Currency question -- United StatesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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- United States -- Currency question
Filed under: Currency question -- United States A State Currency System: To Hell with Wall Street (Fort Worth, TX: G. W. Armstrong, c1932), by George Washington Armstrong (page images at HathiTrust) Banking and Currency and the Money Trust (Washington: National Capital Press, c1913), by Charles A. Lindbergh Considerations on the Currency and Banking System of the United States (Philadelphia: Carey and Lea, 1831), by Albert Gallatin (multiple formats at Google) The Currency Problem and the Present Financial Situation: A Series of Addresses Delivered at Columbia University, 1907-1908 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1908), ed. by Edwin R. A. Seligman, contrib. by Frank A. Vanderlip, Thomas F. Woodlock, A. Barton Hepburn, Albert Strauss, William Alexander Nash, James Graham Cannon, Paul M. Warburg, and George W. Perkins Ideas for a Science of Good Government, in Addresses, Letters and Articles on a Strictly National Currency, Tariff and Civil Service (New York: Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Co., 1883), by Peter Cooper (multiple formats at A New Monetary System: The Only Means of Securing the Respective Rights of Labor and Property, and of Protecting the Public From Financial Revulsions (fifth edition; Philadelphia: H. C. Baird and Co.; London: Sampson Low, Marston Low and Searle, 1875), by Edward Kellogg, ed. by Mary Kellogg Putnam (PDF at McMaster) A Scientific Exposure of the Errors in Our Monetary System: A New Chapter in Political Economy (Seattle: The People's Call Pub. Co., 1891), by Mary E. Hobart (transcription: multiple formats at The Case for the 100 Percent Gold Dollar (1991), by Murray N. Rothbard (HTML and PDF at Money Creators: Who Creates Money? Who Should Create It? (Chicago: Sound Money Press, 1935), by Gertrude Margaret Coogan (page images at HathiTrust) Prosperity Without Inflation (Buffalo: Economica Books, Smith, Keynes and Marshall; dist. by Doubleday and Co. 1958), by Arthur F. Burns (page images at HathiTrust) "Greenbacks": or, The Evils and the Remedy of Using "Promise to Pay to the Bearer on Demand" as a Measure of Value (New York: D. Thomas, 1864), by Observer (page images at MOA) The New Approach to Freedom, Together With Essays on the Separation of Money and State, by Edwin C. Riegel, ed. by Spencer Heath McCallum (HTML at Remarks on Currency and Banking, Having Reference to the Present Derangement of the Circulating Medium in the United States, by Nathan Appleton (page images at MOA) The Great Conspiracy of the House of Morgan Exposed and How to Defeat It (second edition, c1916), by Henry L. Loucks (multiple formats at Lightning Over the Treasury Building: or, An Expose of Our Banking and Currency Monstrosity, America's Most Reprehensible and Un-American Racket (fourth edition; Boston: Meador Pub. Co., c1941), by John R. Elsom (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Currency question -- United States -- History
Filed under: Bimetallism -- United States -- History
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Currency question Direct Credits for Everybody, by Alfred W. Lawson (HTML at The Sterling Area, Sterling Accounts, and Sterling Balances (Dept. of State Publication 3914, Economic Cooperation Series 27; Washington: U.S. Department of State Office of Public Affairs, 1950), by United States Department of State Office of Public Affairs (page images at HathiTrust) Private Enterprise Money: A Non-Political Money System (1944), by Edwin C. Riegel (HTML at Essays in Persuasion (1931), by John Maynard Keynes (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) Banking and Currency (London: Butterworth and Co., 1905), by Ernest Sykes (multiple formats at Geld und Gold: Ökonomische Theorie des Geldes (in German; Stuttgart and Berlin: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1916), by Robert Liefmann Monetary Theory Before Adam Smith (Harvard Economic Studies v25; Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1923), by Arthur Eli Monroe (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Currency question -- Confederate States of America Mr. Chilton's Amendments to the Bill of the Committee (1864), by Confederate States of America House of Representatives, contrib. by W. P. Chilton State of the Country: Speech of Hon. A. G. Brown, of Mississippi, In the Confederate Senate, December 24, 1863, by Albert Gallatin Brown (HTML and TEI at UNC) "Cato" on Constitutional "Money" and Legal Tender (Charleston: Evans and Cogswell, 1862), by Thomas Jefferson Withers (HTML and TEI at UNC) Facts and Suggestions Relative to Finance & Currency, Addressed to the President of the Confederate States, by Duff Green (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: Currency question -- Europe, Central
Filed under: Currency question -- Great Britain A Fraudulent Standard: An Exposure of the Fraudulent Character of Our Monetary Standard, With Suggestions for the Establishment of an Invariable Unit of Value (London: P.S. King and Son, 1917), by Arthur Kitson (multiple formats at The High Price of Bullion, by David Ricardo (text at McMaster) An Inquiry Into the Currency Principle, by Thomas Tooke (HTML at McMaster) Money and Trade Considered, With a Proposal for Supplying the Nation with Money, by John Law (text at MacMaster) Money and Trade Considered, With a Proposal for Supplying the Nation With Money (Glasgow: R. and A. Foulis, 1750), by John Law The Bank Charter Act: Ought the Bank of England or the People of England to Receive the Profits of the National Circulation? (London: D. F. Oakey, 1857), by Jonathan Duncan (multiple formats at Paper Money, the Money of Civilization: An Issue by the State, and a Legal Tender in Payment of Taxes (London: Provost and co., 1877), by James Harvey (multiple formats at Three Letters on the Price of Gold: Contributed to the Morning Chronicle (London) in August-November, 1809 (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1903), by David Ricardo (page images at Google; US access only) The Means to Prosperity (1933), by John Maynard Keynes (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) The Sterling Area, Sterling Accounts, and Sterling Balances (Dept. of State Publication 3914, Economic Cooperation Series 27; Washington: U.S. Department of State Office of Public Affairs, 1950), by United States Department of State Office of Public Affairs (page images at HathiTrust) Essays in Persuasion (1931), by John Maynard Keynes (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) Filed under: BimetallismFiled under: Gold standardFiled under: Purchasing powerFiled under: Silver question The Bryan Campaign for the American People's Money (Chicago: Laird and Lee, 1896), by Ignatius Donnelly (multiple formats at Google) The Gentile Ass and the Judean Monetary Establishment Advocating Pure Bimetallism (Chicago: Mighty Price Quotient Series, 1895), by Ebenezer Wakeley, illust. by L. Frizolle A Populist Humbug Exploded: Refutation of the Alleged "Seven Financial Conspiracies"; Incurring and Paying the War Debt; Creating and Redeeming the Greenback; Where We Stood and Where We Stand; Fact Against Fiction (ca. 1896), by J. W. Babcock The Secret of the Rothschilds (Chicago: C. H. Kerr and Co., 1898), by Mary E. Hobart Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People (Lansing, MI: Robert Smith and Co., 1894), by Sarah E. Van De Vort Emery Shylock: As Banker, Bondholder, Corruptionist, Conspirator (Washington: Author's Publisher, c/o the American Bimetallic League, 1894), by Gordon Clark (page images at HathiTrust) Silver Money (Cowles Foundation monograph #4; Bloomington, IN: Principia Press, 1939), by Dickson H. Leavens (PDF at Yale) The Bankruptcy of India: An Enquiry Into the Administration of India Under the Crown; Including a Chapter on the Silver Question (London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey and Co., 1886), by H. M. Hyndman (multiple formats at History and Science of Money: Piracy of the Gold Standard Fully Exposed (Belleville, NJ: The Author, 1896), by Theodore Jerolaman (HTML at Yamaguchy)
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