Clog dancing -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Clog dancing -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
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Filed under: Dance -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Filed under: Dance -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. -- Early works to 1800 Orchesography: or, The Art of Dancing (second edition, 1715), by Raoul-Auger Feuillet, trans. by John Weaver (HTML and page images at LOC) The Dancing-Master: or, The Art of Dancing Explained, by Pierre Rameau, trans. by John Essex The Gentleman and Lady's Companion (HTML and page images at LOC) Orchesography: or, The Art of Dancing (first edition), by Raoul-Auger Feuillet, trans. by John Weaver
Filed under: Ballet -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.Filed under: Ballroom dancing -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. The Amateur's Vademecum: A Practical Treatise on the Art of Dancing, by E. B. Reilley (HTML and page images at LOC) American Dancing Master, and Ball-Room Prompter, by Elias Howe (HTML and page images at LOC) The American Prompter and Guide to Etiquette, ed. by E. H. Kopp (HTML and page images at LOC) The Art of Dancing, Embracing a Full Description of the Various Dances of the Present Day, by Judson Sause (HTML and page images at LOC) The Art of Dancing, Historically Illustrated, by Edward Ferrero (HTML and page images at LOC) Assistant for A. Dodsorth's Pupils (1878 edition), by Allen Dodworth (HTML and page images at LOC) Assistant for A. Dodworth's Pupils (1873 edition), by Allen Dodworth (HTML and page images at LOC) Ball-Room Dancing Without a Master, and Complete Guide to the Etiquette, Toilet, Dress and Management of the Ball-Room: With All the Principal Dances in Popular Use (New York: Hurst and Co., c1872) (illustrated HTML at Gutenberg Canada) The Ball Room Guide, Being a Compendium of the Theory, Practice, and Etiquette of Dancing, by Henry Meyen (HTML and page images at LOC) The Ball-Room Instructer (HTML and page images at LOC) The Ball-Room Manual of Contra Dances and Social Cotillons, With Remarks on Quadrilles and Spanish Sance (HTML and page images at LOC) The Ball-Room Monitor: or, Guide to the Learner, by C. Brooks (HTML and page images at LOC) Beadle's Dime Ball-Room Companion and Guide to Dancing (page images with commentary at Brookes on Modern Dancing, by Laurence De Garmo Brookes (HTML and page images at LOC) Cartier and Baron's Practical Illustrated Waltz Instructor, Ball Room Guide, and Call Book (1879), by Cartier and Professor Baron (HTML and page images at LOC) Cartier's Practical Illustrated Waltz Instructor, Ball Room Guide, and Call Book (1882), by Cartier (HTML and page images at LOC) Complete Ball-Room Hand Book, by Elias Howe (HTML and page images at LOC) A Complete Practical Guide to the Art of Dancing, by Thomas Hillgrove (HTML and page images at LOC) Coulon's Hand-Book; Containing All the Last New and Fashionable Dances (1860s edition), by Eugène Coulon (HTML and page images at LOC) Coulon's Hand-Book; Containing All the Last New and Fashionable Dances (1873 edition), by Eugène Coulon (HTML and page images at LOC) The Dance of Society, by Wm. B. De Garmo (HTML and page images at LOC) Dancing and Prompting, Etiquette and Deportment of Society and Ball Room, by Professor Bonstein (HTML and page images at LOC) Dancing at Home and Abroad, by C. H. Cleveland (HTML and page images at LOC) Dancing Made Easy (1922 edition), by Charles J. Coll (HTML and page images at LOC) Dick's Quadrille Call-Book, and Ball-Room Prompter (HTML and page images at LOC) The Drawing-Room Dances, by Henri Cellarius (HTML and page images at LOC) An Essay for the Further Improvement of Dancing, by E. Pemberton (page images and partial HTML at LOC) The Fashionable Dancer's Casket: or, The Ball-Room Instructor, by Charles Durang (HTML and page images at LOC) A Full Description of Modern Dances, by Charles H. Rivers (HTML and page images at LOC) Handbook of Ball-Room Dancing, by Aubrey McMahon Cree (HTML and page images at LOC) J.W. Pepper's Universal Dancing Master, Prompter's Call Book and Violinist's Guide, by Lucien O. Carpenter (page images at LOC) Leaflets of the Ball Room (HTML and page images at LOC) The Modern Dances: How to Dance Them, by Caroline Walker (HTML and page images at LOC) Modern Dancing, by Vernon Castle and Irene Castle (HTML and page images at LOC) The Perfect Art of Modern Dancing, by Edna Witherspoon (HTML and page images at LOC) The Pocket Ball-Room Prompter, by Elias Howe (HTML and page images at LOC) Powell's Art of Dancing, or Dancing Made Easy, by R. Powell (HTML and page images at LOC) Prof. M. J. Koncen's Quadrille Call Book and Ball Room Guide, by Mathias J. Koncen (HTML and page images at LOC) The Prompter's Own Book: or, Rowe's Calls for the Ball Room, by Geo. H. Rowe (HTML and page images at LOC) Roberts' Manual of Fashionable Dancing and Vade Mecum for the Ball-Room, by Henry Roberts (HTML and page images at LOC) The Royal Ball-Room Guide and Etiquette of the Drawingroom, by Randolph Radestock (HTML and page images at LOC) The Scholars' Companion and Ball-Room Vade Mecum, by Thomas Hillgrove (HTML and page images at LOC) Social Dancing of To-Day, by Troy Kinney, Margaret West Kinney, and John Murray Anderson (HTML and page images at LOC) The Tango and the New Dances for Ballroom and Home, by Maurice (HTML and page images at LOC) A Treatise on the Elements of Dancing, by R. E. Brown (HTML and page images at LOC) The Way to Dance (HTML and page images at LOC) Wehman's Complete Dancing Master and Call Book, by J. H. Harvey (HTML and page images at LOC) The Ball-Room Guide, With Coloured Plates (HTML and page images at LOC) Dancing and Its Relations to Education and Social Life, With a New Method of Instruction, by Allen Dodworth (HTML and page images at LOC) Grammar of the Art of Dancing, by Friedrich Albert Zorn, ed. by Alfonso Josephs Sheafe (HTML and page images at LOC)
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