Crime -- Great BritainSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Crime -- Great Britain Rising Crime and the Dismembered Family: How Conformist Intellectuals Have Campaigned Against Common Sense (c1993), by Norman Dennis (PDF at Civitas) The English Convict: A Statistical Study (1913), by Charles Goring (multiple formats at The Story of Crime: From the Cradle to the Grave (London: T. Werner Laurie, ca. 1908), by Hargrave Lee Adam Unsolved Murder Mysteries, by Charles E. Pearce (HTML with commentary at Unsolved Murder Mysteries (London, S. Paul and Co., c1924), by Charles E. Pearce (page images at HathiTrust) Crime and the Criminal Law: Reflections of a Magistrate and Social Scientist (Hamlyn Lectures, #15, second edition; London: Stevens and Sons, 1981), by Barbara Wootton (PDF in the UK) Scenes from a Silent World: or Prisons and Their Inmates, by Felicia Skene (HTML at Indiana) Crime and the Criminal Law: Reflections of a Magistrate and Social Scientist (Hamlyn Lectures, #15; London: Stevens and Sons, 1963), by Barbara Wootton (PDF in the UK)
Filed under: Crime -- Great Britain -- History -- Sources
Filed under: Crime -- Political aspects -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Crime -- Great Britain -- Periodicals
Filed under: Crime -- Great Britain -- Popular works -- Periodicals
Filed under: Conspiracy -- Great Britain -- Fiction
Filed under: Conspiracy -- England -- FictionFiled under: Crime prevention -- Great Britain
Filed under: Crime prevention -- England
Filed under: Crime prevention -- England -- Hartlepool
Filed under: Crime prevention -- Scotland -- Strathclyde
Filed under: Capital punishment -- Great Britain
Filed under: Capital punishment -- Great Britain -- History
Filed under: Capital punishment -- England -- History
Filed under: Hanging -- England -- London -- History
Filed under: Gallows -- England -- London -- HistoryFiled under: Criminal procedure -- Great Britain
Filed under: Defense (Criminal procedure) -- Great Britain
Filed under: Imprisonment -- Great Britain
Filed under: Evidence, Criminal -- Great Britain -- HistoryFiled under: Eavesdropping -- Great Britain
Filed under: Executions and executioners -- Great Britain -- History
Filed under: Executions and executioners -- England -- HistoryFiled under: Grand jury -- Great BritainFiled under: Sentences (Criminal procedure) -- Great Britain Simple Justice (c2005), by Charles A. Murray, ed. by David Conway, contrib. by Robert Allen, John Cottingham, Christie Davies, J. C. Lester, Tom Sorell, and Vivien Stern (PDF at Civitas) Filed under: Wager of battle -- Great Britain Cottoni Posthuma: Divers Choice Pieces of that Renowned Antiquary, Sir Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronet (4 volumes in 1; set did not get to all items in volume 1's projected table of contents; Edinburgh: Privately printed, 1884-1888), by Robert Cotton, ed. by Edmund Goldsmid, contrib. by James Howell
Filed under: Criminal procedure -- England -- History -- Sources
Filed under: Habeas corpus -- England -- LondonFiled under: Justification (Law) -- Great Britain
Filed under: Criminal law -- England -- History
Filed under: Criminal law -- England -- History -- SourcesFiled under: Drunkenness (Crime) -- Great Britain History of the Welsh Sunday Closing Act (Cardiff: D. Owen and Co., 1885), by E. Beavan
Filed under: Drunkenness (Crime) -- Scotland Minutes of Evidence Taken Before the Departmental Committee on Habitual Offenders, Vagrants, Beggars, Inebriates, and Juvenile Delinquents, With Appendix and Index (does not include separate Report volume; Edinburgh: Printed for HMSO by Neill and Co., 1895), by Great Britain Departmental Committee on Habitual Offenders, Vagrants, Beggars, Inebriates, and Juvenile Deliquents, contrib. by Charles Cameron (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Impostors and imposture -- Great Britain -- BiographyFiled under: Impostors and imposture -- England
Filed under: Impostors and imposture -- England -- FictionFiled under: Quacks and quackery -- England The Miraculous Conformist: or, An Account of Severall Marvailous Cures Performed by the Stroking of the Hands of Mr. Valentine Greatarick, With a Physicall Discourse Thereupon (Oxford, UK: Printed by H. Hall for Ric: Davis, 1666), by Henry Stubbe (HTML at EEBO TCP) A Brief Account of Mr. Valentine Greatraks, and Divers of the Strange Cures by Him Lately Performed: Written by Himself In a Letter Addressed to the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq., Whereunto Are Annexed the Testimonials of Several Eminent and Worthy Persons of the Chief Matters of Fact Therein Related (London: Printed for J. Starkey, 1666), by Valentine Greatrakes, contrib. by Robert Boyle Filed under: Psalmanazar, George, 1679?-1763Filed under: Juvenile delinquency -- Great BritainFiled under: Perjury -- Great Britain
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