. As also, the marching of the King of Bohemia and Count Mansfield, with their forces into Alsatia, belonging to Leopoldus the emperours brother, and the Duke of Brunsvvicke into Bauaria. Likewise, the newes from most of the prouinces of Europe, that therein you may behold, the afflicted estate of Christendome, with the various changes whereunto man is subiected. (At London : Printed for Nicholas Bourne, and Thomas Archer, and are to be sold at the Royall Exchange, and Popeshead-Pallace, 1622) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A true relation of all such battailes as haue beene fought in the Palatinate, since the Kings arriuall there, vntill this present the 24. of May As also an abstract of a letter sent from the King of Bohemia to the Prince of Orange, concerning both the defeat of the yonger Duke of Wirtenbourghs forces, by Gonzales, generall of the Spaniards, with the recouery of the said dukes forces by the Marquesse of Baden, who at the same time set vpon Gonzales forces, put them to flight, and made a great slaughter. Likewise the notable victory woone by Christian Duke of Brunswicke against the Bauarians, and some of Graue Henrick Varberghes forces, in his way going towards the Palatinate, and his burning of the great towne of Giesken. With the famous victorie obtained by the King of Bohemia against Leopoldus, before Hagenaw, wherein he was besieged: how he raised the siege, and drawe the Bauarians out of the field. Lastly, the victory of the graue Henrick Van Nassaw in Brabant, whence he brought great store of treasure and many prisoners. (London : Printed by E. A[llde] for Nicholas Bourne and Thomas Archer, and are to be sold at their shops at the Exchange, and in Popes-head Pallace, 1622) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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