Emblem books -- EnglandSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Emblem books -- England -- 17th century The mirrour which flatters not : dedicated to their Maiesties of Great Britaine (Printed by E.P. for R. Thrale ..., 1639), by M. de La Serre and T. Cary (page images at HathiTrust) Minerva Britanna or A garden of heroical devises (Printed in Shoe-lane at the signe of the Faulcon by Wa: Dight, 1612), by Henry Peacham and Walter Dight (page images at HathiTrust) The art of making devises : treating of hieroglyphicks, symboles, emblemes, aenigma's, sentences, parables, reverses of medalls, armes, blazons, cimiers, cyphres and rebus (Printed by W.E. and J.G. and are to be sold by Humphrey Moseley ..., 1646), by Henry Estienne and Thomas Blount (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemes illustrated by Geo. Wither (Printed by A[ugustine]. M[athewes]. for Richard Royston ..., 1635), by George Wither, Crispijn van de Passe, and William Marshall (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemes (Printed for John Williams and Francis Eglesfeild, and are to be sold at the Crowne, & at ye Marygold St. Paules Churchyard, 1658), by Francis Quarles, William Simpson, and William Marshall (page images at HathiTrust) Cupids addresse to the ladies (Sold by R. Bently ... :, 1683), by Philip Ayres and Otto van Veen (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems of love, in four languages : dedicated to the ladys (Printed & sold by Hen. Overton ..., 1683), by Philip Ayres and S. Nicholls (page images at HathiTrust) The art of making devises : treating of hieroglyphicks, symboles, emblemes, aenigma's, sentences, parables, reverses of medals, armes, blazons, cimiers, cyphers and rebus (Printed for Richard Royston, and are to be sold at the Angell in Ivie Lane, 1648), by Henry Estienne, Richard Royston, William Marshall, and Thomas Blount (page images at HathiTrust) Considerations of Drexelivs upon eternity (Printed for Richard Chiswell, and are to be sold by Richard Parker, at the Sign of the Vnicorn, under the Piazza of the Royal Exchange, in Cornhill, 1689), by Jeremias Drexel, Richard Parker, Ralph Winterton, and Richard Chiswell (page images at HathiTrust) Hieroglyphicks (Printed for M[atthew] G[illyflower] and W[illiam] F[reeman] and to be sold by Roger Clavel at the Peacock in Fleetstreet, and Andrew Bell at the Cross-Keys in the Poultrey, 1696), by Francis Quarles, Andrew Bell, William Freeman, and Matthew Gilliflower (page images at HathiTrust) Famulenter prioribus (Printed by Richard Cotes, 1648), by Mildmay Fane Westmorland and Richard Cotes (page images at HathiTrust) Divine addresses (Printed by J[ohn] L[eake] for Henry Bonwicke, at the Red-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690), by Herman Hugo, Henry Bonwicke, John Leake, John Sturt, and Edmund Arwaker (page images at HathiTrust) Brief narrative of His Majestie's solemn coronation (Printed by Tho: Roycroft, and are to be had at the authors house in Kings-Head Court within Shoe-Lane, 1662), by John Ogilby, Thomas Roycroft, Elias Ashmole, and Edward Walker (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems (Printed for J. Williams at the Crowne in St. Pauls Churchyard & sould by Wm Grantham at ye Crown and Pearl ouer a gt. Exeter Change in ye Strand, 1684), by Francis Quarles and William Grantham (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemes (Printed for William Freeman at the Bible in Fleet Street, 1709), by Francis Quarles, Frederick Hendrick van Hove, P. Holmes, and Herman Hugo (page images at HathiTrust) Lychnocavsia, sive, Moralia facvm emblemata (Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Michael Sparke Iunior ..., 1638), by Robert Farlie (page images at HathiTrust) Pia desideria, viz. 1. Gemitus animae poenitentis, 2. Vota animae sanctae, 3. Suspiria animae amantis. (Excudit J[ames] C[ottrell] sumptibus Roberti Pawlet ..., 1677), by Herman Hugo and Boëce van Bolswert (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Emblem books, English -- England -- 17th century The art of making devises : treating of hieroglyphicks, symboles, emblemes, aenigma's, sentences, parables, reverses of medals, armes, blazons, cimiers, cyphers and rebus (Printed for Richard Royston, and are to be sold at the Angell in Ivie Lane, 1648), by Henry Estienne, Richard Royston, William Marshall, and Thomas Blount (page images at HathiTrust) Divine addresses (Printed by J[ohn] L[eake] for Henry Bonwicke, at the Red-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690), by Herman Hugo, Henry Bonwicke, John Leake, John Sturt, and Edmund Arwaker (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems (Printed for J. Williams at the Crowne in St. Pauls Churchyard & sould by Wm Grantham at ye Crown and Pearl ouer a gt. Exeter Change in ye Strand, 1684), by Francis Quarles and William Grantham (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Emblem books -- England -- London -- 17th centuryFiled under: Emblem books -- England -- 18th century The history of nature, in two parts : emblematically express'd in near a hundred folio copper-plates : wherein are also represented all the operations, facultys, and passions of the mind, &c. according to the manner of the most celebrated poets and philosophers (Printed for D. Browne, W. Mears, and F. Clay ..., W. Taylor, ... A. Johnston, engraver, ... and W. Bray ..., 1720), by Daniel Browne, Michael van der Gucht, Bernard Lens, Bernard Lens, G. Freman, and Johannes Kip (page images at HathiTrust) School of the heart (Printed and sold by H. Trapp ..., 1778), by Christopher Harvey, H. Trappe, C. E. De Coetlogon, and Benedictus van Haeften (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems divine and moral ; together with Hieroglyphics of the life of man (Printed and sold by H. Trapp ..., 1777), by Francis Quarles and H. Trapp (page images at HathiTrust) Choice emblems : natural, historical, fabulous, moral and divine, for the improvement and pastime of youth : ornamented with near fifty handsome allegorical engravings, designed on purpose for this work : with pleasing and familiar descriptions to each, in prose and verse, serving to display the beauties and morals of the ancient fabulists : the whole calculated to convey the golden lessons of instruction under a new and more delightful dress : written for the amusement of the right honorable Lord Newbattle. (Printed for George Riley, in Curzon Street, May Fair, 1772), by John Huddlestone Wynne, George Riley, fl. 1772 Ovenden, and Samuel Wale (page images at HathiTrust) Choice emblems, divine and moral, antient and modern (Printed for Edmund Parker ..., 1732), by 1632?-1725? R. B. (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems, for the entertainment and improvement of youth : containing hieroglyphical and enigmatical devices, relating to all parts and stations of life : together with explanations and proverbs in French, Spanish, Italian, and Latin, alluding to them and translated into English : the whole curiously engrav'd on 62 copper plates. (Sold by R. Ware at the Bible and Sun in Warwick Lane at Amen Corner, 1735), by Richard Ware (page images at HathiTrust) Hermathenae (s.n., in the 1740s), by Francis Tolson and John Devoto (page images at HathiTrust) The school of the heart, or, The heart (of itself gone away from God) brought back again to Him, and instructed by Him : in forty-seven emblems (Printed for Alexr. Hogg, 1778), by Christopher Harvey, Benedictus van Haeften, and Francis Quarles (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems, divine and moral ; together with Hieroglyphicks of the life of man (Printed by Eliz. Nutt, and sold by T. Horn, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Wyat, T. Varnam and J. Osborn, D. Midwinter, R. Robinson, W. Taylor, J. Bower, R. Gosling, H. Clements, W. Mears, W. Innys, J. Browne, and W. Churchill, 1718), by Francis Quarles, Frederick Hendrick van Hove, P. Holmes, and Herman Hugo (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Emblem books, English -- England -- 18th century
Filed under: Emblem books, English -- Great Britain -- England -- 18th century Emblems, divine and moral : together with Hieroglyphicks of the life of man (Printed for D. Midwinter , A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, S. Ballard, J. Batley, and J. Wood, S. Birt, A. Ward, and J. Clarke in Duck Lane, 1736), by Francis Quarles (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Emblem books -- England -- London -- 18th century Emblems of mortality : representing, in upwards of fifty cuts, Death seizing all ranks and degrees of people : imitated from a painting in the cemetery of the Dominican church at Basil, in Switzerland : with an apostrophe to each, translated from the Latin and French, intended as well for the information of the curious, as the instruction and entertainment of youth : to which is prefixed a copious preface, containing an historical account of the above, and other paintings on this subject, now or lately existing in divers parts of Europe. (Printed for T. Hodgson, in George's-Court, St. John's-Lane, Clerkenwell, 1789), by Hans Holbein, Jean de Vauzelles, Gilles Corrozet, Georg Aemilius, John Sidney Hawkins, Hans Lützelburger, and John Bewick (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Emblem books -- Great Britain -- England -- 18th century Emblems, divine and moral : together with Hieroglyphicks of the life of man (Printed for D. Midwinter , A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, S. Ballard, J. Batley, and J. Wood, S. Birt, A. Ward, and J. Clarke in Duck Lane, 1736), by Francis Quarles (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Emblem books -- England -- 19th century Emblems, divine and moral. (Printed by C. & C. Whittingham, 1825), by Francis Quarles, James Lee, R. Jennings, Thomas Tegg, Joseph Mawman, R. Griffin and Co, and C. & C. Whittingham (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems, divine and moral (Printed at the Chiswick Press by C. Whittingham, 1812), by Francis Quarles (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems, divine and moral (Printed at the Chiswick Press, by C. Whittingham ;, 1818), by Francis Quarles, Robert Jennings, Charles Whittingham, and Chiswick Press (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Emblem books, English -- England -- 19th century
Filed under: Emblem books -- England -- London -- 1830
Filed under: Emblem books, English -- England -- Early works to 1800
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Emblem books The Book of Emblems (in Latin and English), by Andrea Alciati (illustrated HTML with commentary at mun.ca) Spiegel van het menselyk bedryf : vertoonende honderd verscheiden ambachten, konstig afgebeeld en met godlyke spreuken en stichtelyke verzen verrykt (A.W. Sijthoff, 1888), by Jan Luiken and Caspar Luiken (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Mundus fatuus (M. Van Bossyut, 1669), by Jan de Leenheer (page images at HathiTrust) Sedelyken vreugden-berg verthoonende door sinne-belden ... (Antwerpen, 1764), by Jacobus Moons (page images at HathiTrust) The nobility of life : its graces and virtues (London : Frederick Warne and Company, Bedford Street, Covent Garden ; New York : Scribner, Welford, and Co., 1869., 1869), by L. Valentine, John Baptist Zwecker, Thomas Waterman Wood, Joseph Wolf, John Dawson Watson, Francis Sylvester Walker, William Shakespeare, Thomas. Scott, Martin Luther, Henry Le Jeune, Philip Hundley, Arthur Boyd Houghton, Charles Green, Thomas Bolton Gilchrist Septimus Dalziel, William Cowper, Charles West Cope, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Edwin Buckman, Francis Bacon, Welford Scribner, James Burn & Company, Frederick Warne (Firm), Dalziel Brothers, and Camden Press (page images at HathiTrust) Riley's choice emblems (London : Printed for F. Newbery, the corner of St Paul's Church-yard, and G. Riley, Curzon-Street Mayfair MDCCLXXIX [1779], 1779), by John Huddlestone Wynne, S. Roscoe, John Gay, George Riley, Francis Newbery, and Miss Wright (page images at HathiTrust) Fiestas de la S. Iglesia Metropolitana y Patriarcal de Sevilla : al nuevo culto del señor rey S. Fernando el Tercero de Castilla y de Leon : concedido a todas las iglesias de España por la santidad de Nuestro Beatissimo Padre Clemente X (Viuda de Nicolàs Rodriguez, 1671), by Fernando de la Torre Farfan, Juan de Valdés Leal, Matías Arteaga y Alfaro, and Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (page images at HathiTrust) Recueil d'emblêmes, devises, medailles, et figures hieroglyphiques : au nombre de plus de douze cent, avec leurs explications : accompagné de plus de deux mille chiffres fleuronnex simples, doubles & triples : d'une manière nouvelle & fort curieuse pour tous les noms imaginables : avec les tenants, supports, & cimiers servans aux ornemens des armes (J. Jombert, 1696), by Nicolas Verien (page images at HathiTrust) View of human life (Printed for E. Bell, J. Darby, A. Bettesworth, F. Fayram, J. Pemberton, J. Hooke, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley, and E. Symon, 1721), by M. Le Roy Gomberville, Pierre Daret, and Thomas Manington Gibbs (page images at HathiTrust) Beschouwing der wereld : bestaande in vyftig konstige figuuren : met godlyke spreuken en stichtelyke verzen (A. W. Sijthoff, 1912), by Jan Luiken (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) De bykorf des gemoeds : honing zaamelende uit allerley bloemen, vervattende vyftig konstige figuuren : met godlyke spreuken en stichtelyke verzen (A.W. Sijthoff, 1900), by Jan Luiken (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Zinne-beelden der liefde, met puntdigten en aanteekeningen. (By Boudewyn vander Aa, boekverkooper, 1703), by Willem den Elger (page images at HathiTrust) Voncken der liefde Jesu : van het Godtbegerende zielenvier : bloemitjes der salige hoope, tot verheugelykheid der wandelaars langs den weg, na vreden ryk : een behelsinge van vyftig sinne-beelden, met hunne daar op spelende verssen, en heylige spreuken. (By Pieter Arentsz ..., 1687), by Jan Luiken (page images at HathiTrust) Praxis exercitiorum spiritualium P.N. S. Ignatii. (Typis Ioannis Francisci Buagni, 1695), by Sebastián Izquierdo (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemata (Apud Gulielmum Rouillium..., 1564), by Andrea Alciati (page images at HathiTrust) Empressas políticas (Por Francisco Cipres ..., 1675), by Diego de Saavedra Fajardo (page images at HathiTrust) Kalendarium humæ vitæ (printed [by T. Cotes] for W. Hope, 1638), by Robert Farley (page images at HathiTrust) Lychnocausia : sive Moralia facum emblemata : lights, morall emblems (Printed by T. Cotes for M. Sparke, 1638), by Robert Farley (page images at HathiTrust) Dvodecim specvla Devm aliqvando videre desideranti concinnata. (Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Ioannem Moretum, 1610), by Jan David and Théodore Galle (page images at HathiTrust) De aeternitate considerationes coram Ser.mo vtriusque Bavariae Duce, S.R.I. Archidapifero, Electore, Maximiliano et Ser.ma Coninge Elisabetha explicatae: (Sumptibus Cornelii ab Egmondt et Sociorum, 1634), by Jeremias Drexel (page images at HathiTrust) Scola cordis. Sive aversi a deo cordis ad cumdem reductio, et instructio ... (Apud I. Mevrisvm et H. Verdvssivm, 1635), by Benedictus van Haeften (page images at HathiTrust) The school of the heart; or, The heart of it self gone away from God brought back again to him, and instructed by him. In 47. emblems. (Printed for Lodowick Lloyd, 1676), by Christopher Harvey, Francis Quarles, and Benedictus van Haeften (page images at HathiTrust) Govierno general, moral, y politico. Hallado en las aves mas generosas, y nobles. Sacado de sus naturales virtudes, y propriedades. Añadido en esta vltima impression en diferentes partes: y el libro diez y nueve de las aves monstruosas. (T. Loriente impressor, 1696), by Andrés Ferrer de Valdecebro (page images at HathiTrust) Nederduytsche poemata (Gedruct by W. Janssen, 1618), by Daniel Heinsius and Pieter Schrijver (page images at HathiTrust) Divine addresses (Printed by J.L. for Henry Bonwicke, at the Red-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690), by Herman Hugo, John Sturt, and Edmund Arwaker (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemata sacra de fide, spe, charitate (ex officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti, 1636), by Gulielmus Hesius (page images at HathiTrust) Het ambach van Cvpido, op een nieuw ouersien ende verbetert (I. Marcvssoon, 1615), by Daniel Heinsius (page images at HathiTrust) Philothei [pseud.] Christliche sinne-bilder auss dem lateinischen ins teutsch gecracht. (bey Johann Peter Zubrodt, 1679), by Elector Palatine Karl Ludwig and Johannes Gerlacus Wilhelmi (page images at HathiTrust) Hadriani ivnii medici Emblemata (Ex Officina Christophori Plantini, 1565), by Hadrianus Junius (page images at HathiTrust) Symbola christiana (Apud Viduam Johannis à Gelder, 1682), by Elector Palatine Karl Ludwig (page images at HathiTrust) Symbola Christiana (J. P. Zubrod, 1677), by Elector Palatine Karl Ludwig (page images at HathiTrust) Ricreationi amorose de gli Academici Gelati de Bologna. (Giovanni Rossi, 1590), by Agostino Carracci and Italy) Accademia dei Gelati (Bologna (page images at HathiTrust) De l'art des devises (S. Cramoisy & S. Mabre Cramoisy, 1666), by Pierre Le Moyne (page images at HathiTrust) Devises heroiqves et morales (Avgvstin Covrbé, 1649), by Pierre Le Moyne (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemata et epigrammata miscellanea selecta ex stromatis peripateticis (Apud Petrum & Iacobum Chouët, 1610), by Antoine de La Faye (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemata ethico-politica carmine explicata. (apud Iacobvm Mevrisivm, 1661), by Johann Kreihing (page images at HathiTrust) Omnia D. And. Alciati emblemata : ad quae singula, praeter concinnas acutásque inscriptiones, lepidas & expressas imagines, ac caetera omnia, quae prioribus nostris editionibus cúm ad eorum distinctionem, tum ad ornatum & correctionem adhibita continebantur, : nunc primùm perelegantia persubtiliáq[ue] adiecta sunt epimuthia, quibus emblematum amplitudo quaecunq[ue] in iis dubia sunt aut obscura, tanquam perspicuis illustrantur. (Apud Gulielmum Rouillium ..., 1566), by Andrea Alciati (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemi. Dal latino nel vulgare italiano ridotti, contenenti il fiore et la sostanza de' più scelti scrittori & delle più celebri discipline dell'vniuerso, ripieni di ottimi consigli & saluteuoli documenti, per l'vso ciuile et morale della vita humana. (P.P. Tozzi, 1626), by Andrea Alciati and Paolo Emilio Cadmusto (page images at HathiTrust) Dvello de ... Andrea Alciato, fatto di lattino italiano à commune utilità. Tre consigli appresso della materia medesima, uno del detto Alciato, gl'altri de ... Mariano Socino. (C. da Trino di Monferrato, 1562), by Andrea Alciati (page images at HathiTrust) Sechs Bücher von wahren christenthum (Im Verlegung des Waysenhauses, bey J. J. Dendeler, 1750), by Johann Arndt (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemes divers, representez dans cent quarante figures en taille-douce : Enrichis de discours moraux, philosophiques, politiques, et hystoriques ... Où il est traité de la science des roys, princes, ministres d'estats, et generaux d'armées. (J.B. Loyson, 1659), by Jean Baudoin and Torquato Tasso (page images at HathiTrust) Regula emblematica Sancti Benedicti (Typis Ioannis Thomae, 1780), by Saint Benedict, Beda Schuster, Bonifaz Gallner, and Stift Melk. Stiftsbibliothek (page images at HathiTrust) Zinne-beelden der liefde, met puntdigten (J. Roman de jonge, 1732), by Willem den Elger (page images at HathiTrust) Ignatius : insignium, epigrammatum et elogiorum centuriis expressus (Typis Ignatij de Lazeris, 1655), by Carlo Bovio (page images at HathiTrust) Tafereel van overdeftige zinnebeelden, gemaelt naer de deuchden, ondeuchden, gemoetsdriften der menschen, straffen Godts, en zegeningen. (Gerard onder de Linden, 1722), by Petrus Zaunslifer (page images at HathiTrust) Leerzame fabelen (by Arnold Willis, 1731), by Jan van Hoogstraten, Jacob Gole, and Pieter de la Court (page images at HathiTrust) Spectacle de la vie humaine, ou, Leçons de sagasse (By Joannes van Duren, 1755), by Jean Le Clerc, Horace, and Otto van Veen (page images at HathiTrust) Caeleste pantheon sive caelum novum (Prostant apud I. à Meurs, 1655), by Henricus Engelgrave and Duke University. Library. Gilbert Collection (page images at HathiTrust) Iconologie par figures; ou, Traité complet des allégories, emblêmes, etc. Ouvrage utile aux artistes, aux amateurs, et peuvent servir à l'éducation des jeunes personnes (Lattré graveur, 1791), by Hubert François Gravelot, Charles-Etienne Gaucher, and Charles Nicolas Cochin (page images at HathiTrust) Andreae Alciati emblemata (Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Balthasarem Moretum, & viduam Ioannis Moreti, & Io. Meursium., 1622), by Andrea Alciati and Claude Mignault (page images at HathiTrust) Pegma (Apud Matthiam Bonhomme., 1555), by Pierre Coustau and Pierre Eskrich (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemata amatoria : emblemes d'amour en quatre langue [i.e. langues]. (Chez L'Amoureux, 1690), by Jan Van Vianen (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemes nouveaux; esquels le cours de ce monde est depeint et representé par certaines figures, desquelles le sens est expliqué par rimes ... Premieremente en allemand & maintenent en françois ... (Apud L. Iennis, 1617), by Andreas Friedrich and Jacques de Zetter (page images at HathiTrust) Stichtelyke zinnebeelden, gepast op deugden en ondeugden (De erven van F. Houttuyn, 1767), by Arnold Houbraken, Jacob Folkema, and Gezine Brit (page images at HathiTrust) Ori Apollonis Niliaci, de sacris notis & sculpturis libri duo, vbi ad fidem vetudti codicis manu scripti restituta sunt loca permulta, corrupta ante ac deplorata. (Apud Iacobum Keruer, 1551), by Horapollo and Jean Mercier (page images at HathiTrust) Pia desideria authore Hermanno Hugone. (Typis Henr. Hastenii, 1628), by Herman Hugo and Boëce van Bolswert (page images at HathiTrust) Pia desideria: or, Divine addresses, : in three books. Illustrated with XLVII. copper-plates. (Printed for Henry Bonwicke ..., 1686), by Herman Hugo, Edmund Arwaker, and Harold Jantz Collection (page images at HathiTrust) Divine addresses (Printed for Henry Bonwicke ..., 1702), by Herman Hugo, Edmund Arwaker, and Frank Baker Collection of Wesleyana and British Methodism (page images at HathiTrust) Pia desideria; emblematis, elegiis & affectibus SS. Patrum illustrata. (Typis Henrici Aertssenii, 1628), by Herman Hugo and Christoffel van Sichem (page images at HathiTrust) Pavli Macii Emblemata ... ([Bononiæ, 1628), by Paolo Maccio (page images at HathiTrust) Georgiae Montaneae, nobilis Gallae, Emblematum christianorum centuria : cum eorundem latina interpretatione = Cent emblemes chrestiens (Apud Christophorum Froschouerum, 1584), by Georgette de Montenay and Pierre Woeiriot (page images at HathiTrust) Devises et emblemes, anciennes et modernes : tirées des plus celebres auteurs, avec plusieurs autres nouvellemt, inventées et mises, en latin, en françois, en espagnol, en italien, en anglois, en flamand et en allemand (Par les soins de Daniel de La Feuille, 1691), by Heinrich Offelen (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemata Andreæ Alciati, i. v. doctoris clarissimi, (Impressum Francofurti ad Moenum apud Georgium Coruinum, sumptibus Sigismundi Feyerabendt & Simonis Huteri, 1567), by Andrea Alciati (page images at HathiTrust) Politisches Schatzkästlein. Das ist: Ausserlesene schöne Emblemata unnd Moralia, so wol Kunst- unnd Christliebenden als Kriegsubenden auch andern politischen Personen zu Ehren und Gefallen in diese Form gar artlich inventirt, fürgebildet und ganz neu an Tag geben (E. Kieser, 1962), by Daniel Meissner and Eberhard Kieser (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Lof-gedachtenis der Heyligen op ijder dag van 't jaar ([publisher not identified], 1730), by Jan Goeree and Sébastien Le Clerc (page images at HathiTrust) Le manuel des artistes et des amateurs, ou, Dictionnaire historique et mythologique des emblêmes, allégories, énigmes, devises, attributs & symboles, relativement au costûme, aux mœurs, aux usages & aux cérémonies : contenant tous les caractères distinctifs & l'explication de chaque sujèt naturel ou moral, sacré ou profane, historique ou fabuleux, dont on peut faire usage dans la poésie, la peinture, la sculpture, l'architecture, le dessin, l'ornement & la décoration, &c. : ouvrage utile aux poëtes, aux artistes & aux amateurs des beaux arts (Chez J.P. Costard ..., 1770), by Jean Raymond de Petity, Jean-Pierre Costard, and Imprimerie de la veuve Simon et fils (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemata moralia et bellica (Per Iacobum ab Heyden, Iconographum, 1615), by Jacobus à Bruck, Janus Gruterus, Matthaeus Merian, Jacob van der Heyden, and Francis Bacon Library (page images at HathiTrust) Dialogo dell'imprese militari et amorose (Appresso Guglielmo Roviglio, 1559), by Paolo Giovio and Lodovico Domenichi (page images at HathiTrust) Symbolicarvm quaestionvm de vniverso genere qvas serio lvdebat libri qvinqve (in aedib. Novae academiae Bocchianae, 1555), by Achille Bocchi, Giulio Bonasone, and Pforzheimer Bruce Rogers Collection (Library of Congress) (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemata cum aliquot nummis antiqui (Ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1564), by János Zsámboki, Arnaud Nicolai, Gerard Janssen van Kampen, and C. Müller (page images at HathiTrust) Choice emblems, natural, historical, fabulous, moral, and divine : for the improvement and pastime of youth : displaying the beauties and morals of the ancient fabulists, the whole calculated to convey the golden lessons of instruction