ClergySee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader term:Narrower terms:- Clergy -- Appointment, call, and election
- Clergy -- Australia
- Clergy -- Austria
- Clergy -- Biography
- Clergy -- California
- Clergy -- Canada
- Clergy -- Clothing
- Clergy -- Delaware
- Clergy -- Drama
- Clergy -- England
- Clergy -- Fiction
- Clergy -- France
- Clergy -- Georgia
- Clergy -- Germany
- Clergy -- Great Britain
- Clergy -- Great Smoky Mountains (N.C. and Tenn.)
- Clergy -- History
- Clergy -- Humor
- Clergy -- Italy
- Clergy -- Juvenile fiction
- Clergy -- Kansas
- Clergy -- Legal status, laws, etc.
- Clergy -- Maryland
- Clergy -- Middle Atlantic States
- Clergy -- Mississippi
- Clergy -- New England
- Clergy -- New York
- Clergy -- New York (State)
- Clergy -- North Carolina
- Clergy -- Office
- Clergy -- Political activity
- Clergy -- Professional ethics
- Clergy -- Religious life
- Clergy -- Salaries, etc.
- Clergy -- Scotland
- Clergy -- Sexual behavior
- Clergy -- South Carolina
- Clergy -- Southern States
- Clergy -- Tennessee
- Clergy -- United States
- Clergy -- Virginia
- Anti-clericalism
- Bishops
- Celibacy
- Chaplains
- Children of clergy
- Circuit riders
- Deacons
- Ex-clergy
- Ordination
- Patronage, Ecclesiastical
- Priests
- Rabbis
- Sexual misconduct by clergy
- Shinto priests
- Spouses of clergy
- Women clergy
- African American Baptists -- Clergy
- African American Methodists -- Clergy
- African Methodist Episcopal Church -- Clergy
- Anglican Communion -- Clergy
- Baptist State Convention of North Carolina -- Clergy
- Baptists -- Clergy
- British Methodist Episcopal Church -- Clergy
- Calvary Chapel movement -- United States -- Clergy
- Catholic Church -- Clergy
- Church in Wales -- Clergy
- Church of England -- Clergy
- Church of Ireland -- Clergy
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- Clergy
- Church of Scotland -- Clergy
- Church of the Nazarene -- Clergy
- Church of the United Brethren in Christ (1800-1889) -- Clergy
- Churches of Christ -- Clergy
- Colored Methodist Episcopal Church -- Clergy
- Congregational churches -- Clergy
- Covenanters -- United States -- Clergy
- Episcopal Church -- Clergy
- Lutheran Church -- Clergy
- Methodist Church (Great Britain) -- Clergy
- Methodist Church -- Clergy
- Methodist Episcopal Church -- Clergy
- Methodist Episcopal Church, South -- Clergy
- Peninsula Bible Church -- Clergy
- Presbyterian Church -- Clergy
- Presbyterian Church in the U.S. -- Clergy
- Presbyterians -- Clergy
- Puritans -- England -- Clergy
- Quakers -- Clergy
- Reformed Church -- Netherlands -- Clergy
- Society of Friends -- Clergy
- Unitarian Congregational Society (Syracuse, N.Y.) -- Clergy
- Unitarian churches -- Clergy
- Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada -- Clergy
- Worldwide Church of God -- Clergy
- Zen Buddhism -- Clergy
- Allen, Richard, 1760-1831
- Allensworth, Allen, 1842-1914
- Anderson, Robert, 1819-
- Anderson, William J., 1811-
- Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626
- Armstrong, Herbert W.
- Arnett, Benjamin William, 1838-1906
- Aughey, John H. (John Hill), 1828-1911
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Barnes, Albert, 1798-1870
- Black, Leonard
- Blackwell, Antoinette Louisa Brown, 1825-1921
- Blumhardt, Christoph, 1842-1919
- Boos, Martin, 1762-1825
- Boston, Thomas, 1677-1732
- Bowles, Charles, 1761-1843
- Brierley, J. (Jonathan), 1843-1914
- Brown, Sterling N. (Sterling Nelson), 1858-1929
- Bunyan, John, 1628-1688
- Campbell, Israel, 1815?-1898
- Carey, Lott, 1780-1828
- Cartwright, Peter, 1785-1872
- Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842
- Chiniquy, Charles Paschal Telesphore, 1809-1899
- Cooney, Robert
- Cooper, Thomas, -approximately 1821
- Cosin, John, 1594-1672
- Cuthbertson, John, 1718-1791
- Davis, Noah, 1803 or 1804-
- Egan, John J.
