Christian sociology -- Catholic Church -- Papal documentsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Christian sociology -- Catholic Church -- Papal documents
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Filed under: Christian sociology -- Catholic Church Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church (2004), by Catholic Church (HTML at the Vatican) Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions (1998), by United States Catholic Conference (HTML at Economic Justice for All: Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy (1986), by National Conference of Catholic Bishops (PDF at Church and Society: The Laurence J. McGinley Lectures, 1988-2007 (New York: Fordham University Press, 2008), by Avery Dulles, contrib. by Robert P. Imbelli (PDF with commentary at Ecstatic Morality and Sexual Politics: A Catholic and Antitotalitarian Theory of the Body (New York: Fordham University Press, 2005), by G. J. McAleer (PDF with commentary at Encyclical Letter, Laudato Si', of the Holy Father Francis, on Care for Our Common Home (in multiple languages; 2015), by Pope Francis (HTML and PDF at the Vatican) Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters: Jesuit Education and Faith That Does Justice (Washington: Georgetown University Press, c1993), ed. by William James O'Brien (PDF at Georgetown) Essays on Catholicism, Liberalism and Socialism, Considered in Their Fundamental Principles (Dublin: M. H. Gill and Son, 1879), by Juan Donoso Cortés, trans. by William McDonald (multiple formats at "Am I an Anti-Semite?" 9 Addresses on Various "Isms", Answering the Question (1939), by Charles E. Coughlin (multiple formats at The Race Question and the Negro: A Study of the Catholic Doctrine on Interracial Justice (revised edition of "Interracial Justice"; New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., 1943), by John La Farge (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Christian sociology -- Catholic Church -- BibliographyFiled under: Christian sociology -- Catholic Church -- Sermons
Filed under: Bulls, Papal Bullarium Patronatus Portugalliae Regum in Ecclesiis Africae, Asiae Atque Oceaniae: Bullas, Brevia, Epistolas, Decreta Actaque Sanctae Sedis ab Alexandro III ad hoc Usque Tempus Amplectens (5 volumes (3 main, 2 appendices), mainly in Latin; Lisbon: Ex Typographia Nationali, 1868-1879), by Catholic Church, ed. by Levy Maria Jordão (page images at HathiTrust) Die Älteren Papsturkunden des Erzbistums Hamburg: Eine Diplomatische Untersuchung (in German; Hamburg and Leipzig: L. Voss, 1909), by F. Curschmann Filed under: Catholic Church -- Doctrines -- Papal documents Encyclical Letter Caritas in Veritate of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, to the Bishops, Priests and Deacons, Men and Women Religious, the Lay Faithful, and All People of Good Will on Integral Human Development in Charity and Truth (2009), by Pope Benedict XVI (HTML at the Vatican) Encyclical Letter Deus Caritas Est of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, to the Bishops, Priests and Deacons, Men and Women Religious, and All the Lay Faithful on Christian Love (2005), by Pope Benedict XVI (HTML at the Vatican) Filed under: Catholic universities and colleges -- Papal documentsFiled under: Church and social problems -- Catholic Church -- Papal documentsFiled under: Labor -- Religious aspects -- Catholic Church -- Papal documentsFiled under: Working class -- Papal documents |