Drawing, Italian -- 16th centurySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Drawing, Italian -- 16th century -- Catalogs
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Filed under: Drawing, Italian
Filed under: Drawing, Italian -- 15th century -- Catalogs
Filed under: Drawing, Italian -- 17th century -- CatalogsFiled under: Drawing, Italian -- 17th century -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Drawing, Italian -- 18th century -- CatalogsFiled under: Drawing, Italian -- 18th century -- ExhibitionsFiled under: Drawing, Italian -- CatalogsFiled under: Drawing, Italian -- Exhibitions Architectural and Ornament Drawings: Juvarra, Vanvitelli, the Bibiena Family, and Other Italian Draughtsmen (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975), ed. by Mary L. Myers (page images and PDF with commentary at metmuseum.org and Google) Italian Renaissance Drawings from the Musée du Louvre, Paris: Roman, Tuscan, and Emilian Schools, 1500-1575 (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1974), by Roseline Bacou and Françoise Viatte (page images and PDF with commentary at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google) The Italian Renaissance (Drawings from New York Collections series, vol. 1; New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, Pierpont Morgan Library, 1965), by Jacob Bean and Felice Stampfle (page images with commentary at metmuseum.org and Google)
Filed under: Drawing, Italian -- Italy -- Genoa -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Drawing, Italian -- New York (State) -- New York
Filed under: Drawing -- 16th century -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Drawing, Renaissance -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Drawing -- Italy -- 16th century -- Catalogs
Filed under: Art, Flemish -- 16th century -- Catalogs
Filed under: Mannerism (Art) -- Europe -- Catalogs
Filed under: Mannerism (Art) -- Italy -- Battaglia TermeFiled under: Mannerism (Art) -- Italy -- Genoa
Filed under: Mannerism (Art) -- Italy, Northern -- CatalogsFiled under: Church history -- 16th century
Filed under: Counter-ReformationFiled under: Reformation A Reformation Debate: Sadoleto's Letter to the Genevans, and Calvin's Reply, With an Appendix on the Justification Controversy (New York: Fordham University Press, 2000), by Jean Calvin and Jacopo Sadoleto, ed. by John C. Olin (PDF with commentary at bepress.com) The Social History of the Reformation (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1972), ed. by Lawrence P. Buck and Jonathan W. Zophy (PDF at Ohio State) The Renaissance and the Reformation (electronic edition, 1998), by William Gilbert and Edwyna Condon Gilbert, ed. by Judith C. Galas (HTML in Italy) Beacon-Lights of the Reformation: or, Romanism and the Reformers (second edition; Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, 1915), by Robert F. Sample, contrib. by John Hall (multiple formats at archive.org) The Lives of the Principal Reformers, Both Englishmen and Foreigners, Comprehending the General History of the Reformation, From its Beginning, in 1360, by Dr. John Wickliffe, to its Establishment in 1600, under Queen Elizabeth (London: Printed for E. Bakewell et al., 1759), by Richard Rolt (multiple formats at Google) Mooted Questions of History (revised edition; Boston: Marlier and Co., 1902), by Humphrey J. Desmond (multiple formats at archive.org) The Necessity of Reforming the Church, by Jean Calvin, trans. by Henry Beveridge (HTML at Still Waters) Studies from Court and Cloister: Being Essays, Historical and Literary, Dealing Mainly with Subjects Relating to the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries, by J. M. Stone (Gutenberg text) The Conservative Reformation and its Theology, As Represented in the Augsburg Confession, and in the History and Literature of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott and Co., 1871), by Charles P. Krauth The History of Protestantism, by J. A. Wylie Romanism and the Reformation, From the Standpoint of Prophecy (Toronto: S. R. Briggs, ca. 1887), by H. Grattan Guinness (multiple formats at archive.org) European Background of American History, 1300-1600 (The American Nation, a History, v1), by Edward Potts Cheyney (Gutenberg text) European Background of American History, 1300-1600 (The American Nation, a History, v1; New York and London: Harper and Bros., c1904), by Edward Potts Cheyney Filed under: Economic history -- 16th centuryFiled under: Letters -- 16th centuryFiled under: Mural painting and decoration, Italian -- Italy -- Battaglia Terme -- 16th centuryFiled under: Nahuatl poetry -- 16th centuryFiled under: Pastoral poetry, Italian -- 16th century Arcadia: Secondo i Manoscritti e Le Prime Stampe (in Italian; Turin et al.: E. Loecher, 1888), by Jacopo Sannazaro, ed. by Michele Scherillo Filed under: Persecution -- England -- 16th centuryFiled under: Portrait painting, Dutch -- 16th centuryFiled under: Sermons, English -- 16th centuryFiled under: Wood-engraving, German -- 16th centuryMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |