Economic conditions -- 19th centuryUse as a topical subdivision under names of countries, cities, etc., classes of persons and ethnic groups. See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower terms: |
Filed under: Afghanistan -- Economic conditions -- 19th centuryFiled under: African Americans -- North Carolina -- Wilmington -- Economic conditions -- 19th centuryFiled under: California -- Economic conditions -- 19th centuryFiled under: Canada -- Economic conditions -- 19th centuryFiled under: England -- Economic conditions -- 19th centuryFiled under: Great Britain -- Economic conditions -- 19th century Fabianism and the Empire: A Manifesto (London: G. Richards, 1900), by Fabian Society (Great Britain), ed. by Bernard Shaw
Filed under: Continental System (Economic blockade)Filed under: Women -- Great Britain -- Economic conditions -- 19th centuryFiled under: Georgia -- Economic conditions -- 19th century
Filed under: African Americans -- Georgia -- Economic conditions -- 19th centuryFiled under: Texas -- Economic conditions -- 19th century
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Afghanistan -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Africa, French-speaking Equatorial -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Africa, Sub-Saharan -- Economic conditions The New Presence of China in Africa (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, c2009), ed. by Meine Pieter van Dijk (PDF with commentary at Social Reconstruction in Africa (Ugandan philosophical studies, II; Washington: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, c1999), ed. by E. Wamala, A. R. Byaruhanga, A. T. Dalfovo, James K. Kigongo, S. A. Mwanahewa, and G. Tusabe (PDF at Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2016), ed. by Channing Arndt, Andy McKay, and Finn Tarp, contrib. by World Institute for Development Economics Research (PDF with commentary at UNU Press and OUP) Sustaining the Future: Economic, Social, and Environmental Change in Sub-Saharan Africa, ed. by George Benneh, William B. Morgan, and Juha I. Uitto (illustrated HTML at UNU Press)
Filed under: African Americans -- Economic conditions The Black Worker: A Documentary History From Colonial Times to the Present (8 volumes, originally published 1978-1984; this edition Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2019), ed. by Philip Sheldon Foner and Ronald L. Lewis, contrib. by Keona K. Ervin Negro Slavery, Then and Now (Chicago: Revolutionary Workers League, 1939), by Revolutionary Workers League of the U.S. (page images at HathiTrust) The Negro Under Capitalism: Resolution Adopted by the Fourth Plenum of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Workers League of the United States, September 3-4, 1938, Chicago (Detroit: Demos Press, ca. 1938), by Revolutionary Workers League of the U.S. (multiple formats at Economic Co-Operation Among Negro Americans: Report of a Social Study Made by Atlanta University Under the Patronage of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C., Together With the Proceedings of the 12th Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, Held at Atlanta University, on Tuesday, May the 28th, 1907 (Atlanta University Publications #12; 1907), ed. by W. E. B. Du Bois, contrib. by Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems (multiple formats at The Struggle for Negro Equality (second enlarged edition; New York: Printed for the Socialist Workers Party by Pioneer Press, 1943), by John Saunders and Albert Parker (page images at HathiTrust) For a Revolutionary Position on the Negro Question (third printing, 1959), by Harry Haywood (HTML at A Common Destiny: Blacks and American Society, ed. by Gerald David Jaynes and Robin M. Williams (page images and partial HTML at NAP) Negro Freedom: A Goal for All Americans (New York: New Currents Publishers, 1964), by Henry Winston, Gus Hall, Claude M. Lightfoot, and William L. Patterson (multiple formats at Capitalism Plus Dope Equals Genocide, by Michael Tabor (PDF page images at MSU)
Filed under: Alaska -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Albania -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Alberta -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Algeria -- Economic conditions Essai sur le Fellah Algérien (in French; Paris: A. Rousseau, 1903), by Joost van Vollenhoven (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Enquête sur les Résultats de la Colonisation Officielle de 1871 à 1895: Rapport à Monsieur Jonnart, Gouverneur Général de l'Algérie (2 volumes in 1, in French; Algiers: Impr. Torrent, 1906), by H. de Peyerimhoff, contrib. by Algeria Direction de l'Agriculture, du Commerce et de la Colonisation
Filed under: Angola -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Appalachian Region -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Arab countries -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Arctic regions -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Argentina -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Arkansas -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Armenia (Republic) -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Artists -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Australia -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Authors, American -- 19th century -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Blood Indian Tribe -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Bophuthatswana (South Africa) -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Botswana -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Bristol (England) -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Economic conditions Of Cabbages and Kings County: Agriculture and the Formation of Modern Brooklyn (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, c1999), by Marc Linder and Lawrence Zacharias
Filed under: Burma -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Byzantine Empire -- Economic conditionsMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |