Compressed airSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Related term:Used for:- Air, Compressed
- Pneumatic transmission
Filed under: Compressed air
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Nuclear pressure vessels
Filed under: Nuclear pressure vessels -- Testing
Filed under: Capacitors R-L-C Components Handbook (New York: J. F. Rider, c1959), by Mark David
Filed under: Electrolytic capacitors
Filed under: VaractorsFiled under: Direct energy conversion
Filed under: Controlled fusion -- Research Cold Fusion Research: A Report of the Energy Research Advisory Board to the United States Department of Energy (1989), by United States Energy Research Advisory Board
Filed under: Fusion reactors -- Research -- United States The Fusion Energy Program: The Role of TPX and Alternate Concepts (1995), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
Filed under: Tokamaks The Fusion Energy Program: The Role of TPX and Alternate Concepts (1995), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment Filed under: Inertial confinement fusionFiled under: Electric power production from chemical action Marine Applications for Fuel Cell Technology: A Technical Memorandum (OTA-TM-O-37; Washington: GPO, 1986), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment Filed under: Fuel cells Marine Applications for Fuel Cell Technology: A Technical Memorandum (OTA-TM-O-37; Washington: GPO, 1986), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
Filed under: Fuel cells -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Filed under: Fuel cell industry -- United States Marine Applications for Fuel Cell Technology: A Technical Memorandum (OTA-TM-O-37; Washington: GPO, 1986), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment Filed under: Nuclear rockets
Filed under: Solar cells -- Design and constructionFiled under: Solar cells -- TestingFiled under: Thermoelectric apparatus and appliances
Filed under: Heat -- Transmission Ballistic Range Measurements of Stagnation-Point Heat Transfer in Air and Carbon Dioxide at Velocities up to 18,000 Feet per Second (NASA technical note D-777; Washington: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1961), by Layton Yee, Harry E. Bailey, and Henry T. Woodward (page images at HathiTrust) Heat Transfer (first edition; New York et al.: McGraw-Hill, 1961), by Benjamin Gebhart (page images at HathiTrust) Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958), by James George Knudsen and Donald L. Katz (page images at HathiTrust) A Heat Transfer Textbook (electronic edition), by John H. Lienhard (PDF at MIT; geographic and occupation information required) Engineering Data on Flow of Fluids in Pipes and Heat Transmission (Chicago: Crane Co., c1935), by Crane Co. Engineering Division (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Heat -- Transmission -- ExperimentsFiled under: Heat -- Transmission -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Heat exchangers
Filed under: Pneumatics Hydrostatics and Pneumatics (8th edition; London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1891), by Philip Magnus The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria, by Hero of Alexandria, ed. by Bennet Woodcroft, trans. by Joseph George Greenwood (illustrated HTML at The Hopkin Thomas Project)
Filed under: Aerodynamics Abriss der Strömungslehre (second edition, in German; Gottingen: Gottingen University Press, 2017), by Ludwig Prandtl (PDF at Gottingen University Press) Aerodynamic Design Guidelines and Computer Program for Estimation of Subsonic Wind Tunnel Performance (Washington: NASA, 1976), by William T. Eckert and Kenneth W. Mort (page images at HathiTrust) Airplane Aerodynamics (third edition; New York et al.: Pitman Pub. Corp., 1961), by Daniel O. Dommasch, Sydney S. Sherby, and Thomas F. Connolly (page images at HathiTrust) Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Interaction and Breakdown Characteristics of Slender-Wing Vortices at Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds (NASA Technical Paper 3114; 1991), by Gary E. Erickson (page images at HathiTrust) Elements of Practical Aerodynamics (New York: J. Wiley and Sons; London: Chapman and Hall, 1936), by Bradley Jones (page images at HathiTrust) Engineering Aerodynamics (New York: Ronald Press Co., c1928), by Walter S. Diehl (page images at HathiTrust) Natural Aerodynamics (New York et al.: Pergamon Press, c1958), by R. S. Scorer (page images at HathiTrust) Introduction to the Aerodynamics of Flight, by Theodore A. Talay (illustrated HTML at NASA) Aerodynamics of a Tilting Ducted Fan Configuration (NASA Technical note D-785; Washington: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1961), by Paul F. Yaggy and Kenneth W. Goodson (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Aerodynamics, Supersonic
Filed under: Boundary layer
Filed under: Drag (Aerodynamics) Flight-Determined Aerodynamic Properties of a Jet-Augmented, Auxiliary-Flap, Direct-Lift-Control System Including Correlation With Wind-Tunnel Results (NASA Technical Note D-5128, corrected copy; Washington: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1969), by L. Stewart Rolls, Anthony M. Cook, and Robert C. Innis Fluid-Dynamic Drag: Practical Information on Aerodynamic Drag and Hydrodynamic Resistance (revised and expanded from author's 1951 "Aerodynamic Drag"; Midland Park, NJ: The author, 1958), by Sighard F. Hoerner (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Sound Acoustemologies in Contact: Sounding Subjects and Modes of Listening in Early Modernity (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2021), ed. by Emily Wilbourne and Suzanne G. Cusick (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) Digital Sound Studies (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2018), ed. by Mary Caton Lingold, Darren Mueller, and Whitney Trettien (PDF at Acoustics, Theoretical ("Part I" only part published; Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1870), by W. F. Donkin, contrib. by Bartholomew Price Acoustics, Theoretical (second edition; Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1884), by W. F. Donkin, ed. by A. E. Donkin, contrib. by Bartholomew Price (multiple formats at A Summary of Researches in Sound, Conducted in the Service of the United States Light-House Board, by Joseph Henry, During the Years 1865 to 1877 (from the Snithsonian report for 1878; Washington: GPO, 1879), by Joseph Henry (multiple formats at Google) Basic Audio (3 volumes in 1; New York: J. F. Rider, c1959), by Norman H. Crowhurst (PDF at
More items available under broader and related terms at left. |