Decision making -- Moral and ethical aspectsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Decision making -- Moral and ethical aspects
Filed under: Political science -- Decision making -- Moral and ethical aspects
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Decision making Decision Making (c2017), by Giacomo Bonanno (PDF with commentary at UC Davis) Setting You Free to Make Right Choices (junior/senior high student workbook; Nashville, TN: World Bridge Press, 2007), by Josh McDowell (PDF via Modeling Bounded Rationality (1998), by Ariel Rubinstein (PDF in Israel) Setting You Free to Make Right Choices: Leader's Guide (ca. 1995), by Josh McDowell (PDF via From the Mind to the Feet: Assessing the Perception-to-Intent-to-Action Dynamic (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 2011), ed. by Lawrence A. Kuznar, Allison Astorino-Courtois, and Sarah Canna Cognitive Processes in Career Decision-Making (Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1962), by Thomas Leonard Hilton, Ronald Baenninger, and James H. Korn (page images at HathiTrust) Rationality: From AI to Zombies (2015), by Eliezer Yudkowsky (HTML at Simulation of Information and Decision Systems in the Firm (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, c1963), by Charles P. Bonini (page images at HathiTrust) Modern Japanese Organization and Decision-Making (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), ed. by Ezra F. Vogel (HTML at UC Press) Risk and Decision Making: Perspectives and Research, by National Research Council Committee on Risk and Decision Making (page images with commentary at NAP)
Filed under: Decision making -- Case studies
Filed under: Decision making -- Congresses
Filed under: Decision making -- European Union countries
Filed under: Decision making -- EvaluationFiled under: Decision making -- GermanyFiled under: Decision making -- Mathematical modelsFiled under: Decision making -- MethodologyFiled under: Decision making -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Decision making -- PhilosophyFiled under: Decision making -- Psychological aspectsFiled under: Decision making -- Simulation methodsFiled under: Decision making -- United StatesFiled under: Delphi methodFiled under: Group decision makingFiled under: Multiple criteria decision makingFiled under: Agriculture -- California -- San Joaquin Valley -- Decision makingFiled under: Aircraft accidents -- Investigation -- Decision makingFiled under: Biodiversity conservation -- Decision makingFiled under: Coastal zone management -- United States -- Decision makingFiled under: Conservation of natural resources -- Decision makingFiled under: European Union -- Decision makingFiled under: Indicators (Biology) -- Decision makingFiled under: Israel -- Defenses -- Decision makingFiled under: Medical policy -- United States -- Decision making The Impact of Randomized Clinical Trials on Health Policy and Medical Practice: Background Paper (Washington: Office of Technology Assessment, 1983), by Hellen Gelband, contrib. by Thomas Chalmers and Henry Sacks Filed under: Military art and science -- United States -- Decision making From the Mind to the Feet: Assessing the Perception-to-Intent-to-Action Dynamic (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 2011), ed. by Lawrence A. Kuznar, Allison Astorino-Courtois, and Sarah Canna Filed under: Military policy -- Decision makingFiled under: Public administration -- Decision makingFiled under: Quality of life -- United States -- Decision makingFiled under: Right to die -- United States -- Decision makingFiled under: Terminal care -- United States -- Decision makingFiled under: United States -- Foreign relations -- Decision makingFiled under: United States -- Government policy -- Decision makingFiled under: United States. Supreme Court -- Decision makingMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |