Church architecture -- New MexicoSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Church architecture -- New Mexico
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Filed under: Church architecture
Filed under: Church architecture -- Conservation and restoration -- Greece -- AthensFiled under: Church architecture -- DetailsFiled under: Church architecture -- England The Annals of Arley (Kidderminster: Printed by W. Hepworth, 1914), by Hellier Randall Mayo The Church Treasury of History, Custom, Folk-Lore, Etc. (London: W. Andrews and Co., 1898), ed. by William Andrews Some Old Devon Churches: Their Rood Screens, Pulpits, Fonts, etc. (London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, and Co., ca. 1908), by John Stabb (page images at HathiTrust) Antiquities and Curiosities of the Church (London: W. Andrews and Co., 1897), ed. by William Andrews (illustrated HTML with commentary at
Filed under: Church architecture -- England -- Nottinghamshire Memorials of Old Nottinghamshire (London: G. Allen and Co., 1912), ed. by Everard L. Guilford Filed under: Church architecture -- England -- Shropshire An Architectural Account of the Churches of Shropshire (10 parts in 2 volumes; Wellington, Shropshire: Hobson and Co., 1894-1912), by D. H. S. Cranage, illust. by Martin J. Harding and W. Arthur Webb Filed under: Cathedrals -- England
Filed under: Cathedrals -- England -- Durham -- Design and construction Durham Cathedral: The Chronology of its Vaults (reproduced from the Archaeological Journal v79; London: Office of the Royal Archaeological Institute, 1922), by John Bilson Filed under: Cathedrals -- England -- Fiction The Cathedral, by Hugh Walpole (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Filed under: Cathedrals -- England -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Cathedrals -- Europe
Filed under: Cathedrals -- France
Filed under: Cathedrals -- Great Britain -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Church architecture -- Europe, WesternFiled under: Church architecture -- FranceFiled under: Church architecture -- Greece
Filed under: Church architecture -- Greece -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Church architecture -- Italy
Filed under: Church architecture -- Italy -- GubbioFiled under: Church architecture -- MoldaviaFiled under: Church architecture -- Societies, etc.Filed under: Church architecture -- TurkeyFiled under: Cathedrals
Filed under: Cathedrals -- FictionFiled under: Cathedrals -- Rhine River ValleyFiled under: Cathedrals in literature
Filed under: Dominican architecture -- Germany, Southern
Filed under: New Mexico
Filed under: New Mexico -- Antiquities Mimbres During the Twelfth Century: Abandonment, Continuity, and Reorganization (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c1999), by Margaret Cecile Nelson (PDF and Epub with commentary at Open Arizona) Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument: An Administrative History (1992), by Peter Russell (illustrated HTML at National Park Service) Big Bead Mesa: An Archaeological Study of Navaho Acculturation, 1745-1812 (Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology #1; 1941), by Dorothy Louise Keur (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Aztec Ruins National Monument: Administrative History of an Archeological Preserve (1990), by Robert H. Lister and Florence C. Lister Archaeological Studies in the La Plata District, Southwestern Colorado and Northwestern New Mexico (with an appendix by Shepard on La Plata pottery; Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #519; 1939), by Earl Halstead Morris, contrib. by Anna Osler Shepard (page images at HathiTrust) Leyit Kin, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: Excavation Report (monograph #7 of the School of American Research; 1938), by Bertha P. Dutton (page images at HathiTrust) The Village of the Great Kivas on the Zuñi Reservation, New Mexico (Smithsonian Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin #111; Washington: GPO, 1932), by Frank H. H. Roberts (page images at HathiTrust) Historical Introduction to Studies Among the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico: Report on the Ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos (Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America, American series v1; Boston: A. Williams and Co.; London: N. Trübner and Co., 1881), by Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
Filed under: New Mexico -- Church history Historical Sketch of the Catholic Church in New Mexico (San Francisco: McCormick Bros., 1887), by James H. Defouri
Filed under: New Mexico -- Description and travel The Land of the Pueblos (New York: J. B. Alden, 1888), by Susan E. Wallace The Marvellous Country, or, Three Years in Arizona and New Mexico, by Samuel Woodworth Cozzens (page images at MOA) To and Fro in Southern California, by Emma H. Adams (HTML at LOC) A Campaign in New Mexico with Colonel Doniphan, by Frank S. Edwards (HTML at Exploratory Travels Through the Western Territories of North America (London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1811), by Zebulon Montgomery Pike (page images in Germany)
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