Davis, Henry, -1628See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Filed under: Davis, Henry, -1628 The vnnaturall wife: or, The lamentable murther, of one goodman Dauis locke-smith in Tutle-streete, who was stabbed to death by his wife, on the 29. of Iune, 1628. For which fact, she was araigned, condemned, and adiudged, to be burnt to death in Smithfield, the 12. Iuly 1628. To the tune of Bragandary. (Printed at London : For M. T[rundle] widdow, [1628]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A warning for all desperate vvomen By the example of Alice Dauis who for killing of her husband was burned in Smithfield the 12 of Iuly 1628. to the terror of all the beholders. To the tune of the Ladies fall. ([London] : Printed for F. Coules, [1628]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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