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Filed under: Civil law -- Baltic States
Filed under: Civil law -- Colorado -- Jefferson TerritoryFiled under: Civil law -- Confederate States of AmericaFiled under: Civil law -- Curaçao
Filed under: Civil law -- Egypt -- Cases A Collection of Problems and Exercises in the Civil and Commercial Law of Egypt (Cairo: National Printing Dept., 1904), by Maurice Sheldon Amos and Pierre Arminjon
Filed under: Seduction -- France -- FictionFiled under: Torts -- Great Britain The Law of Torts: A Treatise on the Principles of Obligations Arising From Civil Wrongs in the Common Law; To Which is Added the Draft of a Code of Civil Wrongs Prepared for the Government of India (4th edition; London: Stevens and Sons, 1895), by Frederick Pollock
Filed under: Conspiracy -- Great Britain -- Fiction
Filed under: Conspiracy -- England -- Fiction
Filed under: Fraud -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Libel and slander -- Great Britain Criminal Libel and the Duty of Juries, by Joseph Towers and Francis Maseres (HTML with commentary at Hypocrisy Unveiled, and Calumny Detected, in a Review of Blackwood's Magazine (based on a 1818 Pilland edition, sometimes misattributed to James Grahame), by Macvey Napier, ed. by David Hill Radcliffe, contrib. by James Grahame (TEI XML and page images at Lord Byron and His Times) Hypocrisy Unveiled, and Calumny Detected, in a Review of Blackwood's Magazine (sometimes misattributed to James Grahame; fourth edition; Edinburgh: F. Pillans, 1818), by Macvey Napier, contrib. by James Grahame (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Trials (Libel) -- England -- London Judgment in the Case of David Irving vs. Penguin Books, Ltd. and Deborah Lipstadt, by Great Britain Royal Courts of Justice and Charles Gray (PDF at Malice Defeated: or, A Brief Relation of The Accusation and Deliverance of Elizabeth Cellier, Wherein Her Proceedings Both Before and During Her Confinement are Particularly Related and The Mystery of The Meal-Tub Fully Discovered; Together With an Abstract of Her Arraignment and Tryal (London: Printed for E. Cellier, 1680), by Elizabeth Cellier (HTML at Michigan) The Tryal and Sentence of Elizabeth Cellier, For Writing, Printing, and Publishing, a Scandalous Libel, Called Malice Defeated, &c... (London: Printed for T. Collins, 1680), contrib. by Elizabeth Cellier (multiple formats at
Filed under: False imprisonment -- England -- Fiction
Filed under: Nuisances -- England -- London -- Cases
Filed under: Trials (Libel) -- ItalyFiled under: Civil law -- France Código Civil Francés (in Spanish; Madrid: Imprenta de Jose Maria Alonso, 1850), by France, ed. by Pio Laborda y Galindo La Théorie de la Personnalité Morale et Son Application au Droit Français (2 volumes in French; Paris: Lib. Genérale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1906-1909), by Léon Michoud Les Notions Fondamentales du Droit Privé: Essai Critique (in French; Paris: A. Rousseau, 1911), by René Demogue Filed under: Civil law -- GermanyFiled under: Civil law -- Great BritainFiled under: Civil law -- SpainFiled under: Civil law -- HaitiFiled under: Civil law -- Hawaii
Filed under: Roman law -- History Graeco-Roman Institutions, From Anti-Evolutionist Points of View: Roman Law, Classical Slavery, Social Conditions (Oxford: Parker and Co., 1890), by Emil Reich (multiple formats at A Systematic and Historical Exposition of Roman Law, in the Order of a Code. (including Institutes of Gaius and Justinian translated by Cross; second edition, revised and enlarged; London: W. Maxwell and Son; et al., 1885), by W. A. Hunter, trans. by J. Ashton Cross, contrib. by Gaius and Justinian (page images at HathiTrust) Studies in History and Jurisprudence (2 volumes; Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1901), by James Bryce Studies in History and Jurisprudence (New York and London: Oxford University Press, American branch, c1901), by James Bryce (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Glossators Scripta Anecdota Glossatorum (in Latin; 3 original volumes published 1888-1901; 2 volumes of incomplete revised edition published 1913-1914), ed. by Giovanni Battista Palmerio and Augusto Gaudenzi Filed under: Land tenure (Roman law) -- HistoryFiled under: Civil law -- Louisiana Civil Code of the State of Louisiana: With the Statutory Amendments, From 1825 to 1853, Inclusive; and References to the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana to the Sixth Volume of Annual Reports (New Orleans: Bloomfield and Steel, 1861), by Louisiana, ed. by Thomas Gibbes Morgan Filed under: Civil law -- Russian S.F.S.R.Filed under: Roman law Cicero's Law: Rethinking Roman Law of the Late Republic (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, c2016), ed. by Paul J. du Plessis (HTML and PDF files at Project MUSE) Gai Institutiones: or, Institutes of Roman law (fourth edition, revised and enlarged; Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1904), by Gaius, ed. by E. A. Whittuck, trans. by Edward Poste, contrib. by A. H. J. Greenidge (multiple formats at The Institutes of Justinian (fifth edition, 1913), by Justinian, trans. by John Baron Moyle (Gutenberg text) The Institutes of Justinian, Edited as a Recension of the Institutes of Gaius (in Latin, with commentary in English; Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1873), by Justinian and Gaius, ed. by Thomas Erskine Holland (page images at HathiTrust) The Institutes of Justinian, Edited As a Recension of the Institutes of Gaius (second edition, in Latin with commentary in English; Oxford: At the Clarendon Press; et al., 1892), by Justinian and Gaius, ed. by Thomas Erskine Holland (page images at HathiTrust) Istituzioni di Diritto Romano (2 volumes in Italian: Florence: G. Barbèra, 1906-1908), by Silvio Perozzi Scripta Anecdota Glossatorum (in Latin; 3 original volumes published 1888-1901; 2 volumes of incomplete revised edition published 1913-1914), ed. by Giovanni Battista Palmerio and Augusto Gaudenzi System of the Modern Roman Law (volume 1 (covering Savigny's first 2 books) only volume published of this translation; Chennai: J. Higginbotham, 1867), by Friedrich Karl von Savigny, trans. by William Holloway (page images at HathiTrust) A Systematic and Historical Exposition of Roman Law, in the Order of a Code. (including Institutes of Gaius and Justinian translated by Cross; second edition, revised and enlarged; London: W. Maxwell and Son; et al., 1885), by W. A. Hunter, trans. by J. Ashton Cross, contrib. by Gaius and Justinian (page images at HathiTrust) The Civil Law, Including The Twelve Tables, The Institutes of Gaius, The Rules of Ulpian, The Opinions of Paulus, The Enactments of Justinian, and The Constitutions of Leo, ed. by S. P. Scott (HTML at Fontes Iuris Romani Antejustiniani, in Usum Scholarum (2 volumes in 1, in Latin; Florence: G. Barbèra, 1909), ed. by Salvatore Riccobono, Giovanni Baviera, and Contardo Ferrini (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
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