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Filed under: Dilapidations The law of repairs and improvements : including ecclesiastical dilapidations (Butterworth, 1905), by John Henry Jackson (page images at HathiTrust) The laws relating to buildings : comprising the metropolitan buildings act ; fixtures ; insurance against fire ; actions on builders' bills ; dilapidations ; and a copious glossary of technical terms peculiar to building ; illustrated with numerous engravings (Lumley, 1845), by Thomas Chambers and George Tattersall (page images at HathiTrust) Macer's dilapidations : law and practice. (Estates Gazette, 1912), by Alfred Thomas Macer and Arthur Burnaby Howes (page images at HathiTrust) Macer's dilapidations : law and practice. (The Estates Gazette, 1920), by Alfred T. Macer, Sydney Elston Pocock, and Arthur Burnaby Howes (page images at HathiTrust) Dilapidations : a text-book for architects and surveyors, in tabulated form. (B.T. Batsford, 1891), by Banister Fletcher (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Dilapidations -- Great BritainFiled under: Dilapidations -- Italy
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Waste (Law) An essay on waste, nuisance, and trespass, chiefly with reference to remedies in equity : treating of the law of timber, mines, lights, water, support, the construction of public works, &c. &c (W. Maxwell, 1863), by George Valentine Yool (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Adjoining landowners Tractatio Juridico-Politica De Jure Viciniae : Ad Usum Practicum Accommodata (Runge, 1671), by Johann Friedrich Koch (page images at HathiTrust) Des droits & obligations entre propriétaires d'héritages voisins (Alger : Typographie Adolphe Jourdan, Imprimeur-Libraire-Éditeur, 1901., 1901), by 'Isa ben Mousa and Barbier (page images at HathiTrust) Coutumes de Normandie; lois françaises, jurisprudence des tribunaux et conférences des coutumes voisines, Bretagne, Maine, Orléans, Paris, Perche et Picardie concnernant le voisinage, la mitoyenneté et les servitudes. (Paris, Caen, 1905), by Albert André (page images at HathiTrust) Illinois highways and your property. ([Illinois Division of Highways], 1972), by Illinois. Division of Highways (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Adjoining landowners -- Aguascalientes, Mexico (State)Filed under: Adjoining landowners -- Austria
Filed under: Adjoining landowners -- England -- Fiction
Filed under: Nuisances -- England -- London -- CasesFiled under: Adjoining landowners -- Europe
Filed under: Nuisances -- EuropeFiled under: Adjoining landowners -- GermanyFiled under: Adjoining landowners -- FictionFiled under: Adjoining landowners -- HawaiiFiled under: Adjoining landowners -- HungaryFiled under: Adjoining landowners -- IllinoisFiled under: Adjoining landowners -- Italy
Filed under: Nuisances -- Italy Memoria a favore dei signori Giuseppe Fajani, Emanuele Rosselli e Giovanni de Ghantuz Cubbe contro la R. Prefettura, la Direzione demaniale e la Direzione dell'uffizio postale di Livorno nella causa fra essi vertente avanti il Tribunale civile e correzionale di Livorno. Violazione di patti, abuso di servitù, abuso di dominio, risarcimento di danni. (F. Vigo, 1870), by I. Rignano, Emanuele Rosselli, Giuseppe Fajani, Giovanni De Ghantuz Cubbe, Livorno (Italy). Direzione demaniale, Livorno (Italy). Direzione dell'uffizio postale, and Italy. Prefettura (Livorno) (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Adjoining landowners -- NetherlandsFiled under: Adjoining landowners -- NorwayFiled under: Adjoining landowners -- Québec (Province) Court of Appeals in a cause between George Arnold, appellant, and William Wilson, respondent, appellant's case, A. Stuart, attorney for plaintiff. (s.n., 1818), by George Arnold, William Wilson, and Lower Canada. Court of Appeals (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Adjoining landowners -- United StatesFiled under: Adjoining landowners -- VenezuelaFiled under: Nuisances An essay on waste, nuisance, and trespass, chiefly with reference to remedies in equity : treating of the law of timber, mines, lights, water, support, the construction of public works, &c. &c (W. Maxwell, 1863), by George Valentine Yool (page images at HathiTrust) Law relating to nuisances (Sweet & Maxwell, 1926), by Edward Holroyd Pearce (page images at HathiTrust) Report of the State board of health on investigation of offensive costs. Presented to the General assembly, February 14, 1922. (E. L. Freeman company, printers, 1923), by Rhode Island. Dept. of Public Health (page images at HathiTrust) The law of nuisances. (W. Clowes and sons, limited, 1897), by Edmund William Garrett and Great Britain (page images at HathiTrust) Equity jurisdiction, waste and nuisance : a collection of cases with notes (International Printing Co., 1907), by William Draper Lewis and Miriam McConnell (page images at HathiTrust) A practical treatise on the law of nuisances in their various forms : including remedies therefore at law and in equity (J.D. Parsons, Jr., 1875), by H. G. Wood (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Nuisances -- Grande-Bretagne
Filed under: Nuisances -- Great Britain The nuisances removal, diseases prevention and sewage utilization acts, with introductory comments, cases, forms, and index (Shaw, 1870), by David Deady Keane and W. Cunningham Glen (page images at HathiTrust) A practical treatise on the law of nuisances in their various forms : including remedies therefor [sic] at law and in equity. (J. D. Parsons, 1883), by H. G. Wood (page images at HathiTrust) A briefe declaration for what manner of speciall nusance concerning private dwelling houses, a man may have his remedy by assise, or other action as the case requires. Vnfolded in the arguments, and opinions of foure famous sages of the common law; together with the power, and extent of customes in cities, townes, and corporations, concerning the same: together with the determination of the law, concerning the commodity, and use of houses, and their appurtenances. Whereunto is added, the iustices of assise their opinion, concerning statute law for parishes; and the power of iustices of peace, churchwardens, and constables: and to know what they are to do concerning bastards borne in their parishes, reliefe of the poore, and providing for poore children, what remedy for the same. (Printed by Tho. Cotes, for William Cooke, and are to be sold at his shop, neere Furnivals-inne gate in Holbourne, 1639), by John Manwood, Christopher Wray, Edmund Plowden, and Robert Monson (page images at HathiTrust) Law relating to nuisances (Sweet & Maxwell, 1926), by Edward Holroyd Pearce (page images at HathiTrust) The law of nuisances (Butterworth, 1908), by Edmund W. Garrett, Henry Gumshaw Garrett, and Great Britain (page images at HathiTrust) A briefe declaration for vvhat manner of speciall nusance concerning private dwelling houses, a man may have his remedy by assise, or other action as the case requires: Vnfolded in the arguments, and opinions of foure famous sages of the common law; together with the power, and extent of customes in cities, townes, and corporations, concerning the same: together with the determination of the law, concerning the commodity, and use of houses, and their appurtenances. Whereunto is added, the iustices of assise their opinion, concerning statute law for parishes, and the power of iustices of peace, church wardens, and constables; and to know what they are to doe concerning bastards borne in their parishes, reliefe of the poore, and providing for poore children, what remedy for the same. (London : Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for William Cooke, and are to be sold at his shop, neere Furnivals-Inne gate in Holbourne, 1636), by Robert Monson, Edmund Plowden, Christopher Wray, and John Manwood (HTML at EEBO TCP) Filed under: Party wallsMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |