Computer science -- Moral and ethical aspectsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms: |
Filed under: Computer science -- Moral and ethical aspects The Big Data Agenda: Data Ethics and Critical Data Studies (London: University of Westminster Press, 2018), by Annika Richterich
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Computer science Introduction to Computing: Explorations in Language, Logic, and Machines (2011), by David Evans (PDF and HTML with commentary at Models of Computation: Exploring the Power of Computing (Creative Commons edition; 2008), by John E. Savage (PDF with commentary at Brown) Concrete Abstractions: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Scheme (c1999), by Max Hailperin, Barbara Kaiser, and Karl Knight (PDF files with commentary at Foundations of Computer Science (C edition, ca. 1994), by Alfred V. Aho and Jeffrey D. Ullman (PDF files with commentary at Stanford) Elements of Robotics (Cham: Springer Open, c2018), by M. Ben-Ari and Francesco Mondada (PDF and EPub with commentary at EPFL and Springer) Introduction to Computer Science using Java (2018), by Bradley Kjell (illustrated HTML at Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science (second edition, c1999), by Brian Harvey and Matthew Wright (illustrated HTML and PDF at Berkeley) Computing the Future: A Broader Agenda for Computer Science and Engineering, by National Research Council Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (Postscript and page images at NAP)
Filed under: Computer science -- Study and teaching -- CongressesFiled under: Computer science -- History
Filed under: Computer science -- Research -- United States -- HistoryFiled under: Computer science -- Mathematics Mathematics for Computer Science (online edition, last revised 2017), by Eric Lehman, Frank Thomson Leighton, and Albert R. Meyer (PDF at MIT) Introduction to the Theory of Computation (2016), by Anil Maheshwari and Michiel Smid (PDF with commentary at Applied Discrete Structures (version 2.0, 2013), by Alan Doerr and Kenneth Levasseur (PDF with commentary at Building Blocks for Theoretical Computer Science (latest version at this listing is 1.3, 2013), by Margaret M. Fleck (PDF with commentary at Illinois) Category Theory for Computing Science (revised reprint from Theory and Applications of Categories, 2013), by Michael Barr and Charles Wells (PDF in Canada) Concrete Math Companion (c2002), by Kenneth E. Iverson (PDF at The Limits of Mathematics, by Gregory J. Chaitin (illustrated HTML at Maine)
Filed under: Computer science -- Mathematics -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Computer science -- Periodicals
Filed under: Computer science -- Research grants -- United StatesFiled under: Computer science -- Study and teaching (Primary)Filed under: Computer science -- TextbooksFiled under: Computer science -- Vocational guidance
Filed under: Natural language processing (Computer science) Essential Speech and Language Technology for Dutch: Results by the STEVIN Programme (c2013), ed. by Peter Spyns and Jan Odijk (multiple formats with commentary at SpringerLink) Natural Language Processing With Python (electronic Creative Commons edition, with errata, 2010), by Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper (illustrated HTML with commentary at Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe 2020 (presented by META-NET; c2013), ed. by Georg Rehm and Hans Uszkoreit (PDF files with commentary at SpringerLink) Computational Linguistics: Models, Resources, Applications (c2004), by Igor A. Bolshakov and Alexander Gelbukh (PDF and illustrated HTML with commentary at Speech Understanding Research (final technical report; Menlo Park, CA: Stanford Research Institute, 1976), ed. by Donald E. Walker (PDF at Filed under: RDF (Document markup language)
Filed under: Semantic Web Practical Semantic Web and Linked Data Applications: Common Lisp Edition (c2010), by Mark Watson (PDF at Github) Practical Semantic Web and Linked Data Applications: Java, Scala, Clojure, and JRuby Edition (c2010), by Mark Watson (PDF at Github) An Introduction to Ontology Engineering (c2020), by C. Maria Keet (PDF in South Africa) Linked Data Patterns: A Pattern Catalogue for Modelling, Publishing, And consuming Linked Data (2012), by Leigh Dodds and Ian Davis (multiple formats at Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space (free electronic edition, c2011), by Tom Heath and Christian Bizer (illustrated HTML with commentary at Validating RDF Data (c2018), by Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Iovka Boneva, and Dimitris Kontokostas (illustrated HTML with commentary at Introduction to Information Retrieval (prepublication version; 2008), by Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, and Hinrich Schütze (HTML and PDF with commentary at Stanford) Filed under: Women in computer science Digital Divas: Putting the Wow Into Computing for Girls (Clayton, Victoria: Monash University Publishing, c2016), by Julie Fisher, Catherine Lang, Annemieke Craig, and Helen Forgasz, contrib. by Amber McLeod
More items available under broader and related terms at left. |