Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- NaplesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Naples
Filed under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Naples -- Early works to 1800
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy
Filed under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Bologna
Filed under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Bolzano (Province) -- HistoryFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Catalogs Delle cose gentilesche, e profane : trasportate ad uso, e adornamento delle chiese (Nella Stamperia di Niccolò, e Marco Pagliarini, mercanti di libri, e stampatori a Pasquino, 1744), by Giovanni Marangoni, Pasquino, Niccolo Pagliarini, Marco Pagliarini, and Stamperia Pagliarini (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- CivateFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- CremonaFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Altars -- Italy -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Altars -- Italy -- Rome -- Pictorial works -- Early works to 1800 Disegni di vari altari e cappelle nelle chiese di Roma : con le loro facciate fianchi piante e misure de piu celebri architetti. (Date in luce da Gio. Giacomo de Rossi nella sua Stamparia in Roma alla Pace, 1713), by Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi, Alessandro Specchi, Vincenzo Mariotti, Giovanni Francesco Venturini, Ciro Ferri, Pietro Antonio de Pitri, and Domenico de' Rossi (page images at HathiTrust) Altaria et sacella varia templorum Romae : a celeberrimis quondam architectis structa, quibus sistuntur singulorum orthographia exterior scenographia, ichnographia cum additis ubique mensuris. (Apud Ioh. Iacobum de Sandrart ... ;, 1690), by Joachim von Sandrart, Johann Jakob von Sandrart, and Ciro Ferri (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Milan -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Rome -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Venice -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Florence -- GuidebooksFiled under: Altars -- Italy -- FlorenceFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- GuardiagreleFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- LiguriaFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- LombardyFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- LoretoFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Milan Descrizione dell' opera a fresco eseguita nel 1795 nel tempio di S. Maria presso S. Celso in Milano dal pittore Andrea Appiani. (Presso Pirotta e Maspero, 1803), by Andrea Appiani (page images at HathiTrust) Cenni storici sopra l'insigne tempio di Sant'Alessandro e il suo illustre collegio (Milano : Dalla Tipografia Motta, ora di M. Carrara, 1825., 1825), by Vincenzo Mocchetti (page images at HathiTrust) Impetus doloris Excell. Princ. D. Ant. Trivulzio .. (Per Giuseppe Ambrogio Maiettà ..., 1678), by Simone Durello and Filippo Biffi (page images at HathiTrust) Le solenni esequie de monsignor Filippo Visconti, arcivescovo di Milano : celebrate nella metropolitana il giorno XV. di febbrajo l'anno MDCCCII (Nella stamperia, e fonderia del Genio tipografico, 1802), by Luigi Cagnola, Ferdinando Albertolli, and Raffaello Albertolli (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Church decoration and ornament, Italian -- Italy -- Milan
Filed under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Perugia -- Pictorial works
Filed under: Choir stalls -- Italy -- Perugia -- Pictorial worksFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- PisaFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- PistoiaFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- RavennaFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Rome Lost mosaics and frescoes of Rome of the mediaeval period; a publication of drawings contained in the collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo, now in the Royal Library, Windsor Castle (Princeton University Press; [etc., etc.], 1915), by Charles Rufus Morey (page images at HathiTrust) The church of S. Maria antiqua ([Macmillan & Co.], 1902), by G. McN. Rushforth (page images at HathiTrust) La chiesa di S. Salvatore in Thermis : il "Salvatorello" al Palazzo Madama (Tip. Lorenzo Filipucci, 1907), by Francesco Sabatini (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Intorno le reparazioni eseguite all'altare papale lateranense e suo tabernacolo : breve commentario ([s.n.], 1854), by Filippo Martinucci (page images at HathiTrust) Mediaeval church and altar decorations in Rome and mosaic pictures in chronological order (J. Parker and Co. ;, 1876), by John Henry Parker (page images at HathiTrust) Oeuvres complètes de X. Barbier de Montault, prélat de la maison de Sa Sainteté. (Blais, Roy, 1889), by X. Barbier de Montault (page images at HathiTrust) Ammaestramento utile, e curioso di pittura, scoltura et architettura nelle chiese di Roma ... (G. Vannacci, 1686), by Filippo Titi (page images at HathiTrust) Ammaestramento utile e curioso di pittura, scoltura et architettura nelle chiese di Roma (Per Giuseppe Vannacci, 1686), by Filippo Titi (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- SavonaFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- SicilyFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- TuscaniaFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- UmbriaFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- VeniceFiled under: Church decoration and ornament -- Italy -- Verona (Province)Filed under: Altars -- ItalyFiled under: Sacrament houses -- ItalyMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |