Drainage -- England -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Drainage -- England -- Early works to 1800 The designe for the perfect draining of the great level of the fens, called Bedford level, lying in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingtonshire, Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire and the isle of Ely as it was delivered to the honourable corporation for the draining of the said great level the 4th of June, 1664 : as also several objections answered since the delivery of the said designe now in agitation : and as for the new works intended in this designe appears in the annexed map : and the charge of the whole calculated / by Collonel William Dodson. (London : Printed by R. Wood, and are to be sold by Henry Twiford ... and by Rich. Marriot ..., 1665), by William Dodson (HTML at EEBO TCP) The case of the mannor of Epworth in the isle of Axholm, in the county of Lincoln, concerned in the bill for an act for setting the level of Hatfield Chase humbly presented to the right Honorable the Commons of England in Parliament assembled. ([London : s.n., 1695?]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The case of the owners of more than sixty thousand acres of rich and valuablelands, bordering upon the fenns, called, Bedford-Level: ([London : s.n., 1697]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Case of the town and port of King's-Lynn in Norfolk, as to their navigation. ([London : s.n., 1696]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The case of some of the adventurers and participants with the Right Honourable William Earl of Bedford in the draining of the great level of the fens stated in reference to a bill depending in Parliament for settlement of the said draining. ([London? : s.n., 1664]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Drainage laws -- England -- Early works to 1800 A commission impowering the persons therein named, to hear and determine severall matters and things concerning the work of dreyning the great levell of the fenns. ([London : s.n., 1653]), by England and Wales. Council of State (HTML at EEBO TCP) The case of Sir Robert Killigrew, Thomas Wyndham, William Killigrew, Henry Heron, and Edward Heron, drainers and participants of Lindsey Levell, in Lincolnshire, claiming under the late Earl of Lindsey. ([London : s.n., 1665?]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Filed under: Drainage -- England -- Fens -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Drainage -- England -- Fens, The -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Drainage -- England -- Lincolnshire -- Early works to 1800 A paper delivered and dispersed by Sir William Killigrew. ([London : s.n., 1651]), by William Killigrew (HTML at EEBO TCP) A short answer to a paper, intituled, Reasons humbly offered to the Honourable the Commons assembled in Parliament, against a bill brought in by Sir Robert Killigrew and others, undertakers and participants for the pretended dreining of Lindsey-Level in Lincolnshire ([London : s.n., 1698]), by William Killigrew (HTML at EEBO TCP) The rioters in Lindsey levell and their abettors, would have it thought that our ancestors were such ignorant men, as to make all the lawes and statutes by which the Commission of Sewers is impowered to remove the surrounder of waters ... ([London : s.n., 1655]), by William Killigrew (HTML at EEBO TCP) A relation of the proceedings & causes of complaint, between the undertakers with the Earle of Lindsey, in the levell of Fenns in Lincolnshire betwixt Bourne and Kine Eae, and the owners and commoners there. ([London? : s.n., 1650]), by Robert Bertie Lindsey (HTML at EEBO TCP) A breviate of the cause depending, and proofes made before the committee of the late Parliament for the Fens by the inhabitants between Borne and Kime Eae, in the county of Lincolne, being lords, owners and commoners of, and in the several Fens, where in Sir William Killigrew, &c. pretends a title as sharers with the late Earle of Lindsey. ([London? : s.n., 1655?]), by William Killigrew and John Brooke (HTML at EEBO TCP) The late Earl of Lindsey his title by which himself, and his participants, do claim 24000. acres of land in the fennes in Lincoln-shire; and concerning which a bill hath pass'd the House of Lords, and is now with the Commons, impowring Sir Henry Heron and Sir William Killigrew to perfect their undertakings; the which, if it hath not been according to the particulars contained in this paper, the countenance of any member of this House is in no sort desired hereunto. ([London : s.n., 1661]), by William Killigrew and Henry Heron (HTML at EEBO TCP) To shew the countreys consent for the drayning of Lindesy Levell. ([London? : s.n., 1671]), by William Killigrew and Henry Heron (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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Filed under: Drainage -- England A history of the fens of south Lincolnshire, being a description of the rivers Witham and Welland and their estuary, and an account of the reclamation, drainage, and enclosure of the fens adjacent thereto. (J.M. Newcomb;, 1897), by W. H. Wheeler (page images at HathiTrust) The history of the drainage of the great level of the fens, called Bedford Level; with the constitution and laws of the Bedford Level Corporation. (Published for the author, by R. Pheney, 1830), by Samuel Wells (page images at HathiTrust) Sir Cornelius Vermuyden. The lifework of a great Anglo-Dutchman in land-reclamation and drainage, with some notes by the author on the present condition of drainage in England and a resumé of the drainage legislation in Holland (Williams & Norgate; [etc., etc.], 1925), by J. Korthals-Altes (page images at HathiTrust) Agricultural progress : drainage / Talbot collection of British pamphlets. (Printed by J. B. Nichols and Sons, 25, Parliament Street, 1868), by James Sanderson (page images at HathiTrust) An historical account of the great level of the Fens, called Bedford level, and other fens, marshes and low-lands in this kingdom, and other places; with references to Leland's Itinerary, Dugdale's History of imbanking and draining, and others of the most approved authority. (Printed by W. Whittingham, 1793), by William Elstobb (page images at HathiTrust) Etudes sur le drainage au point de vue pratique et administratif : extraits d'un rapport à M. le Ministre de l'agriculture, du commerce et des travaux publics (C.-G. et V. Dalmont, 1853), by Hervé Mangon (page images at HathiTrust) On the amount and composition of the rain and drainage-waters collected at Rothamsted. (W. Clowes and Sons, 1882), by J. B. Lawes, Robert Warington, and Joseph Henry Gilbert (page images at HathiTrust) A collection of the laws which form the constitution of the Bedford Level Corporation, with sundry documents illustrative of ... the ancient and modern drainage of that extensive country called the Bedford Level . (R. Pheney, 1828), by Samuel Wells (page images at HathiTrust) Court minutes of the Surrey & Kent Sewer Commission : Vol. 1, comprising the minutes of the first two commissions whose records exist, and covering the period from 1569 to 1579, and index. (London County Council, 1909), by Surrey and Kent. Commissioners of Sewers (page images at HathiTrust) The Earl of Exeter with divers other lords and gentlemen are proprietors and owners ... of 36000 acres of fen and meadow ground, lying between the rivers of Glenn and Kyme Eaye in the county of Lincoln ... ([London : s.n., 1661]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) An answer to such objections as were made by some commoners of Lincoln-shire and presented to both houses at the first sitting of this Parliament against Robert, Earle of Lindesey, and his participants concerning the draining of those fenns which lye between Lincolne, Berne, & Boston / set forth by Sir Will. Killigrew, Knight. (London : Printed for the author, 1647), by William Killigrew (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Earle of Lindsey his title, by which himselfe and his participants doe claime 24000 acres of land in the fennes in Lincolnshire ([S.l. : s.n., 1654?]), by William Killigrew (HTML at EEBO TCP) A briefe relation discovering plainely the true causes why the great levell of fenns in the severall counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntington, Northampton, and Lincolne shires, being three hundred and seven thousand acres of low-lands, have been drowned and made unfruitfull for many yeares past and as briefly how they may be drained, and preserved from inundation in the times to come : humbly presented to the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament / by Andrewes Burrell, gent. (London : Printed for Francis Constable, 1642), by Andrewes Burrell (HTML at EEBO TCP) A Narrative of the dreyning of the Great Level of the fenns, extending into the counties of Northampton, Norfolke, Suffolke, Lincolne, Cambridge and Huntington, and the Isle of Ely, containing about three hundred thousand acres ([London? : s.n., 1660?]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A reply to Sir William Killigrews dispersed papers: by the owners and commoners in Lincolnshire. ([London : s.n., 1655]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) By the King, a proclamation for the preservation of the great level of the fens, called Bedford level, and of the works made for the dreining of the same (London : Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1662), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and Charles 1630-1685 (HTML at EEBO TCP) The history or narrative of the great level of the fenns, called Bedford level with a large map of the said level, as drained, surveyed, & described by Sir Jonas Moore Knight, His late Majesties Surveyor-General of his ordnance. (London : Printed for Moses Pitt ..., 1685), by Jonas Moore (HTML at EEBO TCP) A narrative of all the proceedings in the drayning of the great level of the fenns extending into the counties of North'ton, Lincoln, Norffolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, and Huntington, and the Isle of Ely, from the time of queen Elizabeth untill this present May, 1661 / for the information of all concerned, by N.N. (London : Printed by A.N. for the use of the Author, 1661), by N. N. (HTML at EEBO TCP) News from the fens, or, An Answer to a pamphlet entituled, Navigation prejudiced by the fen-drainers (published lately in defense of the petition of Lin, delivered to the Committee for petitions) : wherein is set forth the vanity and falsehood of that discourse, and it is proved that navigation is meliorated by the fen-drainers / written in a letter to the right honourable William Earl of Bedford, by a wel-wisher to His Lordship, and to the noble work of draining. (London : [s.n.], Printed in the Year, 1654) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Drainage -- England -- CambridgeshireFiled under: Drainage -- England -- FensFiled under: Drainage -- England -- Fens, The An answer to a book intituled "An inquiry into facts, and observations thereon : humbly submitted to the candid examiner into the principles of a bill intended to be offered to Parliament, for the preservation of the great level of the Fens, and the navigation through the same, by a tax on the lands, and a toll on the navigation" : wherein the claim of the adventurers on the navigations, for assistance in draining and preserving the Fens, is impartially inquired into, and the conduct of the drainers and the oppressive designs of the present bill are exhibited in their true light. (Printed by H. Goldney for T. Cadell, 1778) (page images at HathiTrust) Laws, ordinances and decrees made upon Friday the twentieth day of July, 1666, and in the eighteenth year of the reign of our sovereign lord, Charles the Second ... by the right Honourable John, Lord Berkley, Richard, Lord Gorges, Thomas Chicheley, and Robert Hampson, Esq., four of the bailiffs of the Corporation of the Great Level of the Fens; John Russel, Esq., Sir Charles Harbord Kt., William Denton, Doctor in Physick, William Crane, Roger Jenyns, and John Bradborn, esquires, six of the conservators of the said corporation. ([London : s.n., 1666]), by Corporation of the Great Level of the Fens (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Drainage -- England -- History -- Sources An Answer (to a printed paper dispersed by Sir John Maynard entituled, The humble petition of the owners and commoners of the towne of Isleham in the county of Cambridge, and to the exceptions thereto annexed against the Act for the dreyning of the great level of the fennes) whereby the honour and justice of the late Parliament is vindicated, the scandals and untruths in the said printed paper discovered, some vaine objections answered, and the truth of the proceedings in the work of dreyning (so much conducing to the honour and profit of the Common-wealth) held forth to all sober and uninteressed [sic] persons. (London : Printed for Richard Baddeley ..., 1653), by John Maynard (HTML at EEBO TCP) The picklock of the old Fenne project: or, Heads of Sir John Maynard his severall speeches, taken in short-hand, at the committee for Lincolneshire Fens, in the exchequer chamber. Consisting of matter of fact. Matter of law. Presidents quæres and answers. (London : Printed by J.B., 1650), by John Maynard (HTML at EEBO TCP) Filed under: Drainage -- England -- KentFiled under: Drainage -- England -- LincolnshireFiled under: Drainage -- England -- LondonFiled under: Drainage -- England -- ManchesterFiled under: Drainage -- England -- Surrey
Filed under: Hydraulic engineering -- England -- Early works to 1800More items available under broader and related terms at left. |