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Filed under: Christian martyrs
Filed under: Christian martyrs -- Great Britain -- BiographyFiled under: Christian martyrs -- Italy -- Biography
Filed under: Christian martyrs -- Cult -- History of doctrines -- Middle Ages, 600-1500Filed under: Christian martyrs -- England Acts of English Martyrs, Hitherto Unpublished (London: Burns and Oates, 1891), by John Hungerford Pollen, contrib. by John Morris (multiple formats at Memorials of the English Martyrs (New York: Harper and Bros., 1853), by Charles B. Tayler (page images at HathiTrust) Lives of the English Martyrs Declared Blessed by Pope Leo XIII, in 1885 and 1895 (reissue, 2 volumes; London et al.: Longmans, Green and Co., 1914), ed. by Bede Camm Forgotten Shrines: An Account of Some Old Catholic Halls and Families in England, and of Relics and Memorials of the England Martyrs (1910), by Bede Camm (multiple formats at
Filed under: Christian martyrs -- Scotland -- History Annals of the Persecution in Scotland From the Restoration to the Revolution (second American edition, 2 volumes; Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, ca. 1870), by James Aikman Filed under: Campion, Edmund, Saint, 1540-1581Filed under: Bruno, Giordano, 1548-1600 Der Einfluss Giordano Brunos auf den Dänisch-Deutschen Romantiker A. W. Schack von Staffeldt (dissertation in German; Kiel: H. Fiencke, 1916), by Johannes Precht (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Giordano Bruno (London and New York: Macmillan, 1903), by J. Lewis McIntyre (multiple formats at Giordano Bruno: His Life, Thought, and Martyrdom (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1914), by William Boulting (multiple formats at Giordano Bruno: The Forgotten Philosopher, by John Jacob Kessler (HTML at Life and Teachings of Giordano Bruno, Philosopher, Martyr, Mystic, 1548-1600, by Coulson Turnbull (multiple formats at Immanuel Kant: A Study and Comparison With Goethe, Leonardo da Vinci, Bruno, Plato and Descartes (in English and German), by Houston Stewart Chamberlain, trans. by Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford Redesdale (illustrated HTML at Wayback Machine) Immanuel Kant: A Study and Comparison With Goethe, Leonardo da Vinci, Bruno, Plato and Descartes (2 volumes; London: J. Lane; et al., 1914), by Houston Stewart Chamberlain, trans. by Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford Redesdale
Filed under: Christian martyrs -- Madagascar -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Christian martyrs -- Spain -- Córdoba (Province)Filed under: Christian martyrs in literature