Computer simulationHere are entered works on computer-based simulation of systems and processes, involving the formulation of a mathematical model, its conversion into a computer program, and execution of experiments with the computerized model for the understanding, evaluation, or design modification of the system or process of interest. See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Related term:Narrower terms:Used for:- Computer modeling
- Computer models
- Modeling, Computer
- Models, Computer
- Simulation, Computer
Filed under: Computer simulation Modeling and Simulation in Python (version 3.4.3; Needham, MA: Green Tea Press, 2017), by Allen Downey (PDF with commentary at Green Tea Press) The Nature of Code (c2012), by Daniel Shiffman, ed. by Shannon Fry, illust. by Zannah Marsh (illustrated HTML with commentary at A Practical Manual on the Monte Carlo Method for Random Walk Problems (Los Alamos, NM: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, 1957), by E. D. Cashwell and C. J. Everett, contrib. by O. W. Rechard (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Biological systems -- Computer simulation -- Congresses Artificial Life IX: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c2004), ed. by Jordan B. Pollack, Mark Bedau, Phil Husbands, Richard A. Watson, and Takashi Ikegami (PDF with commentary at MIT Press) Artificial Life VII: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Artificial Life (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c2000), ed. by Mark Bedau, John S. McCaskill, Norman H. Packard, and Steen Rasmussen (PDF with commentary at MIT Press) Artificial Life VI: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Life (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c1998), ed. by Christoph Adami, Richard K. Belew, Hiroaki Kitano, and Charles E. Taylor (PDF with commentary at MIT Press) Filed under: Plasma engineering -- Computer simulation -- CongressesFiled under: Analog computer simulationFiled under: Digital computer simulation
Filed under: Artificial intelligence AI for Everyone? Critical Perspectives (London: University of Westminster Press, c2021), ed. by Pieter Verdegem (multiple formats with commentary at University of Westminster Press) Artificial Intelligence and Games (2018), by Georgios N. Yannakakis and Julian Togelius (PDF with commentary at Artificial Intelligence and Responsive Optimization (second edition, 2003), by Mohammad Khosnevisan, Sukanto Bhattacharya, and Florentin Smarandache (PDF at UNM) Are We Spiritual Machines? Ray Kurzweil vs. the Critics of Strong A.I. (c2002), ed. by Jay W. Richards, contrib. by Ray Kurzweil, John R. Searle, Michael J. Denton, William A. Dembski, Thomas S. Ray, and George F. Gilder (at Artificial Intelligence (third edition, reprinted with corrections; Reading, MA et al.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1993), by Patrick Henry Winston (PDF at MIT) The Age of Intelligent Machines (c1992), by Ray Kurzweil (at The Boundaries of Humanity: Humans, Animals, Machines (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), ed. by James J. Sheehan and Morton Sosna (HTML at UC Press) Artificial Intelligence Through Prolog (1988), by Neil C. Rowe (HTML at How Mobile Robots can Self-Organise a Vocabulary (Berlin: Language Science Press, c2015), by Paul Vogt Applications of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence to Reduce Risk and Improve Effectiveness: A Study for the United States Army (1983), by National Research Council Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems (page images with commentary at NAP) When Things Start to Think (c1999), by Neil A. Gershenfeld (HTML with commentary at Elements of Robotics (Cham: Springer Open, c2018), by M. Ben-Ari and Francesco Mondada (PDF and EPub with commentary at EPFL and Springer) Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp (c1992), by Peter Norvig (multiple formats with commentary at Github) From Bricks to Brains: The Embodied Cognitive Science of LEGO Robots (Edmonton: AU Press, c2010), by Michael Robert William Dawson, Brian Dupuis, and Michael Wilson (PDF with commentary at AU Press) The Computer Revolution in Philosophy: Philosophy, Science and Models of Mind (1978, with added notes and corrections), by Aaron Sloman (HTML and PDF with commentary in the UK) The Origin and Its Meaning, by Roger Ellman (PDF files at Filed under: Virtual reality Virtual Body Language: The History and Future of Avatars; How Nonverbal Expression is Evolving on the Internet (Pittsburgh: ETC Press, c2011), by Jeffrey Ventrella (PDF with commentary at CMU) Virtual Reality: Scientific and Technological Challenges (1995), ed. by Nathaniel I. Durlach and Anne S. Mavor (page images with commentary at NAP) City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c1996), by William Mitchell (PDF with commentary at MIT Press) Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Worlds: Understanding and Designing Expressive Characters (Pittsburgh: ETC Press, 2014), ed. by Joshua Tanenbaum, Magy Seif El-Nasr, and Michael Nixon (PDF with commentary at CMU) Filed under: Airplanes -- Piloting -- Computer simulationFiled under: Atmospheric circulation -- Computer simulationFiled under: Atmospheric radiation -- Computer simulation Users Guide to LOWTRAN 7 (Hanscom AFB, MA: Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, 1988), by F. X. Kneizys, Eric P. Shettle, L. W. Abreu, James H. Chetwynd, G. P. Anderson, W. O. Gallery, J. E. A. Selby, and S. A. Clough Filed under: Body language -- Computer simulationFiled under: Fighter plane combat -- Computer simulationFiled under: Geometry -- Computer simulationFiled under: Hydrocarbon reservoirs -- Computer simulationFiled under: Intellect -- Computer simulationFiled under: Liquids -- Computer simulation Statistical Mechanics of Nonequilibrium Liquids (second edition; Canberra: ANU E Press, c2007), by Denis J. Evans and Gary P. Morriss Filed under: Motor vehicles -- Dynamics -- Computer simulation Computer Simulation of the Effect of Cargo Shifting on Articulated Vehicles Performing Braking and Cornering Maneuvers: Final Report (4 volumes; Washington: Federal Highway Administration, Structures and Applied Mechanics Division, 1980-1981), by P. F. Bohn, M. C. Butler, H. D. Dunkle, and R. L. Eshleman Filed under: Nuclear reactor accidents -- Computer simulationFiled under: Ocean circulation -- Computer simulationFiled under: Plants -- Development -- Computer simulation Lindenmayer Systems, Fractals, and Plants (free electronic edition; c2016), by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and James Hanan The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants (free electronic edition, c2004), by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Aristid Lindenmayer Filed under: Private flying -- Computer simulationFiled under: Stunt flying -- Computer simulationFiled under: United States -- Armed Forces -- Procurement -- Computer simulation
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