- Ferrill, London
- Fletcher, John, 1729-1785
- Grafton, Charles C. (Charles Chapman), 1830-1912
- Green, Elisha Winfield
- Guerrant, Edward O. (Edward Owings), 1838-1916
- Hancock, Gordon Blaine, 1884-1970
- Heard, William H. (William Henry), 1850-1937
- Henry, Thomas W., 1794-1877
- Henson, Josiah, 1789-1883
- Hicks, Rachel, 1789-1878
- Hobbs, Jimmie, 1870-1879
- Holsey, Lucius Henry, Bishop, 1842-1920
- Huggins, William S. (William Sidney), 1822-1862
- Hunt, John, 1827-
- Jamison, M. F. (Monroe Franklin), 1848-1918
- Jasper, John, 1812-1901
- Jea, John, 1773-
- Jeter, Henry N. (Henry Norval), 1851-1938
- Johnson, Thomas L. (Thomas Lewis), 1836-1921
- Jones, Thomas H.
- Ketcherside, W. Carl
- Latta, M. L. (Morgan London), 1853-
- Lee, Jarena, 1783-
- Loguen, Jermain Wesley
- Lowe, Thomas G., 1815-1869
- Machebeuf, Joseph Projectus, 1812-1889
- Manship, Andrew, 1824-
- Marrs, Elijah P., 1840-
- May, Samuel J. (Samuel Joseph), 1797-1871
- Mazzuchelli, Samuel, 1806-1864
- McClain, Matthew
- McKenna, Horace Bernard, 1899-1982
- Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826
- Munger, Robert Boyd, 1910-
- Newman, John Henry, Saint, 1801-1890
- Newport, Elizabeth, 1796-1872
- Newton, John, 1725-1807
- Offley, G. W. (Greensbury Washington), 1808-1896
- Olive, Johnson, 1816-1885
- Peck, Jesse T. (Jesse Truesdell), 1811-1883
- Pennington, James W. C.
- Peterson, Daniel H.
- Powell, A. Clayton (Adam Clayton), 1865-1953
- Rankin, G. C. (George Clark), 1849-1915
- Ransom, Reverdy C. (Reverdy Cassius), 1861-1959
- Ryle, J. C. (John Charles), 1816-1900
- Schneersohn, Joseph Isaac, 1880-1950
- Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919
- Short, Augustus, 1802-1883
- Simeon, Charles, 1759-1836
- Smith, David, 1784-
- Smith, James L. (James Lindsay)
- Spurgeon, C. H. (Charles Haddon), 1834-1892
- Stedman, Ray C.
- Stewart, Ellen
- Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745
- Tilmon, Levin, 1807-1863
- Velimirović, Nikolaj, 1880-1956
- Venn, Henry, 1796-1873
- Walker, Charles T. (Charles Thomas), 1858-1921
- Walters, Alexander, 1858-
- Waynflete, William, 1395?-1486
- Wazana, Yáacov
- White, George, 1764-
- Wilkerson, Major James
- Wolsey, Thomas, 1475?-1530
- Yamamoto, Yukitaka
Used for:- Clergy members
- Clergy -- Major orders
- Clergymen
- Diocesan clergy
- Ecclesiastics
- Indigenous clergy
- Major orders
- Members of the clergy
- Ministers (Clergy)
- Ministers of the gospel
- Native clergy
- Ordained clergy
- Ordained ministers
- Orders, Major
- Pastors
- Rectors
- Secular clergy
Filed under: Clergy -- Biography
Filed under: Clergy -- Clothing
Filed under: Clergy -- Delaware
Filed under: Clergy -- England
Filed under: Clergy -- Fiction Death Comes for the Archbishop (c1927), by Willa Cather Death Comes for the Archbishop (New York: A. A. Knopf, 1927), by Willa Cather (page images at HathiTrust) Annals of the Parish (London and Edinburgh: T. N. Foulis, 1910), by John Galt, illust. by Henry Wright Kerr (Gutenberg text) A Cure of Souls (New York: Macmillan, 1924), by May Sinclair (page images at HathiTrust) John Ward, Preacher, by Margaret Deland (Gutenberg text) The Parson's Progress (London et al.: Cassell and Co., c1923), by Compton Mackenzie The Perpetual Curate, by Mrs. Oliphant (Gutenberg text and page images) The Rector of St. Mark's, by Mary Jane Holmes (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Seer (New York: Moffat, Yard and Co., 1912), by Perley Poore Sheehan (page images at HathiTrust) Unleavened Bread (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1900), by Robert Grant The Vicar of Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith The Vicar of Wakefield (main text from 1903 A. and C. Black edition; illustrations and accompanying essays from various editions), by Oliver Goldsmith, ed. by Louise Hope, contrib. by Joseph Grego, John Forster, and Austin Dobson, illust. by John Massey Wright, Margaret Jameson, and William Mulready (illustrated HTML with commentary at The Vicar of Wrexhill (new edition, revised; London: R. Bentley, 1840), by Frances Milton Trollope Abbe Mouret's Transgression, by Émile Zola, ed. by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly (Gutenberg text) Foul Play, by Charles Reade and Dion Boucicault Foul Play (based on an undated Grolier Society edition, with additional illustrations), by Charles Reade and Dion Boucicault, illust. by Frank T. Merrill and George Du Maurier (illustrated HTML with commentary at Framley Parsonage, by Anthony Trollope, illust. by John Everett Millais (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) In His Steps, by Charles M. Sheldon The Last Chronicle of Barset, by Anthony Trollope, illust. by George Housman Thomas (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Neville Trueman, the Pioneer Preacher: A Tale of the War of 1812 (Toronto: W. Briggs, 1880), by W. H. Withrow (Gutenberg text) The Preacher of Cedar Mountain: A Tale of the Open Country (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1917), by Ernest Thompson Seton, illust. by Clarence Rowe (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Prudence Palfrey: A Novel (Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1874), by Thomas Bailey Aldrich Scenes of Clerical Life, by George Eliot (Gutenberg text) The Small House at Allington, by Anthony Trollope, illust. by John Everett Millais (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Small House at Allington (2 volumes; London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1864), by Anthony Trollope, illust. by John Everett Millais (illustrated HTML with commentary at Thomas Wingfold, Curate, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text) The Vicar of Bullhampton (London: Bradbury, Evans, and Co., 1870), by Anthony Trollope, illust. by H. Woods (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Picketing Hell: A Fictitious Narrative (New York: W. Malliet and Co., 1942), by A. Clayton Powell (page images at HathiTrust) Barchester Towers, by Anthony Trollope (Gutenberg text and audio reading) The Calling of Dan Matthews, by Harold Bell Wright (Gutenberg text) Father Eustace: A Tale of the Jesuits (3 volumes; London: H. Colburn, 1847), by Frances Milton Trollope Man As He Is Not: or, Hermsprong (18th volume of a "British Novelists" set; London: F. C. and J. Rivington; et al.. 1810), by Robert Bage, contrib. by Mrs. Barbauld (page images at HathiTrust) The Minister's Wooing (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1896), by Harriet Beecher Stowe (page images at MOA) The Minister's Wooing (Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1866), by Harriet Beecher Stowe (page images at MOA) The Warden, by Anthony Trollope (Gutenberg text and audio reading) The Scandal of Father Brown (1935), by G. K. Chesterton (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) The Secret of Father Brown (c1927), by G. K. Chesterton The Incredulity of Father Brown (1926), by G. K. Chesterton Chronicles of the Schönberg-Cotta Family (New York: M. W. Dodd, 1865), by Elizabeth Rundle Charles (page images and uncorrected OCR text at MOA) The Damnation of Theron Ware, by Harold Frederic Doctor Thorne, by Anthony Trollope (Gutenberg text) Father Clement: A Roman Catholic Story (8th edition; Edinburgh: W. Oliphant and Son, 1834), by Grace Kennedy (multiple formats at The Innocence of Father Brown, by G. K. Chesterton The Innocence of Father Brown (New York: The Macaulay Co., c1911), by G. K. Chesterton The Legacy of Cain, by Wilkie Collins The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman; A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy (based on the first editions), by Laurence Sterne, ed. by Günter Jürgensmeier (PDF at Prester John, by John Buchan (Gutenberg text) The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne (Gutenberg text) The Scarlet Letter (Ticknor and Fields edition, 1850), by Nathaniel Hawthorne (HTML at Bartleby) The Scarlet Letter: A Romance (illustrated edition; New York: G. H. Doran Co., n.d.), by Nathaniel Hawthorne, illust. by Hugh Thomson (page images at A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, by Laurence Sterne A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1900), by Laurence Sterne (illustrated HTML at The Wisdom of Father Brown, by G. K. Chesterton
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