Christian womenSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader term:Narrower terms:- Christian women -- Biography
- Christian women -- Conduct of life
- Christian women -- Education
- Christian women -- Fiction
- Christian women -- Religious life
- Christian women -- Social conditions
- Christian women -- United States
- Catholic women
- Latter Day Saint women
- Mennonite women
- Methodist women
- Quaker women
- Archer, Patience Loader, 1827-1921
- Backhouse, Anna, 1820-1848
- Dudley, Elizabeth, 1779-1849
- Hicks, Rachel, 1789-1878
- Hoskens, Jane, 1694-
- Juhnke, Anna K.
- Morris, Mary Lois Walker, 1835-1919
- Neale, Mary, 1717-1757
- Richards, Mary Haskin Parker, 1823-1860
- Roberts, Louisa Jewett Raymond
- Routh, Martha Winter, 1743-1817
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Filed under: Christian women -- Biography
Filed under: Latter Day Saint women -- Biography -- History and criticismFiled under: Latter Day Saint women -- England -- Biography Recollections of Past Days: The Autobiography of Patience Loader Rozsa Archer (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2006), by Patience Loader Archer, ed. by Sandra Ailey Petree Filed under: Latter Day Saint women -- Missouri River Valley -- Biography Winter Quarters: The 1846-1848 Life Writings of Mary Haskin Parker Richards (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, c1996), by Mary Haskin Parker Richards, ed. by Maurine Carr Ward Filed under: Latter Day Saint women -- United States -- Biography Recollections of Past Days: The Autobiography of Patience Loader Rozsa Archer (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2006), by Patience Loader Archer, ed. by Sandra Ailey Petree Filed under: Latter Day Saint women -- Utah -- Biography
Filed under: Latter Day Saint women -- Utah -- Salt Lake City -- BiographyFiled under: Latter Day Saint women -- West (U.S.) -- BiographyFiled under: Mennonite women -- BiographyFiled under: Quaker women -- Biography
Filed under: Quaker women -- Biography -- Early works to 1800 God's Mighty Power Magnified, As Manifested and Revealed in His Faithful Handmaid Joan Vokins; Also Some Account of Her Exercises, Works of Faith, Labour of Love, and Great Travels in the Work of The Ministry, for the Good of Souls (new edition; Cockermouth, Cumbria: D. Fidler, 1871), by Joan Vokins, ed. by Oliver Sansom A Brief Account of My Exercises from My Childhood: Left With My Dear Daughter Guilielma Maria Penn (Philadelphia, 1848), by Mary Penington (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Quaker women -- Malta -- Biography -- Early works to 1800 A Brief History of the Voyage of Katharine Evans and Sarah Cheevers, to the Island of Malta; To Which is Added, A Short Relation from George Robinson, of the Sufferings which Befel him in His Journey to Jerusalem (London: Assigns of J. Sowle, 1715), by Katharine Evans, Sarah Cheevers, and George Robinson Filed under: Quaker women -- Great Britain -- Biography Memoirs of Elizabeth Dudley, Consisting Chiefly of Selections from Her Journal and Correspondence: Interspersed with Extracts from the Diary and Letters of Her Sister, Charlotte Dudley (London: A. W. Bennett, 1861), by Elizabeth Dudley, ed. by Charles Tylor, contrib. by Charlotte Dudley (page images at HathiTrust) Some Account of the Life and Religious Exercises of Mary Neale, Formerly Peisley, Principally Compiled from Her Own Writings (title page missing; probably Dublin: J. Gough, 1795), by Mary Neale, ed. by Samuel Neale (multiple formats at The Life of Mary Dudley: Including an Account of Her Religious Engagements and Extracts from Her Letters; With an Appendix Containing Some Account of the Illness and Death of Her Daughter Hannah Dudley (London: J. and A. Arch, et al., 1825), by Mary Dudley (multiple formats at Filed under: Quaker women -- New York (State) -- Biography Memoir of Rachel Hicks (Written by Herself), Late of Westbury, Long Islamd, A Minister in the Society of Friends; Together With Some Letters and a Memorial of Westbury Monthly Meeting (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1880), by Rachel Hicks Filed under: Quaker women -- United States -- Biography Biographical Sketch of Louisa J. Roberts; With Extracts from Her Journal and Selections from Her Writings (Philadelphia: Press of A. J. Ferris, 1895), by Louisa Jewett Raymond Roberts (page images at HathiTrust) A Brief Sketch of the Life of Anna Backhouse, by One who Knew Her Well, Loved Her Much, and was Often Instructed by Her (Burlington, NJ: John Rodgers, 1852), by Eliza Paul Gurney (page images at HathiTrust) The Life and Spiritual Sufferings of That Faithful Servant of Christ Jane Hoskens, a Public Preacher Among the People Called Quakers (1771), by Jane Hoskens, ed. by Paul Royster (PDF at
Filed under: Christian women -- Conduct of life -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Christian women -- Education -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Christian women -- Fiction
Filed under: Latter Day Saint women -- Fiction The Fate of Madame La Tour: A Tale of the Great Salt Lake (New York: Fords, Howard, and Hulbert, 1881), by Cornelia Paddock (frame-dependent HTML at Emory) Lives of Female Mormons: A Narrative of Facts Stranger Than Fiction (Philadelpha: G. G. Evans, 1860), by Metta Victoria Fuller Victor (multiple formats at The Mormon Wife: A Life Story of the Sacrifices, Sorrows and Sufferings of Woman (Hartford, CT: Hartford Pub. Co., 1872), by Maria Ward Riders of the Purple Sage, by Zane Grey (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Riders of the Purple Sage (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1912), by Zane Grey, illust. by Douglas Duer (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Riders of the Purple Sage (New York and London: Harper and Bros., c1921), by Zane Grey, illust. by W. Herbert Dunton (multiple formats at Filed under: Christian women -- Religious life
Filed under: Christian women -- Religious life -- England
Filed under: Christian women -- Religious life -- Germany -- HistoryFiled under: Christian women -- Religious life -- United StatesFiled under: Christian women -- Social conditions
Filed under: Catholic women -- Brazil -- InterviewsFiled under: Latter Day Saint womenFiled under: Archer, Patience Loader, 1827-1921 Recollections of Past Days: The Autobiography of Patience Loader Rozsa Archer (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2006), by Patience Loader Archer, ed. by Sandra Ailey Petree Filed under: Backhouse, Anna, 1820-1848Filed under: Dudley, Elizabeth, 1779-1849Filed under: Hicks, Rachel, 1789-1878 Memoir of Rachel Hicks (Written by Herself), Late of Westbury, Long Islamd, A Minister in the Society of Friends; Together With Some Letters and a Memorial of Westbury Monthly Meeting (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1880), by Rachel Hicks Filed under: Hoskens, Jane, 1694-Filed under: Juhnke, Anna K.Filed under: Morris, Mary Lois Walker, 1835-1919Filed under: Neale, Mary, 1717-1757 Some Account of the Life and Religious Exercises of Mary Neale, Formerly Peisley, Principally Compiled from Her Own Writings (title page missing; probably Dublin: J. Gough, 1795), by Mary Neale, ed. by Samuel Neale (multiple formats at Some Account of the Life and Religious Exercises of Samuel Neale, and Mary Neale, Formerly Mary Peisley, Both of Ireland (Philadelphia: For sale at Friends' Book Store, 1860), by Mary Neale, ed. by Abram Rawlinson Barclay, contrib. by Samuel Neale (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Richards, Mary Haskin Parker, 1823-1860 Winter Quarters: The 1846-1848 Life Writings of Mary Haskin Parker Richards (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, c1996), by Mary Haskin Parker Richards, ed. by Maurine Carr Ward Filed under: Roberts, Louisa Jewett RaymondFiled under: Routh, Martha Winter, 1743-1817
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