under a new and more delightful dress : written for the amusement of a young nobleman. (Printed by J. Chapman for E. Newbery, corner of St. Paul's Church-yard, 1793), by John Huddlestone Wynne (page images at HathiTrust) Christelyke aandachten of vlammende ziel-zuchten : eener Godvreesend ziele, met een Goddelijk antwoord daar op passende (By Pieter Spriet ... , en Coenraat van Hulst, 1735), by Gerrit Hesman and Gerardus Outhof (page images at HathiTrust) Clariss. viri Dn. Andreae Alciati Emblematum libri duo : aucti & restituti, & perelegantibus figuris illustrati, cum succinctis commentariolis ... . (Sumptibus Ioannis de Tournes ... , 1639), by Andrea Alciati, Sebastian Stockhamer, and Claude Mignault (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemes (Printed by A[ugustine]. M[athewes]. for Henry Taunton, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard, 1635), by George Wither, William Marshall, Crispijn van de Passe, and Gabriel Rollenhagen (page images at HathiTrust) Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft Nahmen, Vorhaben, Gemählde und Wörter (Bey Mattheo Merian, 1646), by Prince of Anhalt-Köthen Ludwig, E. Kenneth Gray, Matthaeus Merian, and Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft (page images at HathiTrust) Devises et emblemes anciennes & modernes, tirées des plus celebres auteurs, oder, Emblematische Gemüths-Vergnügung : bey Betrachtung siben hundert und funffzehen der curieusesten und ergötzlichen Sinn-Bildern, mit ihren zuständigen teutsch-lateinisch-französisch- und italianischen Beyschrifften. (Verlegs Lorentz Kroniger und Gottleib Göbels Seel[enfreund] Erben, 1695) (page images at HathiTrust) Diuerse imprese accomodate a diuerse moralità : con versi che i loro significati dichiarano : Tratte da gli Emblemi dell' Alciato. (Da Gulielmo Rouillio, 1549), by Andrea Alciati and Guillaume Rouillé (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemata Andreae Alciati ... . (Apud Gulielmum Rouillium ... , 1548), by Andrea Alciati and Guillaume Rouillé (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemata nova, das ist, New Bilderbuch : darinnen durch sonderliche Figuren der jetzigen Welt Lauff und Wesen verdeckter Weise abgemahlet, und mit zugehörigen Reymen erkläret wirt : den Ehrliebenden und Frommen zu mehrer Anreitzung der Gottseligkeit vnd Tugend : den Bösen aber und Ruchlosen zu trewer Lehr vnd Warnung (Jacobus de Zetter, 1617), by Andreas Friedrich, Jacob de Zetter, Theodor de Bry, and Duke University. Library. Jantz Collection (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemes d'amour en quatre langue. (Chez L'Amoureux, 1683), by Philip Ayres (page images at HathiTrust) Emblems of love in four languages : dedicated to the ladys (Printed for J. Wren, 1747), by Philip Ayres (page images at HathiTrust) Typus boni principis (s.n.], 1712), by Johannis Valentinus Kirchgessner, Johann Philipp von Greiffenklau, Giovanni Pietro Giorgioli, Wolfgang Högler, El Müller, and Johann Salver (page images at HathiTrust) Helicon Boemo-Hercynius, in quo nouem applausibus coronatur Neo-Rex Boemiæ Leopoldus. (s.n.], 1656) (page images at HathiTrust) Iconologie (A Paris : Chez Iacques Villery, ruë Clopin, prés le petit Nauarre, à l'Escu de France, M.DC.XXXVII. [1637], 1637), by Cesare Ripa, William Charles de Meuron Fitzwilliam, Jacques De Bie, Jean Baudoin, and Jacques Villery (page images at HathiTrust) Le Centre de l'amour : decouvert soubs divers emblesmes galans et facetieux. (Chez Cupidon, 1680), by Peter Rollos (page images at HathiTrust) Los emblemas de Alciato : traducidos en rhimas españolas ... (Por Guilielmo Rouillio, 1549), by Andrea Alciati and Guillaume Rouillé (page images at HathiTrust) Nucleus emblematum selectissimorum : quae Itali vulgo impresas vocant priuata industria studio singulari, vndiq[e] conquisitus, non paucis venustis inuentionibus auctus, additis carminib[us] illustratus (E musaeo coelatorio Crispiani Passaei :, 1611), by Gabriel Rollenhagen, Valens Cremcovius, and Crispijn van de Passe (page images at HathiTrust) Sinnreiche Ehren-Seule (Druckts und verlegts Christian Bergen, 1681), by Johann Frantz Griendel (page images at HathiTrust) Recht ghebruyck ende misbruyck van tydlicke have. (D. Pietersz, 1620), by D. V. Coornhert (page images at HathiTrust) Heilige Augen- und Gemüths-Lust : vorstellend alle sonn- fest- und feyrtägliche nicht nur Evangelien, sondern auch Epistelen und Lectionen, jene historisch, diese auch emblemmatisch, und mit curieusen Einfassungen : in vielen Kupffer-Stücken von frembder und gantz neuer Inventionem : so wohl zur Kunst-Ubung [sic] als Unterhaltung Gottseeliger Betrachtungen, wie auch Vermehrung der Kupffer-Bibelen und Ausszierung aller christlichen Postillen dienlich. (Verferiget und heraussgegeben von Johann Ulrich Krausen ..., 1706), by Johann Ulrich Krauss (page images at HathiTrust) Fons inexhaustus immortalis gloriae publicae salutis augustarum virtutum & gratiarum augustissimus romanorum Imperator Carolus Sextus, Germaniae, Hispaniae, Hungariae, & Bohemiaerex, &c. &c. : praeprimis quidem recepto in augustissimum caput haereditario ejusdem Regni Diademate, subinde verò universi regni, fidelíque populi piis votorum laureolis devotissimè coronatus : jungente humillimum quoque studium ejusdem subjectissimae devotionis Minimae Societatis Jesu per Bohemiam Provincia. (s.n.], 1723), by Johann Hiebel, Anton Birkhart, and Jesuits. Provincia per Bohemiam (page images at HathiTrust) Amorum emblemata figuris Aencis incisa : (Edit 1608) (Aux Amateurs de livres, 1989), by Otto van Veen (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemata (apud P. P. Tozzium, 1621), by Andrea Alciati, Claude Mignault, and Duke University. Library. Gilbert Collection (page images at HathiTrust) Emblemata D. A. Alciati : denuo ab ipso autore recognita, ac, quae desiderabantur, imaginibus locupletata. (Apud Guiel. Rouilium, 1551), by Andrea Alciati, Robert R. Dearden, and Guillaume Rouillé (page images at HathiTrust) Vaso di verità (Appresso Pietro Dusinelli e Girolamo Porri, 1597), by Alessio Porri, Hans Sloane, Girolamo Porro, Pietro Dusinelli, and Lorenzo Priuli (page images at HathiTrust) Parnassvs biceps (Sumptibus Wilhelmi Fitzeri, 1627), by Jean Jacques Boissard, Robert Boissard, William Fitzer, and Johann Theodor de Bry (page images at HathiTrust) Kunsttafereelen der eerste Christenen (Te Amsteldam : By de wed. Barend Visscher, 1722., 1722), by Pieter Langendijk, Jan Luiken, and Claas Bruin (page images at HathiTrust) Lof en oordeel van de werken der barmhertighyt (Tot Amsteldam : uitgegeven door Nicolaus Visscher, [approximately 1695?]., 1905), by Jan Luiken and Nicolaes Visscher (page images at HathiTrust) Historische Bilder, darinnen Idea Historiae Universalis : Eine kurtze Summarische Abbildung der Fürnehmsten Geist- und Weltlichen Geschichte von Anfang der Welt durch die Patriarchen Richter und Könige in Israel und Juda die IV. Monarchien, sampt andern Königen : Item der berühmtesten Scribenten Geist- und Weltlichen der Kirchen-Lehrer und Ketzer sampt den merckwürdigsten Geschichten in Millenarios, Secula und Decennia : in Tausend Hundert und Zehen Jahr abgetheilet und biss an das 1693. Jahr ausgeführet und in annehmlichen Bildern fürgestellet also dass so woll Alte als Junge Leute auch die Jenigen so eben keine Profession von den studiis machen eine richtige Ordnung der Geist- und Weltlichen Historien leichtich begreiffen und im Gedächtniss behalten auch andere Geschichte hiernach in ihre Zeiten bringen und setzen können (Wittenberg : Mit Schulzischen Schrifften, A. 1693., 1693), by Johannes Buno, Richard Aron, Martin Schultz, Paul von Klingenberg, and Richard Aron Collection on European Education (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Library) (page images at HathiTrust) Schola cordis, or, The heart of it selfe, gone away from God brought back againe to him & instructed by him in 47 emblems. (London : Printed for H. Blunden ..., 1647), by Christopher Harvey, Benedictus van Haeften, and Francis Quarles (HTML at EEBO TCP) Partheneia sacra. Or The mysterious and delicious garden of the sacred Parthenes symbolically set forth and enriched with pious deuises and emblemes for the entertainement of deuout soules; contriued al to the honour of the incomparable Virgin Marie mother of God; for the pleasure and deuotion especially of the Parthenian sodalitie of her Immaculate Conception. By H.A. ([Rouen] : Printed by Iohn Cousturier, M.DC. XXXIII. [1633]), by Henry Hawkins, Herbert Aston, Jacob van Langeren, and P. van Langeren (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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