ConifersSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader term:Narrower terms:Used for:- Coniferae
- Coniferales
- Softwood trees
- Softwoods (Trees)
Filed under: Conifers
Filed under: AraucariaceaeFiled under: Conifers, Fossil
Filed under: Conifers, Fossil -- Yellowstone National Park
Filed under: Junipers -- Arizona -- History
Filed under: Junipers -- Southwestern States -- History
Filed under: Pine Journal Kept by David Douglas During His Travels in North America, 1823-1827, Together With a Particular Description of Thirty-Three Species of American Oaks and Eighteen Species of Pinus; With Appendices Containing a List of the Plants Introduced by Douglas and an Account of His Death in 1834 (London: W. Wesley and Son, 1914), by David Douglas, ed. by W. Wilks and H. R. Hutchinson
Filed under: Pine -- Diseases and pests Using Bayleton (Triadimefon) to Control Fusiform Rust in Pine Tree Nurseries (Southern Forest Experiment Station research note SO-253, 1979), by G. A. Snow, S. J. Rowan, J. P. Jones, W. D. Kelley, and J. G. Mexal
Filed under: Littleleaf disease of pine Littleleaf Disease of Shortleaf and Loblolly Pines (USDA circular #940; Washington: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1954), by W. A. Campbell and Otis L. Copeland Filed under: Loblolly pine -- Diseases and pests Littleleaf Disease of Shortleaf and Loblolly Pines (USDA circular #940; Washington: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1954), by W. A. Campbell and Otis L. Copeland
Filed under: Pine fusiform rust -- Control Using Bayleton (Triadimefon) to Control Fusiform Rust in Pine Tree Nurseries (Southern Forest Experiment Station research note SO-253, 1979), by G. A. Snow, S. J. Rowan, J. P. Jones, W. D. Kelley, and J. G. Mexal Filed under: Shortleaf pine -- Diseases and pests Littleleaf Disease of Shortleaf and Loblolly Pines (USDA circular #940; Washington: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1954), by W. A. Campbell and Otis L. Copeland Filed under: Pine -- Geographical distribution Geographic Distribution of the Pines of the World (U.S. Forest Service miscellaneous publication #991; 1966), by William Burke Critchfield and Elbert L. Little Filed under: Lodgepole pine
Filed under: Pinyon pines -- Arizona -- History
Filed under: Pinyon pines -- Southwestern States -- HistoryFiled under: Ponderosa pine
Filed under: Douglas fir Lumber Manufacture in the Douglas Fir Region (Chicago: Commercial Journal Co., c1922), by H. B. Oakleaf
Filed under: Giant sequoia
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Gymnosperms -- Morphology
Filed under: Yew |